Disclaimer: I don't own -man, do you?

Don't blame the chapter if his author has gone to nirvana again


Teenage Love

By LexieDragomire

Proof-read by FollieOfMadness

It could have been a typical Sunday morning… if everything wasn't the way it was and it wasn't Friday in the end.


Kanda also had a hard time last night. He found out that it's impossible for him to sleep in one room with the blond-haired exorcist. She wasn't snoring or anything it was just that whenever he closed his eyes he knew she was there in the same room just a few steps away lying in his room. And even when he was the most disinterested in anyone Kanda, he was a guy and hormones were working.

It was half past five when he got up to take a shower to calm down. He told himself that when the stupid door open he must do whatever he can to stay away from this girl.

He opened the door forgetting to turn off the light in the bathroom and lighted his bedroom a bit up. When he saw a naked stomach on his bed he immediately turn it off and walked to the room upset that now he would think about her naked …

He suddenly turned around and walked back to the bathroom and turned up the light again but to his annoyance Sarah had already turned around to sleep on her stomach.

He frowned. Could he just imagine it? Not turning off the lights he walked to his bed and took Sarah's shoulder.


Allen woke up feeling like a kicked dog. He rubbed his face a few times.

'Was it just a dream?'

"L-lavi," mumbled someone from his bed and he froze.

He turned around to find his friend Lenalee sleeping in his bed covered by his blankets with her head on his pillows.

"God!" he said loud and Lenalee struggle a bit.

He slapped his mouth with his hand a bit too hard.

'I have to get her out of here.'


Kanda was angrily sitting on the ground while Sarah was locked up in the bathroom not wanting to leave until six o'clock. Someone might think that she's acting too thoughtless but considering the fact that she woke up and saw Kanda standing upon her touching her stomach she had right slap him or yell at him or threw a small wardrobe on him or ran into the bathroom and lock herself up, it was probably warranted. Yeah, come the think of it, she acted the way most people would have acted in this kind of a situation.

"I can't believe it!" she yelled from behind the door. "What did you do to me?"

"For the last time I didn't do anything. Stop panicking!" said Kanda who sat on his bed.

"Stop panicking? You got to be kidding me." She humorlessly chuckled. "Can you imagine that I actually thought I could trust you? Considering that everyone said you're unfriendly and that you human contact is disgusting to you…"

"What's your problem?"

"What's my problem? I woke up feeling that some guy touching me."

He stood up and hit the door. "For the last time. I would never do something like that to a helpless woman or sleeping woman, understood?"

"But you…"

"I wanted to look at the scar," he said calmly.

Sarah stepped away from the closed door and looked at the handle. Then she put her hands under the undershirt to see an eight centimeters long scar. "Why? You got some fetish or what?" she asked humorless.

"I was curious." He stepped away from the door as she suddenly unlocked the door and jumped out.

"Curious? You don't care about people. From what I heard you wouldn't even stop by to ask what's wrong of a bleeding man was on your way. I heard you would go through him like nothing was wrong and suddenly you became curious?"

"What's so strange about that? And I wouldn't leave a bleeding man on the way."

"Oh, wouldn't you?" she crossed her arms.

He took a few step closer to her so they were inches away only to see if would step away. She didn't.

"I didn't leave a scared woman, did I?"

Her eyes went wide although he immediately went back. She took a few deep breathes and then let them out to calm down.

"Why do you the hell do you want so damn much to find out about me but won't tell me a thing about yourself."

"I was just curious."

The kept quiet until she went to the bathroom again and came back dressed. "Just don't get surprised if I will get curious once too." (Translator's Note (TN): AWWWWW YEEEEEEEAH.)


Komui woke up with a good mood. He felt great and relaxed so he was ready for another day at work. He looked at his chest of drawers surprised that he sees there something that could be just what he was looking for. "My glasses."

He took them and put them on, wondering if he will go check on Lenalee first or go on breakfast?

He will do the breakfast first.


Miranda was nervously walking around Lavi's room since five o'clock waiting for the door to finally open. When it finally did she literally flew out like an eagle and ran into her room. Unfortunately for her, she didn't notice poor Lavi who was still taking his time on the floor and she fell down hard on her knees.

"AU!" she cried. (TN: Yes, this story is that somewhat...your point?)

Lavi woke up a few moments later and seeing how Miranda was sitting next to him with her skirt a bit up trying to check her knees he, shocked, jumped up.

