Phoebe looked at the clock. Looks like times up. She shook her head sadly as she looked at her two sleeping sisters. She just wished she could get them out, but she'd tried every dang spell in the book and some she'd even made up. Nothing worked. With a last ditch effort, Phoebe took a big, deep breath and decided it was time.

"Leo!" She looked up to the ceiling. "Leo, get down here now!" Still nothing and Phoebe was getting more frustrated by the minute. She didn't have time for Leo to be resistant because of his relationship with Piper. "Damn it Leo, you get your ass down here! Piper and Prue are in trouble!"

Suddenly the room was filled with bright blue lights as Leo came down. "What? What's wrong, Pheobe?" He then saw the two sleeping bodies on the bed. "I hardly call sleeping as being in trouble," he said sternly and folded his arms.

Phoebe shook her head and held out her hands to stop him from going anywhere. "They're not sleeping. Piper has been having these crazy dreams lately." Phoebe took a deep breath and explained the whole story to Leo. "She thought that she was just dreaming about you guys, but now, I'm not so sure."

Leo paced back and forth frustrated. "Did you happen to hear any names?"

Phoebe looked at him as if he'd grown two heads. "My sister's are stuck in, God knows where, and you want to know about the names?"

Leo groaned in frustration, "Just humor me Phoebe, I might know where she is."

"I think she said that this Leo fellow thought that Prue and I were Pearl and Phoebe, her cousins. That's all I know, Leo." She shrugged hoping it would be enough.

Yeah, Leo knew exactly where they were. Sadly, he didn't know if he could get her back. He couldn't believe she'd transferred herself to their past life because of him. "I'll see what I can do, Phoebe." He nodded his head towards her and went over to Piper. Maybe if he tried to get into her mind, then he'd be able to bring her back. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. He'd do anything to get her back.

He picked up Piper's body and moved her so her head was at the end of the bed. Lowering his hands so they were by her temples, Leo concentrated as his hands began to glow.

Phoebe watched in amazement. Sure, she'd seen him in action, but somehow this was different. She knew she couldn't do much more but sit and wait even if she wanted to. She just hoped Leo would succeed, or she'd have to take things into her own hands.


"We have to find a way to get my sister out, Priscilla," Prue tried once more. This was getting ridiculous. She couldn't believe Piper got herself into this situation. It was just so unlike her.

"I know, but, like I said, it's not my decision. It's hers on whether she wants to leave. Trust me, if it was my choice, I'd send her home." Priscilla rested her head on her hands when suddenly blue lights surrounded the kitchen. Priscilla turned around and stared in amazement. "Leonardo?"

Leo smiled a bit and shook his head. "Not exactly." He looked passed Priscilla and at the woman who looked like Prue. "Prue," he asked a little unsure.

Prue's head perked up, and she smiled in relief. "Oh thank God, it's you Leo! I'm stuck in this body, and I don't know how to get Piper out of that body," she said indicating Priscilla. "I'm so glad you're here!" She wrapped her arms around him in a hug. She hoped Leo could get them out of this mess.

Leo hugged her back but looked back at Piper. "Prue, could you give us a second? I think I have an idea."

Prue nodded hoping Leo's plan would work, and she wouldn't be stuck here forever without either of her sisters. She quietly left the kitchen to leave the two alone.

Leo turned towards Priscilla. He knew his Piper was in there somewhere, he just had to find her. However, before that could happen, he'd have to deal with stubborn Priscilla, and now she was probably a little suspicious of him. He took a step towards the woman, so he was standing in front of her. "Piper, I know you're in there somewhere."

Priscilla looked up at him with tired but determined eyes. "Prue already tried that. Piper's not here."

Leo wasn't convinced as he took another step forward and grabbed Priscilla's hand. Priscilla jerked back a bit still suspicious of this Leo. Leo sighed and took a step back. "Piper, honey, I know you're in there. Please, come out."

Priscilla sighed sadly seeing the love in the poor man's eyes. As suspicious as she was, she knew that look all too well. She saw it in her Leonardo's eyes way too often. "I-I'm really sorry, but I really don't think you can reach her. She's buried herself in quite a hole." Priscilla swallowed thickly wishing she could ease the man's sorrow, but she wasn't his Piper, and he wasn't her Leonardo.

"Please Priscilla, let go and let me talk to Piper," he pleaded. He needed his Piper. He needed to know she was okay.

