~_ Little Red Strawberry _~
Chapter 11

Me: Well, the disclaimers are still disclaimers so lets get that out of the way. I do not own Bleach, only this story. All copyrights go to Tite Kubo.
Ichigo: Well about time!
Me: What the- Ooof! *gets glomped by Ichigo*
Ichigo: what happened to you?! You've been gone so long that I was damn near put out of buisness! Answer me damnit!
Me: *turning shades of purple* I C-can't breathe.
Ichigo:*releases me*
Me: *GASPS* *sigh* Oh thank god. And all that I can say is- that I'm sorry. It's a bullshit excuse, but that's all I have to say.
Ichigo: *silent* ...Well, at least you said something. HICHIGO!
*rapid footsteps*
Me: Oh no...
Hichigo: RIA YOU BLACK SONOVABITCH, WHERE WAS YOUR SORRY ASS?! *decks me down to floor*
Ria: AAACK! ...Sorry...? :c
Hichigo: That doesn't do shit!
Ichigo: Alright Hichigo, I didn't call you to kill her.
Hichigo: Well, I never intended to. Welcome back. Now let's get down to buisness.
Me: *smile* Well, let's get going with the script. Alright people, places! And to you readers, enjoy. c:

Night fell like a silent blanket on the town of Karakura, the stillness of the night making worry increase. Isshin along with Karin and Yuzu were worried about Ichigo's disappearance. Without a note or anything, he just vanished. Yuzu remembers that he went upstairs after her father yelled at him, both remembering that she has never seen that sweet man anger before and the door slamming into place upstairs that day. It's been almost a day since Ichigo went missing, and the blanket of night built the thick sensation of worry for the family. Karin was the least worried out of the three, for she knew that her eldest brother will come back. It was only a matter of time. Yuzu was the second most worried, trying to remain calm and her mind off of things by cleaning and keeping busy. Isshin by far, was the most concerned.

Yelling at his son like that, so angrily as well as harshly was not like him. He should've talked things out with him, but then again, getting angry at the fact that your mother just unexpectedly passed on isn't something you just stay calm over. In some aspects, getting angry was a normal thing. But to be distorted with anger, at yourson, that is another thing. Isshin cursed himself for letting his anger get the best of him, pacing back and forth throughout the living room as he glanced out of the windows at both ends of the room. He trembled slightly, his dark grey eyes welling with frustration. He sighed deeply,stood infront of the window and stared worriedly outside.

Please son, come home.

Isshin thought as he saw dark figures pass by the torches outside. He hoped that at least one of those figures would be his son, wanting to welcome him back home and apologize to him. They would then talk things out and soon the matter would eventually settle. Isshin rested his head against the cold glass of the window and closed his eyes as the guilt became heavier on his chest.

Then suddenly, a small arm was placed on his lower back, tightening gently on the other side of his waist. Isshin opened his eyes, looking at the small individual that has touched him. He looked down at his eldest daughter of the two, her hard black eyes softened to an equally worried grey. Isshin softened as well, placing his left arm around her shoulders. A depressing silence was between them, then eventually, Karin spoke.

"Dad, when will Ichigo come back? I'm worried about him."

She said quietly as she gazed outside through the window. Isshin swallowed hard, because even he did not know that answer. Only tightening his grip on her shoulders, he answered,

"Karin, even I don't know. And I'm worried about him too."

As Yuzu finished sweeping in the kitchen, she also thought about this question. She didn't even know if he was ever going to come back. No, she told herself firmly. Do not think like that. Of course he'll come back. He always does. He always does.. Yuzu thought to herself as she put away her broom. With a sigh, the three members of the Kurosaki family went to their rooms in silence for that night.

In the meantime, the rest of Ichigo's friends were also in panic. Keigo and Renji paced around the room frantically, the brunette and the redhead allowing room for one another to pass by. Chad sat on the couch with his massive arms crossed over his equally massive chest, staring at the ground in deep thought. Kira and Ulquiorra were the most silent out of the group, keeping thoughts locked up to themselves. The silence was intense in the room, but eventually, Renji broke it.

