~.~.~Forget Me Not~.~.~
Sesshomaru Takahashi sat at the bar looking down into his glass containing a fizzing coke cola. He would be back on the road soon and decided to forego the alcohol. He was contemplating leaving the establishment when in walked a beautiful brunette smiling as she donned her apron to start her shift.
"Hey Rin, you couldn't make it into work on time if God himself said it meant the difference between going to heaven or hell", old man Totosai Ito smiled at the young woman.
"I believe you're right Pops, but I have a valid excuse this time. My car wouldn't start and I had to beg Hakudoshi to give me a ride", she smiled as she walked into the kitchen giving Totosai a kiss on the cheek.
"You know how to melt my aging cold heart Rinny girl. You make an old man like me wish for his younger years again and I don't like that Hakudoshi boy anyway. He doesn't treat you like to you deserve to be treated. You need an older fellow like me to show you how you should be treated", he teased as he flipped several burgers on the grill.
"Oh yeah Pops, because you are my boss, I believe this is sexual harassment. Let's not forget the fact that you're married and you're old enough to be my grandfather. On so many levels, that's just completely wrong and besides, Hakudoshi is a nice guy, he's just going through some things right now", she said trying to convince the old man to change his opinion of her boyfriend.
As Rin adjusted her apron she scanned the bar. It was crowded for a Thursday night but most of the customers were there to eat and only two were at the bar. She was just glad that the bartender was coming in later and she'd only have to both bartend and wait tables for an hour. She hated to bartend because she couldn't really mix a drink to save her life.
"Hey Pops, where do you need me to start tonight", she yelled over the kitchen commotion.
Please don't say the bar. Please don't say the bar. Please, please, please don't say the bar.
"Start with the bar. I can cover the tables for now", he said giving Rin a knowing look.
"Ah Pops come on", she huffed and sighed as she gathered her long ebony tresses into a messy pony tail and headed out of the kitchen and over to the bar.
Well, there goes my tips…. for the first hour anyway.
Rin walked behind the bar and took inventory of what needed to be stocked and surprisingly, Kanna had everything in order and stocked to perfection.
Well nothing left to do but turn on the charm and hopefully that will get me some tips.
She turned and immediately noticed the handsome stranger sitting at the end of the bar. She could tell he was tall, maybe about six two or six three. He was wearing dark denim jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket, but what stuck out most was his beautiful long silver hair that was tucked neatly in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck.
He was very handsome with two crimson stripes on each cheek and a small dark blue/purple crescent moon in center of his fore head. His skin was flawless and tan and his hands were huge with sharp claws on the ends. No doubt he was a demon but that was a common thing.
Rin walked over giving the handsome stranger a friendly smile.
"So can I get you anything sir", she asked in a cheerful voice.
Sesshomaru looked the young woman in her eyes. If he wasn't so repulsed by humans he probably would have liked her but she was human and he decided right then and there he did not like her. Although for a human she had a nice natural scent. She was definitely beautiful and very easy on the eyes. Her face was heart shaped and she had the largest eyes of any human he'd ever seen before. They were a sparkling brown and they tilted upward slightly at the outer lid corners. Her nose was flat but lifted in a very cute fashion at the tip and her lips were pink and pouty with the bottom lip being slightly fuller.
Sesshomaru was quite intrigued by her beauty and wondered about this boyfriend he overheard the old man talking about. She was tall for a woman, five ten to be exact and she could have easily been a supermodel. Her smile was elegant and she appeared to be warm and friendly.
He watched as she turned and took a glass from the top shelf and he noticed the round perfect curve of her bottom in her form fitting jeans. Her waist curved inward creating an hour glass illusion. She wore a yellow tank top with orange flowers going down one side in the front and it was then that Sesshomaru noticed her breast tucked inside of her bra underneath. They were the perfect size breast not too big and definitely not too small. If only she were youkai.
After taking in the sight of the woman before him he finally answered, "No thank you".
Rin smiled and replaced the glass back on the top shelf and began wiping down the countertop.
"So, you're not from around here, are you", she asked smiling at the quiet stranger.
"No I'm not", he responded keeping his eyes on his now flat soda.
"Well I can tell because you don't look it. What's your name stranger", she asked leaning back against the liquor shelf.
He looked up momentarily and thought about giving her a fake name but when he determined he was far enough away from the city, he decided to be truthful.
"Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru Takahashi", he responded in a deep baritone voice.
"I'm Rin. Rin Yamada", she smiled as she extended her hand in an introduction.
Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow her way before he took her hand in his and surprised himself when he kissed the back of it.
"Pleasure to meet you Rin", he said smoothly.
Rin felt a warm blush rise in her cheeks before she quickly looked away at the sudden contact. His lips were soft against her skin and she could feel the stubble from his chin graze her delicate hand in a nice sort of way. She slowly pulled her hand away and tried to look busy.
