A/N: the last chapter! I wanted to make this the best chapter in the story. It is a little longer I guess. thanks to every one who read and followed this story! I love you all! Don't worry though, i will be making a different story in the regular show area. It seems all I can write are romances. I guess that's just how my brain works. Anyways, enjoy!

Rigby's P.O.V

Rigby ran into the church, hands out in front, and yelling "wait! Wait!" everyone was staring at Rigby. But he didn't care. He was looking straight at Eileen. Rigby had a worried look on his face. His eyes were glassy, and he was out of breath. Rigby had decided to get Eileen back, so he ran to the church as fast as he could after everyone left for the wedding. As he continued down the aisle, people were giving him looks of disgust, and surprised- especially Benson, Mordecai, and the rest of the gang. He saw Eileen, her face full of delight and surprise. Rigby hadn't worked out what he was going to say, so he just had to wing it and make it meaningful.

"Eileen…I…I…please don't do this," Rigby started, but it wasn't enough. He had to say more. "Eileen, please don't say yes… because… I love you! There, I said it. I love you Eileen. I don't want to lose you… I know what I did a few years ago, but you have to forgive me. I was confused at the time. I didn't know what I was doing! Now I do, and I'll never do that to you again…" Rigby paused and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block off the path which tears flow. He opened them again, and continued. "Eileen, please…I want you with me, and in my life. Please, Eileen, listen to me," Rigby was done talking, and he put his arms at his side, and looked at Eileen; she was beautiful in her gown, with a pearl necklace dangling from her neck. Then Rigby looked at the floor, angry that he barged in on such a special occasion. Then he felt embarrassed, until he felt a soft hand grab his. He looked up to see Eileen, and he gripped her hand tighter. He looked into her eyes, and felt comforted. Eileen reached her arms forward and around Rigby's body. She whispered in his ear, only loud enough for him to hear, the words "I love you, too Rigby".

Rigby hugged Eileen, glad to have the one he loved back. He wouldn't mess this up again. They parted, and Eileen walked back up front toward Tuck. She said to him "I can't do this… you aren't the one that I love. I'm sorry," and turned back to her friends and family, and said "I'm sorry", specifically towards Tuck's side of the room, where everyone he knew was sitting. Rigby started to feel his face get hot now that no one was next to him, and he was looking straight at the people that were giving him nasty looks. The majority of the angry people were in Tuck's family, and basically everyone in Eileen's family now had faces that looked as if they were going to cry-if they weren't already.


Rigby looked up at the starry sky with Eileen at the park lake. It had been almost a month since Eileen was getting married, and Rigby couldn't be happier that she didn't. Rigby was going back to the coffee shop now every day so that he could see Eileen. Ever since the two had become close again, they had started to come to the lake almost every night so that they could talk for an hour or two. They would talk about their day, tell a few jokes, and tell stories. On a few instances, they had even fallen asleep there. Don't worry, Rigby was still the complaining, lazy, and irresponsible person that he always had been, it's just that it all went away when he was around Eileen. She brought out the good in him. But, they still hadn't kissed since that incident the night of their second date. Rigby thought he would change that. Rigby leaned over Eileen, who had closed her eyes. Rigby was a little unsure if he should do what he was about to, and he had made his decision when he started to lean in, getting closer and closer to Eileen's face. Rigby closed his eyes and gently kissed Eileen. Eileen's eyes opened and closed them again when she saw what he was doing. She reached and put her arms around his neck. This time, when the kiss ended, Rigby didn't run away, he just stayed leaning over Eileen with a smile on his face, Eileen smiling back. Rigby lie back down and put his arm around Eileen, the two looking at the stars together.