"Ichigo has to be fine. I know he is. Right? He- he went out that one night and came back two days later without a scratch on him. Maybe he's out hunting or something?"
"So he just storms off without telling us anything?"

Keigo said stopping in the middle of the living room. He had a point, Ichigo wouldn't just storm off not telling them anything. But then again, this side of him seems to be in his nature. He's just so closed off and kept to himself ever since his mother died. He never really said much, besides bicker and argue with Renji and wrestle with Keigo. He pays small atttention to Chad, Kira and Ulquiorra, but really Ichigo was more silent than the rest of them.

Chad sighed, standing up.

"Keigo has a point, Renji. Ichigo wouldn't just storm off like that, but for some reason it seems like him."

Chad paused glancing around the room briefly. Looking back at Renji, he continued.

"He can't just live down what obstacles have suddenly been thrown into his life. It was a bit rude for him to not tell us where he was going, but all we can do right now is hope that he'll come back safely. Am I right?"

Renji, Keigo as well as Kira and Ulquiorra nodded, the silence becoming overwelming once more. All they can do is wait, and there wasn't much of a choice.

Princess Rukia was staying rather calm although her patience wasn't her best virtue. Her servant girl was brushing her hair as she sat at her dresser, staring at herself in the oval mirror. Rukia wore her night gown, the servant girl now tying her hair back into a small ponytail. As she finished, she stood off to her right as Rukia stood, walking over to her bed. As she lifted the sheets and settled inside, she faced the servant girl and she asked her in a soft tone, although her voice sounded lethal.

"Momo, do you think that pale being that walked in here today will ever leave?"

Momo stared at her for a brief moment, and with thinking over the question, she answered.

"No your Highness. Because the dungeons are a place where people who venture into never come back out. Rest well tonight, Princess."

Momo said tucking Rukia into bed. With a soft smile, Momo did a small bow and turned to leave, closing the door behind her softly with a small click. Rukia stared up into her canopy, the darkness seeming a little unerving. Rukia rolled over, the image of that pale man playing over and over in her mind. Will he ever leave? Pft, she doubted it. If he ever came back out of those depths, maybe she'll keep him. He seems to be quite the interesting being.

With a wicked smile, Rukia leaned over the edge of her matress, bringing the oil lamp that was burning brightly on her night table closer to her. She outted the light and rolled onto her side, facing toward the window that allowed moonlight to flood into the dark room. She seemed to have a spark of faith for the albino, which if shown to people, wasn't a good thing.

Hichigo was getting fidgety, and the anxiety of losing Ichigo was taking its toll. It always was on him, but now it was getting nasty. He was deathly silent as he walked with Orihime, a soft tremble coming from him. His eyebrow twitched every once in a while, but he just looked like a wreck. A foundation of dark circles clustered underneath his eyes, the firm expression settling permanentally on his pale face. He was trembling so much that even his hair was shaking from the action. Orihime glanced at him sypathetically, thinking of what he must be going through right now. Ichigo could be anywhere in this castle and finding him is going to be difficult, especially since he is in the hands of Aizen.

For the duration of their long walk, there was nothing but silence between them and the sound of footsteps. At first the atmosphere was tense with annoyance, mostly radiating from Hichigo. Soon after the atmostphere lightened to a somewhat pleasant tone, then solidified into this heavy blanket of depression. Orihime bit the innner lining of her bottm lip, then decided to break the tension of silence.

"Hichigo, maybe it's a good idea to rest. We need all the energy we can get if were going against Aizen."

At that moment Hichigo snapped. Taking Orihime by the collar, he grapped her, picked her up and pinned her against the wall. A breathe escaped her, her breath intakes shortening dramatically. Hichigo made direct eye contact with her, looking her dead on in her grey eyes.

