Well Danielleee was in fact right I was rushing the story a bit due to some writers block so this is my new last chapter. Thanks for reading and reveiwing and everything! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

A week or so before.

Caroline stepped from the bathroom wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top with a blue cartigan. Klaus turned around and smirked. "Morning, Caroline."

She blushed slightly at the way he said her name. Caroline looked away from him. He seemed far to happy to her.

"Ready?" He asked. She looked around the room and realized that he had already put their bags back into his car. This flustered her a bit. She wasn't sure why, but the fact that he left her alone for any amount of time was slightly upsetting. 'I am probably just still shooken up from yesterday.' She told herself and shook her head.

Klaus was in front of her immediatly when she didn't answer. "Are you okay?" He asked looking down at her with concern. She jumped at his sudden closeness.

"Uh...Yeah I'm fine. Let's go."

His eyebrows rose and he looked his gaze was searching her eyes to see if this was the truth. Then his mood suddenly changed as always and he stepped back smirking. "Let us go then."

Caroline followed him out the door and to the car. It did not escape Klaus' attention that she was far less reluctant now. This made him happier than it probably should have.


Klaus stood on the other side of the graveyard as they held the funeral service for Caroline. He walked solemnly to where all of her 'friends' were standing. The same friends that played a part in her death. He reminded himself as he walked to where people were setting flowers and he set down a single rose and then stood back.

He glanced around at all the people who were standing around. They were staring at him with a look somewhere inbetween shock and something he couldn't quite figure out. Was it guilt? Regret? Sympathy? Maybe all three?


"So..." Caroline said trying to sound casual as she stared out the window.

Klaus looked at her curiously. "So?"

Caroline turned to face him. "Why did you save me?" She asked her curiosity finally forced her to ask the question she had wondered since this morning.

Klaus chuckled. "You think I'd let you of the hook that easy, love?" He teased. "You promised to stay with me and if I recall correctly, sweetheart, that deal didn't involve me letting you get murdered by a crazy revenge seeker." She rolled her eyes and frowned looking back to the window. She mentally slapped herself for thinking it would be anything more. Why would she want it to be more? She wasn't sure why but she most deffinitly did.


Klaus stood at Caroline's grave and set down a single rose as he did every year for the past fifteen years. That's when he heard someone behind him. He figured it was just one of Carolines friends coming to mourn her death until he heard her voice.

"Klaus." She said softly.

He whipped around and saw Caroline standing there. That's it I've finally lost it. Klaus thought to himself.

"Caroline." He breathed.

He was in front of her suddenly holding her shoulders to make sure she was real. "How-" He was about to ask but then realized at this exact moment he didn't really care.


"I figure we'll stay here for the night." Klaus said looking over to see Caroline nod sleepily.

He ran to the other side of the car and opened her door for her. Klaus held out his hand and Caroline took it knowing she was to tired to stand on her own. She leaned on his shoulder as he walked her into the hotel. "Could you make sure we have seperate beds tonight." she said as they got to the front desk.

He rolled his eyes but nodded.

They went up to the room and Caroline was asleep the second her head hit the pillow. Klaus sat there staring at the ceiling for an hour before he heard her crying. He looked over to see her tossing and turning. She was having a nightmare most deffinitly. He ran to the side of her bed. "Caroline." He said shaking her lightly.

She opened her eyes and they were filled with tears. She threw her arms around Klaus' neck and pulled him to her. silently crying into his shoulder. She didn't want him to let go, she felt so safe in his arms she didn't want to be alone. "Klaus," She said before thinking about it. "Don't let go." He pulled away just enough to see her face.

Klaus looked down at her and smiled lightly. "I won't." He slipped under the covers and pulled her to his chest and wrapping his arms around her. "Nothing is going to hurt you." She smiled into his chest and slept soundly the rest of the night.


Klaus brought Caroline into his arms choosing to ignore that nagging thing in his mind telling him the reason he didn't see Caroline in 15 years was because she didn't want him to. He pulled back and looked at her eyes. She was smiling but her eyes were filled with tears. Then she pulled him forward and they were kissing.

That is the reason he chose to ignore that nagging feeling because it didn't matter how miserable those 15 years were without her, because now she was here and she was kissing him. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

OK so this is the last chapter. If your confused it's ok because I am a little confused as wall. anyway I hope you liked this chapter. I am working on another story right now it's another Klaroline story it should be up sometime soon so if you wanted to check that out...Anywho, thanks for reading and reviewing and so on and so forth! :)