Tell me more than what you can guess, feel like thunder than quick to forget. Always looking for what is not yet. Always. - Blind Pilot

He remembers the first time he saw her and the last. He remembers the way she always smelled like she had just stepped out of a summer filled with coconuts. He remembers the way her big blue eyes looked at him with such love, and the way they looked at him with such uncertainty towards the end. He remembers taking her virginity. He remembers every single thing about her. Although sometimes he wished he didn't. He especially remembers the day she broke his heart and left.

He didn't know the date and couldn't tell you the day of the week if he tried. He probably couldn't even tell you his middle name at this point. He was about to have to bury his wife and all he wanted to do was drink himself into oblivion. This was not how his life was supposed to be at age thirty.

She remembers the first time she had ever laid eyes on him. She was seven. She remembers the last time. She was eighteen. She remembers all of the tattoos and scars she used to trace on he chest when they laid in bed together at night. She remembers the way he always smelled like grease and cigarette smoke. She remembers every damn thing about him. However most of the time she wished she didn't. She clearly remembers the day she broke his heart along with her own and left.

The days were all starting to collide together since she had gotten wind of what happened back in Charming. Her father and best friend had both called begging her to come home and try to help get him out of his funk. She had reluctantly agreed saying she needed a change of scenery, Seattle was too gray anyway. She looked in her rear view mirror as she drove by the Welcome to Charming sign and glanced momentarily at the faint bruise that encompassed her right eye. This was not how her life was supposed to be at age twenty seven.

She didn't remember much about her own mother, when she was seven she dropped her off at the Teller-Morrow garage, told her to go find her father and never looked back. She didn't even give her a last name to help her seven year old self find her supposed father, but the second Gemma saw her it didn't take long for her to put two and two together and run out into the garage to get Clay.

"Holy shit," he exclaimed when he laid eyes on the little girl in front of him surrounded by two big pink suitcases, "I'll go get him."

When he walked into the office at first he thought it was a joke that some broad was playing on him, but when he rounded the corner and saw the little girl now sitting on her suitcase looking at her little fingers the smile dropped from his face. And when the little girl looked up at him with her big blue eyes he felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. Even though she had sandy blonde hair, those eyes were unmistakable. They were his own.

He didn't know how to be a father and especially didn't know how to raise a little girl but everyday of his life he thanked God for what his scumbag ex-wife left on his door step. He also thanked God that she would grow up in the presence of Gemma Teller-Morrow.

"Tig, you're gonna have to buy a new house. The one you're in now is just too small," Gemma whispered in his ear his only response being an absently minded nod, his eyes never leaving the little girl before him.

He walked over to the little girl kneeling in front of her, "Lauren, do you know who I am?" Her eyes went wide at the sound of his voice and she slowly nodded her head.


A smile cracked on his tan face before he engulfed her in a big hug, "You're home baby, you're home."

She had been away for nearly ten years and virtually nothing had changed about the garage she thought to herself as she pulled into the lot throwing her car into park. She gave herself one last look over before sliding sunglasses over her bruised eye and got out of the car.

"Damn look at this chick coming in," Juice whistled watching the tall dark haired girl walk closer to the group in the garage.

"Shut up you idiot," Jax said hitting him on the chest and started walking out in the sun light to greet her. "Darlin' you've been away for too long."

She couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice and he pulled back from hugging her and looked her up and down, "What's with the dark hair?"

Jax had always known her to have hair only a few shades darker that his own, but now her hair was almost jet black falling at the middle of her back. "I don't know I got bored and just did it on a whim. I think it makes me look more like my dad."

She paused for a second looking around the lot, "Speaking of which where is he?"

"In the clubhouse with Clay," Jax gave her another hug and started back for the garage, "Ren you back for good?"

She smiled, "If you'll have me."

"I'm happy you're back. Ope will be too."

The smile on her face faded, "I don't know about that."

"He will. Now go find your dad before he kills me for seeing you first."

The clubhouse was just like the garage. The same. There were a few more mug shots up on the wall but for the most part it looked exactly how she had left it. She could hear muffled voices behind the chapel doors and lightly knocked on it waiting to be let in.

"Come in." She could hear Clay say and she started to open the heavy doors.

"Hi," was all Lauren was able to get out when she saw the men before her their eyes going big, Clay's jaw dropping. Tig jumped out of his seat after a moment of shock and engulfed her into a giant hug.

"You're home baby, you're home." He whispered in her ear, just like he had twenty years earlier.

a/n: sooo here's the dealio this idea just came to me and I'm actually kind of in love with it so I'm hoping there are some of you that are in love with it too. Sorry that it's so short, but it is the first chapter so I thought of it as more of a preview chapter to establish a little bit of back ground! and for those of you who read Human don't worry I'll be uploading a new chapter before you know it. But GO REVIEW right meow and tell me what you think!