Title: Coffeeshop Soundtrack.

Summary: "You actually know this song?" When Bella meets an intriguing, handsome man at a coffee shop, who happens to share her music taste, she's instantly drawn in. But she can't shake the feeling like she knows him… Perhaps from the newspapers…under criminal.

Chapter 1- Homecoming


I can't believe I forgot how freaking loud New York City is! The buses, trains, honks from cars and trucks, people yelling- I swear, even the air makes noise over here! But this was my home and I was so happy to be coming back. I can't believe how long I've been away.

I almost missed the noise… Almost.

It is a big difference from where I spent my last 4 years. I was in quiet, overcast Washington. Somehow, I got this crazy idea in my head that I wanted a change of scenery, to get away for my college life. I had only experienced New York my entire life, I thought I was missing out on something. The most I traveled away from home had been was New Jersey, which is almost the 6th borough. So, I packed up my city life and exchanged it for the green backdrop of Washington, attending the University of Washington.

One thing I realized almost immediately, I was a city girl. Definitely a city girl.

After 4 long, hard years of parties, keg stands and hangovers, somehow I graduated, even with honors. I finally got my degree in psychology, social work to be exact. Now, my skin craved some major Vitamin D from soaking in the sun on the roof of my loft. Or at the dirty beaches of Coney Island or Rockaway.

Why didn't Emmett just smack me when I said I wanted to go cross country? He had to have realized I was going to miss this crazy city, and him.

Emmett McCarty was my older brother, 5 years older to the day. By some freaky coincidence, we were both born on the exact same day, January 15th. We like to think that's why were so connected. But something tells me, it goes even deeper than that.

Em is 26 and a fuckawesome lawyer at some fancy firm in Manhattan- something Masen or other. He brings home tons of money that allows us to live in a huge loft in downtown Manhattan. We even have tons of closet space, which any New Yorker will tell you is precious!

Long story short, our family life is a bit fucked up. Okay, more than a bit. My mom left to be a dancer when I was two. That's why my family was in New York in the first place, so that she could attend Julliard. My dad never learned, or even cared to learn, how to deal with 2 kids or handle the departure of his wife. So, he drank. A lot. Em raised me for the most part; made sure I was fed, bathed and brought to school. When he turned 16, he got emancipated. He started working like a maniac- all while attending school, managing a decent average, and keeping a constant eye on me. By 18, he had saved up enough to rescue me and brought me to live with him. He has done absolutely everything for me; he's my hero.

My mom never looked back, so I have no memory of her whatsoever. I can't even tell you what she looks like. Never even spoke to the woman. I could have passed her on the streets of Manhattan and never knew it. As far as my dad, he passed away a few months after I left from alcohol poisoning. Thank goodness for life insurance because that was the only way we could afford to have him buried. His savings was left to Emmett and me, naturally, so we inherited a few thousand dollars, which was a lot for us.

I got scholarships and grants due to my good grades, took out a small loan for housing, and that's how I got my education.

Emmett and I were all each other had.

As the taxi blurred past the crowded streets of Manhattan, my excitement grew. I hadn't seen my brother in over a year. Plane tickets were more expensive than the summer housing at UDub. Not only that, but we had a new roommate. He met a girl, named Rosalie and she's been living with him for the past few months. He called her Rosie and from the pictures I saw she was gorgeous. She looked small standing next to my 6' 3'' big boned brother but I would guess she was around my height, 5' 5''ish. She had the most piercing pair of blue eyes I had ever seen, closely resembling the blue on the jerseys of the Giants when they played at home. Her hair was usually straight, which was blonde and cut to her shoulders. I was floored that my brother snagged such a gorgeous woman and from what I have heard, her personality matches her looks. I couldn't wait to meet her.

Emmett was pacing outside when the taxi pulled up. He nearly ripped the door off the hinges to get to me, immediately lifting me up and enveloping me in one of his famous bear hugs. They literally took your breath away.

"Belly Boop!" he yelled out. I went through a slight Betty boop obsession when I was a little girl. So, he came up with that nickname. Old habits die hard too; I asked him to stop calling me that 6 years ago.

"Hey Em! I've missed you!"