"There is no 'if' for Aizen. When I find the son of a bitch, I'm going to fucking killhim."

Hichigo hissed, his irises darkening. Orihime swallowed hard, grimicaing as her airway was tightening. Hichigo then immediately let her go and ran his hand through his bangs. What was he doing? His nerves are fucking with him this much? He looked at Orihime apologetically as she took deep breaths.

"Or- Orihime. I- I'm so sorry. I'm just- I don't know. On edge."
"It's nothing, Hichigo. Your scared, and I understand that. We are going to find Ichigo and the both of you will be reunited once again."

Hichigo took a shakey breath, sitting down on the marbled floor against the wall.

"Maybe resting is a good idea."

Orihime smiled softly, sitting next to him. Looking inside of her shoulderbag that she carried with her, she pulled out a package of cooked meat and a bottle of a dark liquid that Hichigo questioned. Pulling the cork off with her teeth, she handed the vampire the bottle of liquid.

"Here, drink this."

Orihime said opening the package with her freehand. Hichigo looked at her peculiarly, wondering about what was in the bottle.

"It's not poison silly. Just drink it."
"What is it?"

He asked taking the bottle, moving the liquid around in the bottle. After a bite of meat, Orihime answered.

"Blood, what else would it be?"

After hearing blood, he took a large swallow of the liquid and cleared the bottle in less than a couple of secounds. Orihime watched the sight and impressed eyes stared at him. He sighed in content, noticing how thirsty he was. When was the last time that he fed? Oh yes, those two gaurds that lead him down here. But that was hours and hours ago.

"Do you have anymore? I am incredibly thirstly right now."

Orihime laughed and reached into the bag, pulling out two more bottles plus a third. Taking the bottled blood happily, Hichigo gratefully drank the metallic liquid. After a following sigh of bliss, Orihime thought about how he would hold liqour. If he can swallow a four bottles of blood like nothing, I bet he can chug back a bottle of rye like nothing.she thought to herself as she chewed on her meat.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Hichigo looked and felt better. The dark circles were gone and the trembling completely stopped, along with the occasional twitch of his eyebrows. Orihime glanced over at Hichigo, and with a swallow began to speak.


She paused getting his attention. After eye contact was made and he made a noise of recognition, she continued.

"what is it like being a vampire? Was it difficult to get used to being who you now are?"

Hichigo thought for a moment, thinking over the question. Orihime intently watched him, silently chewing on the last bits of her meat.

"Being a vampire- in one word- is difficult. To have to live in the shadows for eternity as well as holding onto feelings and urges of temptations, to live the many months or even years of insanity to even accept what you are."

Hichigo paused taking a breath. Orihime took a short moment to think that over.

"It's just a living hell. Killing is the only thing you think of. Of course there is the thought of killing another human being, although you were one, and taking a life away. But in reality your just a monster who feeds off of the living with the curse of living for an eternity."

Sighing, Hichigo stared off into space as he began to speak again, toying with a couple strands of his hair.

"For me, it was difficult accepting myself. Even after 300 years of living this way I still have a lingering feeling of not accepting myself for who I am. It was the same way for you wasn't it? Turning into some beast that even the laws of nature cannot handle. Have you come to acceptance of yourself yet?"

Hichigo asked glancing over at Orihime. The orangette shook her head, bringing her knees closer to herself as she rested her arms on them as she also stared at the marbled floor.

"No. I haven't. But you are correct. It is difficult. To come to terms with yourself and accept who you are. This identity what we are given, was it for a purpose? Or was God just being unfair? Hichigo, that is a question that I also ask you. Were you turned for a purpose? Or to be punished for your past?"

Hichigo stared at Orihime, stunned by the question that she asked him. For the centuries of information that he had underneath him, even he could not find the answer for that question. Maybe not now. Hopefully later will reveal that answer.

"You should get some sleep."

