Disclaimer: Do not own music, do not own DBZ.

This is the busiest I had ever been at work. There were so many deadlines, a lot of projects, and when I would get home I was too tired to type. There were also three weddings that I went to, some funerals, and then spending time with the boyfriend. It's been a bit hectic, and 2016 just hasn't been pleasant year. (I got a pretty good boyfriend, so it wasn't all that bad!)

Sorry my updates take forever, but hopefully the winter season won't be so busy.


Chi-Chi has been through a lot in her life. She went through her husband's death, twice! She watched her eldest son fight, get hurt, and eventually disappear off the face of the Earth, only to return for a brief moment. She was the toughest during her weak times, she smiled when she wanted to cry, and was brave when she was scared out of her mind. Her life as a child was never easy, fighting her way to succeed in life. Love and marriage, family and friends, her life had so many ups and downs but she still pulled through. It look a lot of time a patience to get to where she is in life.

However, her life was being tested by a certain person, one of which tested her patience many times before.

"I know it's a dark color, and it won't light up the room much, but picture the kitchen in this color," Boss held up a paint can, the color called Midnight Purple, "with these lights," the bulbs were red.

"You can't have a kitchen that dark in color," Chi-Chi said, tapping the paint can Boss was holding in front of her face. "You can't have a living room a dark color either! You need some light colors so people can see where they're going!"

"That's what the lanterns are for!"

"You can have lanterns surrounding the living room as a source for light!"

"I'll open the blinds when it's sunny out!"

Chi-Chi was getting a headache. Her hands were on her temples, rubbing them softly to get rid of the throbbing pain in her head.

When Boss came back to the bar, he asked Chi-Chi to help him shop for supplies. He wanted to fix up Mu-Ma's house, get rid of the "old lady" look and have it presentable for future sales. With the green paint can sitting on the bar, Chi-Chi knew that if she didn't go with him the house would never sell. She feared if she didn't help, Mu-Ma's house would look like a haunted house. She knew if Boss put up a struggle, she could use her voice of reason to aid him in the right direction.

"How will anyone be able to walk around the house if they can't see anything in front of them? What if the power goes out?" Chi-Chi asked, using her voice of reasoning.

"The lanterns are battery powered, duh," was Boss' voice of reasoning.

"And if the batteries are dead?"

"You light the sparklers that are conveniently taped to the wall where the batteries are."

"You can't have sparklers taped to a wall Boss! That's how you cause a fire!"

"Well after your first house fire, you'll know to have new batteries in the lanterns. The more you know."

Boss moved his arms in a circle, with the paint can in one hand and the light bulbs in the other, while Chi-Chi hands her hands rub down her face.

"Fine! Paint the kitchen purple," Chi-Chi shouted, exasperated.

"Yay," Boss cheered. He put the paint and bulbs in the shopping cart. He looked at the two items with a smile. He blinked, pouted, and picked up the paint can. "It's too dark. Let's get a different color."

Chi-Chi screamed, and grabbed her hair as Boss put back the can of paint. He walked over to the paint samples.

Chi-Chi wondered if she made the right choice, helping Boss fix up Mu-Ma's house. She should have let him do what he wanted to do, and walk away. She wouldn't have a throbbing headache, she wouldn't be stressed out, she wouldn't be-

"How about yellow for the kitchen? I bet yellow would be nice. Why didn't you mention yellow for the kitchen Chi-Chi?"

-ready to kill Boss with her bare hands.

Yelling at Boss wouldn't solve anything, but it would help her release some anger.

"Um excuse me? Do you need any help?"

Chi-Chi took a deep breath as she turned to face the store employee. A young girl, probably late teens with a blue apron one, brown curly hair, smiled as she folded her hands on front of her stomach. Boss noticed her, and brought over a can of paint.

"I'm painting an entire house, and I need to know if gray would look good in a bedroom of a dead guy," he asked, lifting up the can of paint. "He didn't die in the room," Boss looked at the name tag, "Karen, but it is a little gloomy since he's been dead for years."

Karen looked over at Chi-Chi, her smile lowered.

"Um, I'm sorry to hear about that. Who passed away," she asked, trying to be polite and make conversation.

"My brother. Should I paint it his favorite color instead? I think he liked pink. I should totally paint his room pink!"

"Your brother will haunt you for the rest of your life," Chi-Chi said. She didn't know a lot about TJ, but she was pretty certain that pink was not his favorite color.