"I missed you too, Bells. Let me grab your stuff and you can go inside and meet my Rosie," he said, swiftly picking up my luggage at once. Freakishly large man, freakishly large amount of strength.

As I walked in and looked around, it felt good to be home. But I could definitely notice the changes. For one, the smell. It was no longer a familiar stench. It smelled like apples and cinnamon and I looked down and noticed the glade plug=ins. A feminine touch has been added, that has been lacking in the past. This had been a bachelor pad of sorts, it was really Emmett's place and I just crashed here. Not that I cared what his place looked liked anyways. Anything was better than living with my dad.

The walls had been painted; three of the walls were a light grey and there was an accent wall in a deep red. The couch had been placed along the wall with the big window looking out on the city; it was overstuffed and black leather. At least Emmett's huge 72 inch TV didn't change. Different frames were placed everywhere; city landmarks, random sayings and even some of Emmett and I, or Rose and him.

It looked nice, it looked lived in.

Rose, whom I could tell never had those lazy looking days- she just would always look picturesque, probably from the moment she wakes up-, was in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled delicious. When she noticed our arrival, she wiped her hands on her apron and starting coming towards us, warm smile plastered on her face. I was surprised how genuine it seemed. I would have expected the young, hot woman living with her boyfriend would be put off by having to house his misfit sister. She almost seemed… happy.

"Bella! I'm so happy you're here. Emmett has told you so much about you and has been dying for you to get home. I made chicken Marsala for dinner, I hope you like it," she blabbered.

Emmett came and put his arms around her shoulders. "Babe, stop worrying. Everything is perfect and she's going to love you. Right, B?" he said to calm her, while looking at me.

I smiled just as warmly in return towards her, mine surprisingly genuine as well, and pulled her in for a hug. I assumed living with Emmett she would be used to hugs, but she seemed taken aback by my gesture.

"I guess she really is your sister," she said, with a nervous giggle at the end.

A timer went off in the kitchen and Rose excused herself to go finish preparing dinner.

"Why is she so nervous?" I whispered to Emmett once it was just us in the living room.

He plopped himself on the couch and turned on the TV. "She's normally not like this. She's actually pretty bad-ass. But she just wants you to like her. Plus, she kind of feels bad that you never had a mother around. Rosie tends to be a nurturer to those she loves. I guess that means you're in, kid," he explained.

"Oh," was all I could come up with to say.

I wandered around the strangely unfamiliar halls and rooms of my own place, admiring the changes that it had undergone.

There was a new shower curtain liner rather than the algae-ridden, grimy one that had been there the entire time I have been here. There was an actual plush rug in there and toilet paper on a holder. And, the seat was down. This Rose has really whipped my brother into shape.

The halls had been repainted the same grey color that was in the living area and frames were lined along it. I smiled as I approached my bedroom door.

My smile grew as I saw that Emmett had re done it. He replaced the bed, switching out the small twin one for a larger queen sized one. I ran my hand along the sheets, relishing the soft, creamy texture of the sheets. I had got a down comforter, with one of those sheet things that go over it, in purple. The pillows matched the sheets, which were a mute orange. The walls had been repainted, two walls in purple and two walls in an orange color.

"Emmett told me you were quite spunky," a voice startled me. I turned around; clutching my chest only to realize it was Rose standing in the doorframe. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just wanted to see how you liked your room," she told me.

"No, it's fine. You did all this?"

"Yeah, I figured that your room could use some change, like the rest of the house. I'm sure your brother was clueless on what to get you when you came to live with him."

"Yeah, I remember when I first came to live here, I looked under the sink and it was filled with every type of pad or tampon that must have been on the shelf. He was too embarrassed to ask me what I used and he didn't want to have the conversation, so he just bought everything," I told her and we both broke out in laughter. "But, it's great, all of it. Thank you, Rose."

"No problem. I wanted to tell you that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. I know I'm your brother's girlfriend and I'm older but seriously, I understand what you've been through. I'm here if you need anything."

I didn't know what was up with me, but her statement felt so heartfelt. Maybe I was turning into this girly girl, or perhaps I was getting my period but tears actually threatened to stream down my cheeks. And, I pulled this girl in for yet another hug. I've known her for all of 10 minutes and I've hugged her twice already.