Hichigo then said moments later, noticing that she looked awfully tired. Orihime needed sleep for she was one of the living, but the dead never need to rest. That is another thing that vampires have to live with. To have the weight of their binding to Earth, to never be granted the chance to peacefully rest in their graves where they should be, even 300 years ago.

"That sounds like a grand idea. Tomorrow, we'll find Ichigo...and kill that bastard Aizen."

Orihime said with a yawn in her sentence. Hichigo smiled softly and gave her his coat for a pillow, the fast asleep Orihime sleeping peacefully. She was glad that she was able to sleep, needing her strength to confront Aizen. A couple minutes later, Hichigo sat still as he thought over her question. He was stuck in place as he couldn't think of an answer. But that was a good question. Was he turned for a purpose? Was living those 3 centuries for a reason? Because he was given this identity as a vampire, was this a punishment of some kind?

More and more questions divided from the main sources, becoming more and more questions that all summed up to the same point. Why? From the person who turned him into this monster, did him or her have a goal that they set for him to do? What was it? Where will it take him and how will he get there? Hichigo shook him head and groaned, the sea of questions filling up his head. He needed to clear it. Glancing at the orangette for a moment, Hichigo then stood silently and began to take a short walk to clear his head. This can also mean that he's standing 'guard' against whatever lurks in the night, for what slumbers down here remains a mystery.

Hichigo began to walk down the hall, his soft footsteps echoing faintly off of the high ceiling. Taking breaths he eventually began to calm the storm that thundered through his head. Having excellent night vision, he could see clearly through the dull lighting if the underground castle walls. Turning a smooth corner, he stopped as it was suddenly black. Even with his vision he couldn't see through this blanket of darkness. Squinting didn't help in any way but make it worse. For some reason, a shower of goosebumps covered him in a coating of fear. He dared to move, and taking a breath was out of the question. He willed his legs to bring him back, but instead they moved forward.

The albino was then enveloped in complete darkness, his legs moving on their own. A part of him wanted to get out of there, screaming at him for being a dumbass and not cooperating with himself. But another part was curious about what was in these depths of darkness, thankfully it was the most powering thing that drove him forward.

Suddenly, a line of torches lit his way, one torch on either side of him showing up together in a pair. For a second Hichigo thought that he was walking on thin air, the darkness covering the floor. All he told himself, was to notlook down. Walking a little faster, Hichigo followed the torches down the seemingly endless hall. Suddenly, a door clicked open. Light pouring from the open frame. Hichigo stopped, swallowing a thick lump in his throat for what was to come.

Slowly walking forward, he got closer and closer to the open door. Peering inside as soon as he was able to, he saw a oil lamp on a desk that was burning brightly. Hichigo dimmed it down, noticing a tall wardrobe with an oval shaped mirror next to it. Another door was opposite to him, the towel that was tossed and acutely torn making him guess that the door lead to the bathroom. Taking the oil lamp with him, he began to take slow paces around the room.

Hichigo looked around, noting the high ceiling with a canopy of heavy looking material that was tied off to the bed posts. Walking around some more, he stopped as he stepped in a puddle of water. Looking down, the puddle was then apart of what seemed to be a trail to the door that he came through, which was now gone. Gasping, Hichigo looked for the door where he was standing, outstretching the oil lamp to where the door should be. Deciding to continue around the room, he payed more attention to the floor. He passed by a pile of ripped clothing, making out a terribly torn shirt, a cloak that was torn at the edges, a pair of wearable jeans and boots that were in good condition.

Hichigo was now starting to feel as if a presence was in the room, residing somewhere. He took another look at the pile of clothing, the shirt and cloak looking awfully familiar to him. A image flashed through his mind, the image being a recently seen picture of Ichig- WAIT! Could it be? Has Hichigo finally found his beloved? Holding his breath, he rushed over to the large bed that was against the wall with two nightstands on either side. Looking over to the left side of the bed, he saw the outline of a masculine figure. Placing the oil lamp on the night table, Hichigo enlarging the flame to get a better look.