"But he did like pink things."

"Boss you better tell me he liked pink flowers, or else I'm going to have to hit you with my frying pan."

Boss looked at Chi-Chi, then at Karen. He lowered the paint can as well as his head.

"You are no fun," he mumbled. Karen's eye twitched, still keeping a smile, or lack thereof, on her face.

"How about I let you and your son look around a bit more, and if you need help I'll be right over there," Karen said to Chi-Chi, pointing at the 'Paint Help Desk' sign in the store. Underneath the sign was a rectangle desk, with a machine to shake the cans, and surrounded by paint supplies.

Gohan's nose twitched. Chi-Chi is his mom, but she didn't know. Even though he was a "friend of a friend", hearing her say that she wasn't his mother hurt. He turned his back towards the employee and Chi-Chi, waiting for his 'friend' to correct the employee.

"I'm pretty sure 'my son' is going to need help, just not in the paint department," Chi-Chi said. Gohan turned his head, his mouth slightly open. Chi-Chi looked at him, and exhaled. "If you want TJ's room to be gray, maybe a light gray. I think that would be a good color for his bedroom."

"Your mother is right," Karen said. "You want to go for light colors so the light can shine through."

Gohan bit his bottom lip, and turned his head back towards the paint containers.


He wasn't going to cry.

He was fine.

He was cold, which is why his bottom lip was shaking, and his eyes are watery because of allergies. No, the store had a strange smell. Yeah, the store smell was making his eyes water. He can do this. He wasn't going to cry because his mother called him her son.

"Aw con oo ay eh uoo," Gohan wailed out. (for translation purposes, a can of gray is good) Two waterfalls came pouring out of Gohan's eyes, as he wailed loudly in the paint isle.

"Is he okay," asked Karen.

"He hasn't been okay since the day he was born" answered Chi-Chi, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Gohan's wailing could be heard throughout the store.

"This is not how I want to spend my day off of work," Seymour said. Owen, Moth, Ziggy, Mai, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Videl stood in a line in the living room. Everyone wore overalls, and either had a paint brush or paint roller in their hand. Videl and Mai wore a handkerchief over their hair, Bulma wore a Capsule Corps hat while Chi-Chi wore a sweatband on her forehead. The men wore shower caps, because that's all Gohan could find in Mu-Ma's house.

"Thank you all for taking time out of your busy lives to help me paint," Gohan said. He wore his overalls as well, and wore a shower cap as well. There was no way he was getting paint in his hair. "Now, I have plastic mats all around the house and furniture. I have set up paint cans and trays for each room so we won't confuse the colors like we did at the bar."

Moth whistled quietly to himself.

"I thought neon green was a cool color in the girls bathroom," Mai whispered to Videl.

"I thought the boys bathroom was green," Videl said.

"Seymour switched them before we opened."

"That explains the urinal in the girls room."

"They are called vomit stations Videl. I tested them out myself, and I even put padding on the floor for your knees."

"I noticed padding in the corner stall as well, by the wall. Why would you put padding there?" Mai nodded her head towards Owen's pants. Videl looked at the pants. She covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh my!"

"Oh Mai indeed!"

"Why did you look at my pants and go oh my," Owen asked. He turned his hips away from Videl and Mai.

"It's not that impressive," commented Ziggy.

"Like yours is better."

"Hell yeah it is!"

"Prove it!"


"Can we please not do this right here," yelled Gohan. Both Owen and Ziggy had started to take off their overalls, and stood there in their boxers. Seymour was slowly shaking his head while Chi-Chi turned away. "We all know that I would win anyway."

"You got some competition with Ziggy over there," Mai said. A whistle soon followed.

"I'm pretty sure Vegeta would beat you all," Bulma said. "Say Chi-Chi, you want to throw your husband in this competition?"

"I do not want to talk about my husband's…I don't want to talk about it at all in front of everyone here," Chi-Chi yelled, her face bright red.

"Itty bitty huh?"


"I'm only assuming since you're refusing to answer."

"Why am I even here," Seymour mumbled.

"He's blessed, since everyone here wants to know," Chi-Chi said.

"I didn't want to know," Gohan said. He swallowed some vomit that almost shot right out.

"Now you're just lying," commented Bulma.

"You want to go at it old hag," Chi-Chi said, fists clenched as she made her way towards Bulma.

