~_ Little Red Strawberry _~

Warning: You know, do I really need to put a warning when its the readers own fault if they don't like yaoi? Is it just me or anyone else?

Disclaimer: I super ultra crazy Getsuga Tenshou hollowfication do NOT own Bleach. If I did, I would make Hichigo have WAAAY more air time. TRUST me on that. Tite Kubo owns Bleach and its format. I only own the idea.

Hichigo: Yeah! Don't make me slap you!
Me: Holy shit guys. =-='' Its like I make you guys hate me...jeez
Hichigo: Well...you kinda do...
Ichigo: Oh! Why haven't you updated in FOREVER!
Me: I've been busy with Cadets and school. You know I got also have lots on my mind to...
Hichigo: So your telling us that your neglecting us for school...bitch.
Me: *raises eyebrow* Asshole.
Hichigo: *death stare* Emo sudicidal creep.
Me: *Just about to open mouth to say something the is rudely interrupted*
Ichigo: ANYWAYS, on with the story!
Me: OH! Before we begin, I just want to say that I'll be adding chapters!
Me: *is proud of self*
Hichigo: Yeah, yeah, get on with the story!

"OI! Nii-san! You have to deliver a package for Obaa-san!"
"Ah. I see. Might as well go."
"Bye Ichi-nii. Come back soon!"

Set off in the forested area of Karakura, Japan, most would think that living here in this type of landscape would be hard, especially for someone who wants to visit their most beloved Obaa-san who lives at the very middle of the forest. Tangled with snarling twigs and branches that pick and tease at fabric and clothing, vast beasts that watch silently with hunger at their prey, and most of all, confusing trails and shapes that get people lost in this forest for hours or even days at a time would sure send anyone away from the heart of this forestry. But not everyone was drawn away from it.

Living in a small, but seemingly large village, numerous families are happy and surprisingly healthy in this comfortable community. Besides the howling of the thick forest, quiet creatures still reside close to the village, as a sense of security. The morning was crisp and cool with the rising sun cast pink ribbons across the sky in a faded tint, still allowing the lingering stars to shine dimly into the approaching triumphant shine of the sun which wasn't far behind.

"Please come back son! We need to hunt later today!"
"Yes, I'll be back. Now goodbye!"

The voice of the 15 year old sounded annoyed by his last good-bye, maybe because he wanted to get it over so he can begin his first hunt, or by the fact that he just wanted to clear his head.

"Oh! Wear this! Your mother made this for you before she...Ahem..."

The teen looked solemnly at the aggrivating excuse of a father that he had but he loved him like the father he was and appreciated the fact that he was still alive. Biting the inner part of his lip, he took the rich dark red cloak which had a very comfortable hood and wove it around his neck so it would rest of his muscularly broad shoulders. Wearing a simple long sleeved shirt underneath followed by black jeans and black shin high boots, made him look surprisingly cute for the age he was. His two younger sisters Yuzu and Karin watched from an open window as their older brother, Ichigo (other wise teased as Strawberry-Chan) left. The thick blob of guilt and loneliness that stuck into the teen's throat was hard to swallow but he managed to melt it away with the positive reinforcement that he thought up for himself about thinking of his Obaa-san, which closely resembled his deceased mother.

Sudden blurs of the day that he death unfortunetly happened on bolted through his mind like a lightning strike on a metal conductor. Shaking off the feeling, he focused on delivering the parsel. Lots of people criticize against the fact that a teen would go deliver a small basket of pastries for their Grandmother while a younger girl or even boy should do it, but a expertized teen who knew the forest at a very young age wasn't to be argued with either. Isshin, Ichigo's father didn't want to lose his son like he lost he beloved wife to a murder by that horrid monster, but he knew the forest and so he hoped, to his great worries, that Ichigo wouldn't get hurt. Or even killed. Pushing that thought out of his mind, he went back into the two story house that he owned as both a house and a health clinic to have some much loved breakfast that his youngest daughter, Yuzu made.