This time she was less surprised and hugged me back. It felt nice, almost like I had someone else I could count on in my life, other than Emmett. As she pulled away she smiled, and informed me that dinner would be ready in 10 minutes.

I collapsed onto my new bed, enjoying the soft, new mattress that was under my body. I looked around the oddly, but outlandishly delightful color scheme and observed the other new things in my room. A new desk, black polished wood and a top it, a lamp and a new laptop. Behind my door was a mirror and in my opened closets, my old apparel mixed with new pieces hung off color-coordinated hangers. I might be a bit OCD; all my drawers had a specific purpose and nothing strayed from that. Everything I owned was alphabetized or color coordinated, sometimes both. I was stunned to see the new pieces organized into the pattern I already had set.

My old stuffed animals, the few that remained, were perched on a huge bean bag chair that sat in the corner of my room. That happened to be my favorite part of my room. The windowsill was low and it was wide. It overlooked downtown Manhattan and I could see the Brooklyn bridge from it, which happened to be my favorite bridge- yes, I had a favorite bridge and no, I'm not quite sure what makes that my favorite. I often times sat on the windowsill, reading or just admiring the night sky, trying to make out a stray star or two that stood out brightly enough over the city lights.

My room was simple; didn't have a TV or many items in it. I wasn't really into TV, unless it was sports related- growing up with Emmett, sports was mostly what was on the TV anyways. I used my room for sleep, or to read a good book. I had my necessities and that was pretty much it.

On my way towards the kitchen for dinner, I snuck a glance at myself in the mirror. I looked just like I did since high school, for the most part. My hair was mostly brown, with some caramel highlight I got put in and the natural ones that came out in the sun. I recently got it cut and pretty short too; I got that Victoria Beckman bob, the asymmetrical one. I didn't go the super short route though, I wasn't that adventurous. The front, the longest, was cut right below my chin. The back, was just about at my hairline. It was a complete change from the collarbone length I used to have it at, where it just hung boringly. At least now it had some texture and style.

My face was the epitome of plain. My skin was fair, most times with rosy cheeks. I had scarce freckles along my nose. My eyes were poop brown, that's what I thought the color resembled at least. My lips were normal, they were just there.

I wasn't fat, I wasn't skinny. My chest was my favorite part about me, a generous C cup. My waist was slender, and my jeans always stuck out in the back due to my ass being too large for the shapeless jeans I bought. I don't know where designers got their statistics about the shape of American women. The average size of a US woman was about a 14 and has some junk in the trunk. Yet, all the jeans I can find give no room for girls with an ass. It's annoying to have to buy jeans larger just to accommodate my ass.

After self-critiquing myself, I joined my brother and Rose in the kitchen and enjoyed the meal she cooked. It was actually really freaking good. I love anything with mushrooms and she put plenty on the chicken. The sauce, which is a mix of Marsala and Vermouth wine with some chicken stock, was the perfect balance of all the flavors. I was quite impressed. They say the way to a man's heart is food, so I guess it makes sense why they're together; she can really cook!

"So, Em how is it being a lawyer?" I asked as Rose and I cleaned up after dinner.

Emmett started choking on his beer, so I went over to pat him on the back. "Go down the wrong pipe? I hate it when that happens," I told him.

"Yeah. Work is good. I get by," he replied.

"I always forget the name. Masen or something, right?"

"Masen?" Rose questioned, which was weird. Wouldn't she know where her boyfriend worked.

"Um, not exactly, B…" Emmett stuttered. Him and Rose exchanged curious glances.

"Okay. So, where do you work?"

"Well…" Emmett started to say.

"I thought you said you told her," Rose interrupted.

"I didn't want to do it over the phone, Rose. It's kind of a big deal. I work for Masen and Associates on paper," he started to say.

"On paper? What the hell does that mean?" I questioned.

"Yeah, on paper. In actuality, I work directly for Edward Cullen…"

"Okay… And that means…" I said, a bit snippier than I had to, but these two were confusing the fuck out of me. What the fuck was going on? How much has changed since I left?

"We…" Rose started "work for Edward, he owns a nice café in the city. But it serves as a front for some illegal operations. Your brother and I aren't involved in anything illegal. We just try to clean up his messes."