"Let's go at it Ms. Saggy boobs," Bulma said, meeting Chi-Chi in the middle. Before the two could approach each other, Mai stepped in the middle, her chest stopping them both.

"As much as I love to see two women fighting on size, I would really appreciate it if we start painting. I think this group has already had enough distractions." Mai put her hands on Bulma and Chi-Chi's forehead, pushing them backwards. Both older women growled, then turned their backs towards each other. Seymour mumbled to himself, and did the sign of the cross while looking up.

Gohan clapped his hands.

"Okay, Chi-Chi and Bulma will paint TJ's room, Seymour and I will do the kitchen. Videl, you and Moth can do the bathroom. I ran out of plastic, so I put a tarp there over the tub. Be careful around the sink, the nozzle is old and will shoot out water," Gohan instructed. "Mai, Ziggy and Owen, you guys are in charge of the living room."

Owen raised his hand. Gohan nodded, letting Owen know it was okay to ask a question.

"What about your room and Mu-Ma's room," he asked. Gohan shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure what color those rooms are yet." Seymour huffed.

"We painted his room, he hates the color, we picked a new color and he 'accidently' kicked the paint can at the wall," Seymour said. Gohan rubbed his nose. "We're waiting for the paint to dry, and are still searching for a color. He wants to do something where half the wall is purple, and the other half green."

"I call it the Piccy-san room."

"I call it stupid." Gohan stuck his tongue out at Seymour. "With Marie's room, we're just gonna spackle some holes, and use the same color paint."

"Are there any more questions," Gohan asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Okay. Everyone put their hands in the middle, and on the count of three we are going to yell 'go team!'"

Chi-Chi and Bulma exchanged looks while the others gathered. Seymour put his on Chi-Chi's shoulder.

"It's easier just to go with it. The last thing I want to see is Boss throwing a temper tantrum," he said. Seymour patted Chi-Chi's shoulder as he made his way over to his friends. Bulma shrugged her shoulders, and both ladies put their hands with everyone else.

"On the count of three. One…two…three!"

"Go team!" The band, Bulma, and Chi-Chi said.

"I hate this." Seymour said instead.

"Boo-urns!" Mai cheered.

And thus, the Great Painting Day started.

Chi-Chi and Bulma wore masks, gloves, and ponchos as they cleaned TJ's room. Since Boss and Seymour were uncomfortable being in the room, Bulma and Chi-Chi offered to clean it and paint it.




Lotion by the bed, trashcan filled with tissues and old bags of snack food, clothes everywhere, and the smells of a thousand unwashed gym bags made both Chi-Chi and Bulma run out of the room. Piles of dirty dishes were spread out on the floor covered in mold. A cup of, what Chi-Chi assumed, juice started to grow its own colony, and expand to the carpet.

There were cockroaches everywhere, cigarette butts on the bed, the floor, and windowsill. The smell was rancid. Bulma ran to the bathroom to puke while Chi-Chi held her breath and opened all the windows. She was able to find a spray to make the room a bit more breathable, and quickly gathered all the moldy items into a trashcan. She gagged when she found food underneath his bed. Unable to make it to the bathroom, Chi-Chi puked out the window. A cockroach walked on her shoulder and sat there while she had her head out the window. When she was finished, she noticed her new friend on her shoulder.

Before Chi-Chi could scream, a spider, tarantula, lowered itself down, and attacked her bug friend.

That's when she screamed.

Gohan quickly ran in the room, stepping in paint while doing so. Once he saw the spider with the cockroach in its mouth, he screamed. Gohan quickly closed the door, Chi-Chi ran towards the door pounding on it.

"Let me out," Chi-Chi screamed. Gohan pulled on the doorknob as Chi-Chi pulled.

"If you think I'm opening this door you have another thing coming," Gohan yelled back.

"I don't want to be left in here with that…that…eight legged freak! The cockroach is bigger than the spider! That spider can eat me!"

"And I will speak kindly of you at your funeral!"

"Boss, open this door!"

"Your death will not be in vain!"

"If you do not open this door, I will strangle you with the bedsheets!"

"You are a strong independent woman who don't need no man to open this door!"

Chi-Chi's fist went through the door. It stopped inches away from Gohan's face. Through the hole, Gohan could see Chi-Chi's eyes on fire, a vein popping out on her forehead. The spider was on her shoulder. It dropped the cockroach, and walked onto Chi-Chi's arm.

