DISCLAIMER: this story originally belongs to 494dwangel, whose version is titled 'Unwanted'. This is only my spin-off. I also do not own anything in relation to the show Supernatural. I only own Kitney Winchester (but not her last name, because that's in relation to the show).

For the life of her, Kitney could never remember a time when her life was on the fast track to happiness. According to her mother, her father had ditched them when she first told him she was pregnant. Having worked as a waitress her entire life, Jane didn't really have the money to support a baby, so she never had the ideal childhood. There were never any birthdays or Christmases, and Kit rarely even saw her mother since she worked so often.

Of course, she didn't really care all that much. After all, if you've never had something in the first place, you can't necessarily miss it. Kitney wasn't actually aware little kids didn't raise themselves until she was nine, when one of her classmates parents saw her shopping at the grocery store by herself. She'd managed to pass it off as her mother being in the restroom while she finished getting all the things they needed in the cart. It was the moment Kit finally realized that it wasn't normal for a mother to never be around. That was when she started reading every book and watching every movie she could get her hands on, to learn what the world was really supposed to be like. What families were really like.

It was Kitney's anger towards her mother's neglect that caused her to feel very little when she watched Jane get dragged under her bed by an unseen force only three days after her twelfth birthday. She continued on with her life as normal until her next door neighbor realized her mother hadn't come home in three weeks and reported it.

It led to her current situation, sitting on the top of the stairs in the town home her mother rented while two men she'd never met before argued in her kitchen. They were apparently her older half-brothers on her father's side, Sam and Dean Winchester. To say they were put off by her mere presence in the world was an understatement. Apparently, their mother had died when they were young and they never expected their father to move on.

From several grief counseling books she'd read in her spare time, Kitney could conclude the two were not only naive but utterly ignorant, too. To assume one would never move on after the death of a loved one was ridiculous, even if the so called 'moving on' was a slew of one night stands across the country. She also concluded that their anger in regards to her being alive was rather irrational. As if she could control the fact that their father, hers too she grudgingly admitted, and her mother decided to roll the dice with an outdated condom.

The only reason her two older brothers had come to her house was due to the fact their father had apparently flaked and was missing entirely. When the police had called John Winchester's cell phone number, the only number they could find in regards to him, his voice mail had alerted them that in case of emergency they should call his son, Dean Winchester, which the police then decided was the best course of action.

Kitney heavily disagreed. It was obvious from the look on the older Winchester's face the moment he walked through the front door of her house that he hated her. It was to her immense shock that the knowledge of his disdain actually hurt her.

As she sat at the top of the stairs, she forced herself to deduce the logical reasons that would lead to the emotion. Jane's careless attitude in regards to her had only made her angry, never sad. Her classmate's adverse reactions to her might have caused her to become rather socially inept, but it didn't sadden her.

"Sam, are you fucking kidding me?" Dean snapped from the kitchen downstairs, "You want to take that... that little... I don't even know what to call her. Dad's mistake? Our bastard sister? The illegitimate Winchester? On the road with us!"

"Dean, something got her mom. Kitney's witness statement said that something grabbed her ankle and pulled her mother under the bed. When she looked for her, Kitney said she was gone and that something told her to go back to sleep."

"She's a kid," Dean snorted, "She probably got so scared that she made the whole thing up so she didn't have to actually remember what happened."

Kit rolled her eyes heavily, leaning her chin on her fist. Of course, her insignificant twelve year old mind couldn't possibly comprehend the occurrences of that night. She also couldn't tie her shoes or brush her teeth.

"She's twelve years old Dean, I think she knows what she saw. You can't honestly tell me that you think her mom was kidnapped. There was no sign of forced entry, nothing was stolen, the alarm system didn't even go off. There were marks on the ground going under that bed. Something happened here, Dean," The younger of the two snapped back, "We can't just leave her here, to be put in the system."

"You're being ridiculous," Dean exclaimed, almost audibly rolling his eyes.

They were both being ridiculous in Kitney's opinion. The nagging ache in her chest got worse and worse every time her oldest brother spoke. He really despised her very existence. With a silent sigh, she stood off the top step and quietly walked into her room, dropping unceremoniously onto her bed and digging a book out from under the blanket.

