It was a bright sunny day here is the city of Netopia where human and robots alike all work and live together in peaceful time's that is until the dark axis decided to show up, when they do a top secreted group of defenders called Gundam Force who helps bring about peace by protecting the people of Netopia from evil of all kinds,

In this story a young girl gets caught up in the middle of the fight between those two opposing forces, Join Daisy in her adventure where she friends both new and old, help the force of good fight the dark axis, learn the meaning of true friend and maybe even find true love.

Here we find a girl with midnight black hair with a single purple strike in her hair that was up in a high ponytail, bright red eyes were checking time on here sliver and white watch for the umpteen time in the pass five minutes with a tired sigh from her lips as a bell finally rang out signaling the end of the school day. I got up out of my seat and raise my arms above my head to get the kinks out of them before i gathered my things together, and place them into my bag pack.

"Now class exams are next week and don't forget to study " The teacher said as everyone filled out the door with some students muttering they will.

Once i got out the class room i headed to my locker my books in and take the ones i needed for my exams, closing the door to the locker i turn in time to see my best friend Alyssa who had short brown hair with green eyes smiled at me as she greeted me.

"So where are you headed to now? Alyssa asked while we both walk down the hallways together.

"Oh I was thinking of head over to shouts place for a while since i haven't seen him in a while." I told her as we dodged the students and made our way to the main door.

" Really that's good you're getting out, me I have work in a hour then I'm going out with my boyfriend after that " Alyssa said once we got through that main doors to the outside." man we really have not had the chance to hang out much lately these days " I told her with a exasperated sigh.

" I know how both we go clubbing after our exams are done we haven't done that in a while? She asked me once we got to the side walk and headed down it since she lived not far from the school and I only lived a little farther away.

"That sounds great I've been wanting to some dancing to some good music lately" I agreed whole heartily with her, happy with the tough of dancing at the club." Then its settle we go when the exams are done "Alyssa declared coming to a stop in front of her home, we soon bide Farwell to each other as she went inside and i continued on my way home.

Fifth teen minutes later i finally me it my home or well should i say my uncle Ron since it is his home I'm living at now, why well you'll find out later why if i feel like telling you that is. Well anyways I reach the front steps before going up them, opening the door where i went inside before closing it behind me.

When i got inside I took my black sneakers off my feet where I then in and out of the way from getting stepped on, I then walk in my socks down the hall way. To the wide stair case where i made my way up them until i came to the top and proceed to my room. Entering my bedroom i quickly changed out of my school uniform and in too tight dark blue long sleeve shirt, over that came a red sleeveless jacket vest, for my pants I put on a white pair of pants that came to an end just below my knees which had small slits on the outer side, on my hands were a pair of black fingerless gloves, and lastly I put goggles on top of my head.

After I was all dress I made my way out of my room where I headed back down the stairs and down to the basement where I know that I would find my uncle down there in his work shop which toke up the whole basement. Looking around a bit i spotted him sitting down at one of his many computers typing away on the white keyboard. Smirking to myself I quietly snuck up behind him grabbed hold of his shoulders and yelled out "What are you doing ".

He was so deep in thought Ron jumped about a feet in the air before he fell to the floor all the while i was laughing as i clutch at my midsection from the force of the laughter," Ha very funny " Uncle said once he got over his shock stood up " Sorry i had to do that since you were so in to your work " I gasped between laughs until i finally calmed down and helped pick up the chair from the floor when he fall from it.

" So how's she coming " I asked after a moment of silence went by watching him resume his typing which pause while he concentered my question before moving again when he answer me " Well she is coming along fine I should be done with her soon then i just have to paint her " I nodded my head even if he can't as i casted my gazed at the smaller shape of a female gundam " That's good to know " Yes you did a great job in design her " He muttered as he got back in to his work.

" Anyway that's not what i came down here for I came to tell you that I'm head on over to Shute's place and see what he's up to these days "I told him as i returned my gaze back to him. " I see then make sure you call if you're going stay over for dinner "He said looking up from his computer screen." Yeah knowing Shute's mom she'll never let me live without eating something " I whole heartily agreed before i said bye and went back up the stairs.

Once I got up to the main floor and the door to the basement was closed I head back out to fount door got my sneakers out and back on to my feet then I headed back out the door which I made sure was closed behind me, walking a few feet from the house I pulled out a tiny cobalt blue bored which grow into the size of a real skate bored after i had tossed it into the air, it floated a foot from the ground before I hoped up on to the hover bored I toke off on it at a normal pasted since i was in no rush to get there.

