Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own anything in regards to Hawaii Five-0.

Author's Note: Given the response that my first two Five-0 stories have gotten I've decided to write another story. This story will be five chapters loosely following certain episodes from season 1 and 2.

Warning: This is set during Episode 1.07 Ho' APONO, but the way that I think the episode should have gone with some actual dialogue from the show thrown in.

Steve McGarrett is usually pretty good at keeping secrets. He was trained after all to endure endless amounts of torture so that he wouldn't crack under the pressure. So you would think that keeping his relationship with Danny a secret would be easier for Steve to keep than Danny, especially since Danny likes to talk and Steve is the more silent until he has to talk type of guy. But of course when it comes to Danny, Steve has a hard time keeping his feelings about the blonde detective to himself. Sometimes he even forgets altogether that they had decided to keep it under wraps because in Steve's own words it's kind of hot sneaking around. But Steve loves Danny and has more time progresses in their relationship the less control Steve has over his mouth and hands. As they say accidents happen.

Chin is the first member of the team to find out that there is a more personal aspect to the partnership between Steve and Danny. And in Steve's defense he wasn't completely aware that Chin was there, so when push comes to shove Steve could always plead distraction due to the environment he was in when the accidental slip of the tongue happened.

It was early in the morning and Steve was on his way back into the house when he heard his phone ringing on the lanai. Without checking the caller ID Steve picked up his phone. "McGarrett." He answered smiling at Danny when he walked out of the house with two cups of coffee extending one to him. Taking a sip Steve listened as the Governor explained their new case. Upon hearing the word SEAL Steve stopped knowing that this case was going to be a tough one. Steve would be the only one who would know what could possibly be going through this guy's head and he knew that he was the only one who could get onto the boat without being caught. Of course meeting with Laura Hill, the governor's new public safety liaison, she restates what Steve had already thought. So Steve begins hatching his plan.

"Okay, uh, let's say I am you, and you are the bad guy here. I would know that all the ways onto the ship are visible somehow, so how would you outsmart yourself and get yourself onto that ship, without yourself seeing... yourself?" Danny asked trying to figure out what Steve's plan was. Steve looked at him slightly confused with a small smile spread across his face. Danny could be downright adorable without even trying.

"Okay was that an actual attempt at a question or were you just throwing words together and hoping they made sense?" Steve asked smirking slightly at the faux outrage flashing across Danny's face. "Relax Danno, I'll be fine." Steve reassured lightly reaching out and squeezing Danny's bicep. "Remember I understand where this guy is coming from so I'm the best option to get on the boat. Plus you're my best investigator so I know that only you can solve this case in the time allotted." Danny smiled at Steve's complete trust him before he was distracted by Steve slowly, or at least in his mind he was going slowly, pulling his shirt off.

"Are you trying to kill me Steven? I swear you'll find any reason to take your shirt off." Danny mock complained gladly soaking up the hard muscle of his partner.

"I aim to please Danno, I aim to please. Now look I'll have my phone on but don't call me, I'll call you." Danny nodded both of them looking around them before kissing quickly.

"Good luck Aqua man, I need you back in one piece." Steve nodded giving Danny a blinding smile before taking off and diving into the water leaving Danny with Chin and Kono to go over the information given to them by HPD and dividing their tasks up.

Walking into the house Danny is surprised at the mess of blood and evidence of a struggle. Graham was a decorated SEAL who had the strength to easily over take his wife who weight a buck oh five, a fact he shared with Chin. Looking around the house the clues were making more of a jumbled mess than actual sense and finding the journal in Russian only heightened Danny's confusion and gut feeling that this crime was not what it seemed to be.

When Steve found Graham he decided to call Danny to let him know that he was okay and that he had found Graham. As Danny was leafing through the journal he felt his phone ring in his pocket. "Hey you uh with Graham yet?" Danny asked making his way over to Chin and putting his phone on speaker.

"Yeah I got him. I've got eyes on him. He's got seven hostages and babe he's pretty erratic." Danny smiled at the sweet way that Steve said babe before he realized that they weren't alone. Looking up at Chin Danny actually managed to blush at Chin's knowing smile. It wasn't hard for him to guess that there was something more than a working relationship between his two bosses. Chin only chuckled quietly at Danny before going up to check the medicine cabinet as Steve had suggested.

"You miss me don't you?" Danny asked checking to make sure that they were alone and taking the call off of speakerphone. He didn't want anyone else to overhear and make the same connection that Chin had.

"Yeah babe I wish you were here." Danny grinned broadly happy to hear that Steve actually did miss him; sure he knew that the goof loved him but it was always nice to hear. His grin quickly vanished when Chin came back down the stairs holding Graham's PTSD meds in his hands both of which were completely full.

"What's gonna happen if Graham stops taking his medication?" Danny asked his mind already on the worst possible scenario. Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It won't be good Danno, but I don't want to wait around and see what's going to happen. Keep working and I'll check in if I can okay?"

"Yeah alright we'll do that, and Steve?" Danny asked taking the phone off speaker and turning away from Chin. "Please be careful."

"I will babe, don't worry." Steve replied smiling at the concern in Danny's voice. Steve knew that Danny cared about him, but it was nice to actually be told every once in awhile. Ending the call Danny turned back towards Chin who couldn't help but smirk at the hesitant blush that had spread across Danny's pale skin.

"It's okay brah, my lips are sealed." Chin replied chuckling at the look spread across Danny's face. "Really Danny, it's okay. I bet Steve didn't even know I was here." Danny nodded smiling happy to see that Chin wasn't going to tell Kono what he had overheard.

"Thanks Chin."

"Let's solve this case so you can get your man back in one piece." Chin joked laughing loudly at the shocked look spread across Danny's face.

Danny was going to give Steve an earful on watching what he says. It's all Steve's fault really that Chin now knows that Danny and Steve were together. Plus knowing the Danny and Steve, it was only a matter of time before there was another slip of the tongue or accidental action that would out them to their team, it was only a matter of time.

A/N 2: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, whether it's good or bad I want to know your honest opinion *except of course if you're just looking to be downright mean you can keep those comments to yourself*. I hope you guys stay tuned to the next chapter featuring my favorite badass girl Kono. ~thatredheadgirl~