Setting off first on horse, the strong chestnut colored creature allowed Ichigo to lead it confidently through the gates of town into the edge of the dense forest. As Ichigo rode past, many people (mostly fangirls) watched awe-stricken as the sun-kissed teen with blazing naturally spiked orange treases went to the highly built gate to keep out a secretly feared monster of a man. Parting respectfully, the crowd openned through the middle to let the large horse and its rider through. Feeling that this visit won't take long, he let out a soft sigh and a small smile on his blush pink lips. Focusing deep chocolatey brown orbs on the confusing path in front of him, Ichigo steadily guided the chestnut horse through the winding path making sure to know exactly where he would be right now in an aerial perspective. Curling his slender fingers around the rein, he gently pulled the horse to a slow walk as the both descended down the steep hill before them, making sure to avoid any soft spots along the way.

A huge feild layed out flatly infront of Ichigo and his borrowed horse, Thunder. Slowing the horse to a stop, he stroked the velvetly skin of Thunder, soothingly as a approving puff of misted air tumbled like smoke out of the horse's large nostrils.

"Alright Thunder. Were going to have to run this all the way to other side alright?"

A loud and happy neigh of excitement echoed for a brief second before Ichigo kicked the sides of Thunder gently to bring the great horse to a full gallop. Running at an incredible speed across the now golden plains, Ichigo couldn't help but smile with excitement as the feeling of adreniline ran through his veins. Reaching the visible edge of the tangled heart of the forest which looked decieving, Ichigo slowed the now heavily panting horse to a slow canter, trot then finally a relieving walk. Taking deep breaths of fresh afternoon air, both the contented horse and the slightly springy Ichigo wobbled a little as he stepped down from the high standing Thunder. Swaying his tail from side to side softly, Thunder was then lead a safe distance away from the forested core to not scare the massive horse. Although the size was frightnening, thinking that a lone horse could defend itself from an entire pack of ravenous wolves was a death sentence.

Patting the large neck of the tall beast softly, Ichigo took the basket hanging securely from the saddle of Thunder and told the creature that he won't be long. Thunder just listened and started to graze happily of the feild before him, thinking that it was a huge buffet table. Ichigo raised a thin eye brow in a typical thought to how a horse would listen then bugger off into the golden feild.

The bright sun burned the remaining stars in the sky to smitherins as soft white clouds kept the early afternoon cool and comfortable as thunder munched on tall grass contently after galloping all the way through the humungous feild, but Ichigo wasn't sure if he felt the same. After facing the looming wall of the nearly black evergreens and looking all the way up to the very needles at the top of the unnaturally tall trees, a feeling of fear beaded its way into the sudden sweat coiling down his neck. It felt cold and nerve-wracking, and was a unpleasant feeling to feel right after the over powering burst of adreniline died down in his veins.

Ichigo could swear that his heart jumped into his throat, although he couldn't find out why he was feeling this way. He's known this part of the forest/land ever since he could remember. Why does it feel so...scary?

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Ichigo headed confidently towards the small entrance to the obscurly round shape of the cored forest to try and intimidate the feeling of nausea churning in his stomach. A couple times Ichigo checked behind himself if the entrance has closed behind him, but the clear archway of brilliant light still shone in the towering canopy of the evergreens and other clusters of trees that grew in tight spots, fighting for the growth of the welcoming sunlight. When a twig snapped underneath Ichigo's foot he nearly had a heart attack for he thought that it was something like a wolf or other dangerous beast that would rip him to shreds. A shiver of both sudden coldness and fright ran down his chattering spine so he tightened the rich cloak around himself to keep him warm.

Chocolate orbs darted in ever direction possible to watch for unexpected enemies or just things that would scare the living hell out of him (such as spiders with long bone like fingers and nastily sharpened fangs, GOD he hated spiders- or even sudden sounds that would 'appear' out of no where when really it was him making the sound effects), he clutched the basket tightly, almost breaking the hand woven rim that Yuzu and Karin made out of a firm wood. Feeling the sudden doubt of being watched, he slowed his pace to take deep, reassuring breaths to calm the pounding sound of his frantic hearbeat in his ears. Slowing his unusually fast pace, he steadily walked down the downwardly sloping path that wound itself confusingly around the large evergreens and other several trees as well. The light from the relieving sun was fading away and it was getting harder and harder to see. Straining his eyes to see, Ichigo wished that he brought a lantern to shed some light on the horrid place. Who would think that a 96 year old woman would live here?

