A/N: I meant to post this sooner, but my laptop wasn't working for some reason. :( I'm hoping that while I type this it doesn't shut down again. This is the last chapter for this story, and then I'll be working on the sequel to this one.

Disclaimer: I don't own the 39 Clues


So maybe it's true that I can't live without you...


Dan's P.O.V. A few days later...

A few days later, the Cahills stood in Jonah's backyard. It was Valentine's Day and the party was in full swing. It was about eight o' clock, and the stars shown brightly. There were lanterns strung above them all; glowing orange. A chocolate fountain stood on the table, due to Dan's pleading.

"We did a good job, huh?" Dan said. He had a quiver full of plastic arrows strapped to his back, much to Natalie's nervousness.

"I suppose," Natalie replied, shrugging.

"Everyone seems to be having a good time." Dan said, looking around the backyard.

"Mhm," Natalie said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Alright, everyone! It's time to give out valentines!" Jonah said, holding up the purple and red box that held the valentines. He took out a valentine and held it up. "It's for Sinead," Jonah said, grinning. "From Hamilton."

"Hey! I thought this was supposed to be anonymous." Hamilton said, red-faced. He avoided Sinead's eyes.

"It was at first, but I decided it would just save time to tell everyone who gave the valentine, yo." Jonah said.

"Wait, how did you even know who put valentines in there?" Dan asked.

Jonah smiled sheepishly and quickly changed the subject. "Here, Sinead!" He handed the valentine to her.

Sinead took it and read it to herself. She had a small smile on her face.

Jonah took out another valentine. "This one's for... Amy! From Luke."

Luke and Ian glared at Jonah. Amy took the valentine and read it. She looked at Luke. "Thank you." she said, softly.

Luke nodded and looked away from the jealous Kabra.

"That's it," Jonah said.

"Are you kidding me? That's it?" Nellie said.

"Yeah, apparently you people don't feel the love!" Jonah snapped.

Jazmine sighed. "Can we get back to the party now?"

"Whatever," Jonah grumbled.


You know that it all takes my breath away...


Amy's P.O.V.

Amy looked at her relatives. Dan and Natalie were dancing with each other, much to her own amusement. Jonah was singing love songs. Hamilton and Sinead were dancing with each other, although Hamilton kept stepping on Sinead's feet. Nellie was dipping food in the chocolate fountain. And suprisingly, Luke and Jazmine were dancing with each other, seeming to be having a good time. Ian and Belle had gone back inside for some reason.

I wonder if Ian's mad that Luke gave me that valentine. Amy thought.

If he was, he was bound to be furious when he found out about her secret admirer.

"Amy!" Belle said, running out of the house towards her, Ian right behind her.

"Belle? What's wrong?" Amy asked.

Belle held a bouquet of roses in her hands. "It's for you. It came in the mail."

Amy took them hesitantly and opened the card that came with them. She read:

I hope you like roses. I wasn't sure what kind you wanted, so I hope roses are okay. Happy Valentine's Day, Amy.

Love, Evan Tolliver

Amy looked at the card in disbelief. It was the same handwriting that the secret admirer had!

Evan's my secret admirer? she thought, shocked.

Ian was seething. "Who is Evan Tolliver?"

"A classmate of mine," Amy replied. "I can't believe he's my secret admirer." she murmured to herself.

"What?" Ian said.

"Nothing," Amy said, quickly.

"Evan Tolliver?" Dan said, walking towards them. "That computer geek with the glasses?"

"He's not a geek," Amy muttered.

"Well, what else would you call him?" Dan said.

"I-I..." Amy stuttered.

"That's what I thought." Dan said, triumphant.

While they were having this conversation, Ian was muttering some unflattering things about Evan.

"Ian, calm down." Amy said. "It's not that big a deal."

"Of course it is!" Ian exclaimed. "Doesn't he know I'm your boyfriend?"

"We-well..." Amy stuttered.

Ian's eyes widened. "You mean you didn't tell him?"

"I-I didn't know he liked me in the first place!" Amy cried. "I would have told him if I knew..."

"You still should have told him! He wouldn't have asked you on a date if you had!" Ian snapped.

"He didn't ask me on a date!" Amy said.

"He bought you flowers, Amy. If that wasn't asking you on a date, I don't know what is." Ian said.

"Uh oh, Mommy and Daddy are fighting again." Hamilton muttered.

"This is just like watching a soap opera." Dan muttered.

"Oh, and how would you know that, Dan?" Natalie asked.

Dan's eyes widened. "I don't watch soap operas! I'm just assuming that's what they're like."

"Sure you are," Belle teased.

"I swear I haven't watched any!" Dan said.

Hamilton snickered. Meanwhile, Ian and Amy were still bickering on who-knows-what.

"Maybe we should take a break." the Cahills heard Amy say.

Everyone stopped talking.

"Is that what you want, Amy?" Ian asked.

Amy looked down and said nothing. Ian sighed and walked back into the mansion.

"What just happened here?" Madison asked.

"They broke up," Sinead whispered.

"And they were so good together." Belle murmured.

"Why did they even break up?" Dan asked.

"I don't know. You guys were so busy talking, I couldn't hear." Nellie said, looking at Amy in concern.

"Amy..." Sinead said. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Amy whispered, still not looking up. "I'm just going to go inside now." She walked back in the mansion.

"Poor child," Alistair said, sympathetic.

"What are we going to do?" Luke asked.

"What else are we going to do? We're going to play matchmaker." Nellie said. "We've got to get them back together."

"We don't have time. We're all leaving tomorrow." said Reagan.

Jonah grinned. "Well, you're all coming back for spring break."

Hamilton smiled. "Then we'll get them back together next time we see each other."

"Dan, Nellie, make sure to keep Evan away from Amy. Do whatever you can." said Belle.

Dan grinned, mischieviously. "No problem."

"I don't like that look on his face." Jazmine muttered under her breath.

"Then it's settled. Operation Get Amy and Ian Back Together is in order!" Jonah said, grinning.

"This is going to be an exciting spring break." Nellie muttered.


Two Is Better Than One...


A/N: I made Ian and Amy break up. :O I'm sorry that Ian and Amy were out of character in this chapter. Sorry about that, but there's a sequel to this one! It's when the Cahills go to Jonah's beach house for spring break. It'll be called Operation: Survive Spring Break. I hope you liked this story! Please, review!