A.N; Hey Guys! Just a little one shot based around one of my new favourite songs 'Mamma Knows Best' by Jessie J! And I know, I know I should be carrying on with my other stories, it's just I need to find an inspiration.. However corny that sounds ;) Anyway, on with the story! PuckleberryGeek :') xx

PS; By the way, in this story, I'm going to pretend that this was an original song written about her Finn-shaped problem. Everything will be explained in the story! And Rachel was given a complete makeover by Santana, Quinn and Britney, who have since become besties :D

It was just a normal Monday in Glee club. You had Mike and Tina in one corner, whispering sweet little nothings into each others ear before all of a sudden making-out like there's no tomorrow, only ever coming up for air, which normally didn't last long.. Then you had Kurt and Mercedes having mini disagreements with eachother about the things they were talking about; Whether it be about fashion or fishing, something each person didn't have a clue about, but could still have a differ of opinion over. Normally Blaine would be sitting next to Kurt, laughing at their choices of words as they tried to insult eachother, but he was really ill with the flu and it didn't look like he was going to be here the next couple of days either.

Santana, Britney, Quinn with Matt, Sam and Rory were sitting together, each sitting paired with their respected others, hysterically laughing with Artie while he was goofing around, wetting themselves at each awful dance move he came up with while listening to his iPod. Sam was literally crying and Santana was rolling around on the floor while Quinn had her hands over her eyes, separating her fingers once in a while to see what he was doing next. And as she had just got over her last laughing fit, she was only to be sent into a new one when she peeked through her slim fingers again. Rory was just grinning like an idiot while he lazily had his arm thrown around her chair, not really paying attention to Artie, but rather at Quinn, who he thought looked beautiful when she was happy and laughing. Britney, while giggling like an innocent schoolgirl, got up from beside Sam and started dancing equally as badly beside Artie; making the others die.

You would of never of thought it, but Quinn and Rory strangely had found an amazing relationship with one another when Rory had tripped off the stage in rehearsals and somehow broken his leg in three different places. Quinn had only visited him in hospital once every few days like the rest of the glee club did because they couldn't find the time to come everyday, but soon enough Quinn came everyday, each day finding out something interesting to go and tell him about and after a week of visiting him, they bother realised they had so much in common; From their sense of humour, to their annoying habits. After that they officially came out as boyfriend and girlfriend to the club.

And then Sam and Britney had gotten together after a recent glee project. Sam adored Britney; How innocent and girly she was, yet how fierce and protective she could be over the people she loved and cared for, and Britney loved Sam because of how understanding he was. He didn't patronize her when she didn't get something straight away and he had never once called her dumb, like some of the people who hadn't bothered to get to know her first thought of her.

Santana and Matt have been together since sophomore of highschool. Sure, Santana was still a huge flirt, but Matt didn't mind because he loved her so much he was just willing to accept that as part of her. He loved her because of how protective she was of The New Directions and how she didn't care what anyone thought of her, especially on how they felt on her being in the club.

Once, Will from the hockey team budged past her and called her a loser for being in glee club. So then she made a plan of revenge. She and Rach, who was brilliant at impressions, even better than Sam, hijacked the sound system and made an announcement to the whole school. Rachel pretended she was his mother and said "William Davidson, please come to the courtyard. I washed your lucky X-Men underwear, but didn't have time to dry them, so they are hanging from the top of the gate pole. Good luck in asking Suzy Pepper out, honey! Mommy loves you very much!". Then they hung a pair that they borrowed from Matts' 6 year old brother on top of the gate, so everyone could see.. He never made fun of the club again.

So as you could see, she is very scheming when it came to revenge.

Santana loved Matt, because whatever bad mood she seemed to be in, he could always calm her down and make her happy. Most of the time just with a simple kiss on the forehead with some soothing words, other times it included the two of them in a janitor's closet. She loved how he got her; the real her. Unlike most people at the school who just thought she was a slut, but never called her up on it because they were so terrified of what she would do to them. So you could say that 99% of the people in the room at the time were very much in love.