"So, you two work for a mobster?" I scoffed. Then, I started to downright crack up. This had to be a joke. They worked for a criminal? Ha!

"What's so funny, B?" Emmett asked me.

"This, the whole big joke…" I said, pointing between the two of them "…That's what it has to be, right? Where are the hidden cameras and the crew that comes out and says you've just been Punk'd? Ashton, are you here?" and I began to pretend to look around the living room.

"Bella, we're serious. Emmett is his lawyer and I'm his publicist of sorts. I keep the spotlight off him, as much as I can. I can't control every paper, though," Rose explained.

I just stood there. No witty comeback, no accusations or judgments. Just stood there, staring at them and they stared right back. All of us not saying a word. What words are there to say when you learn your brother and his new girlfriend work for criminals and helping them escape whatever illegal actions they have done.

Then, I thought back to the mobster movies I've seen; Goodfellas, The Untouchables, A Bronx Tale and of course, The Godfather. What do all these movies have in common? I'll tell you. Violence, guns and killing.

"Does he kill people, Emmett? Do you have to clear him of…" I couldn't even bring myself to say the word… murder.

"No! God, Bella. He isn't like that. It's just some assault and battery charges, maybe a concealed weapon or drug charge. Nothing as bad as… that."

I was surprised, but relief actually washed over me. Oh, well it's only beating people up or having drugs. No big deal. My brother maybe defending a known criminal but at least he was knowingly defending a murderer. It could be worse.

"Okay. I'm gonna make this like I've seen in the movies. I won't ask and you won't tell, capisci?"

They both laughed at my Italian Mafia reference and agreed. I smiled before claiming that the travel made me tired and headed off to bed.

I glanced at the clock on my way in and it was only 7:30. That was way too freaking early for me to go to bed. I might have been tired, but 9 was barely an acceptable time to go to bed. No way in hell would I be going to sleep at 7:30. I had to figure something out to do.

I grabbed a light jacket, a breezy night in late April still constituted jacket weather in New York City. I put my wallet and ID in my jacket, and waltzed out of the house. I was 21 years old, I didn't need to Emmett to keep tabs on me. I could come and go as I pleased.

I didn't really know where I was going, just kind of mindlessly walking until something hit me.

It was pretty quick; a quiet little coffee shop. I was done with, Seattle's Best Coffee- it wasn't the best. I wanted a good, old fashioned cup of New York caw-fee, get it? New York accent? I got teased about it constantly in Washington. I didn't talk funny, I talked like everyone else I grew up with. But no one I grew up with was in Washington to back me up. To them, I spoke weird.

I walked in and noticed there was a short line. I stood on line and that's when I noticed the awesome music playing. It was 'The Everglow' by Mae. I started bobbing my head, lip syncing the lyrics and entering my own special world. I called it Bella World, original, right?

'I think that we've got what it takes, to get this heart start beating again.
So take it all the way.
Whoa, whoa.
And our hearts are on The Everglow.
Deep inside we both know it.
Everything's hanging on this moment.
Whoa, whoa.
And our hearts are on The Everglow.'

I was knocked out of Bella World and back into reality, literally. This guy behind me noticed before I did that the line moved forward. He didn't notice, however, that I didn't move and banged right into me.

"Watch it!" he told me, and motioned for me to move ahead.

I rolled my eyes and flipped him the bird before I turned my head and noticed the most amazing looking guy watching our encounter leaning against the coffeemaker.

"Something amuse you?" I asked him.

I wasn't afraid of talking to guys; even ones I knew were better looking than me and way out of my league. I wasn't afraid to talk to anyone for that matter.

He flashed me a smile, which was slightly off center, yet completely perfect. But the first thing I noticed was the brightness of his eyes. This may sound weird, but it's the first thing that popped into my head; his eyes were like the color of granny smith apples, ya know, the green, tart ones? They were the most beautiful eyes I ever encountered. Then there was the mess atop his head, that looked so incredibly soft. The color was a mixture of strawberry blonde and a stark gold. It was once again like nothing I had ever seen before. This guy was one of a kind.

"You, actually. I saw your little disagreement with one of my customers," he told me.

"Well, he bumped into me. I might have been stuck inside my head, singing the song over the loud speaker, but he didn't need to literally knock me into reality, did he?"