As his hand hovered over the sheets, hesitation overcame him. This was his moment to be reunited with Ichigo, the orangette who he fell in love with and is the pinicale of everything that he is. But what is his mind was playing him? These types of things don't just happen. But was this his reason? Was Ichigo his purpose? Was finding love the reason that he was turned into the being he was? An answer seems to be just at his fingertips, in just centimeters of reach. A breif moment passed, and in that moment- Hichigo gently lifted the sheets.

Tuffs of orange hair sprang up as soon as the sheet were being lifted, a whole head of hair springing to life along with the graceful curve of a smooth face. Hichigo was flushed with a wave of joy, excited even more now that the teen was not a false. Hichigo lifted another proportion of the sheets, stopping at the shoulders. A wide smile curled on his face as he spoke, trying his hardest to keep a soft tone.

"Ichigo~... Ichigo, wake up love~"

Hichigo said in a soft tone, leaning close to his ear. A shiver was a response from the teen, a soft gasp escaping from his lips. Hichigo's smile widened even more, so he tried the same thing again.

"Ichigo~... wake up hun-"

To some, this may seem like an interruption because of a romantic thing. A passionate kiss on the lips, parting mouths hungrily taking in the delicate tastes on one another. In this case, romance was instead a strong punch to the face. Hichigo flew back, surprise and shock of the action stunning him. Ichigo was alive alright, sitting straight up in the bed with his fist clenched tightly.


Hichigo was completely out of it for a second. Getting a punch to the face wasn't what he expected, especially from Ichigo. Looking at him as he covered his mouth, he tasted blood. Pulling his bottom lip to look at it, he saw a medium sized cut on it. In a moment it healed completely. Turning his attention to a angry Ichigo, Hichigo watched with a smile as the teen was yelling at him.


Now Ichigo was the one being interrupted, his lips being stopped in the name of love. Hichigo kissed him passionately, pushing his tongue against where there was a split. Just a slide from entering his mouth, Ichigo bit down, hard, on his tongue. Hichigo pulled away, a smirk curling on his face.

"Ooh, we got a biter~"
"Stop with this perverted nonsense or I swear God I'll-!"

Hichigo kissed him once more, this time slowly pushing him back onto the bed as he deepened the kiss. Hichigo caught the teen in mid sentence, taking the moment to invade his delicious cavern of a mouth. Ichigo went from angry to submissive in less than a second, melting in the seductive touch of the albino. Wrapping his arms around Hichigo's neck, this closed the gap between Ichigo and the vampire. Hichigo parted for a breath, Ichigo allowing a breathless moan to escape him.

"So, what will you do to me again?"

Hichigo said seductively as he gently kissed his cheek. Ichigo looked at him from half-lidded eyes, panting slightly. Touching and caressing his face, Ichigo then realized that this was the real Hichigo. Instead of emotionless eyes staring back at him, longing and joyful irises stared back at him, showing the same feeling that he was. Smiling sexily, Ichigo soon replied.

"I'm going to make love to you, over and over and over again~"

Hichigo smiled, a real smile, and passionatly kissed Ichigo. They were once again reunited, and that's all that mattered. For a moment they forgot that they were both in this prison of a castle and all that they wanted to be was in each others arms. True happiness overcame the both of them, even tears of joy was shed. But it wasn't from Ichigo. Ichigo felt a drop slid down his cheek, his eyes opening slowly to see where it came from. Ichigo's eyes widened, but closed to wait to when they parted again. After they parted, Ichigo wiped Hichigo's eyes gently and gently asked a question.

"Hichigo, why are you crying?"
"Crying? Vampire don't cry."

Ichigo showed him the substance the remain on his fingers, a soft black stain showing.

"Your tears are black, Hichigo."
"Are they... well I guess I had no clue. My blood is too."
"If your blood is black, does that mean that your veins are too? Then why don't they show through your skin?"
"I guess I'm one of natures many wonders."

