Hello and I'm back with another story and as always I hope you will enjoy this story and tell me what you think.

Here we go!

I was sitting in the great hall on one of the tables just looking up at the fake sky, I was the only one there except for the teachers who were sitting talking up at the high table. Tomorrow I was going to start my last year at hogwarts, I sat playing with the time turner that was around my neck and threw my head a little to the side so my long black braid fell down my back again. Mom had given this to me in my fourth year so I could take some more classes, I could still remember Dad's expression that day and how he just shook his head at us calling us both insufferable know-it-alls. I looked up at the teachers table and saw Dad roll his eyes at something uncle Harry said and Mom just laughed at them. I saw how Mom took Dad's hand and he pulled her just a bit closer to him. I looked back down at the time turner.

Even though I thought that it was awkward when ever Dad kissed Mum, I was pleased to know that they were still in love after all those years. They weren't like a normal couple, they never talked about love at first sight or even mentioned how they had started dating. From the clues I had gotten from Grandpa Albus, I understood that they didn't like eachother very much at first. All I knew was that Mom had used to be Dad's student.

"Celeste!" I looked at the door and saw Salina running towards me as fast as her little legs could carry her. After her came Sebastian, he walked behind her with long strides smirking at our little sister. Salina ran up to me and started to climb up and sit next to me and Sebastian sat down on her other side.

Sebastian was my twin brother, he was only two minutes older but he took pride in those two minutes and was constantly teasing me for it. We both had black hair and Dad's black eyes, but he was more like Dad than I was. He had a hint of Dad's nose and length, I was a bit shorter and didn't have Dad's nose. I was a Slytherin while Sebastian was a Gryffindor, and as soon as we had gotten into our houses we had been named the Princess of Slytherin and the Prince of Gryffindor. That didn't mean we fought, we argued like brother and sister always does, but he was still my best friend.

"What have you been up to?" I asked Salina and Sebastian and he smirked.

"She charmed-" Sebastian started, but Salina slapped his thigh and then looked at me.

"I charmed Jamie's hair pink!" She said and I laughed so hard the teachers looked at me and I quickly hid my smiled behind my hand. Salina was so happy over my reaction she was shining like a sun.

Salina was in our opinion the most beautiful child ever born, all the other students thought so too. Six years old, heart shaped face with big golden eyes and auburn curls. She looked more like Mom than any of us, but she had Dad's temper.

"I have to go, there is a potion I need to check," Sebastian said, he stood up and started to walk down the aisle. Then suddenly his hair was pink and he stopped instantly and slowly started to turn to me and Salina. I heard Mom laugh from the teachers table and I started giggling.

"Is my hair pink?" He asked and I was going to deny it but couldn't hold my laughter in. "Salina" He said slowly and Salina crawled behind my back.

"Yes Sebby?" She said and I laughed.

"I'm going to get you for this" He said and Salina lifted by braid to look at him.

"I request a ten seconds countdown before you start running," She said and I laughed even harder.

"Agreed," Sebastian said and Salina started running down the hall.

"And you aren't cheating, I'm impressed," I said and he smirked.

"She didn't say how fast I was going to count," He said and started ro run after her and Salina squealed.

I saw Celeste start to walk down the aisle and she met James. All the teacher's children were here now so it wasn't strange to see him here. He and Celeste started talking and I heard Severus frown next to me.

"Please, Severus," I said and he just raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's happening now, isn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"I think so."

Suddenly James took the time turner and started fingering with it.

"James, stop it! You don't know what you are doing!" Celeste said and tried to get the time turner.

"How hard can it possibly be?" James said and then the faint ticking noise started.

"James, give it to me!" Celeste said.


"Give it to me or I'm going to kick your sorry Gryffindor ass!"

"Good girl," I heard Severus mumble and I smirked. Celeste grabbed the time turner and just then the ticking noise stopped and Celeste dissapeared.

It felt like I apparated, only I was feeling much worse than I used to when I apparated. I couldn't feel anything under my feet, I didn't feel or hear anything around me. Then there was a flash and I could suddenly feel the ground and as soon as I did I fell down on all four and I could hear voices everywhere. They soon stopped and I tried to get a grip of my head, trying to get up. I slowly began to get contact with my muscles and I stood up and realised I was standing in the great hall, but there was students everywhere staring at me. I looked up at the teaching table and saw Grandpa Albus sitting in the headmaster chair. But Grandpa was dead, he had died two years ago! I looked to his right and saw Grandma Minerva and then to his left and saw Dad. But he looked much younger. I then saw Mom sitting next to Grandma looking confused at me.

