Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo ([Onew] sanso gateun neo oh oh oh~)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun ([Minho] sanso gateun) neo Oh

"Finally, the practice is done! Phweeh." A black-haired woman around 19 years old exclaimed as she finished the final step of SHINee's 'Love Like Oxygen.'

This unusually tall 19-year old female loved to dance to SHINee and adored them so much! She has learnt a few of their beautiful dances (only Minho's parts) and she was inspired to maybe become one of the most well known chorographers in the world. She has made a few dances of her own and she thought that they weren't as excellent and polished as professional chorographers, but her best friend, Bliss, would tell her that all the dances she's made were breath-taking.

"Nice one Clammy. Once again, you have stunned me with your graceful presence." A girl with short caramel hair said while getting off her chair and giving her a round of applause (literally).

"Blissy~ Didn't I tell not to call me with that ridiculous nickname." The girl named Clementine pouted with annoyance.

"Nice revenge trick… calling my Blissy! But your name is too long~" she fought back.

"I don't get how you like SHINee and K-pop! First of all, it's Korean and you're Filipino and well…they're kind of, sort of, gay…" She finished of by trailing of the last word she said.

"How dare you." Clammy pointed a straight finger at her.

"They're cute, hot and sexy! Better than the Justin Beiber! (A/N- no offence to anyone). I read the English lyrics to their songs and they have amazing meanings and without them, I would have gained no inspiration to find this amazing passion of mine." She fought back while doing a strange twirl.

Bliss then waved her hands in defeat. "Fine, you win but I still love One Direction. You got that man?"

"Yeah, yeah. We all have our own likes. Let's get home now! So sleepy from this dancing. " Clammy said in an exhausted voice, eyes dropping.

"Okay." Bliss replied in a carefree tone as Clammy went at the change rooms to change.

After Clammy got changed into fresh, clean clothes, both of them left the unnamed dance studio, which was brand new and unknown. Clammy and Bliss both had a few fights on what to name the place but alas, still nothing came up to please them. They needed something… creative.

While they were walking back home (which I say was not very far at all), they started talking about the latest Kuroshitsuji manga release.

"Ahh~ no matter what manga chapter Sebastian is in, he's like a man on fire! Haha, even in the anime, he's hot!" Bliss squealed in delight while Clammy was listening to 'One' by SHINee. A beautiful song indeed. She was managing to keep up on her hyped up friend constantly squealing about Kuroshitsuji. She always found this part of her best friend extremely… annoying but amusing as well.

"So…" Bliss looked at me and poked on my arm.

"Who's your favourite character in Kuroshitsuji Clammy? You've got to have one! I mean, c'mon. Most of them are total cuties to die for." Favourite… hmm… never really thought about it that much. Clammy then thought extremely carefully, knowing her friend would make a strange face or tell her that's not her type if she gives the wrong answer.

"Well, I really like this 'Undertaker' character in the story. He's so… cool." Clammy replied but to her avail, Bliss did not look impressed.

"What's so cool or nice about that character? He isn't hot… I swear, I think he's a pedo and has a pedo grin and will haunt you in you dreams… like a freaking ghost." Bliss replied in a manner that told Clammy that she wanted a decent answer.

"I like him because he isn't leading a boring, ordinary life and is living a life full of mystery and thrills." She replied casually as Bliss gave her an odd stare.''

"…Onto the next topic! Who the hell is your SHINee bias? I've told you my One Direction fave but you haven't told me how your lover is in SHINee." Bliss said in an exasperated tone whilst waving her arms up and down like a maniac. Clammy grinned to herself, as she wouldn't tell her. She just has to find it out on her own. She would have to find out that sexy, hot Minho was her bias.

"Why don't you just SHINee's music videos and find out about it yourself my dear friend! You can spot for which member is doing my moves." Clammy had an evil smirk on her face that made Bliss sigh in frustration.

"Hmph! Be that way." Bliss was annoyed. Why couldn't she tell her who her SHINee bias is? It isn't that hard to mention anyway, unless there was someone she needed to be cautious of. She thought that if she watched them, she'd like them. She's not gonna fall that easily.