Miranda blushed and fixed her clothes which was when Lavi noticed a small wound on her knee. "Hey was that bood?" he asked and not waiting for the answer he bend down putting up her skirt again.

Her face got redder than before and she quickly took his hands to stop him.

He raised his eyebrows and then chuckled. "Oh come on, I'll just have a look at it."

"No thanks! It's nothing…really."

He released his hands from her grip and strongly gripped hers in one hands continuing his previous action.

"L-lavi," she struggled a bit stopped when Lavi stopped just a bit higher her hurt knee.

"Hey you actually shave your legs!" he said jolly.


He smiled. "Just kidding," he said and softly touched her knee.

Her face twisted a bit.

"Sorry, go wash it." He easily supported her up.

"Thank you Lavi, why were you on the floor anyway?" she questioned looking him.

He made a grimace and looking away from her he brushed the back of his head. "I… was sleeping."

Miranda confusedly blinked. "You…why in the world were you sleeping on the floor?" she asked slowly like people usually ask a person who doesn't have a right mind.

"I didn't want to dishonor your bed," he shrugged his shoulders.

"How dishon… never mind," she shook her head. A bad feeling crawled under her skin as she reminded herself about how she was worried about what Lavi might do to her. She thought he would sneak around her closet or something and he was such a gentleman that he didn't even sleep on her bed. How foolish; Lavi was a friend and he wouldn't do anything like that plus he surely wasn't even interested in her wardrobes. (TN: Uhhhhhhhh yeah sure)

"Lavi…thank you," she gave him a grateful smile which made him feel like an even bigger jerk for reading her letters.

"Sure, right but go clean her knee. I'm dying to know how Allen and Lenalee are."

She nodded and went to the bathroom.

Just as she closed the door Lavi's smile fainted and he wished he didn't read those letters because it was impossible to not think about them every time he faced her.


"Okay so what's our chance in getting Lenalee out of Allen's room without anyone noticing?" asked Lavi as he and Miranda stood in front of Allen's room.

Miranda raised her eye brows. "Like now when everybody is getting up and heading for breakfast? Definitely not."

"I thought so." He knocked.

"Yes?" asked Allen.

"It's us."

Allen opened the door and let them in.

"So how was the night?" asked Lavi with more cheerfulness than usual.

Allen sighed. "I've had better." (TN: Allen, you sly fox.)

Miranda immediately went to Lenalee and checked her forehead.

"She doesn't have a fever that's good," she said in relief.

Allen nodded.

Lavi took his shoulder. "If you have anything you would like to talk about I'm open to the discussion," he grinned.

Allen gave him an annoyed look. "You're such a dick, Lavi."

"Allen, don't swear and Lavi stop teasing. Like we haven't had enough of problems."

"Yes ma'am!" they said in a duet.

She rolled her eyes and stroked Lenalee's hair.

"Guys!" yelled Sarah jumping into the room with Kanda slowly walking behind. "We have a problem."

Allen sat on the small chair in front of the table. "Oh, just one? That's a relief."

"Komui's down for breakfast and guess what he's planning to do right after his done?" asked Sarah sweetly like a kindergartner teacher.

Lavi groaned. "Please let it not be checking his little sister."

"That's riiiiiight."

Allen shook his head and looked at the ground. "We're dead."

"That's for sure."


In the cafeteria…

Komui was happily eating his breakfast while chatting with Reever. "What do you think about that; they were in my room the whole time? Although, I would have sworn that I had them in my office…yesterday."

Reever drank his coffee. "Yeah, that's really a mystery. Call Sherlock Holmes."

"Did someone called me?" asked a man two tables away.

"Not you dumbass he meant Sherlock Holmes!" Shouted another from the table next to them.

Komui frowned. "I hoped no one of you is listening to gossip later," he said really serious and slow, "OR. YOU'RE. DEAD!"

The cafeteria went quiet…


"So everybody knows what to do?" Sarah asked the group.

They all nodded.

"Good, then let's do it."


Komui was walking from the cafeteria when Lavi and Miranda stood in his way. "Chief Komui, isn't it a lovely morning?"

"I guess…"

"…birds are singing, the sun is shining…"

Komui raised his brows as Lavi continued blessing the beautiful morning.

Komui looked at Miranda ignoring Lavi. "Is he drunk or something?"

She gave him a goofy look. "No, of course not. He's just happy that's all. Did you eat?"

"Well," he turned his head to the cafeteria. "Yes, I have."