What was that? I actually liked the way his lips felt on my skin. I should be ashamed of myself. I have a dedicated boyfriend who loves me. Stupid Rin getting in fuss because of a kiss on the hand, you need help girl.
Rin took a deep breath in order to calm her nerves, and then she spoke in a shaky betraying voice. "Are you just passing through or are you looking to settle down here", she asked trying to slow her heart rate down.
Ahh, isn't that sweet. She's flustered by my physical contact with her. She actually blushed. She looks innocent enough and I can't seem to smell another human male or demon male on her, although she has a boyfriend. Her blush was quite a turn on. This human creature is certainly interesting to say the least, but then again I do have that effect on women human and demon alike.
"Just passing through", he replied coolly.
Rin smiled and her eyes beamed as she spoke. "You know I said the same thing about five years ago and I still haven't left. I guess this little town grew on me".
"Hey Rin", called Totosai from the kitchen. "Kanna called out for the night. Looks like you're stuck with the bar dear", he shouted from the doorway.
"Oh damn, that's just great", she replied snatching her hair from her messy ponytail.
Sesshomaru cocked a thick brow her direction and surprised himself by teasing her. "What's the matter? Don't like my company", he asked sarcastically.
"Oh heaven's no. I just suck at bartending is all, but don't tell anyone. Maybe I can fake my way through the night", she smiled at him.
"Hn. Well, I may be of some help if you need to solicit me", he offered seriously.
"Thanks Sesshomaru. I may just need to take you up on that. Why is Kanna always taking off when I'm on duty, and not to mention when we are short staffed? I swear she does it just to piss me off", she huffed and took off her apron.
Sesshomaru found himself admiring her physique. She was truly lovely to look at and now with her hair framing her face, she was indeed a beauty by human standards. He found himself thinking about running his claws gently through her long hair. He wondered if it was as soft and silky as it looked. Then he realized what he was thinking about and he scolded himself for thinking such stupidity.
What the fuck is wrong with you Sess? This woman is human and the last time I checked, which was not so long ago, you despised humans. Has this not changed? Are you turning into a weakling like your father and half breed brother? SILENCE!I still despise humans. This woman though, it is something about her. I shall only hold polite conversation with her. Polite conversation? What's going on with you Sess? It takes wild horses to pry your lips apart on a daily basis and you wish to hold polite conversation with a human woman? SILENCE! I have made my decision and that is final youkai!
Sesshomaru sat battling his inner demon unbeknownst to Rin, who was inwardly cursing Kanna and her absence from work. Thank goodness neither chose to speak at the moment or things would have really been awkward.
Rin and Sesshomaru kept silent for the most part of the night until around midnight when the bar seemed to come alive with patrons. Rin did her best to fill the alcohol request but was fighting a losing battle.
Things seemed to fall apart at the seams when a fat burly man made his way to the bar and ordered a white Russian. Rin was at a loss because she had no clue how to make it. She attempted twice to make the drink but somehow it just didn't work out for her. The man became irate and impatient with Rin and started to hurl cuss words at her from across the bar.
"Are you a stupid bitch? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a fucking drink girl", he said banging his fist against the countertop.
"Sir, I am doing the best I can and there is no need to use that kind of language towards me", she said trying to be polite.
"Fuck doing your best you dense bitch. The place is a dump and you are probably only good for a great fuck", he said continuing his tirade.
Sesshomaru sat quietly feeling his blood boil. Who did this fat fuck think he was talking to Rin like that? He was about to say just that when Rin spoke up herself.
"If I am just good for great fuck, you definitely can consider yourself nowhere in the running. I'd fuck a dickless man before I'd let the likes of someone like you climb on top of me. Oh but you probably are dickless seeing as you can't see your dick hiding under that huge nasty pot belly of yours", she retaliated.
The patrons in the bar broke out in hysterical laughter and even Sesshomaru had to bite his lip to keep his rumble of laughter from springing forth.
The man on the receiving end of the joke however, did not find it funny at all and reached across the bar grabbing Rin by her tank top tearing off one sleeve. Before she knew what was happening, he'd back hand slapped her hard across her cheek.
"You need to know you place bitch", he said trying to pull her from behind the counter but before he could do anything else Sesshomaru was out of his chair and had turned the man around punching him hard in his nose.
His eyes flashed red and he was hell bent on making him pay. "You need to know your place you weak fuck. Now apologize to the lady", he said holding the man by his greasy hair.
"Fuck you demon shit", he said as blood began running down his nose and into his mouth.
"Wrong answer", Sesshomaru responded and landed another hard punch but this time to his jaw, knocking out one of the man wisdom teeth.
"Looks like I just saved your dentist the effort of pulling that out. Come on Dickless, continue to insult the lady and not apologize. I'm rather enjoying this. Give me a reason to use my poison claws. It's been such a long time and I miss the feel of flesh melting away under my fingertips", he growled now holding the man up by his shirt collar as his nails grew longer and glowed green.
