
Chapter 35

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. They belong to Hasbro and Takara. I am merely taking them for a short spin.

Ratchet made busy work for himself taking inventory in the med bay while waiting for Kup to drag Hot Rod back. He wanted a few words with the young Autobot. Really Ironhide's job at the moment, but Ratchet felt he needed to intervene. The medic had calmed down a bit. Maybe an actual confrontation wasn't the best action to take. A calm discussion about responsibilities would suffice.

Ratchet perked up when he received a comm from Kup, asking for a bridge. Seconds later, he appeared, dragging Hot Rod along, giving the younger mech a gentle shove toward the medic.

"Don't be too hard on him," Kup said, eying the medic.

Ratchet rolled his optics. "I won't hurt him. This is not a matter that warrants physical harm, is it?"

Kup frowned, turning his attention to his charge.

"Lad, just talk things through," he said. "Ratch can be a good listener. Sometimes."

"What a lovely compliment," Ratchet muttered, a wrench appearing in his hand from his subspace pocket. "Get lost so I can talk to the sparkling."

He set the wrench down as Kup disappeared around the corner, heading for the living quarters.

"What happened this time?" Ratchet asked.

"A difference of opinion between Springer and I," Hot Rod said.


"Nothing," Hot Rod replied.


"I said it was nothing," Hot Rod said.

"Optimus isn't nothing," Ratchet said. "He seems to enjoy your company in more than a friendly manner. You know how complicated that makes things, don't you?"

"I'm well aware," Hot Rod said.

"What did Kup have to say?"
Hot Rod shrugged.

"I thought you and Blurr were close," Ratchet said.

"We are," Hot Rod said.

"It's a simple solution then, really," Ratchet said. "If you care for them both, do something about it. If not, make your decision and move on."

Hot Rod gaped at the medic, who smacked him in the back of the head.

"I can't believe I'm saying this—just don't let it get in the way of your duties," Ratchet said.

"I'll try," Hot Rod said.

An honest answer, and Ratchet let it go.


Springer continued working on the report Hot Rod was supposed to write. He didn't look up as Bluestreak sat down beside him, snaking an arm around his shoulders. They were in the hub, and Springer didn't need to know where Blue's gaze was locked-watching Ratchet and Knock Out with Breakout.

"Want one?" Bluestreak asked.

"A sparkling?"
"Yeah," Blue said.

"Someday," Springer said.

"She's cute," Blue said.

"And fussy and noisy," Springer added.

"She's fussy because she came a month early," Blue said.

"For that, I hope I'm there when Knock Out and Breakdown catch up with Megatron," Springer said. "I think that would solve a lot of problems."

They were all protective toward the tiny little femme, and Megatron deserved a special place of his own in the darkest, deepest depths of the Pit for what he'd done to Breakdown. Carrier and sparkling were doing better, and Knock Out wouldn't leave either. Springer couldn't blame him, nearly losing them both. And then there was Ratchet, who was suddenly Knock Out's new best friend. Maybe it was a medic thing, or the fact Ratchet was carrying, but the two had bonded over the harrowing experience they'd recently endured.

"I wonder what Ratchet's sparkling will be like?" Bluestreak said.

"A loud, demanding little fragger," Springer said.

"You don't like sparklings?" Bluestreak asked, arms now crossed.

"I never said I didn't," Springer said. "How can I like something I've never been around before?"

"Sparklings are cute," Bluestreak repeated.

"That's the only one you've seen," Springer said, nodding toward the other mechs and sparkling. "And cute doesn't make up for all the hard work a kid makes."

"It would be different if it were ours," Bluestreak said.

Springer set down his data pad. "Blue, you're not starting this again, are you?"

"What's to start? We're together. We're going to bond, eventually, and why not try for a sparkling?" Bluestreak said. "Doesn't mean we'll succeed."

Blue did have a point. They could always practice. Didn't mean they had to spark merge or anything. "Fine."

Springer found himself knocked off the bench and onto the floor, Bluestreak's weight pinning him down.

"Really?" Bluestreak said.

"Yup," Springer managed, noticing Ratchet and Knock Out glaring their way.

Then he was yanked to his feet, data pad shoved into his hands as Bluestreak dragged him toward their quarters.

Hours later, Springer stared down at Bluestreak, who was deep in recharge. He couldn't refuse the other mech anything. He was the only bot in the universe, besides Hot Rod and maybe Kup, that Springer would do anything for. There would be hell to pay if they succeeded, and he knew damn sure Bluestreak wasn't going to be satisfied with one try. Hell, he was afraid. He wouldn't admit it out loud, except maybe to Rodi, but they were treading on dangerous ground.

What would Prowl do to them when he finally arrived?