"Oh, and wouldn't you like to come with us? Have a double breakfast today, hm?" she asked him smiling a little too much.

"No, thank you a rather go and see Lenalee."


"Is something wrong? You look so… I don't know scared."

"Who us? No, no we're cool but the thing is what's up with you Komui. You know I thought about it and well…. We didn't chat in a long time so why don't we do it now, hm?" asked him Lavi cheerfully. "You and me like the good old days?"

"Good old days? Lavi are you feeling okay?"

"Komui," said Lavi and put a hand on his shoulder. "I want to talk to you about something very important to me."

Komui looked at Miranda who slowly inconspicuous walked away from them.

"Eh, okay but later, right now I want to go see Lenalee."

"Komui, it's a matter of life or dead."



"Lavi, I need to go…"

Lavi shook his head. "It's deadly important!"

"Okay, just give five damn minutes…"

"You can't go see Len… crap," his eyes widened as his let it out knowing that Komui will catch on to it.

Komui's glasses shined. "Why not?"

"She's sleeping."

Komui frowned. Grimly frowned.

Miranda had walked to them back when suddenly Komui jumped away to the stairs like a rabbit and crying waterfalls he ran up taking two steps at a time. "I don't believe you! Lenaleeeeeee you're not okaaaaaay!"

"Damn it!" cursed Lavi and with Miranda ran after him.


Fifteen minutes later….

"NO KOMUI!" yelled Lavi and ran after the tall man who reached to the door handle.

"NO!" two people yelled at him while the third who was the one with the clearest mind closed the door just as Komui had opened it.

"I really don't think that what Lenalee right now needs is your presence so leave her to sleep," said the samurai coldly.

Lavi and Miranda who stood a bit further from them, waiting for what's going to happen and who is going to won this battle. The cold samurai or the overprotective brother.

"Guys!" yelled Allen who appeared in corridor.

He looked at Kanda. "If Komui really wants to see Lenalee that much in her room he can, right Kanda?"

Kanda nodded and stepped away. And Komui finally opened the door his cheeks went red and he started to rejoice. "OH, ISN'T MY LITTLE SISTER CUTEEEEE!"

Everyone except Kanda sighed in relief and annoyance as one about their chief's behavior.


After ten minutes Komui blew Lenalee a last wind kiss and turned to the others.

"I'm still not in the picture to what was happening with you," he said curiously.

"Well," started Lavi while he scratched the back of his head, "we didn't have breakfast so we're a bit odd I guess but don't worry we're on our way to the cafeteria now."

Komui unsurely nodded in agree. "Okay," he said extra slowly and looked at Allen. "Anyway Allen, I would like to talk with you about something. So come to my office after breakfast, okay?"

Allen simply nodded. "Sure, I'll be there."

Komui as well nodded and left them.

"That was super close," said Lavi relieved.

Miranda nodded. "Yes, can you imagine what would have he done if he would have found out?"

He made a grimace. "Yeah, tore down the whole Order."

She chuckled.

"That's not funny."

"But you're smiling too," she accused him.

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at Kanda. "Oh come on, how about a smile Yuu-chan? Can you imagine what would have happen if he opened that door and Lenalee wasn't there, hmm?"

"But he didn't, so let's stop talking about it." He said and looked away.

Lavi sighed and took Allen who was standing near him around the shoulders. "So Allen-boy, how did you and Sarah managed to get Lena into her room, hmm? I bet you had quite a time carrying her there. I can't even imagine a way you did it without being noticed."

Allen hesitantly smiled. "Well, that's because we didn't."

They all froze.

Lavi blinked. "I'm sorry…?"

"We couldn't think up anything and the corridor was full of people so Sarah borrowed a periwig from an ex-actress who lives on Lenalee's floor. Lucky, she has white skin just like Lena."

"So Sarah, is now in Lenalee's room…"

"Yeah, I should probably go tell her that's safe," he said and went to tell her when Kanda stopped him.

"I'll go."

Everyone froze again until Allen nodded again. "Just don't be mean to her. She really helped us these days."

Miranda and Lavi continued talking while Allen with the corner of his eyes watched Kanda as he stepped into the room.

He couldn't stop the small secret smile that came up his face. 'Well what do you know?'


Later Miranda went to Allen's room to be with Lenalee while Allen had gone to Komui's office wondering what he could want.

He smiled as he walked in to the messed as building site office.

"Chief? Are you somewhere behind those letters on your table?"