Sometime later I made it Shute's place where I hopped off my hover bored which cause it to shrink down in size as I put it back into my pocket where it belong, After that was done I walk the rest of the way to the light blue home and knocked on the front door, then I waited until someone open the door which turn out to be Shute's mother Keiko answered it as always. Keiko smiles once she saw it was me "Daisy it's been a while since i last saw you, so how have you been?" She asked while moving to the side to leave me in where we preceded to the back of the house." Oh you know been fine just busy with school what with it getting to the end of the school year " I told her just as we walk outside to the back yard." That's good to know "So where's Shute gone at?" I asked her when we sat next done on the table that was set up, " He's gone playing in the park with his new friend he brought by earlier but he should be back soon " Keiko told me while she pick up her little girl in her arms from the play pen she was sat in." New friend? 'I said out louder as i wonder who that could be knowing he don't have many friends." Yes but i don't tell you but just left it as a mystery for you and that reminds me you have to stay over for dinner I'm sure my husband mark would love to see you again " She told me while handing nana over to me to hold I laugh silently to myself knowing full well she was going to asked me that sooner or later to which I agreed and made a comment on how cute nana has gotten since i Last saw her.

Five or so minutes later and Shute came around the corner with a blue and white gundam walking just behind him, I gaze at the gundam for a moment wondering why he seems so formulary to me but i quickly shock that thought out of my head as I handed nana back to Keiko when Shute got a better look at me a wide grin formed on his face which I happily returned as i watched him dash over to stand him front of me after i had the change to stand up swiftly grab a hold of him and gave him a good old noggin to his head while he laughed and tried to get away only for me to noggin his head hear to the point he was begging me to stop.

After a while my arm grow tired to i let him go who rube his sore head still sporting that grin on his face, "Ow did you have to do that so hard " Shute asked me while I told him yes i did which cause him to pouts " any way's Daisy it's good to see you after a month of not seeing you " Yea sorry i been sorry busy with school and but luckily the exams are coming up so I'll have more time to come over and hang out " I told him as i laughed at his pout face " well that's good, oh right daisy this is my new friend Captain I meet him the other day " Shute told me looking over at his friend who was stand off to the side of us remembering that he was there.

Captain no wonder he seem formal to me that must be the new gundam that uncle Ron talk about the SD having I thought to myself while I greeted him to which he return and i could not help but noticing that he has a nice sounding voice but a bit monotone, Keiko then asked me help her bring in nana while she brought in the play pen that she had pack up while me and Shute where talking, I picked up her up and fallowed her into the house.

Once I was sure she didn't need me any more I left the kitchen while she prepared dinner and went back outside in time to see Shute take off of his roller blades I also couldn't help but noticed that caption was not any in site expected a streak of light in the sky which seems to the bee were Shute was head, getting worried I know where they were going there was going to be trouble I decided to follow from behind on my hover bored but not before telling Keiko that we were going for a walk until dinner was ready.

I arrived shortly after them at the harbor pier to Captain pinned down under 3 giant metal shipping creates, a red evil looking Gundam on top of them, and 3 robot cranes nearby that had a strange red and black horn on their head with glowing red eyes. "You annoying human pest take this "The red Gundam shouted out as he raise his guns at Shute meanwhile Captain yelled for him to stop.

Moving fast I jumped off my hover bored and tackled in to Shute and knocked him out of the way just as the bullets hit where he was standing. "Daisy where did you come from "He asked me as I help him up " I come on my bored when I saw we leave early I followed knowing you get into some kind of trouble " I told him as we looked on " But I'll explain later we have more important things going on right now " I finish saying as Captain suddenly shouted at the both of us to get out of their while Shut said he was staying and me agreeing with him.

Shute started to spin his arm as he shouted "You can do it "while Captain said yes I can and he started to glow bright yellow, I continued to look on in awe when he was able to lift the heave creates off of himself with a glowing hand then said "Soul Drive Activate "he throw off the creates and the red gundam all at once all the while I could not help but think wow while said awesome.

Captain then jumped pass all three creates that he had kick away into the air spinning his arm, the poor red gundam could any manage to say " Here comes the pain " as captain came him a big old upper cut to his chin who said that's going to leave a mark and I couldn't agree more with that. The three crates from before knock off the weird horns on the cranes making them return to normal, The evil red Gundam and his minions where sent flying back into a big yellow and purple gate which closed once the cranes sent their ship through which I missed was their the whole time.

Once captain landed he said soul drive deactivate which cause his glowing yellow hand to stop glowing, Me and Shute made our way over to him and congratulated him on betting the bad guys. Who in turned thanked me for saving Shute back there.

Later that day we went back to Shute's place while sadly captain had to return back to his base, after dinner was ate we went back out to Shute's workshop where he draw a picture of captain and muttering how much he miss captain as I tried to cheer him up by saying that he may see him some day unknown to me that I was right about that until said blue and white gundam came down through the whole that was left in the roof to his workshop and once he explained that to me I Nodded my head.

"Good after noon there Shute, Daisy "Captain said once he landed, which had use shocked at seeing him their but we could not help wonder why he was there in the first place not that Shute minded since he was just happy to see his friend again and I has happy know that he was happy at least." I have my chef's approval and that you're the key to unlock my soul dive. "He said to us well more to Shute then me but I did not mind I didn't want to intrude in their happy reunion so I just stayed back from them.

"Which means "Shute asked him knowing the answered but just wanted to hear it to make it real. " Which means? I can come visit you any time I want too "Captain told him which made Shute shout in happiness and hugged him and I smiled in content at watching those two knowing that they are going to be live long friends.