A/N: B.V. The Epic gave me the idea of showing each of the characters feelings towards Crona's death. I decided I was going to have each character visit Crona's grave and say a little something. And then I'll have a little surprise a few chapters later :3 Thank you for the reviews, they really mean a lot to me.


February 16th 2009

'A loved friend and a courageous warrior'

That was what the gravestone read. Maka never liked that rock. Not just because everytime she saw it, it proved that her best friend was really gone. But the grave was so incomplete. It was decided that Crona's last name wouldn't be engraved onto the stone. Maka knew he wouldn't want to be remembered as the child of Medusa, so she refused to let them carve that evil woman's name onto Crona's grave.

Therefore on the stone the only name that was engraved was 'Crona'.

The sixth of February was the worst day of Maka's life. It was forever marked as the day her best friend died protecting her. Died because of her. There was no birthdate because no one knew what Crona's birthday was. Stein figured he was around 16 but he still didn't know the exact month or day.

So the only date on the stone was the worst day of Maka's life.

The phrase at the bottom was something the whole group agreed on. They wanted Crona to know that he was loved because he really was. Everyone loved Crona even though he was a little different from the group. He had some trouble being social and 'dealing with things' but everyone loved him just the same. Especially the scythe master.

He was courageous too. He would try his best to stay quiet and reserved but Maka could see the look of bravery in his eyes whenever his friends were threatened. Crona was incredibly noble and very bold when he needed to be. She wanted him to know that too. That he was a courageous warrior. The most courageous of them all.

Maka wished the phrase on the grave could have been longer. She wanted to fill the whole stone with all of the great things Crona was. Actually in order to list all of the things Crona was, Maka figured she would need a whole graveyard because so must greatness couldn't fit on one stone. This made her smile a bit. Crona really was an excellent friend.

But now...

Crona was gone.

Maka approached the grave and a sad smile made it's way onto her lips. In the cemetery that Crona was buried in there was one cherry tree in the middle. Crona's stone was placed at the foot of the cherry tree. Maka thought it was a nice place to have the grave, she could always find it easily.

She had been visiting the grave every Tuesday for 3 months now. Maka still felt the need to keep Crona company.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Soul was busy so he couldn't give me a ride and I had to walk here. Don't worry though. I needed the exercise." She said to the stone.

She knelt down to the grave and pulled a small object from her pocket. It was a golden marigold.

"I got this for you. I saw a whole bunch of them on my way here and...I don't know I really like marigolds. They look like the sun."

She placed the flower at the foot of the grave. "I though that...if it's dark...wherever you are, maybe this could help give you some light." Maka said.

"Hah, that even sounded cheesy in my head. Sorry about that."

She looked at the grave like she expected it to respond. She really wished she could hear his voice once more. She didn't.

"I miss you Crona. It's not the same without you." She whispered. Maka leaned forward so her head was touching the gravestone. She shut her eyes and tried to imagine that it wasn't a grave she was leaning against. She pretended it was the door to Crona's dungeon cell and she imagined that Crona was on the other side. Alive and breathing.

Maka's eyes began to water and her vision became blurry. Her hands clenched into fists.

"I'm so sorry. I should have been more alert and I should have been able to save myself...It's not fair." She was sobbing now. "You didn't deserve this. Not any of it. It-it should have been me." Her tears were raining onto the grave. She lifted her hand and grased her thumb over the engraved name.


She must have read the name a thousand times and she still didn't believe it. It didn't make sense. It was so unreal. It shouldn't be real.

"I'm sorry Crona. I have to go now. I'll come back next week I promise." She stood up and walked back the way she came. As she approached the gate of the cemetery she turned back once to look at the cherry tree. There was a small blackbird perched on one of the branches. Weird, Maka didn't remember seeing that bird there before.

The blackbird watched the girl with the pigtails leave the cemetery. Once she was out of sight it bowed it's head and made a disappointed sounding chirp. It then took off to the sky, flapping it's wings a little less then elegantly.