The huge mountain of papers moved and fell revealing Komui who was sitting behind the table.

"Oh, hello Allen, it's good you came," he said pushing the papers that remained on the table away.

Allen nodded and sat down. "What is it, Chief?

Komui looked at him. "Allen, we need a few exorcists to go to the Russian Branch to help them out a bit. I know it's a bit of a bother. If you would accept it you would have to leave first thing tomorrow."

Allen blinked. "I'm sorry sir but I don't understand why you are even asking me. Usually you just sent us on a mission without asking a thing…"

"Yes well, you see Allen I can't tell you more if you don't agree. It's a bit or more top secret. You see if you would accept it you would have to go there for unlimited time."

Allen a bit sadly frowned. "What do you mean?"

Komui sighed before answering. "You might be there for a month or a year. Maybe even longer."

Allen blinked a few times and looked at him feet. A year or longer away from the Order. From his home. His friends. From Lenalee.

"You… why would you ask me?"

"I went through the information they sent me and to say the truth the mission requires someone like you," he gave him a sad look. "Allen, I know what this place means to you. Believe me I know and I would never ask you to leave it if I wasn't a hundred percent sure that they need you more than we do right now."

Allen looked at Komui whose face said everything that he needed to know. It was serious and the Russian Branch needed him and Black Order didn't. Isn't it the only thing that mattered?

"I'm going, tell me more about the mission."


Sarah was changing her clothes in her room when she heard a knock. Hesitant if she should answer or not she went to the doors.

"Sarah?" came through the door.

She sighed and opened the door. "Hey Erick, did our little princess of darkness sent you?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, don't call her that. She's not that bad," he said touched before they both started laughing.

"Okay but seriously what do you want?"

"Could I come in?" he asked a bit nervous.

Sarah bit her lip since it was a while since he was in her room without René.

"Em, sure I guess."

"Thanks," he walked in and sat on her bed.

"So what's up?" she asked curious.

He sighed. "I would like to talk with you about the fact that René was in a mental institution."

Sarah crossed her arms. "Sorry Erick but that's her thing not my. If you want to talk about it go talk about it with her."

"But I want to talk about it with you."


Kanda didn't like the idea that he had to go take Sarah again. Or at least he was convincing himself but since it was Kanda, he sure as hell wasn't going to admit it. Still he needed her if he wanted to find the dick that's running around drugging people. (TN: IT'S THE BUTLER! *#twistending)

He was about to knock when…


Kanda frowned and literally kicked out the door to find Erick Connor, one of the Exorcists lying on her bed, while Sarah was standing next to her wardrobe with her shirt missing a button, pointing on the door.

Kanda eyes glare in angry as he looked at Erick saying two simple words colder than ice.

"You're dead!"


In the end of day…

Miranda came to her room really exhausted from all the things that happened and from the sleepless night she had in Lavi's room.

She felt sorry for Lenalee because she understood her a bit. Thinking about it she got an idea about how Lenalee should write letter about how she feels.

Feeling the pride of her idea she opened her wardrobe and took her letters from the bottom of it.

She froze when she opened them. "That… that jerk!" she threw them back to the wardrobe and ran away like a mad.


"Lavi, open up now!" Miranda yelled angrily. After a while the future Bookman slowly opened the door just to be slapped with a book. Since Miranda never slapped anyone she wasn't sure she would caused him any pain.

"Au Miranda!"

"You jerk and I feel so bad," she shoved him once and tried again but he caught her hands and took her into his room.

"No wonder you were sleeping on the floor; you felt bad… about those letters… How could you?!" she felt the tears that started falling down her cheeks.

She stepped away.

"Idiot brat!" He full of sorrow watched her feeling like a total ass. "Please Miranda, don't cry," he stepped toward her but she moved away.

"Don't come any closer."

"Please Miranda."

He went closer again to support her but she stopped him with one short sentence.

"I hate you."

He froze as if she hit him with a rock.

She painfully smiled. "You're brilliant Bookman, you know that? Been with me the whole day and not even a word came out about what you did."

"You have no conscience."

She took the handle and opened the door. "You don't have to suggest being a Bookman or not. You are one. A coldhearted Bookman to the bone, Lavi," and with that she left.

Lavi watched the door for a moment and then kicked them hard to let out a scream of pain. It didn't help.


To be continued…

A Message From Your Obviously Superior Overlord of Awesomeness, Sir FollieOfMadness The First and Foremost, The First and Greatest Of The Madness Line