The man, certainly seeing his life flash before his eyes, looked over to Rin who was holding her face. "I…I very sorry ma'am", he said with blood now covering the front of his shirt.
"Well Dickless, I appreciate the apology and I know the lady probable believes you but to me, you just didn't sound sincere enough", he growled and landed and another punch, this time to the man's temple, knocking him out cold completely.
The man fell to the floor and Sesshomaru walked over his body and reclaimed his seat at the bar staring at a shocked Rin.
She clutched at her tank top strap holding it up with her hand trying to keep her bra from showing. Rin looked at Sesshomaru who was now drinking his soda as if nothing had happened. He didn't even have a hair out of place, not even a bead of sweat glistened off his tan skin.
Rin walked over to him with shaky legs. "Thank you Sesshomaru", she said nervously.
"No need to thank me Rin. Are you okay", he asked coolly.
"Yes, I think I'll live", she replied.
"Rin, go on and take the rest of the night off. I'll look after everything here at the bar", Totosai interrupted turning her face to his eyes inspecting her cheek which was slowly swelling.
"Are you sure Pops? I'll be alright. I can still complete my shift. You know I need the money anyway", she pleaded.
"I'm positive Rinny. I got this place under control. You go on home now."
"But I didn't drive. Can I barrow your car?"
"I'm afraid the wife dropped me off."
"I can give you a lift if you like, that is if you don't mind riding on the back of my motorcycle", Sesshomaru nonchalantly volunteered.
"I don't want to be a bother", she prepared to turn him down.
"None sense. Shall we be leaving", he asked standing up and shedding his leather jacket.
"Here you can put this on to cover yourself for the time being", he said handing over the jacket for her to wear home.
She took the jacket and slid it over her shoulders. It hung loosely on her but his scent was all over it. She found she liked the smell of his masculinity. It was intoxicating to her nose.
Meanwhile Sesshomaru and his demon began to battle inwardly again about his sudden interest in the beautiful human.
So the great Lord Sesshomaru has fallen for a human girl. I must admit she is tempting. Maybe we should mate her and be done with the formalities. SILENCE YOUKAI! What's the matter did I touch a nerve Sess? Maybe if you had not denied us the pleasures of female intercourse for so long, you wouldn't be so smitten with that human. I say we should sleep with her to rid you of this sudden interest you have with this human creature. ENOUGH YOUKAI! YOU'VE HAD YOUR SAY NOW SILENCE! Okay I'll stay quiet for the time being but when you decide to mate her, and I have a feeling you will, be sure to let me have just a tiny taste of her. I know you better than anyone Sess. Remeber that!
Shesshomaru stifled his need to growl out loud and watched as Rin came from behind the bar to stand over the unconscious man on the floor. He was somewhat shocked at what happened next.
Rin kicked the man hard in his gut and screamed out, "That's for calling me a bitch Dickless". She said and then turned to Sesshomaru, "I am ready to leave now", she smiled.
Sesshomaru smiled to himself. Damn she's got spunk. In another life I could probably like her.
They both then exited the bar and made their way to Sesshomaru's motorcycle.
"Have you ever ridden one of these before", he asked without emotion.
"No I haven't but it shouldn't be that hard, should it".
"No. When you feel me lean, you lean. Got it", he asked.
"Yes, my lord", she teased.
Sesshomaru stiffened. Why would she say that? Does she know who I am? Of course she doesn't. She's just being sarcastic.
Rin eyeballed Sesshomaru and saw his body become stiff at her comment.
"You didn't like me saying that did you", she asked skeptically.
"Why should I care princess", he retorted coolly.
"You shouldn't", she replied equally cool.
Rin slid on the bike behind Sesshomaru watching his back muscles constrict.
"Here put this on princess. Don't want you to get hurt", he said handing her his helmet.
"What are you going to wear to protect yourself", she questioned.
"I'm a demon Rin. This Sesshomaru doesn't have need of such things. Now hold on tight and tap me on my chest when it gets close to your turns", he said starting up the bikes engine.
Rin slid her arms around his waist and leaned her good cheek against his back. She could feel he was in great shape because she felt the hardness of his stomach muscles. This guy was too good to be true she thought to herself as they rode out of the parking lot and on the ride home, his scent filled her senses.
Sesshomaru must have the thinking along the same lines as her because he seemed to like the feel of her arms around his waist. It felt kind of natural and he was glad he'd be rid of her soon, so he could regain control of his thinking and his body's reaction to her closeness.
Okay you guys. This is my first Inuyasha FanFic so I am eager to see what you think. I hope to get at least Twenty Reviews on the first chapter and I hope guys like it and want me to continue.
For my Subscribers to my other story "Unattainable Desire", I have not abandoned it. I've got major writer's block on it and I hope working on this story with help me come up with some great ideas. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I love you all! Don't forget to Review!