The paper back copy of Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carol was quite out of sorts, the front cover was almost completely torn off and a good portion of the pages had been haphazardly taped into place. Most of her books were in the same condition. She'd bought most of them at garage sales with the money Jane had left her for groceries.

With careful and deliberate movements, she opened the pages to where her bookmark, an old Wal-Mart receipt, was placed and began reading. She only got a few pages in before there was a knock on her door, soft and hesitant. Kit rolled her eyes; it was most likely Sam, the one who wouldn't openly show his hatred for her but would still harbor it.

"It's not locked," She stated, turning another page in her book nonchalantly as her half-brother ducked into the room.

"Hey, uh, Kitney," He gave a forced smile, obviously put off by the sight of her room.

It was predominantly covered by stacks upon stacks of movies and books. Her bed, which was actually just a mattress pushed into a corner with a cocoon of blankets near the pillow, was also piled with books. Clothes were folded cleanly just under her window, once again surrounded by books, and her backpack was sitting just beside her door, unzipped with a slew of thick, hardcover textbooks spilling out.

"So, what did you come up with?" She questioned, not looking up from the page she was reading.

"Oh, uhm," Sam trailed off for a minute, still slightly stunned by the sheer number of books in her room and the absolute lack of furniture.

Kit closed her book softly, glancing up at him with an irritated look on her face, "Yes?"

"Dean and I, uh, decided that, uhm, it might be best if you came with us. Is this your, uh," He cleared his throat as he looked around, "Is this your room?"

"Yeah, this is my room. Jane's was down the hall on the left, if you wanted to check out the scratch marks I imagined," She stated in a mockingly serious tone.

Sam blinked for a moment, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at her. With the exception of the brown eyes that she, himself, and their dad shared, Kitney didn't resemble any of the Winchester men all that much. But the look she was giving him was one he quite recognized. It was the same look Dean gave him when irritated. It was the only thing he really needed in order to be sure they were actually related.

"Look, Kitney," He sighed, nimbly stepping around her hoards of books and sitting on the floor in front of her mattress, "I know our first impression wasn't the best. Dean's got a stick shoved so far up his ass I don't think it's ever coming out and I don't do well with surprises. That doesn't make up for how we treated you though, and I'm sorry."

He could see the internal struggle the twelve year old sitting in front of him had and it astounded him. She was trying to crush the little flicker of hope that had been lighting her dark hazel eyes, not allowing him to sway her opinion of them.

"Doesn't matter," Kit stated a moment later, setting her book down on top of her blanket and standing up, causing Sam to do the same, "You can't change what's already happened."

Sam smiled when she walked around him and headed towards her door, watching her messy, light brown hair sway all the way down to her hips in kinked waves. There was definitely a shine of the Winchester attitude in little her, of that he was certain. He shook himself out of his thoughts and followed her down the stairs, noticing with another smile how she seemed to hop down the steps.

"Don't you have any food?" Dean demanded rudely when she reached the bottom, causing Kitney to blink a few times to hide her emotion.

"Not right now," She stated, looking away from him and towards the living room, "I haven't gone grocery shopping since Jane got taken. Are you guys gonna stay overnight?"

Dean opened his mouth to respond, but Sam promptly cut him off, "If you have the space. There's a motel just down the road."

Kit's small, freckled nose twitched slightly, "There's one guest bedroom. One of you could sleep in Jane's old room, but I wouldn't suggest it. He doesn't like when strangers go in there. I'll make up the pull out bed from the couch."

She turned to go back up the stairs, only to have Sam stop her by grabbing her arm lightly, "He, Kitney? Who's he?"

"The thing that took Jane," Kitney stated, giving the pair a look that dared them not to believe her, "He liked the room after he took her away, so he came back."

"He liked the room?" Dean snorted and rolled his eyes, "Do you really think that thing just liked the room?"

"That's what he told me," Kit pursed her lips, feeling tears rise in her eyes but not letting them fall, "I don't care if you believe me or not."