Spider on Chi-Chi's fist, Gohan's face started to turn blue. His teeth began to chatter. The spider blinked. All eight eyes sparkled as she recognized Gohan from many years ago, two of her eight legs waving in the air from excitement. She opened her mouth, fangs showing, and jumped onto Gohan's face.


Gohan ran in circles.


"Huh, Scarlet is still alive," Seymour said, watching Gohan bang his face on the wall. The spider, Scarlet, jumped on top of Gohan's shower cap. He screamed once more, and threw the shower cap. He continued to scream while stomping on the shower cap. Gohan stopped, and slowly looked at the shower cap, his stomping leg in the air. He didn't see any spider guts.

Scarlet walked from behind Gohan's leg, and to his knee. The eight eyes were still sparkling, her spider cheeks turned pink. Two legs went up in the air as she ran up the leg, and into the overalls.


Gohan ran in circles in the living room, knocking over paint cans and stepping in the paint trays, shaking the front of his overalls to get the spider out. He stopped, unhooked the overalls, and quickly jumped out of them, still screaming. Gohan tore off his shoes, and threw his socks. He grabbed a rolling pin, and began hitting his overalls while wearing a white shirt and Pokémon boxers.

Breathing heavy, Gohan lowered the rolling pin.

"Take that," he screamed, the rolling pin pointing at the destruction that was his overalls.

Scarlet crawled out of his shirt.

Screaming like a woman from a horror movie, Gohan tore off his shirt, his boxers, and ran out the door fully naked. He ran back and forth in front of the house, arms up in the air, still screaming. Two cops pulled up in front of the house. Since the cops knew Boss, they stood there and watched as Gohan continued to run back and forth, now grabbing anything nearby and just hitting himself on the chest.

Seymour and the others continued to watch while Gohan ran across the street, and jumped in an uncovered pool. The cops ran over while Gohan continued to scream. The officers were trying to calm Gohan down, and get him out of the green pool water. Gohan kept freaking out, yelling something about the spider still being on him. The spider, Scarlet, perched herself on Seymour's shoulder.

Gohan was still making a scene. The surrounding neighbors were all outside, the cops now in the pool trying to get Gohan out. Gohan was able to grab a Taser from the belt of one of the cops.

"I bet it's in the water," screamed Gohan.

Everyone watched in horror, and humor, as Gohan shot the Taser in the water. The two cops and Gohan got electrocuted, their body going black and showing off their skeletons. Once the shock wore off, the three bodies floated in the pool, Gohan face first in the water with a cop, while the other cop was on his back. The owner of the pool, an elderly man, walked out with his pool net, poking Gohan. He used the next to flip Gohan over, exposing his nude body. The wife of the elderly man came out of the house with a camera, and began taking pictures. Bulma leaned on the door hinge, smirking as Videl watched in horror.

"He's impressive Videl, but Vegeta has him beat," commented Bulma. Videl's face turned red.

"Where is that boy?!"

Chi-Chi's voice echoed through the house. TJ's door exploded, revealing a very irate Chi-Chi holding a baseball bat. Moth pointed out the door, towards the pool where Gohan's floating body was.

"He's dead," Chi-Chi yelled, running past the gang and out the door. She saw Gohan in the pool with the cops. One of the cops regained consciousness. He saw Chi-Chi fast approaching with the bat, but was too slow to defend himself. With a strong swing, Chi-Chi knocked the cop out of the water, and sent him flying in the air.

"Homerun," Ziggy yelled. The gang slowly turned their heads towards Ziggy. He noticed everyone looking at him, and lowered his head, saying a quiet 'woo'.

Once Chi-Chi was in the pool, she began hitting the unconscious Gohan with the baseball bat.

"Is anyone going to stop her," Mai yelled. No words were said, but glances were exchanged.

"Back to the bathroom."

"I'll clean up the paint."

"I'll find Scarlet's cage so she's in a safe spot."

"I'm not pulling a Yamcha."

The gang slowly departed, leaving Videl and Mai by the door. Mai huffed.

"Whatever. I'll stop the crazy Negan wannabe, and you grab a blanket for Boss," Mai instructed. Videl nodded her head slowly as Mai ran towards the pool. She jumped in the pool, grabbed the bat away from Chi-Chi, and told her to stop. Chi-Chi did not like being told what to do. She grabbed Mai's chest, and forced her boobs to hit her face, knocking the bat out of her hand and onto the ground. Mai clenched her hands, placed them on Chi-Chi's head, and pushed her down in the pool.