"I-I-I can't, I tried that already with Prue! Do you not understand that Piper is gone?"

Leo looked at her and his heart broke a bit. He had caused Piper to hide in Priscilla's body; to enjoy Priscilla's life with her Leonardo. Leo shut his eyes in pain. He just wanted his Piper back. "Please Piper," his voice begged with such thick emotion.

For a brief second Priscilla's eyes twitched a vulnerable brown, "Leo," she asked almost hopefully. Then the spark was gone once again, and he was staring down at Priscilla.

"Piper, come on fight through for me- for us! Please!" He grabbed Priscilla's hand once more and this time she didn't resist.

Again Priscilla's eyes flickered to a more vulnerable expression. "Leo!" Piper jumped into Leo's arms, her Leo's arms not some dream Leo. "But, how?" She stared up at his frame and felt his chest. He was really here, and she couldn't believe it.

"I'm your angel, remember? I'll always be looking out for you." He smiled down at her before hugging her tightly. God, he'd missed her. He missed everything about her. From the way she looked to the way she breathed. He didn't want to let her go and lose her again, so he held her tighter. "You have to want to leave, Piper. That's the only way out," he stated simply but passionately. He could only hope she'd fight.

Piper looked up at him and shook her head slowly. "Why should I go back? Here I have you, well a different version of you, but you none the less. There I don't have much." Tears began to well up in her eyes as he pulled her closer. "It's not fair. Why'd they have to do this to us and make those stupid rules?"

He held her as close as he could breathing sweet nothings in her ear. Telling her it would be okay and everything would work out, Leo kissed the top of her head and lifted her chin so she could look in his eyes. "Piper, no matter what they say, you will always have me. My heart beat is bonded to yours. I'll always be right here," he said pressing his hand over her heart. "Plus, you have your sisters. They need you, Piper. I need you," he mumbled into her hair.

Piper cried some more as a fresh stream of tears sprang from her eyes. Why was he saying all this? She knew that once they got home he'd have to be taken from her all over again. "I know. I just wish I had all of you, all the time, but I know that's selfish. You're right, though. I don't think I could live without my sisters." She snuggled in closely to his chest feeling his warmth. "I can't believe I got them into this mess."

"You'll always have all of me Piper, whether you like it or not. Just know, when I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you knowing someday we'll meet again."He continued to rub soothing circles on her back and to 'shhh' her comfortingly. He put his hand out for her and gave her one last option before it was too late. "Come on, Piper. If you don't come back then there will be no 'us' to fight for and your sisters will miss you terribly."

She looked up into his eyes and nodded slowly. She knew she had to go back. She was ready to go home. She missed her sister, her real sisters, and she missed her Leo. She missed the Leo that called her Piper, not Priscilla. Placing her hand in his, she found herself surrounded by a white light. She closed her eyes tightly before reopening them. She groaned as the light hit her face. "Agh," she moaned as she covered her face. She felt eyes upon her and she rose up looking around. Three pairs of eyes were staring back at her waiting for her to awaken.

She grimaced and rubbed her head. This was worse than a hangover."Prue, thank God you're okay. I'm sorry I got you into this mess." She hugged her sister briefly before turning to Phoebe. "Sorry I didn't tell you two about the whole thing sooner."

Her sisters smiled back at her just happy she was alive and well. "It's okay. It's not all your fault either," Phoebe spoke putting a reassuring hand on her sister's knee. "I was the one that cast the spell which, by the way, I reversed."

Piper smiled at her and Prue. What would she do without her sisters.

Leo finally cleared his throat awkwardly, and Piper looked up. "Leo," she asked lowly hoping this wasn't some crazy dream too.

He smiled shyly and nodded his head. She stood up and ran up to him giving him a hug. Suddenly, she stopped and looked around. "This isn't another sick dream that I'm going to get stuck in, is it?" Her sisters shook their heads before running over and hugging her. She smiled happily knowing she was herself again.

"Don't ever scare us like that again, missy," Phoebe said hugging her sister tighter.

"Yeah, we thought we lost you for good," Prue agreed hugging her tighter as well.

Piper smiled at her two sisters glad that she didn't leave them. She would miss them too much. "Are you kidding? I love you guys too much to leave you." Hugging her sisters tighter, she looked up at Leo who had untangled himself from the sisters. Piper smiled a small thanks to him to which he simply nodded.