He was once again laughing at me. "You actually know this song?"

"Yeah. Mae is one of my favorite bands," I informed him.

This time his jaw went slack, he had no laughter or quick wit comment to come back with.

"Let me guess. You think I'm one of those Barbie doll girls that only listen to Z-100 and thinks Lady Gaga is God?" I asked him. He barely nodded his head, but I already knew that's what he though. I opened my mouth, stuck my finger over my tongue and faked gagging. "Lady Gag-Me is more like it. I can't stand much on the radio; it all gets too played out."

"Really?" he asked, sounding intrigued.

"Really. Now, do you work here or just stand around interrogating people's taste in music?"

The other workers stared at him, almost like they were scared. He waved them off, before turning his undivided attention towards me. "What can I get you?"

"That's better. I would like a medium coffee, 2 sugars and a little bit of cream."

"Coming right up…" he paused, waiting to have me finish the sentence and fill in my name.

I fell for it. "Bella," I told him.

"Coming right up, Bella. I'm Edward by the way," he said, while he poured the black liquid goodness into a cup, then added precisely 2 sugars and a little too much cream, but still acceptable.

"How much?" I asked him as he passed me the coffee.

"It's on the house."

"What if the 'house' doesn't want to pay? Are you sure your boss will be okay with it?" I asked him. It was really generous of him, but it's a bit much to get in trouble for a girls attention.

The workers behind the counter, and him included, laughed a bit under their breath, like there was some sort of joke I was missing out on. "I'm sure the boss won't mind treating a pretty girl like yourself to a cup of coffee. Mind if I join you while you drink your coffee? Talk about some of your other likes in music?"

"I guess," I told him, shrugging my shoulders.

I didn't wait for him as I headed over by the window, picking the oversized armchair to sit in. He trotted right behind me, dragging a chair and sitting in backwards right in front of my face.

"So, what are some other bands you listen to that would shock the hell out of me?" he asked me.

"Rise Against. I've been listening to 'Help is on the Way' a lot lately. Then there's Mayday Parade, All Time Low, Jack's Mannequin, The Maine…" I started to say, but he interrupted me.

"I got a bootleg copy of The Maine's upcoming CD, Stay Up, Get Down," he said.

"Shit! I've been looking forward to that! I preordered it for 5 bucks off their site like a month or 2 back. How is it?"

"You could listen to it for yourself…"

"Listen, buddy. I'm not the type of girl that's going to get lured to your apartment to listen to good music so that you can take advantage of me. Sorry to burst your bubble."

He put his hands up in defense, all while laughing at me. "Chill. I was not going to offer my apartment up to you. Nor do I want to take advantage of you. What kind of guy do you think I am?"

"A guy. I'm pretty sure every guy talks to girls in order to get in their pants," I replied.

"Well, I'm not trying to get into your pants. At least not so soon after meeting you. If we continue hanging out and the rest of you is as good as your taste in music, I can't promise I won't try. But, I was going to suggest I burn you a copy and maybe you come here tomorrow for another cup of coffee and I give it to you."

"Oh." Well don't I feel like a moron? I didn't say that to him of course. But who could blame me? 99 percent of guys will take any opportunity to get into a girls pants. Can't fault me for not realizing he is one of the 1 percent. Plus, I'm sure he isn't as innocent as it may seem right now.

"Does that sound alright with you?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. Maybe I'll come around the same time as I did tonight?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll be here. I'll be looking forward to it," he said, getting off his chair and heading back to the coffee counter. But not before turning back around to flash me another award winning smile. "Bella."

Fuck. The way he said my name, he made it seem so, sexual. It sent tingles down my body, even down past my belt.

I just sat there, dumb founded. My mind was screaming at me, to say something, anything. But only a smile came out. My mouth was frozen otherwise and words ceased to exist.

He turned away smiling and I could see his shoulders shaking, probably laughing at me again.

I held my face in my hands, feeling the familiar rush of blood to my cheeks from embarrassment. I usually wasn't this type of girl. The one who loses her voice and gets tongue tied. I don't know who he is, not mention who said I'm into him for anything more than his CD. Yet, somehow this guy worked a spell over me. I was all of a sudden a flustered, giddy girl. A spell that made me want to impress him and to think I was a bit more graceful than I really was. I wanted him to find my sexy.

