Heyy guys. I have been reading fanfiction for a couple of years now and this is my first story. Please be nice and i will try not to disappoint.! THANKS.! :)


Lisa and Rose were in her bedroom finishing their homework when she noticed that Lisa kept glancing at her.

"What's wrong, Vasilisa?" Rose teased, knowing full well how much Lisa hated her first name; it was almost as much as Rose hated her first name-Rosemarie.

But either Lisa didn't care or didn't notice because she didn't react like expected.

"Please come with me?" Lisa whimpered.

Rose knew what she was talking about almost instantaneously, and was instantly on guard. Why did she have to go to the mall where everyone would stare at the plain differences between the two best friends.

Lisa was perfect. She had pin-straight strawberry blonde hair, emphasised by her wide emerald-green eyes that were framed by long black lashes. Her perfectly straight teeth were hidden behind her gorgeous pink plump lips that were beneath her straight nose. She had the bone structure every girl wanted, and the curves that any model would envy. And since God loves her so much, he also made her family rich. It wasn't any surprise that she was popular.

Rose was not as lucky.

She was the opposite of her gorgeous best friend. Rose had curly, frizzy dark brown hair. Her thick-rimmed glasses hid her brown eyes that were set above her button nose. She had red lips that were slightly off balance and her cheeks were too high up on her face. Her ears were slightly pointed making her look like a hobbit, and she could lose some weight. She was the geek of the school. She let anybody, and everybody walk all over her because she had always had low self-esteem. Lisa was the only person that understood her, besides him.

Lisa was a predator in the shopping mall and was only satisfied once she had been in every store at least twice. Rose couldn't care less. She hated shopping, only because she would always feel hurt whenever she tried on clothes and they were too small. Some people at school mock her for being a nerd and when they run out of insults, they pick on her weight. Shopping made her believe them and she would always end up feeling depressed and Rose knew that Lisa hated seeing her best friend hurting so she tried to get out of it whenever it was brought up.

"I don't know-"Rose started, uneasily.

"Oh, come on. We haven't been to the mall in ages." Lisa begged.

Rose felt her resolve waver as she stared down at her best friends pleading face. Lisa saw her friends' uncertainty and acted quickly.

"Please, please, please. You don't even have to try anything on." Lisa offered, pushing her bottom lip out a bit and widening her eyes slightly. This was her irresistible pout that she used to get what she wanted.

"Fine," Rose hesitated as Lisa started jumping up and down. "But I'm not trying anything on." She finished.

At that, Lisa calmed a bit and stared-disgruntled- at the sofa.

"Oh, alright then." She grumbled, standing up in search of her keys.

When she had successfully managed to locate her car keys that were apparently in her back pocket, they both started walking towards the door.

"Mum, I'm going to the mall with Lisa." Rose shouted through the house. When she heard a faint 'alright then.' They both proceeded towards Lisa's car.

It was a wonderful car. A stunning Baby Blue-custom made- SSC Ultimate Aero TT with a New Twin-Turbo V8, all new aluminium engine block, standard HRE Monoblok wheels and an Azentek Atlas computer infotainment system. It also included a 10-speaker audio/CD/DVD system, video/DVD screen, back-up camera, air-conditioning, and trunk space as standard equipment. The seats were leather and it was probably the thing that Lisa loved most in her life-aside for her family and Rose- as she should, seeing as it cost $485,000 and was only one in twenty-four of the SSC Ultimate Aero TT ever made.

Once they had arrived at the mall and started browsing the stores, Lisa tried persuading Rose- like she expected- to try on some outfits.

"Come on," she started, "Just one top."

Rose had the sudden impulse to walk out of the mall and sit on the curb until Lisa's shopping spree was over, but once she saw her best friends face she sighed, defeated.

Resigned, Rose took the blue silk from her hands and reluctantly walked to the changing booths. After changing into the t-shirt, Rose walked out to get Lisa's opinion. What she saw shattered her world completely.

Sorry the chapter was so short but i am new at this and i just wanted to upload this so that i could figure everything out. I promise that the next chapter will be longer.! Leave feedback. i really want to know what could make it better and if you have any ideas that i can use.! if i do use them i will give you total credit.! thanks.! :)