The elderly woman continued to take pictures.

(Some time later)

"O-ay, oh we have a wild hetback, ut the wones oo have om ild ang-er issuesss er able oo weh-rease it oments a-oh ight?"

Gohan was wrapped in a blanket, his face swollen, one eye bandaged up, his lower lip puffed out. An ice pack was wrapped around his head, both eyes swollen shut. Ziggy and Moth had a hard time looking at Gohan as he spoke. Videl was trying to translate what Gohan was saying. Seymour was sitting on a kitchen chair, keeping an eye on Scarlet who was in a plastic cage eating her cockroach.

"Wer conna ake a rake f-f-om p-panting," drooled Gohan. "Qostions?"


"Videl, just take him to the hospital already," Seymour said.

"On it" replied Videl. Gohan tried to speak, and only continued to spit out his words. Videl grabbed him by the arm while he protested, but walked with her. Owen raised his hand. Seymour sighed, then nodded his head towards Owen.

"Who's going to bail Chi-Chi and Mai out of jail," he asked. Seymour sighed once more.

"I'll call Goku," he moaned, pulling out his cell phone.

(Two weeks later)

"So we had a little misunderstanding the first time we tried painting, but we are all on good terms now…right?"

Back in his overalls and shower cap, Gohan stood before his friends with stiches above his left eye. The swelling was gone, but his face was slightly bruised. Everyone nodded their heads. Owen raised his hand. Gohan nodded his head.

"Where's Mai," he asked.

"It was in our best interest to have Mai stay home, and not work on the house painting project. It has absolutely nothing to do with the restraining order she has on Chi-Chi."

Owen looked at Chi-Chi, who spotted a shiner in her right eye.

"So is Vegeta taking her place?"

Vegeta chuckled. He was sitting on the kitchen table.

"I'm not missing out on anymore adventures," he said.

"We'll all gonna pitch for beer and pizza later. Vegeta has offered to go to the corner to get the pizza and beer as long he can skype with Bulma while he's gone," Gohan said holding up his phone. "We have found a replacement for Mai. Everyone, I want you to welcome our newest member of our paint crew, Toki!"

Gohan took a step to the left. Toki was standing behind him with a little shower cap over his ears, little caps over his paws, and wearing his own pair of overalls. He even had a yellow tool belt with paintbrushes attached. Seymour put his head on his hand.

"This house is never going to be painted," he mumbled.

"Bulma was kind enough to have an exterminator bomb the house to kill any unwanted insects, so we shouldn't run into any creepy crawlers in any of the bedrooms," continued Gohan. "As a thank you, TJ's room has been thoroughly clean, thank you Moth and Ziggy, and we lit candles to hide the smell. It should start to smell better when we replace the carpets."

"I never want to have sons," Moth mumbled. Ziggy shivered.

"I would like to put our hands together and yell go team, but the mandatory therapist that Chi-Chi and I have been going to twice a week, so no one will press any charges, said to let everyone decide what they would like to do. Who wants to help everyone get motivated?" Gohan raised his hand. Toki raised his paw. No one raised their hands. "You can all suck my dick."

"Let's just get started," Seymour said, walking into the kitchen. The group nodded, and started to go their separate ways.

Painting started out better the second time around. No one was chasing anybody with a bat, no one ran through the house screaming like a mad man, nothing but peaceful, quiet people painting. Videl was painting the edges of the bathroom while Moth started to use a paint roller on the opposite wall. Videl looked out the door, and noticed her boyfriend talking to Chi-Chi. Gohan must have said something funny when she saw Chi-Chi laugh, and slap him on the shoulder.

"I'm surprised Chi-Chi decided to come back," commented Videl. Chi-Chi was painting the boarder in TJ's room white.

"There are a lot of people who don't like Boss, but he's easy to get along with," explained Moth. "He's kinda like a dog who doesn't get along well with others. He'll growl at you while he wags his tail, and even though he's showing his teeth he's still happy to see you."

