A/N: I'm not really in the mood for a long authors note so I will cut to the chase. OH and I am pretty sure this is the last chapter. This is dedicated to candi711. Fun fact: The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.Disclaimer: I DON'T FUDGING OWN YJ SO GO AWAY! (sorry I have a headache) and I got all the facts from h t t p : / / w w w . c s . c m u . e d u / ~ b i n g b i n /


Robin had finished what he had done. "Heh heh this will be really fun," Then he hacked into the Justice Leagues computer. After that, he headed back to the cave.

At the cave

"Hey guys what's what's up?" Robin called out to the sparring teens. They all stopped sparring and looked over to Robin. "Hey Rob what's up?" Wally asked

"Ah nothing. Do you guys wanna go up to the watchtower?" Robin asked

"YES YES YES YES YES FINALLY!" Wally yelled. Everyone else said yes, but in a much calmer way.

"Cool, lets go!" Robin said, then hacked into the zeta beams to give them all access to zeta up to the watchtower.

"TO THE WATCHTOWER" Robin yelled

At the watchtower

"COOL" Wally welled, but before he could zoom off, robin took hold of his arm. "not so fast. We need to wait for the league to get back"

"What? No!" Wally whined.

"Just deal with it you baby," Artemis Said to Wally

"I actually need to call Batman. He doesn't know that we are all up here"

"Say what?" Wally said

"Uh, ya… Just let me call him now. Computer call Batman," Robin ordered the computer, "I love ordering things around,"

"Batman to watchtower, what is… Robin, what is the team doing in the watchtower?" Batman asked Robin giving him the batglare. Robin, not fazed by this, said "Well, you see, I have something to show the league,"

"Fine. But your cleaning the batcave twice, waxing the batmobile 5 times, all of them, cleaning all of my gadgets, and yours, and you also get to clean Mt. Justice."

"WHAT!" Robin yelled "I have to do all of that just for letting Young Justice up here?"

"Yes. Oh and your cleaning the whole house as well. Agent A can help, if you can get him to." Batman said

"This is for that last patrol isn't it," Robin said

"Yes that too. I told you not to say that,"

" What you mean To the Batcave?" Robin asked innocently

Batman growled "Your doing 100 push-ups when I get back."

"What? Why!"

"I have my reasons,"

"Fine," Then Robin smiled, "Oh and Batman?"

"Yes Robin?"

"Why so serious?" he said with a smile then ended the call so Batman couldn't punish him. Robin turned to look at the team, smiled and said

"Hey. Why so serious?". Well the team obviously did not know what that meant. Robin scowled and walked over to the computer and brought up a video feed that was of joker smiling at the camera and saying

"Hey batsey, I have a question for you!" The joker laughed and said "why so serious" turned and walked away laughing his head off

"And you said that to Batman" Artemis asked

"Yes indeed I did. And to you too," Robin said, then walked away laughing, "I'm going to go train. You guys wanna come?" The team nodded and followed Robin to the gym.

Still need an idea for a break line ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

The league came into the room to see the team playing BS on the meeting table.

"BS" Robin yelled

"WHAT! Aww…" Wally said "How do you know when I'm lying?"

"I'm just that good," Robin said, "where as you cannot tell if I'm lying. And there are the rest of my cards. I won,"


"Actually," Robin said, "I really did put down two 6's"

"Oh.. I take it back," Wally said as he received the whole deck and lost, once again

"Hey its not that bad. After all I loose every time I play with Batman" Robin said

"Ya but that's different, he's Batman, and your Robin,"

"And your point is?" Robin said, slightly offended

"Uh boys? You wanted to show up something?" Black Canary said

"Oh ya, is the whole league here?" Robin asked

"Yes, now get on with it," Batman said

"Ok so I have a slide show to show you, or a video slide show. It is really funny," Robin said with an evil grin

"Robin, during the slide show you are doing 200 push-ups,"

"What did he do," Superman said

"I brought the Young Justice team up here and… um… I said,"

"Yes," Black Canary prompted

"Why so serious," Robin said laughing, but stop as soon as Batman glared at him.

"Yes, now do your push-ups," Batman said

"Okay," Robin said with a sigh. He started the "video show" and started doing pushups.

The first video was of Artemis, showing the time she had tripped on her arrow, tripped down the stairs, then tumbled into Wally who was eating a banana at the time who managed to move out of the way so he wouldn't fall, but dropped his banana. Artemis slipped on the banana then did a weird flop onto the couch. There was an outbreak of laughter as the league saw this. Next there was a video of Conner asking how do you open a pear, then one of Artemis making faces in the mirror, and the next one of Conner scratching his butt, and it went on like this for 30 minutes before it got turned of at the end of a video of Conner running into a pole.

"What! There was more!" Robin said, who still had finished his push-ups

"I have decided to take pity on Artemis and Conner,"

"Haha, okay," Robin said, "and I will stop with the pranks now. I think you two learned your lesson. Right?"

Conner and Artemis nodded vigorously.

And the whole Justice League plus Young Justice all shared a laugh. Except for Artemis and Conner. They were to busy blushing.

A/N: AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Yes that is the end of my story. I hope you liked it! And if you have any suggestions for stories you would like me to write, I take ideas from everyone. And I do give credit to whoever gave the idea, but I will take credit for the actual story so TAKE THAT WORLD! Have fun with life!



P.S. I hear people who read young justice like words with prefixes and suffixes so here you go

Bene- well, good




Mal- bad




-ous –full of




Trans- to cross




Sub- under




-I will put more in other stories!-