Chapter Two

They had taken a stroll by the lake, Sirius carefully enveloped in a cloak, Remus Lupin by his side smiling at the walk for the
place he had to left behind two years ago so abruptly. Harry and the both remaining Marauders wondered a while, and finally
set under the moving, sweet-smelling shadows of an acacia to sit, the sunset gold.
- Where have you been, Sirius? The last bird you sent me it was a cockatoo!- Harry spoke happily, still standing, as Sirius
stretched languorously his long body in the fresh grass.
- I've been everywhere.- he smiled, and then added with a grin.- And still I'm standing tall.-
- What?- Harry blinked, but Remus have a laugh, something Harry had never heard him do before.
- He 's quoting a song, Harry.- Remus smiled, and patted the large rock he was sitting, for Harry to sit beside him.-
Dumbledore has offered for him to stay in the Castle. I'll rent a tiny room in Hogsmeade, and I'll be near for anything. We'll
be ready, if anything happens.-
- And if nothing happens, we'll have time to enjoy together.- Sirius smiled. Harry mirrored the smile, happy, with Remus
Lupin's hand in his shoulder. And giving into an impulse, he hugged his father's best friend, tightly. Lupin's eyes widened, and
then softened, as he answered the embrace, Sirius laughing and claiming one for himself.
They wasn't aware of a dark figure in one of the corridors's windows of the Castle, watching them play…


- Discreet, aren't we?- Remus put his hands in his slim hips, trying his best to look stern, standing in the doorway of the
dungeon rooms Dumbledore gave Sirius to stay and hide. And even if it were the farthest, more discreet and hiding rooms of
the whole castle, the resounding, ear-splitting music was making dust fall from the roof and scaring any owl far far away.


- WHAT?- howled Sirius, busy making a sweaty, disheveled, hair-tousled and laughing Harry to spin around as Ron and
Hermione did their best in the side, meaning Ron shaking himself with enough force to break bones meanwhile Hermione
moved vaguely in time with the music, her nose in the air.
- C'on, Moony, old pal, you wouldn't believe it but this boy dances exactly as Lily did! – Sirius was busy mirroring a kangaroo
now, as Harry moved around with arms up and the brightest smile, even with his lenses clinging to just one ear.
- Just like my mother? Really?-
- Yes, she was awful.- Sirius changed the song and closed his eyes, a grin in his face.- You owe me ten bucks, Moony: you
bet to me and James those Sweden guys wouldn't last, and hey had become better from "The Look".- he grabbed Lupin, and
pulled him into a dance, laughing.- Gods, I thought I had lost all those old songs, and they're as good as new! It's good to hear
Per and Marie again, don't you agree, Moony?-


Remus Lupin rarely had danced anymore since the night a twelfth-month married James and Lily, Sirius, himself and a young
Peter had spent dancing and celebrating in a discotheque, the likes of it Sirius and James used to love. He remembered well
enough, however, how was to dance with a laughing and clumsy Lily, Travoltas-like Sirius and James, and blushing Peter. He
remembered well enough…
… Do you Sirius? Did the Dementors stole from you those memories, or you are able still to follow James and yours
routine dancing "Dangerous" and making Lily and me sick of laughing? Can you still sing " Sweet dreams are made
of this" with that smoldering, caressing voice of yours?
God, I used to laugh my head off seeing you mimicking Michael Jackson but then I cried my eyes out everytime I
heard any of those songs.
Do you remember too, Sirius, or the Dementors made me the one to carry the unsupportable weight of memories,
alone, solely me?
Sirius saw Remus soft gray eyes going cloudy, going sad. He felt the familiar pang he doesn't had anyone to share with
anymore of seeing those sweet eyes going sad, and giving him a strong pull, he rolled Remus's slight body in his arm, and then
outstretched it, so quickly Remus yelped and then stood wavering, eyes unfocused.
- HA! Sirius Black, the outstanding disco King!- he grinned, as Harry and his friends laughed at his antics.- Sirius Black, the
one and only …-
-… whore dancer.- the voice was dense and oily, bathed with contempt.- are you aware, Potter, Granger, Weasley, you must
have been in class five minutes ago?-
Harry gave a look to Sirius, who scowled, and to Remus, who nodded with his eyes in Snape's black cold ones. They hurried,
grabbing their bags and vanishing quickly, their running steps resounding in the dungeons's cold floor.
Snape advanced with his fluid grace and stood next to the still bellowing Muggle-magically enhanced machine Sirius was to
fond of, and put a discolored, slim finger in the red button.
- Finite.-
The music died.
- I would NOT let you go intimidating Harry like that, Snape!- Sirius growled, striding to the tall black figure.
- Hogwarths happens to be responsible to give him an education, mind you.- Snape said coldly, eyeing the shoulder-length
black haired man, his same height, that was glowering at him, still sweaty, dressed in muggle sweatpants and a white t-shirt.-
And deprived as is Potter of a …- his eyes glinted.- … regular, worthy guardian, we had to have a extra-special eye on the
boy's behavior, isn't it?-
Sirius opened the mouth in anger, his eyes firing. Remus tried to intervene, before the tall animagus became murderer, or
maybe just suicidal, but Sirius spat it first:
- You just are using a child to sooth your swollen ego, isn't it? You're so envious of James even in death you HAVE to be
mean to him! Still green of envy, are you? That's so pathetic!-
Snape looked at him with eyes that promised murder. But with the softer voice he had, he voiced softly:
- You, unlike everyone, hadn't gone down going to Azkaban. No, Azkaban itself had to go down to you, loud-mouthed
werewolves-fucker lousy excuse of grandfather. Potter and Lily would be revolted.-
Sirius's hands made a grab, and Remus had to use superhuman werewolf strength to grab him and halt him off the room. His
gaze was smoldering too, but Snape leveled his gaze with apparent calm, even as Sirius clawed and cursed at him, till them
Snape turned slowly to the machine, where Remus's purchases for Sirius where still in their bags. He slowly touched one, an
eyebrow quirking quizzically. And slowly pulled it out, to reveal the Muggle CD with a pair of Sweden singers in the cover
feigning a newspaper.
He watched it intently, but his eyes were glazed.
And strangely, his mouth softened.
Get Out My Way,
Get Out My Sight
I Won't Be Walking In Thin Ice To Go Through The Night.
And he chuckled.
What Did You Gain From Love?- Don't Ask Me! Oh The Cheapest Thrill…