Videl tried to picture Gohan as a dog. She added a snout, ears, and a fluffy tail to his body. She pictured him sitting my a fire hydrant, growling as people walked by. She pictured a chibi Chi-Chi walking towards him, her hand out to pet him. Gohan, still growling and drooling, sat there, tail wagging as Chi-Chi petted him. Videl then pictured him without the dog tail, ears, and snout standing by the same hydrant, a scowl on his face. Chibi Chi-Chi approached him, and patted him on his head. Gohan's scowl turned into a small smile.

"I guess you can look at it that way," Videl said, the picture of Chi-Chi and Gohan were now holding hands. Gohan slowly turned back into a dog. "He's different that's for sure."

"It's a good kind of different though. He's a bit standoff-ish, but once you get to know him he's fun to hang out with," Moth said, lifting up his shower cap to wipe some sweat of his forehead. "If I did and said half the shit he does, I would be dead, or in jail. He's friends with the police. He can get arrested and be released in the same day."

"Please don't remind me of that." Videl went to visit the police department one day, and noticed her boyfriend handcuffed to a bench. He was talking to everyone who walked by him, asking them how their families were. One of the DA's handed Gohan a cup of coffee, and sat down to talk about what he did. She later learned that Gohan wasn't in trouble for anything. He was visiting too, and when he heard Videl was coming by later he asked to handcuffed to surprise her.

Videl ignored him completely.

"And their relationship, Boss' and Chi-Chi, he doesn't want to ruin it," added Moth. "Him and Goku…he's not sure what he wants to do with that. Boss is still trying to figure everything out."

"He doesn't talk about it much."

"He won't, and we don't push him to talk about it."

"Because he'll growl at you?"

"He'll literally bite us. Seriously, he did bite me before because I didn't share my French fries."

Videl laughed. "I get a puppy dog pout when I don't share my fries with him."

"I had to bat him away with a rolled up newspaper."

Gohan looked over when he heard Videl laugh again. Moth waved the paint roller around, spreading paint all over yelling 'bad dog,' Moth rubbed his arm, indicating where Gohan bit him. Gohan wasn't sure what Moth and Videl were talking about, but was happy to see them having a good time.

Gohan returned to the kitchen. Seymour was looking up at the ceiling, where the burn stain from the volcanic expulsion took place many years ago. Seymour, like Moth, had a rolling pin in his hand. He noticed Gohan standing there, and chuckled quietly.

"You know, Marie never wanted that spot painted because it was a good memory," spoke Seymour. Gohan's nose twitched.

"I've always wanted to make a volcano erupt, and TJ ruined that for me," Gohan said.

"I used to have a full head of hair. You and TJ ruined that for me."

"You look better bald anyway."

"Not like I have a choice." Gohan stood next to Seymour. "Can we save this spot for last? Do the painting, the construction first then paint over that?"

"We don't have to paint it. We can leave it there," suggested Gohan.

"No one is going to buy this house if they know there was a fire in the kitchen."

"I'm pretty sure every house hold had at least one kitchen fire. I know I had my fair share." Gohan took a deep breath. "We'll save it for last, and finish everything first."

"Yeah…I'm glad you agree," Seymour said with a smile. "Wanna help Ziggy and Owen in the living room?"

"Might as well."

Time passed, and Vegeta was getting bored. He decided to get beer for the gang, and warned everyone to be on their best behavior. Bulma had to stop painting so she could skype with Vegeta. No drama happened in the house, but everyone could hear Vegeta yelling at a store employee about the price of twelve pack. Vegeta complained how the woman, aka Bulma, could buy clothes that are on sale, and liquor stores did not have the same sales. The employee, who everyone saw shaking through the phone screen, tried his best to explain to Vegeta that liquor was different than clothes. Vegeta continued to yell, knowing that you couldn't drink clothes or wear alcohol to keep you warm, and demanded to speak to the manager.

Instead of waiting for the employee to get the manager, Vegeta blew up a freezer full of beer. Gohan collapsed as he watched the beer explode all over the place. So many dead soldiers.

"It was Bud Light. I wouldn't destroy the good stuff," Vegeta said when Bulma showed him Gohan's reaction.

"Just because it's not good beer doesn't mean you had to kill them," yelled Gohan.

"In a world full of warriors, Bud Light is a Saibamen. It's disappointment with a headache."

"They are dead soldiers Vegeta!"

"Just like the Saibamen."

Owen leaned over Bulma's shoulder.

"What's a Saibamen," he whispered while Gohan continued to yell at Vegeta. "It's that a beer like a Bud Light?"