Looking back shakily to hopefully see the arch way of white sunlight that was behind him, his eyes widened at how it was gone. Either he ventured to far into the heart or his eyes are just decieving him. Ichigo pinched himself to make sure and gratefully, the illusion his eyes produced was just a hoax. Walking (but more like skipping) brightly to the destination his grandmother was, he finally arrived at a small but comfortably sized cottage with a sky full of sunlight. Sighing in relief, he jogged up the steps and allowed a welcoming smile on his face. Knocking on the door, he patiently waited for the old woman to answer.

A couple minutes later, he found the door not openning. Ichigo's eyebrow twitched irritably, but he restrainedly knocked again. No answer. He pushed the door just ever so slightly and it noisilessly openned. Jumping back a little in shock, he hesitantly walked inside.


Ichigo said into the dark hallway. No answer. Ichigo tried again. Only this time louder.


Ichigo paused feeling the fine hairs in the back of his neck prickle with discomfort.

"Yuzu made some pastries for you. I-I can leave them here if your busy..."

Not believing that he just studdered, Ichigo walked slowly with slow shallow breaths down the hall into the next door on the right which lead into the living room. Suddenly a cold but warm breath coiled down the side of his neck while the soft hiss of someone with their mouth open whispered into his ear. Shivering with a slight blush, he whipped around to find no one there. Almost whimpering in fear, Ichigo walked into the living room to find a faint out line on a person. A overwelming smell of decay and death surrounded the room like a thick blanket, which Ichigo found totally abnormal because his grandmother never left these kind of smells into her home, because she was the only one living-

Gasping in horror, Ichigo covered his mouth before the sickly feeling of nausea let itself pour from his mouth. The rolling knots of churning vomit was too much for him as he threw up. Trembling from the aftermath of vomiting, he leant against the wall for support and slowly slid down. Closing his eyes while holding his breath, he slowly staggered a little as he temporarily lost his balance. Tightening the red cloak which resembled blood around him, he bolted his way to the door to get some fresh air and to clear his throbbing mind. Placing his hand where the knob should be, he found out that it wasn't there. Searching franticlly, the smell was making him sick again. Trying to calm his pounding heartbeat, Ichigo slammed against the knobless door, hoping that it would open.

The shadowy figure who has been stalking the berry ever since he was little stood at the edge of the stairs with hungry gold on black eyes looking at the living teen. When he came up behind the orangette ready to pierve the soft skin with razor sharp fangs at the ready, the delicious scent of blood and lust filled his nostrils teasing as if saying for him to take him. The figure wanted to both kiss and caress while biting and bruising the sun-kissed skin and send him the message of want and need. As a pale blue tongue flickered out between abnormally large canines and over pure white lips, the all in all snow white figure noiselessly walked down the stairs to the frustrated strawberry and decided to scare him first.

"Aww...look at the handsome sight here. Your frustrated aren't you?"

Ichigo whipped around placing his hands on the now doorless wall and looked around dartedly to find the source of where the sudden voice came from. Ichigo just remained silent as his breath was becoming harder to hold in. If Ichigo didn't get outside soon, he might burst. He didn't want the disgusting smell of death in his lungs at all.

Smirking toyishly at the prey infront of him, he walked forward without being seen and only excited him even more. Ichigo didn't dare to flinch at the touch, but instead tensed as the cold fingers wandered down his jaw line, past his neck into the dip of his collarbone and down into the lowly cut V shaped shirt he worn, exposing a small quantity of his lower half... Tantalized by the erotic sight, the figure leaned closer to the meltingly hot prey in front of him, placing a slender hand just centimiters from the strawberry's cheek which were now blooming with a crimson blush.