Puck wasn't doing anything. Okay, that's a lie; He was actually constantly checking the main clock in the room, wondering how much longer his best friend/future wife and mother of his children would be. Okay, she didn't know about the second one, but he was pretty sure he was her most awesome all time, badass partner-in-crime.

However pussy-whipped he sounded then, it wasn't his fault, because she totally was all of those things. They had been best friends all their lives. They were always getting into trouble together. Like once, when they were 8 and they accidentally scratched Mrs. Goldenburgs' car and they blamed it on Finn. Okay, he puts up his hands up on that one and admits it was his idea to blame it on Finn.. Like it was also his idea to scratch the car and say it was Finn, but Rach didn't have to know that.. What? It wasn't his fault that Finn got selfish and started to try and take Rach away! try being the main word, because he can't even do that right.. It's no secret that they don't like one another, but they put on a show in front of Rach, just to keep her happy.. And so she doesn't rip their balls off and wear them for earrings, like she threatened to do once when Finn was being an asshole and Puck was doing absolutely nothing wrong..

But it's not like he didn't have a right to be protective over her. They were eachother's first kiss at the age of 7 .. And then they were eachother's first when they were 14. Whenever she's having a bad day, he's the one she comes crying to; Not Finn freaking Hudson. Whenever he's feeling angry or whatever because Finn rubbing his relationship with her in his face, he goes to her to bitch and whine about it; only not giving away he's talking about her and instead of saying Finn. She gives him a while before she's sure he's got it all out; And then tells him to man up. Simple, but it seems to work everytime. She would never say it, but she thinks it works because it's her saying it. Anyone else and he'd probably kick their ass, even though he would never confess his true feelings to anyone else anyway. But they had a strange relationship.. Let's just say, whenever one's sitting on a police station bench, they can always rely on looking to the side and seeing the other one sitting there next to him/her with an equally bored look on their face and be able to admit they fucked up and it would never happen again .. Getting caught, they mean. They'd always be badass rebels, no matter how many times Finn tried to stop them.

3 minutes of constant clock watching and cringe-worthy dance moves later..

Rachel entered, in all her black leather glory, drawing all the attention to her as she normally did when she graced people with her presence when she entered a room. Trailing behind her, a very sorry-looking Finn Hudson.

"Rach.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen! It just did! I know what I did was wrong, but that does not give you the right to turn around and break her no-" Finn didn't even get to finish that sentence before Rach turned on her heel and punched him as hard as she possibly could, taking pleasure in hearing the crack and then that thump! that meant that she had broken his nose before he had fell to the floor, crying in pain. She suddenly then kicked him hard in the stomach to make him role over onto his back, then kneeled down and leaned towards him, grabbing his hair to make him look up at her.

"Yes, Finn. That gives me every right to break her nose, and you should be thankful that's all I did." She whispered, terrifying everyone in the room, well all except Santana and Puck, who both seemed amused at how calm she sounded. Well, more of the fact that it happened to be her who just punched Finn so hard he's crying like a little girl for Puck, who sat there with a huge grin spreading across his face like wildfire and leant into his chair and put his hands over his face to stop the laughter from coming out and probably ending up on the floor with Finn from the mood Rach seemed to be in.

Rachel let go of his hair, letting his head fall to the floor and smirking when he let out a grunt of pain at the contact his head made with the floor. Then she got up and locked eyes with Puck. She chuckled to herself when she saw the amused look on his face and when he patted it, she sat down in the spare seat next to Puck, just as Mr. Schue arrived with a huge red hickey on his neck. It was obvious where he had just been, what shocked them was that they thought Miss. Pillsbury was a prude.. Obviously not.

"What is going on here!.." He shouted, his first pleasantly dazed look being replaced by a shocked one as he saw Finn rolling around in pain on the floor. As he helped him up and sat him down, then handed him a bucket as he looked like he was going to be sick, he saw his left eyed was beginning to swell up, his nose was out of place(clearly broken..) and bleeding heavily, and he kept spiting out blood into the bucket as well as having a split lip. When he saw what they were all looking at, wide-eyed, he quickly covered up his neck by pulling up his vest. One of his many vests he seems to own.

"Would any of you like to explain?.." After the heat in his cheeks had cooled down. When no one answered he asked again; "Come on guys, who did this?.."