She quickly pulled away from Sam and hopped calmly back up the stairs, heading for the linen closest at the end of the hall. There was a shuffling sound inside of Jane's old room as she passed, causing her to walk faster.

"Dean!" She heard Sam snap in a hushed tone, "Stop being such an asshole."

"It's a fucking malevolent entity, Sam," He hissed back, "You can't honestly believe what she said."

"I believe that whatever it is told her that's why it was staying," Kit could almost hear Sam gritting his teeth, "I'm a little more worried that it's talking to her."

Dean was quiet as Kitney collected some mismatched bed-dressings, ignoring the sounds of scratching coming from Jane's room. She'd gotten used to her visitors odd sounds and had stopped bothering him except for when she was trying to sleep. Getting back down the stairs with the pile of sheets was not as easy as Kit expected it to be and she nearly tripped half way down, only to be caught by an unseen force that left as soon as she regained balance.

"Kitney, what was that sound?" Sam asked, walking out of the kitchen and around the stairway.

"I slipped a little," She replied nonchalantly, managing to find her way down the stairs with no further accident.

Both of her brothers seemed to exchange looks with each other before their eyes found their way back to their little sister. Kitney neatly placed the bed dressings on the floor and went about pushing the heavy coffee table out of the way so she could pull out the couch, ignoring Sam's offer to help and Dean's scoff. Pulling the bed out wasn't actually as difficult as it should've been, as she once again was helped by something the naked eye couldn't see. She murmured a soft thank you that neither of her brothers could hear before quickly making up the bed and setting a pillow near the top.

"We don't have any more spare pillows, I'll go grab mine for you," She stated before turning and loping up the stairs before either of the boys could respond.

"I think she's mentally stunted," She heard Dean state nonchalantly.

"Dean, what the fuck?" Sam snapped back, causing Kit to roll her eyes as she waded into her room of books and snatched the pillow off her bed.

"She doesn't even seem the slightest bit upset by the fact that something literally grabbed her mother and pulled her under a bed. Not to mention the fact that the thing that took her mother is still living in the house."

"She's probably repressing it, Dean," The taller of the two Winchester boys responded angrily, "Do you really expect her to be able to comprehend what's going on?"

Before Dean could respond, Kit came hopping down the stairs once again, quickly switching the covering on the pillow before placing it next to the other, "Is there anything you guys want to eat? I'm gonna go to the store."

"Whatever you can make is fine," Sam stated with a smile, elbowing his older brother roughly in the stomach.

Dean hunched over with a grunt, "Yeah, whatever."

The pair watched as she slid past them and into the kitchen, nimbly crawling onto the counter and getting on her knees to open one of the cabinets. Sam jolted forward, intending to grab her before she fell, but barely made it a few steps towards her before she was climbing back down.

"I'll be back in an hour or two," She said, pulling out a couple of bills from the jar she'd retrieved from the cabinet, "Make yourselves at home."

Dean and Sam watched as she pulled on a knitted hat and matching scarf with her winter jacket before heading out the door without another word. The kid was a puzzle to the pair of them—a highly unwanted puzzle in Dean's case.

"Can't we just get out of here while she's gone?" He demanded gruffly, glaring at his younger brother in a characteristically petulant manner.

"You are a terrible person," Sam stated with a disbelieving laugh, "She's spending the last of her money to feed us, you jackass, there's nothing left in that jar. And that pillow she went back to get? It was the only one on her bed—if you could even call it a bed. She has been nothing less than absolutely polite to you and all you do is snap at her."

"Are you saying that I don't have a reason to be mad?" Dean demanded loudly, "Dad had a kid with another woman, Sam!"

"And you're blaming it on an innocent twelve year old girl!" Sam yelled in response, throwing the glass jar in his hand on the floor, causing both brothers to freeze.

"You broke it," Dean delegated quickly before darting out of the kitchen and into the guest room, where he promptly slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Jerk," Sam muttered, only to have Dean respond a moment later with a loud, "BITCH!"

Ah bon~ So, that's the end of the first chapter.

If you read, please be a dear and leave a review, anonymous or otherwise.

And thanks to 494dwangel for letting me create a spin off of her story. (It's quite appreciated).