Got this idea from a picture, and a story I read and enjoyed very much on (Authonomy . com). Title: 'The library of Life'. I also combined the idea of the beginning of the movie, 'Jumper', and the movie 'Fluke'. I have no clue how long this'll be or how it ended, I'm just writing whatever pops in my head, so the end is very unpredictable. I also need another name for a Pegasus (Male) for this story. I'd say more but that spoil most of it. Focusing on Leo, Piper, Jason, and maybe some Hazel/Bobby. I really just want this idea out of my head, it's driving me insane, literally...

Also, I have no idea what POV's i'm having in here, mostly Third person and maybe Leo and Piper, but I have no clue for sure.

Prologue (-Ish.)

"You don't know about real loss, 'cuz it only happens when you love someone more then you love yourself" - Robin Williams, 'Good Will Hunting'

Dear Leo,

I can not describe how awful it is to be here - In Bunker 9 - writing this to you. What hurts me more then the fact that you're gone, is the fact you won't be able to read this. My mind is set on you, and only you; repeating the last time I saw you, holding that necklace as you stood there on the melting ice.

My heart is set on you and only you, but instead of that image, my heart reminds me of who you were. Not the humorous, Hephaestus demi-god, that could cheer eryone up, but the demi-god that lost everything he loved, wishing for someone to love, and to recieve the love you've lost. My heart reminds of every precious moment that I've spent with you. The scared, traumatized little boy I've met when we were only ten, evolved into someone with more will power then anyone I've ever know, and I can't help but smile at your will power to continue to be strong.

I can't imagine how it must be to lose everything you have, and the fact that you continue to make others happy, It makes me happy. But that is why I love you.

But, it also makes me sad, that I will never be able to tell you something I've kept inside for too long. But now, that I get to let out everything, I wish for you to listen.

Ever since I've met you, I knew there was something different. Not just your ability of building and fire, but the ability to make others happy. The ability to lighten up the mood at any bad moment. The ability to determine the rights and wrongs, and what times are right and wrong.

This last ability remained the same till the very end. You were wrong. It was not your time to go, but the gods and goddesses have determined and conluded this, and I can't get upset no matter how much I hate this.

But lastly, I admire your talent of giving. Your talent of loving a creature better then you could ever recieve. And I am ashamed I couldn't give you the one thing you've wanted all your life.

Even though you'll never hear it, I want you to know, I do love you. And as I sit in Bunker 9, I sit on your workplace, remebering everything about you.

And as I right this, I say to myself, that I do love you. I've always have and always will.

Love you for enternity,

~Beauty Queen

Dear Piper,

It's a real shame I can not send this to you personally. It's also a real shame that through this grief, I can not comfort you. Death and the underworld is constantly feared by Half-bloods, and I wish to tell you, that for me, it wasn't as bad. Considering that most demi-gods die in combat, I am lucky. Lucky to have met someone as wonderful as you, and die seeing your pretty face as my last image. Not many have that wonderful oppurtunity.

I'm sorry I could not give you this necklace I made for you, and hope that I can find a way to give this to you.

I may have never heard it from words, but I do know that you love me. You constantly say it with your heart, which is greater then one can express through words.

I know you've known me as the one that lost everything, but I haven't. I did not lose you, and for that, you have kept me through all my pain till the end.

You made me a better person, confident, daring, funny, and most importantly happy. Me leaving you, means I can not strive to return the love you've constantly given me, and I am sad I can't.

But because you've made me happy, one day I want to give you in return the happiness I failed to give back. I promise that I will make you happy, and when I finally do, I will find peace, and an enternity of happiness, knowing that you are too.

I hope you find peace and happiness too. I wish you a long and happy life, even if it is with Jason, I wish that both of you are happy too.

I'm sorry I can't be there, but I will find a way to make it up to you Beauty Queen.

Stay Beautiful and strong,


P.S. Please remember, that this is not a goodbye, this is only the beginning. As much as you believe this is the end, it is for me, but not for you. You have a whole life ahead of you, and I want you to know this.

Alright, that was the prologue, the first chapter, will have what happened to him and yes Leo dies again. Big shocker, considering I usually kill him off. Hope you like it. Although I'm not quite sure how I'll end it...

Enjoy and Review,