Marriage Prospectives
Let us see the marriage prospective of our fave (and only) Potions Master!
Do you like your man manly, interesting, hard to get and sexy? Get stuffed!

Looks: He's tall, lean, but strong: that's very attractive. Black eyes as tunnels and a silky voice. What's more to ask for? He
had a hooked nose, so, or you put manly looks and interesting demeanor over classical and conventional beauty or you move
over. Besides, you know what's said about guys with big noses. ( Appendage comparative sizes, if you didn't catch the hint)
He's not the traditional pretty boy, nor the usual hunk: but we have the Byronian-esque looks here, a pale guy with strong
complexion and dark, raven hair. We have to thank for the hair: it has nothing that we can's solve with a good bath, but if he
were bald… mmn. Same for the teeth: a good dentist and that's all. He is described as moving silkily, what talks about a
skillful, coordinated body, no a clumsy man here, and talking slowly and richly, so his voice can be a great asset to get his
hunk- grades up. Maybe the fact he wears black always, and does well with those big teacher's robes can be another good
point: its obvious he cares about his attitude if not of his appearance. Maybe it signals a sense of rhythm and harmony? Guess.

Smarts: Very clever, and not only in the mixing potions department. He rarely got one pulled over him, he's usually right,
and his intelligence is flattered some times for the author: he is suggested like a brain to fear, even before we knew he has
cheated on Voldie and stays alive. If you like a guy with a brain working at 100 %, smart, brilliant and exigent, here's your

Personality: He's very much controlled, and even polite in a cold way to his most irritating colleagues. With his students he
can be sarcastic, and mean: that's a dark side in his personality that can make you think before to want to raise children
with him. But he's a teacher and a very brilliant one as we get to know. He is very exigent with himself, even crueler than to
the others, and extremely conscious: he seems to have a sense of duty and loyalty, mixed with a great dose of pride. He's
complex, but that's make the defy interesting. Oh, and he hold grudges like a god.

Skills: He can mix potions, not matter how rare or complicated is: so he's a dead ringer to be great cooker. He usually
know how to treat children (sternly, of course) so he can be a good parent if your family is infamous for little devils. And
well, he had even cheated on Voldemort, so have your eyes open, girl, before he starts with the " I am late because I was
following Potter around"

Competition: The best part. NONE. Well, Sybill Trelawney, Minerva McGonagall and even Hermione Granger have been
hinted in fanfiction, but – excuse me- maybe I'm not Miss Universe but I can win Sevvie from two old witches and a child
with a hand. The one worrying competence could be Lily Evans, BUT-alas, she's DEAD.

In-Laws: NONE! He's a great marital prospect, I tell you: no mother in law and no sodding family. What's more to ask?

Economics: You can live in Hogwarths with him, surrounded for house elves to do the job, frankly polishing your nails as he
teaches- I see him like the classical men with the * housewife theory* He surely doesn't spend much, and gets paid finely,
being the third-in-command of Dumbledore. Even not counting spy-fees and rests of good old DeathEater days, you can sit
and let him feed you. But if the money gets tiny, you know exactly where to put a grip on: ( not there, you
perverts!)convince him that's Bulgarian Beholder Eggs aren't really necessary for his Potion's ingredients stack.

Sex: No doubt he would be as through and careful as he does anything: we have here a intense, fiery man, demanding
always to be in top, trying new positions, going and going and going and feeding you – and maybe himself- potions to make
the experience enjoyable. I do not doubt he has his good share of experience so you're safe, dear lady, no matter how
rough the thing goes. But do not fear the cuddling is forbidden, with the memories he has no doubt that will be days when
he would be happy being petted and cared for. Sure he would return the favor the days of PMS.

Overall: He is a experienced and worldly guy, with remarkably good taste and a controlled self that suggests a wild unknown
side hidden. I dare say he wouldn't go for vulgar girls, so you have to be real woman to pet the sneaky little snake ( no pun
intended), as he is a real man, not a sputtering teenager. And if you get his heart through his veil of anger and resentment,
surely you'll have a precious and faithful lover. And given how's the book are going, you'll be a widow soon with a full
camera in Gringotts and a stack of deadly Potions to sell. So either way, you win