Hichigo kissed him again, and at last parted.

"We should get going, I bet your sick and tired of this prison of a room."
"YES! OH please let's get going! I've been locked up in here in this prison for hours now."

Hichigo took off his shirt and tossed it aside, pure marbled muscle rippling from the action. Ichigo blushed, the sight never ceasing to amaze him.

Jesus he's so sexy.

Ichigo thought biting his bottom lip. Hichigo chuckled and snaked his hand onto the small of his back, pulling him gently so that he sat up. Hichigo retrieved the tossed shirt and wrapped it around the naked teen, buttoning it up as his arms were through the sleeves. Taking a step back, he looked at how it fit on him. It was a little big, but it wasn't too bad.

"I know I got your hopes up when I took my shirt off, but your naked so it's time to get dressed hun."

Ichigo kind of forgot that he was infact naked, but the recent memory with Aizen made him tremble and bury his head in his hands. Hichigo retrieved the rest of the usable clothes and returned to Ichigo's side, immediately noticing how he trembled. Dropping his clothes beside him, Hichigo knealt infront of him and took his hands from his face and held them inside of his own.

"Ichigo, whats wrong?"

Hichigo asked concern crossing his feautures. Ichigo took a breath and sighed, looking away from the albino man. Hichigo cupped his face and gently turned it to look at him, a soft expression settling on the pale face.

"Hichigo...I...I-I can't. I don't want to hurt you."
"Trust me Ichigo, if I can take a punch to the face, I'm sure a couple of words won't hurt me."

In a way that sounded heartless, but Ichigo took it in a comforting manner. Ichigo took another breath, this time it was more shakey.

"Aizen...he came onto me. And I...I-I"

Ichigo's eyes welled with tears as he burried his head in his hands once more. He exhaled the words that he could've said in a wasted breath. He tried to say it in the most unhurtful way possilbe, but saying it to the man you love is near impossible.

"I-I can't say it. I'm so sorry Hichigo. If your angry I understand."

Hichigo was silent for a moment, noting the ripped clothes and torn towel. He must've came onto him when Ichigo was in the shower, explaining the puddles of water that he had seen not so long ago. Hichigo took Ichigo's hands in his own once more, looking at him tenderly.

"Ichigo, I will never be mad at you. I should be the one apologizing, because I did not come sooner. Did Aizen hurt you? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine Hichigo."

The forgiveness that the vampire showed was nearly heartbreaking, because to have another man sexually use him and not get angry is incredible. How he can not be furious right now is amazing, but that didn't mean that he was. Hichigo was indeed furious at Aizen, having sex with his Ichigo made his exterior crack. Kissing Ichigo on his forehead gently, Hichigo helped him get dressed. In no time at all, Ichigo was ready to go. He was happy to finally get out of this prison of a room, and get the hell out of where ever this place was. Suddennly, a loud growl was heard.

Hichigo looked at Ichigo, and Ichigo looked at Hichigo. With a sheepish smile, Ichigo scratched the back of his head.

"I guess my stomach is talking to me. Ha ha."

Hichigo smiled and put his arm around his shoulders, walking him toward the wall where the door should be. Ichigo glanced at Hichigo for a quick moment, looking at him uncertainly. Hichigo just kept an eye on the door, his expression brightening.

"Using some cheap spell to hide the door. With the experience that is behind him, he sure ain't bright."

Ichigo stiffled a laugh as he watched Hichigo's freehand reach out to touch the wall. With his index finger, he trailed his finger down then quickly horizontally across, the wallpaper disappearing to reveal the door. Ichigo was a little annoyed with this, because something so simple could've lead him home free hours ago.