I then felt the time turner in my hand and looked at it. I had gone back in time.

My vision started to get blurry and soon everything went black.


When I opened my eyes I realised I was laying in a hospital bed.

"She is awake," I heard Poppys gentle voice say and then I saw Grandpa walk over to me. Poppy then walked away to check on another patient.

"And who might you be, young lady?" He asked and I wanted to cry. I had missed him so much, since Dad didn't have any parents, he had told us to see Albus and Minerva as our grandparents on his side of the family. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him like I had always done when I was a kid. He got surprised but let me hold on to him. Then I pulled away quickly and wiped the tears away from my cheeks.

"I'm not supposed to tell you," I said keeping my voice steady looking at him. I knew enough about time traveling that you were not allowed to disturb the passage of time, the consequences could be horrible.

"I only need my time turner back," I said and he gave the clock to me. It was broken.

"I figured you had to be a time traveler since you were holding this. But it's broken and I have not yet found a way to send you back." I looked at the broken time turner and then looked up at him.

"I'm Celeste...Celeste Snape," I said and I could see him get surprised, and then the usual twinkel returned to his eyes.

"And can I ask who your mother is?"

"Hermione Granger," I said and he smiled.

"I knew it! I knew they wouldn't hate eachother forever," He said and looked at me. "Do I know you in the future my child?"

I nodded and then started to cry. "Your my Grandpa," I said and furiously wiped away the tears. "I have missed you so much!" I said and he hugged me again. The smell of old books and lemon candy was just the same as the one I knew when I was a child. He pulled away and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Am I not with you now in the future?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You died two years ago, you fell asleep one night and you never woke up," I said before I could stop myself but he just smiled.

"But I live now, and I must find a way to send you back. Until then I need you to have a cover." He stood thinking for a while and then the twinkel in his eyes returned. "For now you are Celeste Dumbledore, my cousin's daughter. You can be an apprentice if you want," He said and I nodded.

"I'm really good in both Potions and Charms," I said and he nodded.

"Of course, since both your parents teach them, then you can be an apprentice for both of them. Maybe you can make them like eachother a bit more," He said and I smiled.

"Is there any other Snape children in the future?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sebastian is my twin brother and is just like Dad, and Salina is our little sister who looks just like Mom." I then got sad when I thought of my siblings.

"Let me show you to your room," Grandpa said and I nodded and walked after him. I grasped the locket that always hanged around my neck, there was a picture of me, Sebastian, Mom and Dad in that locket. I missed my twin so much, he was my courage and I was his sneak.

It had been so much easier if Sebastian had been here...

Later that night I was standing infront of the whole staff while Grandpa introduced me.

"This is my cousin's daughter, Celeste Dumbledore. She will be an apprentice here for a while. She will be your apprentice Hermione and-"

"How nice that Miss Granger finally has a playmate," I heard Dad sneer and I stared at him. He would never had said that to Mom in the future.

"Snape, I'm 23 years old and has grown up, I can't say the same about you though. How old are you? Isn't it time to think about retiring?" Mom snapped.

"I'm 37 Miss Granger-"

"And acting like a child."

"Rather that than be one," He said and Mom was about to say something else when Grandpa broke her off.

"And will also be your apprentice, Severus," He said and Dad stared at Grandpa and then at me and sighed.

"I don't want an apprentice old man," He said and it actually hurt that my Dad said that. Sebastian and I had always been with Dad in his lab working on potions. As long as we didn't disturb him we were allowed in his lab.

"I assure, Professor Snape, I will not need to much help from you. I had the best potions master in the world on my last school so I know how to avoid blowing up the place as all the other dunderheads do," I said and Dad looked at me for a while. Then looked at Grandpa and rolled his eyes.

That was a yes!

The meeting ended and Mom walked up to me.

"Nice to meet you, Celeste," She said and I stared at her and Mom looked uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry! Nice to meet you too, Professor," I said and she smiled.

"You don't have to call me that, Hermione is just fine," She said and then walked over to Grandma. Madam Hooch and Sinistra then walked over to me.

"We are just going ask you something," Sinistra said. "Do you think there is something going on between Snape and Hermione?" I looked between Mom and Dad. Dad was standing talking to uncle Harry who was the new DADA teacher and Mom was over with Grandma.

"Perhaps..." I said and they smirked in victory. I was the result of 'something going on between them' so I should know.

"Any time they meet the whole place is sparking with tension, the sexual kind. God, I can't belive Hermione hasn't jumped him yet. The man must be an animal in the sack, don't you think?" Sinsitra asked me and I felt sick.

This was going to be a hard time, I thought and touched my locket.