Author's Note: HELLO AGAIN, Fanfiction! How I have missed you! Yep…it's me…Nrdygrl! I have returned! :D This new story is a lot different than "A Dragon's Detour." However…I like to change up the characters I focus on. Okay…Season 2, (in my opinion) is going fairly well. In the premiere, Discord was SO awesome. (I wish they would have kept him in the show. :p) Now, I'll admit, I like the Dislestia pairing. (I thought of it before I even saw it all over the internet. :J) So I figured I'd write a story centered on it. This one will be kind of long (but probably NOT as long as my other one.) and with take a while to write. However, this prologue is short and…well….it's a start :)
The sun golden's aura had faded away from its true brilliance that day. There was no hints of joy on Celestia's pale face. The radiance of her goddess-like coat and mane had died away. The light had faded from her violet eyes. She sat still and silent on her throne. Her eyes were fixed on the floor below her. There was a palace guard on either side of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see them glancing at each other questioningly. Concern was on their faces. The royal guards would normally feel a bit overwhelmed standing near Celestia, even though they saw her every day. All the same, her power and brilliance would make them weak at the knees, and awe would fill their souls. Today they seemed more fearful and full of shock than anything. They could only wonder why their princess was looking so depressed. Celestia took a deep breath and rose to her feet. The guards jumped. She turned her head and smiled a little.
"I am going out to the gardens," she said calmly.
"We...we should like to go with you, Your Highness," said a gray pegasus guard, clearing his throat to correct his nervous, cracking voice.
"No need for that," Celestia replied shaking her head.
"'s for your protection, Princess..." said the guard nervously.
"I'll be fine," she replied raising her hoof. The guard flinched and cowered down in fear that she was mad at him. He nodded and didn't try to argue with her again. Celestia turned and exited the throne room.
"They should know me by now..." she said to herself, chuckling at how afraid the guards were acting. But then was unusual and it seemed no one was acting like they should...all because she wasn't acting like herself. All because of...what today was...and what she knew was going to happen. She dare not tell anyone. How could she? How could she admit her knowledge? More could she stop...him? She never wanted it to come to this...but time passed so quickly. How could she have forgotten? She blamed herself. Now…she would have to take matters into her own hooves. And could she? The pain that rested on her shoulders was almost too much to bear.
Celestia continued to walk, gracefully and slowly as she entered the gardens. The roses were in bloom. She gazed at them. Their beauty made her face lighten a little. However, it faded eventually. She turned toward the hedge labyrinth. As she walked closer, she noticed the stone ponies staring down at her. She paused and stared down at the grass.
Will he hear me? She wondered silently. Can I remind him of…everything he used to be? Can I prevent…what I know he will do? Is it too late? After thinking to herself, she took a deep breath and walked forward again. She had to try…as ridiculous as it sounded. After all…Celestia…the princess of the great land of Equestria…in all her shining glory….would be talking to a statue. And it had to be done…for so many reasons.
Celestia finally saw him. There he was before her…one clawed hand stretched out…the other lion paw resting on his serpentine torso. Celestia approached him slowly. His name sent shivers down her spine every time she thought of it. Her heartbeat grew faster the closer she got to the stone figure.
"Discord…" she tried to say, but her voice failed her and she ended up whispering it. She swallowed hard as her lips and knees trembled. She closed her eyes to calm herself down and regain her composure. "It's….it's been a long time. The years….they…they are nothing to me. They pass so quickly. So much has happened since…." Her voice trailed off. However, right now, there was nothing more she could say. The memories came and she could only hope that he could see them too…that he could read her heart. Decades…centuries…millennia…they all flew by as Celestia travelled backwards in her mind. She could see it all as plainly as if she were looking at the scene. When everything started, it was a beautiful day. However, everything is always beautiful before fate changes that…and the world plummets into darkness.
Continued Author's Note: My brain is constantly coming up with ideas. This is one of many. I hope to write more frequently now. HOWEVER…life is….busy. Lol :D Here's a side note: I updated my profile A LOT (added more things I like.) Anyways…I'm SO excited to be back. I'll try and update as soon as I can. :) Later!