**********Marceline's POV*************

I ran through the rain in hopes Marshall Lee would be home. I got in his cave and knocked angrily on his door. "Marshall Lee! Open the door!" The door opened to see my boyfriend floating there. "Well! Someone's angry today!" "Shut up. It was cold and rainy outside." I floated in his house. "Well that doesn't mean you have to be mean to me." "I'm sorry babe." I hugged him even though I was wet. "Ah!" He yelped. We both started to laugh. "Hey, can I take a shower here? For one, I'm dirty, for two, I'm cold, and for three, the storm is probably going to get worse." "Ok." I floated up to his bathroom and set my soaked clothes in the sink. I was about to take off my bra when heard the door click as it was closing...I had closed the door before I started undressing. Oh, Marshall is in so much trouble! I angrily opened the bathroom door. "MARSHALL! YOU ARE SO DEAD!" I floated around the house in nothing but my bra and underwear. "Where are you?" I heard a snicker behind me. I turned around quickly to see him in bat form holding my clothes in the top corner of the room. "Marshall! Give me my clothes!" He turned back into vampire form. "No!" "Marshall...clothes. NOW!" "How about...no." He started flying around trying to get me to chase him for my clothes. Upstairs, downstairs, even in the cave outside the house. I followed him back in the house. He went back upstairs to his room. I followed. He laid on his bed. I realized what was going on..."WHOA! No freaking way!" "So close!" He laughed. I slapped him in the face. "OW! That hurt!" "Good! Serves you right!" "I was just kidding Marcy! Geesh!" "Oh, well, you wanna kiss?" "Heck yeah!" "After I get a shower." "Fine." "Perv." "But I'm a hot perv." "Yeah, can't disagree with you there." I gave him a kiss on the cheek as he turned red. I got my shower he lent me one of his shirts and one of his pairs of pajama pants. We snuggled on the couch and kissed...a lot. ;)