I wanted him to have wanted to take me back to his apartment. Not that I would have gone…

I noticed he slipped into the back and out of sight. This was my chance to go without him noticing my crimson cheeks.

The cool air was welcomed against my body. It brought me back into myself. Back to the spunky, 'I-don't-care-who-you-are', carefree girl. The one that was confident. Not the frozen idiot who was shell-shocked by a guy. Puh-leeze.

Yet, I couldn't shake him from my mind. His crazed hair. His green-apple colored eyes. His plush lips. The sharpness of his jaw line. That fucking smile. He ran across my mind like a movie, image after image of his handsome features.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I DID NOT get all crushed out and clingy on guys.

I had one boyfriend in Washington. His name was Jake, really nice guy. He was from a local reservation near the college. He had russet colored skin and dark features to match. We shared a lot in common. But when it came down to it, I wasn't 'girlfriend enough' for him. I had school, homework and other friends to focus on. I didn't want to be tied down to just him. He expected me to be in constant contact and hang out with him during all my free time. I wasn't that girl. We were friends afterwards, but I doubt that we will keep in close contact now that I'm back in New York.

I was more of a non committed relationship person. Meet a guy, mess around, keep him around until he starts getting annoying and then start the cycle again with someone new. Relationships were trouble and led to heartache. I was not going to end up with my heart broken, but a girl had needs, so I had to have some sort of relationship with men. Friends with benefits type of relationships were the safest way to go.

I nearly missed the door to the loft while being stuck in my head. I had to go back a door in order to go inside. I walked into the living room, humming the song from the coffee shop. Emmett and Rose eyed me suspiciously when I walked in.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," Emmett replied. "You look… different."

"Ookay. Thanks?" I said with a giggle.

"Oh, B. Some guy named Jasper Whitlock called looking for you. He left his number and wants you to call him back as soon as you can," Emmett informed me.

I expressed my thanks and ran into my bedroom to give him a call. Jasper Whitlock was the head of a child welfare office that I applied to. I really wanted to work there. He was supposedly a great child advocate and his office was one of the most sought after places to gain employment in the social work field. I sent in a bitchin' resume, a bunch of recommendations from some of my favorite professors and my college transcripts. I thought it was a long shot, but maybe not.

"Hello?" a man with an intense southern drawl.

"Hello. My name is Isabella Swan. You asked for me to return your call. I'm so pleased to hear from you," I told him.

"Isabella, right. How are you?"

"Bella. Please call me Bella and I'm well, how are you?"

"I'm well, also. You had quite impressive recommendations on your behalf. I'm very interested in what you have to offer us. Now, this office is not cheap to run and we do not bring in much revenue. We run off donations. So, at this point I can only offer you an internship. But hopefully within the next few months, some funds will be freed up and I can take you as an employee. I figured this might work just as a means to get your foot through the door, so to speak," he informed me.

I twirled around in my bedroom, raising my hands above my head and started jumping up and down in excitement. It was my happy dance. I was in!

"That would be great. I would be honored to take that position."

"Wonderful. I'm very happy to hear that. How about you swing by the office around 7 tomorrow night, after hours. My wife and I will be here to show you a few things before you come in during the day time. Day time in the office could be quite hectic and I'd hate to throw you right into the chaos without some prepping."

"That sounds perfect. I will be there. I'm looking forward to meeting you," I told him.

"As am I. See you tomorrow night Bella. Goodnight," he said before hanging up.

I continued doing my happy dance, which included jumping on my bed and letting out a happy scream.

I continued my solo celebration until a thought popped in my head.


I was supposed to meet him tomorrow night. Shit. He would think I was standing him up.

Oh well. This is more important. I'd have to get him to listen to me some other way.

Hopefully, he would.

The little voice in my head was telling me that I wanted to keep talking with him.

AN: So, there's the first chapter. I hope that you guys are interested! I have a bunch of great ideas for this story. I wont abandon my other stories I have in progress, but I didn't want to forget all the ideas floating around in my head for this one!

I hope that you guys will keep track and continue reading this story!

Happy Reading and Pleaseee Review! Thanks!