Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my OC(s), of course.

Thank you so much for the reviews for the previous chapter! It has been a very long time since I've written anything for this fic, but hopefully I can get back in the groove. This chapter itself is kind of filler, I suppose, but it does build on some things before we get to the real meat of the story in the next chapter. I guess before I start this, I gotta say that since everything has changed so much since I started this fic, I'm just gonna be all crazy with the storylines in this and make things up from where I established them when I first posted this fic. If that makes sense. Let's just say, this is faaar from canon events. So, here is the latest chapter of this fic of mine. I really hope that y'all enjoy this! Thanks so much for reading!

Twelfth Wonder
Chapter Six: The Crowd Speaks

Maggie shifted from foot to foot as she tried to walk to her designated seat.

The day had been rather uneventful - all of the inappropriate skank-jokes aside - after she and the rest of the Superstars and Divas left the arena midday. She had returned to her hotel room and started to write more on her piece, filling in the areas that she could and leaving space to type in descriptions from the night's show.

Jared had called as soon as she got back, reminding her that they needed her piece urgently so they could get it out in the January issue, and Maggie had assured him she would have it done by tomorrow, since that was when her appointment with the Miz was. She tried not to think of what would happen if he bailed on her. It really wasn't the most pleasant of things to think about, at the time.

It wasn't the most pleasant thing to think about at this particular time, either.

She adjusted the strap of her messenger bag as she maneuvered her way around the other people in the arena. Her notebook, filled with random notes about Miz and other Superstars - research she had hastily done before leaving her room that evening - was tucked away neatly in the aforementioned bag.

People were everywhere. Of course, this was to be expected.

Her mind was also everywhere, unable to grasp onto one single subject. The people were loud, her feet were tired, there was something gross on the bottom of her shoe, her claustrophobia was kicking in, the article was to be done by tomorrow, Heath had mistaken her for a slutbag -

Oh, she was going to be sick.

Maggie had been offered a place backstage, but she had respectfully declined - at least this once. She had explained she had never been to a live WWE show and kind of wanted to see the whole thing from the perspective of the audience. The backstage worker had smiled at her - a genuine smile, one she had not expected from him - and told her to enjoy the show, but not to get too carried away.

She had smiled nervously at him and said, "I'm not going to make any promises."

She finally found her seat, ringside. Her heart was beating quickly in her chest, though she was uncertain why. She attributed that to the excitement of the moment, the fact that she was so close to the Superstars and Divas doing what they loved.

Maggie looked around, seeing that the seats were full of fans. Some held signs, others just wore shirts, others were decked out in full costume gear. She saw some guy dressed like Macho Man Randy Savage and grinned so big that it hurt her cheeks.

Though the atmosphere was fun, she wondered how she was going to get any writing done at all in the chaos.

Fact was, she wouldn't.

Maggie was surprisingly okay with that. She figured she could take what she remembered from the show and write it in later, if her memory held. Which she hoped it would, of course. She figured she would remember everything of this night, considering how special it was.

She watched as the commentators made their way to the announce table, people cheered and jeered for them as they sat down and started to talk, getting the audience ramped up for what was to come.

Minutes seemed to pass. Maggie wondered what exactly the show tonight was going to consist of.

But then Cult of Personality hit, and she pretty much lost interest in whatever she was thinking before.

The night did not disappoint. The matches were exciting, the promos were effective, and Maggie lost herself. She forgot for a moment just what she was there for, focusing only on the events occurring around her.

The Miz had come to the ring to face Kofi Kingston. She had tried to commit that particular match to memory, since she had to write the intro piece of her article using it. The Miz was all confidence, as per usual, playing his character to a T. He got various reactions from the crowds - jeers, mostly, but Maggie knew that a negative reaction was better than no reaction at all. The match went on for a good while, ending with a Skull Crushing Finale and the sound of Miz's entrance music.

She tried to figure out just who she was looking for, just who she was waiting to make his entrance. She had seen all her favorites so far, barring the ones who had retired already, but there was one thing that she just couldn't put her finger on.

That is, until he made his entrance.

Dolph Ziggler's music flooded the arena, and The Show Off himself was there, Vickie at his side. The boos they received deafened the arena, and as Dolph did his usual entrance theatrics, Maggie felt herself begin to smile despite herself and she started clapping, just as he shouted, "Hooow damn good am I?"

Dolph ran his hands along his hair and flicked his hands, like he usually did. Vickie fanned herself while looking upon him with that Cougar Gaze of hers. Maggie smiled. Though there was no possible way he could see her from his position - or so she thought - she was still embarrassed by the flush that coated her cheeks in response to his entrance. That was certainly something she had to get under control. Especially since she did it for almost every Superstar as they made their way down the ramp.

But it seemed especially of concern when Dolph elicited that particular reaction.

Dolph's opponent made his entrance next.

John Cena was something special, Maggie knew. The reaction to his music when it hit was something she hadn't experienced. He was the most loved and the most hated man in the company all at the same time. Polarizing. To be honest, she was excited about talking about that aspect of his character in her interview. When she got to him. But now, he was running down the ramp, as per usual, and sliding into the ring. Catering to the fans. Hat and shirt were tossed to the audience, near two kids who latched onto them as if they were the last thing on earth. It made Maggie smile.

The match began without further ado.

Dolph was just as good in an official match as he was during practice. Every time Cena hit him, Dolph sold it as if it were the most painful thing in the world. Not to discredit Cena at all. The two of them worked brilliantly together, exchanging blow after blow. It was almost like a sort of dance. Maggie was just impressed that the main event was so good. Really, she shouldn't have been, considering the talent level of the two individuals involved.

The match ended after a grueling twenty minutes, Cena pinning Dolph after some surprising interference from tag team partner Jack Swagger, Vickie screaming in dismay in the background. The sound of the commentators' shock was palpable as Jack walked away, raising his hands in victory, while Dolph stared on in disbelief. Cena seemed just as put out.

That was when the chants started.

"Zigg-ler! Zigg-ler! Zigg-ler!"

Dolph looked at the crowd and, despite everything that told her that rationally it could not be possible, for the briefest of moments Maggie thought he met her gaze, and held it.

All she could do was smile, and join in chanting Dolph Ziggler's name.

End Chapter Six.