He took one glance at the sisters and decided to leave them to their moment. However, before he could even reach the door, Prue unlatched herself from her sisters and ran over to stop him with Phoebe following close behind. "Oh no buddy, you two need to talk." Prue smiled over at her sister, Piper. "We'll be downstairs if you need us." Pointing to Leo one more time as if in warning, Prue grabbed Phoebe, and lead her outside the room.

Piper placed her hands in her pockets nervously at the same time Leo did. Realizing the identically interaction, She nervously laughed and dropped her hands. "Thanks for, you know, everything, Leo."

He nervously rubbed his neck before smiling and looking at her. "You know I would do it again in a heartbeat, Piper."

"I know." She looked down at the ground before looking back up at him. "I'm sorry that you had to come down and save me, especially with the circumstances." She continually looked at everything but him. She couldn't look at him. She knew that if she did, she'd fall right into his arms all over again, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for him to leave again.

Leo walked over and gave her a hug. "You know you can call me whenever you're in trouble." He looked down at her. Why was she looking at the floor? What had gotten into her? "Piper," he said lifting her face with his hand. Sadness overwhelmed him as he saw tears running down her face. "What's wrong?"

She sighed gloomily and laid her head on his chest. "I just don't want you to leave yet."

Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he rested his chin upon her head. "We have a little bit of time."

She extracted herself slightly from his arms to look up at him. "Yeah, but how much time, Leo? A second? A minute? An hour? I just hate this." She pulled herself out of his arms and turned towards the door not looking up at him.

Hesitantly, he took a small step forward but then stopped. "You're right, this isn't fair to you." He sighed hating the fact her did this to her. "Maybe, you should just try to move on. That's the only thing that would be fair to you," he said remorsefully. Of course he didn't want to lose her, but he also didn't want her to always have to wait for him.

She turned around a bit angry. "Move on? Do you think that's going to be easy for me? I don't want anyone else, Leo. If it wasn't for the God damn Elders, we could be together like we both want." She shook her head frustratingly. "But, I don't want you to give that up. That wouldn't be fair to you."

He sighed tiredly before looking back up at her. "So, where does that leave us?"

"Honestly, I-I don't know." She gazed downward before looking back up at him. "I guess, we move on," she barely choked out. She didn't want to. She loved him with all her heart, but maybe it was for the best. I mean, in her dream life or past life or whatever the heck it was, similar circumstances were keeping them apart. It made her realize that maybe she and Leo were doomed to repeat the same relationship.

He walked over to her and gave her one last hug. "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do." A tear slipped down his cheek as he lifted her chin and gave her one last chaste kiss. He felt her rest her head on his chest almost instinctively. "I'll always be one call away, Piper, if you're ever in any trouble, okay?" Piper nodded in his chest, and he could feel her grip tighten. "I love you, Piper."

"Love you too," she mumbled not ready to let him go just yet, "always."

Leo smiled sadly down at his brunette, "Always." With that he was released from her grip. "Bye, Piper."

She turned slightly to her side not completely willing to watch him orb away. When she knew he was gone, she turned around as her breath caught in her throat. She ran to the bed and collapsed. "Bye, Leo," she barely whispered out as the sobs began to come. She didn't know how long she'd cried for, but she felt like her insides were being ripped apart and eaten.

Prue and Phoebe made their way up the stairs hearing the whole conversation from the vent in the kitchen. They both walked in to see their sister collapsed on the bed shaking and crying. They could only imagine the pain she felt. Both sisters looked at each other before nodding and making their way over to Piper. She was the one that needed her sisters right now.

Prue laid down by the backside of Piper and wrapped her arms securely around her sister, while Phoebe laid in front of Piper and let her middle sister rest her head upon her chest. Phoebe wrapped her bottom arm around Piper and listened to her sob.

Piper felt her sisters as they comforted her, and she could only think how lucky she was to have them. She couldn't convince herself quite yet that she could get over Leo, but she also knew it would take time. While her whole body broke down, there was still a little piece of her heart that believed Leo and she were meant to be together and that they'd find a way. But for now, she would draw the strength and love from her sisters until that day came.

The End...

A/N: Well, I hope you liked the story! Special thanks to Patricia () for reviewing and all those who read the story as well! I wasn't planning on writing a sequel unless otherwise persuaded or hit with inspiration. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Remember, I do love reviews they are much appreciated! :)