Disclaimer: Don't own anything except my OC(s).

Summary: Introverted journalist Maggie Harrison lands a new gig - interviewing a selection of WWE Superstars for a series of twelve articles in ESPN magazine. She soon finds that things won't be so easy when she is faced with one, Dolph Ziggler. DolphOC

Okay! Here's my first attempt at an actual OC chapter fic. I know I'm posting kinda like crazy now, but I just can't help it. When inspiration hits, it hits. I am kind of hesitant about posting this, though, but I hope it will be well-received. I know the plot isn't very original, but I'm going to try to throw a few twists and turns into it. This is also kind of weird because it's my first OC fic in which the character actually has a name, lol. Anyway, I hope that y'all enjoy! I'd love to hear what y'all think!

Twelfth Wonder
Chapter One: Not a Bed of Roses

The paper in her hands was wrinkled, the result of being smoothed and folded back up repeatedly and shoved into the pocket of her jeans. Maggie Harrison stared at it almost helplessly, like a woman on the verge of jumping off a cliff. Her eyes skimmed the words, running over the slightly faded text of the email she had printed out just days ago.

To: Maggie Harrison
From: Jared Johnson
Subject: ESPN Magazine Assignment

Hey, Maggie, it's me. Your boss. I can never get tired of saying that. Well, at least you know that I have someone over me that is making me give you this assignment, so you don't totally have to kill me next time you're in the city. Anyway, here's your assignment.

The big bad editor of ESPN magazine - you know, both of our bosses - has given you a monster of an assignment. Something that is really cool, seeing as you're so green you make Kermit the Frog envious.

Anyway, he told me after CM Punk's infamous promo last June, the need for the WWE-centered stories has risen, despite some of the higher-ups concerns. You know Jim Rome thought it was an actual fatwa? But yeah, okay, back to the deal. You are to interview the following WWE Superstars as a kind of…introduction to the wrestling-challenged out there. To boost the product. Not to mention that Mr. McMahon has given our boss a hearty sum to make sure that he gets exposure. Each Superstar will be included in an issue of the magazine. Twelve in all, one wrestler for each month this year.

I know you watched the WWE - or WWF as it was called back then - way back when you were little, so you'll at least know the basics. Maybe that won't be as hard for you as it would be for me.

You're to ride on the tour bus with them. Boss wants you to get the real experience. Thinks it'll make your work grittier. Or something. I personally think he's lost his mind. They've made a spot for you, so no worries. Just try not to mess up too bad or you'll for real get fired. Please treat this carefully, which I know you certainly will. You've never let us down in that respect, sweetheart. The list is below:

Beth Phoenix
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
Eve Torres
John Cena
Mark Henry
The Miz
Randy Orton
Zack Ryder

Good luck, Maggie!

- J.J.

She felt a migraine coming on, which was odd since she rarely got headaches, let alone those of the intense kind. The pressure building against the sides of her head was enough that she pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

After getting off the plane, she found herself slightly lost as she drove to the hotel where she would be staying - along with the other Superstars. They were in Chicago first, which was a great atmosphere for a show, she knew. She remembered watching Punk and Cena battle it out at Money In The Bank, wishing that she was there…

Maggie shook her head, only further aggravating the massive headache. She knew that she was to meet up, get on a bus after the show, and interview as they went, as well as write a small intro piece describing the atmosphere of a certain match she'd witnessed a particular Superstar in. Each interview was meant to span the length of a page - a page-length spread, something unheard of in her limited time with the magazine. She just hoped that she'd gotten some very talkative talent to work with.

What Jared hadn't realized when he sent her the email was that Maggie had been keeping up with the WWE longer than he thought.

She knew Punk would have plenty to say, he was always very eloquent in his interviews, well-spoken and thoughtful. Never disrespectful to the interviewer. Unless they asked for it. And Maggie had no plans on asking to be verbally dismantled by the Straight Edge Superstar.

She was aware that maybe the heels in particular - Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, and Mark Henry - might be harder to get straight answers out of. Especially the latter. However, both Cody and Dolph didn't seem to mind giving lengthy interviews. She'd also seen some late night talk shows where Miz was the guest. He certainly would give her a page or two. Or three.

Randy Orton seemed to be a cool person - if one didn't include his current gimmick in the equation - so she was looking forward to that interview. She was also looking forward to meeting Zack Ryder, one particular wrestler that had her giggling like a schoolgirl when his entrance music was played.

Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres were the only Divas on the list. Well, she thought, at least they decided to include the Divas.