"I can see that your annoyed, Ichigo. But think of it on the bright side, at least your out of that room, with me~"

Ichigo smiled, but it soon disappeared the dense darkness that was infront of them. Ichigo held onto Hichigo with dear life, never once seeing a darkness like this before. There was no bright side to this, at ALL. Hichigo put his arm that was on Ichigo's shoulders around his waist, his firm grip comforting him a litte. With a step forward, Hichigo was once again enveloped in darkness. Ichigo stuck to the albino like glue the entire time that they walked through the dense fog of darkness. Hichigo stiffled a chuckle as he ran his hand up and down Ichigo's side reassuringly, keeping the orangette close to him.

Soon the torches lit up their way, and Ichigo began to instantly relax. He was still close to Hichigo, but not as close as he was before. Ichigo reached out at grabbed one of the torches, feeling the need that he might need it later. Hichigo shrugged it off and continued to walk forward. Finally reaching the end of the darkness, the torch indeed helped the walk. Ichigo let out a breath, thinking that he should take another breath. He held his breath the entire time that he was was in the darkness, daring to not take one. The torch stayed with Ichigo, it's flame staying lit.

"Well, how was that?"
"It scared the living hell out of me. You probably had no trouble, since you love the dark."
"*Gasp!* Not true! I like the light too, just not when it burns my skin."

Ichigo laughed at the offended albino, nuzzling his shoulder. Now walking through a dimly lit hallway, Ichigo enjoyed every moment that he was reunited with Hichigo and that he was now free from that prison.

Everything that happened in that room, stays in that room.

Ichigo thought to himself while he enjoyed the moments. Hichigo was also happy himself, even though the eternity that he felt without Ichigo was the duration of a interval of hours. It's been close to a day now and he was pretty much panicing for a good half to three quarters of it. Maybe it was the thought of Ichigo being with another man other than him, or the fact that it was Aizen and he was locked underneath Rukia's castle in a prison cell of a room. Actually, it could've been all three of them.

Anyway, that didn't matter anymore. Ichigo was together with him again and he just needed to be with him. Soon after a nice chat over the small things, both Ichigo and Hichigo came across the fast asleep Orihime, which was still indeed fast asleep. She hadn't moved from her starting position, and was exactly where he found her. In a way that was a good thing, because leaving things where they started is sometimes a better idea. Ichigo placed the torch closer to her face, getting a better look.

"Oh! That's Orihime! She was the girl who came into that room hours ago! Wait a minute."

Ichigo shook her shoulder, and in a instant she was awake. She was a relativaly light sleeper and it didn't take much to wake her. She sat upright, looking at the teen who was infront of her.

"Oh, why hello~ Long time no see Ichigo."
"Yes well, can't make proper outtings if I can't goanywhere."

Hichigo eyed her icily, his face stern. Orihime stood now, looking at him with a questioning glare.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You were with Ichigo hours and hours ago. Why didn't you help him escape? I could've killed Aizen by now and we,"

Hichigo paused grasping Ichigo by the hips and pulling him close to him. Ichigo blushed a light shade of pink, which Orihime noticed instantly.

"could've been making sweet, sweet love to each other right about now."

Ichigo's blush darkened a tone, his hand partcially covering his face. Orihime bit her lip to not smile, knowing that his was serious.

"Well, I thought that I would kill the moment between the two of you. Besides, if you were not resting for a moment, replenishing yourself with the blood I provided and just sat down for just a moment, would you have found the will power to just wander off? And still find Ichigo?"
"Yes, because even with or without you I stilll would've found him. Resting and replenishing myself is one thing that I give you credit for, but the rest, I would've done on my own. Sorry, bu it's the truth."

A stillness fell over the both of them, then Ichigo calmed the situation.

"We should get going. And I should get home."

All eyes were on Ichigo, and for the moment, it felt a little nice. Hichigo smiled, and chuckled.

"Aah yes. Thank you for reminding me. Let's get a move on then."

Ichigo smiled shortly, before being steered by the strong hand of Hichigo. The walk back was pretty much silence, but if you count the many times where the eyes of both Hichigo and Orihime met to scream at each other, then not everything was silence. Ichigo felt a little, awkward with the battle going on because he was pretty much in the middle of it all. Let's use a hurricane as an example. He was the eye of the storm, since he was the most calm and he was in the middle. The rest around him was like all hell broke loose, coarses of destruction following everything that the diaster touched.