"Well? Aren't you going to answer my question? Hnn...?"

Purring in a low and seductive voice, Ichigo couldn't help but look away with bashful eyes and bite the inner part of his bottom lip very hard. Failing to hold his breath in any longer, he retorted at breathing in the rotten air in but in small and shallow breaths.

"If you already knew I was frustrated, why would you ask such a question?"

The figure blinked in surprise, not expecting a response like that from the cutely blushing teen.

"Well since your blushing like that,"

The figure paused leaning closer to the teen's face. Ichigo gulped and ever so slightly leaned away while his wide eyes darted for a brief second, still secretly feeling around for the door knob.

"might as well finish what I started then. Shall we?"

Before Ichigo could protest and push him away, the pale figure quickly bit into the fleshed part of Ichigo's neck with ease, sucking at the rich red fluid that poured thickly from the bite. Only gasping in surprise, Ichigo clutched the figures bare back and held on for dear life as his was being pleasurably sucked away. Chocolate orbs softened as Ichigo pressed his back against the doorless wall. The taller male gulped down large amounts of the liquid, satisfied that his prey was so open to being biten.

Ichigo moaned and blushed deeper, tilting his head upwards to allow more access to his neck. Half-liddedly staring up to heaven, he moaned louder as seducer of a man moved his hands up and down his back and underneath the loose shirt to feel heatedly flustered skin. Pleasure dreched itself into Ichigo's mind, as he tried to think of what the hell happened. The half naked male grinded his hips and against the slightly smaller teen's, recieving a lust filled whimper from plush lips. As Ichigo's grip stared to deathly loosen on the bare back of the pale figure, his hand knocked against a circular object on the doorless wall. Finally realizing what he had been searching for, he awoke from the trance of bliss and turned the knob, viciously ripping himself from both the seductive hands of the taller male, and the addictive mouth which were placed on his neck, his secret pleasure spot. Staggering backward on the steep steps of the cottage with a newly discovered dead occupant, Ichigo nearly fell over but quickly caught his balance. Taking deep and grateful breaths of the sharp fresh air into his lungs to rid the smell of death, his vision blurred as the blood loss took its toll on the teen.

Still blushing, the heavily panting strawberry caused the blood-sucker of a man to nearly faint from the very cute scene in front of him. Smiling devilishly to himself, he was glad that he got to both have a delicious meal and to touch the very sexy 15 year old. Deciding to follow the teen (to make sure he didn't practically kill himself), the shirless (and surprisingly not entirely naked) man effortlessly followed the teen through the tightly packed trees to the way Ichigo began. Seeing the bright archway of light, the male hissed painfully as the light burned his snow white skin. Reluctantly watching the berry slowly walk out of the archway of light, he hoped that the sexy strawberry can come back. Hearing the noise of a horse snort happily, he figured that a horse had been waiting out there for him the whole time. A smile stretched across pale lips as the taste of sweet coppery blood that lingered freshly in his mouth. Remembering the basket of pastries that the orangette left, he disappeared into the shadows to find the basket and its contents before scavanging crows picked away greedily at the delicious sounding treats.

Well, at least he left me something sweet.

The pale albino thought happily as he went off to find the basket.

SO! How was that? I tried to make it as 'medival' as I could or something olden and just foresty. I think that I did a crappy job so tell me what you think. Revi-

Ichigo: HOLD IT!
Me: *tired death glare* What?
Ichigo: You will make chapters right?
Me: *very tiredly* Yes Ichigo...*yawn* Can I sleep now?
Ichigo: NO! Write more! Pwease...for me~... :3
Hichigo: Don't rape him, don't rape him, don't rape him, don't rape him...
Me: Screw that! Rape him! :3
Ichigo: *jaw drop* WHAT?
Hichigo: Great idea! Come here strawberry!
Ichigo: NOOOOOOOooooooooooo!...*gets dragged into my bedroom*
Me: Aw shit...gotta clean up after but hey that was funny XD Anyway, Review!