Sheamus seemed to be an easy-going guy and was another one she was looking forward to interviewing. She knew Daniel Bryan liked books…so maybe they could find common ground about that. Though she wasn't sure if that was what ESPN magazine was looking for…D-Bry's opinion on the works of some random writer guy, as interesting as that would be for Maggie herself to read…

And that left John Cena. The biggest star in the WWE. The most polarizing figure in the business, and also the most cordial, she thought. He was on par with Sheamus because of his personable nature.

Maggie let out a sigh as she waited in line to be checked in. She wanted desperately to have help, but unfortunately she was on her own on this endeavor. Her two travel bags felt unnaturally heavy. She'd packed as much clothing and necessary items into the two bags as she could, not to mention the messenger bag that held all the things needed for the job at hand.

The line was going rather slowly, and Maggie was getting impatient. She shifted her weight onto her left leg and yawned.

What actually caused a line to be this long anyway? Well, she supposed, this was a rather prestigious hotel. If she was correct, that was a senator up there at the front with his wife and child. Hm, ESPN writer and senator? One of these things just doesn't belong here…

She adjusted one of her bags on her shoulder and shifted her weight to her left leg. The line moved slowly but surely, and she was more than ready to get into her hotel room and just go to sleep. The place was really nice, and at least it wasn't some seedy little hotel where the times that the maids changed the sheets were about as often as pigs flying.

"Maggie Harrison." She provided her ID card to the person at the desk. "I'm here for - "

The woman nodded tiredly, "Yes, ESPN called and made sure you had a room. You'll be on the floor with the WWE Superstars. Here's your key card. Please enjoy your stay."

Maggie ventured a smile and took the key card. Well, that woman wasn't the most polite person in the world, but it was okay. At least she had a good room. That was all she could ask for.

Maggie walked to the elevator and piled in with an amount of people that should break the weight limit. She was squeezed into a corner, her luggage pressed against her side, messenger bag clutched tightly in her hands.

It was only then that she noticed him, which was strange, considering how tall he was. His dark hair was messily styled, an odd contrast to the clean appearance he had whilst in the ring.

Wade Barrett.

Now she realized that the one thing she was feeling when she got the assignment. She hadn't realized the disappointment she felt, but now it had a place. She had wanted to interview the bare-knuckle brawler more than anything, but his name hadn't been on the list. And here he was, on the exact same elevator as her.

Opportunity? Yes.

Being able to execute? …not really.

Maggie inhaled deeply and stepped forward just as the elevator doors swung open. She fiddled with the strap of her messenger bag nervously, searching for the words to open up conversation. This was probably the hardest part of her job - the talking part. And this wasn't even part of her job. This was just going up to someone and telling them how much of a fan you were of them. Which should be a big no-no in the business, but Maggie found herself unable to resist the urge.

They were the only two that got out on the same floor, spilling from the crowded elevator - Wade, with no problem at all, but Maggie had to shove and maneuver her way though the bodies around her.

She was just behind him a few steps when she finally called out his name, "Erm…Mr. Barrett!"

He stopped at her slight voice before turning around. There was a guarded look about him, as if no one had ever called him that before, and he expected something bad. "Yes."

She was suddenly at a loss for words, with him staring at her like that. He was so tall and imposing and British that it was all very intimidating. She couldn't even remember the clever opening line she had come up with. Several moments passed, all the while Wade looked like he was running late for something, actually checking his watch at one point.

So, she did what came natural - she blurted something awkward.

"Do you watch Doctor Who?"

There was a chilling moment of silence in which she thought he was going to beat the living tar out of her, but his mouth twisted into a wry, amused smirk, "And you assume that because I'm from England?"

Maggie blinked several times in succession, unable to think straight when addressed like that, "Uh…ah…well…you see…I just thought, well, that I watch it, and you might, well…okay, because you're from England."

"Isn't that some kind of profiling?"

"…maybe, sir."

Wade outright laughed at that, "Who are you?"

"Maggie…Maggie Harrison. I'm the, ah, journalist from ESPN."

"Right," he said, his head cocked to the side as if in interest. "Yes, we've all been briefed on you."

She felt her cheeks turn red as he studied her. She wasn't sure what it was about him, but suddenly she felt completely aware that she had bed head from sleeping on the plane and was currently forgoing her contact lenses in favor of her dark-rimmed glasses.

"And, I must say, if you insist on bursting out about Doctor Who or whatever random show has your fancy at the moment at various Superstars, you're in for a rather bumpy ride." Wade rolled his shoulders before turning away and heading to his room. "Looking forward to your articles, Maggie."

Despite the fact that the way he said her name made chills go down her spine, and despite the fact that Wade Barrett wasn't even on her list of interviewees, Maggie knew that the gauntlet had just been thrown down.

The problem was, she now wanted to run far, far away from said gauntlet.

End Chapter One.