"It's a long story," Bulma replied.

"It involves aliens and stuff, right? Usually 'long story' means it involves aliens."

"Just how much do you know about my husband and aliens?"

"I know more than I want to know" Owen replied. Ziggy and Moth looked his way. Owen lifted his hands to his chest. He spread out his fingers, and mouthed the word aliens. The duo lifted their heads, then nodded.

Vegeta finally arrived with the beer. The yelling between Vegeta and Gohan was forgotten as they handed out beer to the others. Chi-Chi and Bulma noticed the beer.

"Is there any water," asked Chi-Chi.

"There is, but it's brown," Gohan replied, the bottle of beer touching his lips. Chi-Chi looked through the paper bags.

"Is there anything here for us ladies to drink?"

Vegeta grabbed a paper bag.

"I bought you wine coolers," Vegeta said, pulling out a six pack of wine coolers. "You can thank me for that."

"Why should I thank you for buying me alcohol when I don't drink it?"

"Because it's girly, and I was nice of me to think about you pathetic Earth women."

Videl walked by, and pulled out a wine cooler from the cardboard case.

"Thank you Vegeta," Videl said as she twisted off the top. Vegeta smirked.

"She knows to respect the Prince of all Saiyans."

"Prince of all Saiyans," the band and Videl said, raising, then lowering, their arms. Seymour swung his arm forward, half participating and half assing the standing bow. Bulma grabbed a wine cooler.

"Oh don't boost his ego. I'm the one who has to go home with him," she said, popping the bottle open. She handed it to Chi-Chi. "When in Rome…"

Chi-Chi looked at the bottle and huffed. She grabbed it, still displeased, and took a sip.

"I guess I have no choice," she grunted. It was either the wine cooler or brown tap water. Maybe she should step out and get bottled water for herself and Bulma.

"Ah yes, drink my minions," Vegeta said. Bulma rolled her eyes. She walked over to where Chi-Chi was, The two ladies parted themselves from the crowd. They were, except Seymour and Videl, on their knees bowing to the price of all Saiyans.

Even though the four man band was making Vegeta's pedestal grow taller, Bulma couldn't help but admire the group. Seymour was the mature adult of the group. He always made sure nothing got too out of hand. He was, as best Bulma could put it, the big brother of the group.

Videl would stand watch, and blend in. Like Seymour, she often kept the group in their best behavior. If things were to get out of hand, Videl would pipe up to stop any confrontation. When with the gang, she would do whatever activity they would do. If Seymour was with them, she was more behaved.

Bulma doesn't know Moth and Ziggy that well. Ziggy was Seymour's younger brother, and had a good head on his shoulders. When they would come to her house. Ziggy would bring his school work to do while the others talked amongst themselves. He never seemed to mind the noise, then again the others always made sure they weren't acting too loud. Whenever he needed help with something someone was always there to help. Moth mostly kept to himself. He, at least Bulma considered, was the shy one of the group. He didn't participate as much in the group functions, but was always welcomed with open arms.

Then there was Owen, Boss' best human friend. (Toki is Boss' number one friend!) The two had a lot in common, both being adopted and coming from the same orphanage. Bulma watched as Owen talked about the music they were writing, telling Boss about a solo he wrote, and wanting to put it in the next song. He was discussing the cords, pretending to play the cords on the guitar, with sound effects. Boss listened, and told Owen that his solo would sound better in another song, and Owen quickly agreed. The two smiled.

Watching Boss interact with everyone was rewarding. Even though he fought with almost everyone in the room, playfully…sometimes the law had to get involved, he always made everything better. Her relationship with Vegeta has improved, so to say. He's still a jerk, still calls her woman, but he's more hands on around her. Hands on her butt, hands on her chest, hands around her waist as he pulls her into the bedroom.

Bulma's cheeks flushed a little. Vegeta looked her way. She shifted slightly, trying not to show Vegeta that she was thinking dirty thoughts. Vegeta could tell though, and licked his lips. Bulma had to turn her head away as Vegeta chuckled.

Chi-Chi looked around the house, checking out everyone's paint job. The bathroom was almost done. Owen and Videl needed to put up a second coat, and then touch up some spots near the ceiling. TJ's room was almost painted. Bulma had a half a wall to finish, and Chi-Chi had areas she needed to touch up on. His room only needed a coat.