Yet again he was met with silence, so he scanned the room, looking for a guilty conscious, avoiding people who he was sure couldn't hurt a fly, even if they tried; meaning Kurt, Artie, Rory, Quinn, Tina, and Britney..

Santana was inspecting her nails looking rather bored. "Definatly not her.. Even though I could see her doing this.. I bet she could even kill him and hide the body.."

Matt and Sam was looking at Finn, horrified at how beat up he was looking. They also looked pretty shocked. "Okay; Not them.."

Mercedes sat there quiet, looking straight at Mr. Schue, not knowing what was going on. "Not her, looks too confused.. Though she's also capable, I'm sure."

Mike was too wrapped up in Tina and probably had no idea what was happening. "I don't think it was him.. Oh, they have got to stop doing this! Damn teen hormones!.."

And then he finally turned to Puck and Rachel, who both had an evil glint in their eyes.. It was kind of creepy to be honest."I'm pretty sure Finn and Rachel are dating, so obviously that just leaves Puck.."

"Okay Puck, you know the drill. To the principles office, I'll be there in a minute.." Mr. Schue said tiredly, going deep into thought trying to think of what to say without lying so Puck won't get suspended because this would be his third fight in three weeks.

"HOW ARE YOU SO SURE IT'S ME/HIM?.." Puck and Rachel both shouted at the same time angrily, making everyone jump, even Santana who normally had nerves of steel, and bringing Mr. Schue out of his bubble and back to the real world.

".. It isn't you? Mr. Schue asked, shocked. He was so sure..

"No it wasn't him; that would be be." Rachel said in a mix of confidence and bored-ness, the anger gone from her face like it was nothing, checking her nails. Mr. Schue looked at her in bewilderment.

"Rachel?.. Why would you do this?"

"Because.. If that asshole thinks he can get away with even thinking about cheating on me, he gets his ass beat. When I catch him cheating on me with some skanky, nasty-ass, walking STD Cheeri-Hoe-" She pauses, then turns to look at her three best friends, who are also part of the Cheerio's; "No offence, guys" "None taken, Ray" They all say at the same time, smirking at the verbal attack she's launching at Finn.

"- As I was saying, when I catch him cheating on me, with someone who's a fucking ugly, fat ass ogre, I might add; His ass get's beat in private, but not before I make sure the unattractive thing who I'm sure is an extra out of 'Star Wars; Battle Of The Ugly Bitches' is dealt with first.." She said, smirking evilly.

"Good on you, Ray!" Santana cheers from the back, laughing. Soon enough everyone else is, except Puck, who's looking at Rachel in amazement. "Oh my God I love this crazy badass!.. Wait, did I just say the L word?.." He thought to himself, shocked.

"Oh and by the way Finn, I hope you know we're now over. I know your pea-sized brain along with that beating you recieved may not be able to take all of that information in at once, but please do try to keep up.. See you in the principles' office, Mr. Schue" She said after a final thought turned and said "You know the drill.." Added a wink and then left, leaving everyone staring after her, each person with a different thought..

"Oh my Jesus. Such a badass.. I wonder if one day she can teach me the fine art to add to my swag bank.."

"Ughhh; Is this what dying feels like?.."

"Ahaaa! Finn is SUCH a freaking loser! .. I think there maybe a slushy for his face tomorrow which I will gladly help do it's purpose.. That's if he can walk tomorrow.."

"Hell to the no! Lanky ass white boy DID NOT cheat on my my homegirl! I'mma take him to the carpet!"

".. I just figured it out. I, Noah Eli Puckerman, sex shark of Lima is officially in love with Rachel Marie Berry."

A.N: Ooooooooh drama! Love it! You figured out who's thoughts are whose? ; ) I want to know your thoughts on it so far! I could of easily done it as a long one, but I'm just that evil! No, I'm not really evil; I'm lovely really! ;) But anyway, it's not a full blown story as I originally wanted it as a one-shot, as you can see at the top^^ , BUT I want to see what you guys think so far! PLEASE REVIEW! And you might just receive a virtual cookie made with my love! ;) Thanks you guys! PuckleberryGeek xx