Recording: Begin Playback


"Greetings, this is Brother Techmarine Darnellius, how may I assist you this day?"


"This is Force Commander Zacharias. I am having some technical issues with my armor."


"Can you give me the technical specifications? Armor mark, Chapter affiliation, whatever you can find."


"Understood, brother. Let us see... Mark Six Corvus plate, Chapter Affiliation Salamanders, is that helpful?"


"One moment, Commander, I am bringing up the file... Here we are. What seems to be the problem with the suit?"


"The arm servos are seizing up. Our company is on deployment in an arctic environment. This suit is the only one that is having troubles adapting to the cold."


"I see... give me one second and I will compare and contrast these armor specifications with the other Salamander suits we have on file. Most of your chapter's suits had been modified with special heating systems to deal with low temperature environments. I see no reason why this one should not be working."


"Er, right, of course."


"Let's see here... wait, that cannot be right. Commander, are you still there?"


"I am. What is it brother?"


"It's just, when I pulled up related schematics for Salamander Power armor, your name was not on record, and the suit you are wearing has numerous reports filing it under "stolen". Where did you get this suit, sir?"


"...It was, 'gifted' to our Chapter."


"Wait, gifted!?"

"Transmission Cut"


"Bloody Magpies. That's the third one this month."