Sighing Ichigo continued to walk onward. Holding out the torch infront of him as they walked, the trio passed over smooth corners, and divided hallways all leading to different sections of thhe dungeon. Ichigo looked over his shoulder at Hichigo, nudging him with his elbow. Now getting his attention, Hichigo smiled sweetly at Ichigo. Rolling his eyes, Ichigo decided to ask his question.

"Hichigo, do you know your way out of here? Because it seems like a eternity down here."
"Why of course I do. You have no faith in me."

Rolling his eyes again, Ichigo continued to walk forward switching hands occasionally with the torch. All of the sudden, the light went out, as if it were blown on. Everyone stopped in their tracks, staring wide eyed at where the flame was just a moment ago.

"Hichigo, please tell me that you were just joking around."
"Unfortunetly Ichigo. I'm not."

A low growl was heard from behind them, the glow of deep red eyes being the only thing that was illuminating the hall. Grabbing Ichigo's hand, Hichigo leaned down to reach his ear and in a low voice said,

"Ichigo, do you have stanima?"
"Yes. Yes I do."
"Good, because we're going to have to...RUN!"

Pulling Ichigo with him, Hichigo ran infront while Orihime ran beside him. Eventually Ichigo broke away from Hichigo's grip and ran beside the both of them, being sure to keep close to Hichigo since he wasn't too sure about where he was going. All he could really see was a very faint outline of everything, and even then it wasn't accurate. Hearing a roar from behind them, this pushed all three of them to run faster, the creature seeming rather close to them. Orihime sniffed the air for a quick moment, then with realization, she slid to a stop.

"Hold on a second. I know this scent. It's very familar."
"What? Orihime, we don't have time for this kind of nonsense."

Ichigo said as he slowed a bit to look back. Hichigo did the same, a small bit of annoyance showering over his features, patience not being his best virtue. Orihime just stood there looking that the creature with the glowing red eyes as it stalked closer to her. As soon as it got close enough that they were literally eye level, a low and taunting growl rumbled deep in it's throat. Ichigo and Hichigo watched as Orihime was meeting her death wish, the creature just staying at eye level with her.

"You know, this act of being fearful isn't working on me. Come on, show yourself."

Ichigo and Hichigo both looked at each other in confusion, Orihime just sounding like a idiot. Suddenly, the large creature lit up, spots in complicated designs lighting up a shade of red. Orhime was outlined against the luminous glow of the creature, and she was just standing infront of it with her hands on her hips. The creature was shaped like an oversized wolf, the hair standing on end. Another growl came from it, and Orihime just stratched it behind the ears.

"You can't frighten me you big softy. I know that you can't even hurt a fly."

The creature went from angry to submissive in less than a second, the angry red turning into a ice blue. Orihime turned to a pair of shocked twins, mouths open to compliment their surprised expressions. Placing her hand on the wolf's head, she lead it down the hall with a smirk on her face.

"Well, we have light."

Exchanging gazes, Ichigo and Hichigo were pretty much speechless to the whole incident. Deciding to continue onwards, Ichigo walked with Orihime with a heavy sigh. Hichigo just looked at the two of them as they continued onward, pinching the bridge of his nose as he thought over what happened.

Great, now I have to deal with two more mongrels. Hopefully Ichigo doesn't become one of the pack.

Hichigo thought as he went to catch up with them.

Me: Well, I know this is a bit of a cliff hanger, but I don't want a too long chapter. Since there's is going to be more going on, I'm going to see how many chapters are going to come out of it.
Ichigo: Yay! Buisness :3
Hichigo: Yay! Money! :D
Me: Yay...empty wallets. Q-Q
Ichigo: Aah well, that's what you get. Review and have a nice day/ night wherever you guys are in the world :D