The kitchen was done being painted. Boss talked about putting up a boarder, and replacing the cabinets. He also wanted to expand the house a bit, add a full bathroom to Mu-Ma's room, add a coat closet by the front door, replace the chain link fence around the house. There was so much he wanted to do, but was there time?

"How long do you think it will take before the house is completely finished," Chi-Chi asked. Gohan bounced his head from side to side.

"I still need permits to expand the house a bit, plus the carpet needs to be replaced. I don't know…maybe another year or so," answered Gohan. "It will be easier to expand the house in the spring, and replace the fence in the summer."

"The summer?" Chi-Chi lowered her eyes to the ground. Her eyebrows scrunched together. "But Goku said you don't have long to live. How are you going to replace the fence if you're dead?"

The cheerfulness in the house died. Gohan's mouth hung open.

"Goku told you…what?"

Owen bit down on his lips, shaking his head towards Chi-Chi.

'Please stay quiet,' Owen thought with a panic. If Gohan knew Goku told everyone his secret, then all the work they put into saving his life would be null. Knowing Gohan, he would be mad at everyone, pissed off that everyone knew and didn't tell him, and leave. Owen did not want that. He couldn't handle his best friend leaving. He wasn't ready to have Boss die!

Disappointedly, Chi-Chi didn't even glance his way.

"Well I'm worried," Chi-Chi continued, "that the work you want done to the house won't be finished by spring. Oh, maybe we can get Krillin and 18 to help! I'm sure they will since they know you won't have time to…"

Chi-Chi looked over at Bulma. The pure fear she noticed on her friend's face stopped Chi-Chi in her tracks.

"Who exactly did Goku tell," seethed Gohan. He looked over at Seymour. "Did you know Goku told people? Did you think I wanted other people to know?!"

Gohan's voice grew loud. Seymour was scared, but not at the fact that Gohan was yelling at him.

No, Seymour could stand strong when Gohan was yelling.

What terrified Seymour the most was the fact that Gohan's eyes turned green. Seymour opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"We didn't know," Moth said loudly. Gohan turned towards Moth's direction. His eyes returned to their dark gray.

Moth, the band member known as 'the rat' because he tells everyone everything, the one friend that can't lie even if his life depended on it, the only person Gohan can honestly trust. Seymour could see Gohan's expression soften.

"W-we didn't know," Moth repeated. "This is just as much of a shock to us. You trusted Goku, we trusted Goku, but we didn't know Goku told everyone about you're…time limit."

The house was quiet. Gohan glanced at his friends, Videl, then looked over to where Chi-Chi and Bulma were standing. Both women clung to each other. Bulma looked at Vegeta for help. He sat on the kitchen table, keeping an eye on the half breed as he tried to maintain his power.

"You two better not be here when I return," Gohan said, grabbing his coat and heading out the door. "Nimbus!"

"Where are you going," Chi-Chi asked, running after Gohan.

"I'm going to give your husband a piece of my mind, and have you and your family out of my life!" Nimbus flew in front of the house, and parked itself in the front yard.

"Well if you want us out of your life then you can't take Nimbus!"

Gohan turned to face Chi-Chi.

"You are not my mother," he yelled. Chi-Chi gasped, and clutched her chest. "I did not ask to be brought into your family! I did not ask to celebrate the holidays, to which I want to add I did NOT want to be a part of and was FORCED to celebrate with you!" Gohan's voice started to crack. "Did you only want to be with me because you felt bad for me? Because I was dying?"

Chi-Chi began to cry. She started to rub her eyes, to try and stop herself from crying.

"Say no…say no," Seymour whispered. "Please Chi-Chi say no."

Ziggy looked at Seymour, his face full of worry. Seymour put his arm around his brother, both praying Chi-Chi would say the right words.

Once Chi-Chi composed herself, she looked at the young gentleman in front of her.

"I'm sorry Boss," she sniffed. "Marie wanted me to take care of you."

"So you were only doing this for my mother, and not for me," Gohan's voice dropped when he spoke his last for words. Chi-Chi lowered her head. Gohan felt a lump in his throat, his eyes starting to burn. Videl took a breath, and ran to Gohan.

"Let's go! You need to give Goku a piece of your mind, and leave these people behind," she said with a brave face. Gohan looked at Chi-Chi one last time, and then said three words no one wants to hear.

"I hate you."