Time passed by extremely quickly with their happy mood and delightful conversation and without realization, they were at Clammy's old one-story house. She lives with her extremely old looking mother and a sister full of hopes and dreams. Her stupid father and her menacing brother left them when she was only three years old. They went all the way to Sydney, Australia just to get away from them. They also live in a one-story house.

"Hee~hee~. We be here now. Hahahahahaha! Goodbye my best friend forever!" She gave her tall friend a small hug and skipped along to her house that was a few blocks away. She smiled but then frowned as she walked to the front door of the house, thinking about the fact that her so called mom would go out with her so called friends again and leave them there. She was freaking frustrated that she could just leave them so easily without one care in the world.

Suddenly, as if on cue, when she reached the front door, her atrocious mother swung the door in an over-reactive manner and she stared at her. Clammy's mother was in her late forties and this made her extremely worried about her mother's health due to her over-drinking. She peered into the simple lodging they had and softly sighed in relief, as it was still neat and tidy (and it usually isn't due to her mother). The house consists of three bedrooms, one bathroom, two garage doors, a kitchen, living room and dining room for a simple family.

"Oh, my beautiful Clementine is back from her dancing. I'm going out to see my darling friends. Ok?" Her mother said in a cheery voice, which put her in an extremely horrible mood. Her clothing couldn't be described due to the fact it was just plain ridiculous.

"Mom, if you're going out with your…friends to go drink and spend to your heart's content, I won't allow it! You're just so plain lucky that my sister and I work part time to earn some money and we have scholarships!" Clammy growled at her mother in a menacing way, causing her mother's eyes to have a flare of anger in them.

"Don't talk to your own mother like that Clementine Carrington! I'm not going to spend all the money we have!" She retorted back, making Clammy even more frustrated than before.

"Belinda, that's what you say every single day! C'mon, seriously grow some sense inside you. You've been leaving Louise and I ever since I turned ten years old, going out to drink and spend our money continuously, shunning us away all the time. You couldn't – no wait, you never thought about how Louise and I felt about the situation you put us in. It just feels like we've got no parents at all! If you're going out then, give the money your daughters have tried their best to earn by actually working hard!" Clammy screamed at her mother, causing the hard-working sister to be disturbed from what she was doing. The sister softly sighed and rushed out of her room to see her older sister and her mother having a battle with they eyes. She was sick and tired of this calamity she's being put in. The seventeen year old just hopes that her mom would stop.

"Mom, please, if you give us the money, you can go visit your friends, deals?" Louise negotiated calmly to her distressed mother. Clammy and Louise just stared at each other and Clammy knew that Louise was just doing this to stop the argument they were having. Louise stared hard back at her mother and sighed.

"Ok. Either that or we're going to call someone to help with your poor condition."

"Che. Here's the money." Her mother passed the wallet to Clammy and walked off in a posh manner. He groaned in annoyance as she finally walked into the house and locking all the doors carefully. She quickly opened the wallet and then looked at Louise.

"Well, that worked out fine, considering she gave us the right amount of money, which is something she barely does. $800 in cash." Clammy informed her sister as she flashed a caring smile to her timid sister. She closed the wallet and started walking back to her room.

"Don't make any dinner for me. I already ate out." Clammy waver her arm dismissively as she walked back to her quiet room.

"Ok." Louise replied as she saw her sister go back into her room. She then walked back to her room when she suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. She cringed at that but didn't want to tell her sister. She knew that she was stressed enough but she knew her feeling were always right. Like the time she almost tripped over a rock but because she knew something bad would happen, she missed the rock. But, this uneasy feeling didn't matter as she opened the door to her room, not knowing the consequences of not following that terrible feeling.

Clammy's room was a simple one. It had the basic necessities like a bed, wardrobe, table, chair, drawers, computer, outlets, small T.V., C.D. player (used for SHINee purposes and other groups) and a SHINee poster (not something necessary, but still…)

As she changed into her nightgown that had a gothic touch to it (which she randomly chose) she sighed at the annoying day she had. She decided to play the Lucifer album she had on the C.D. player, tucked herself in bed and got ready to have an excellent sleep, ready for the next day.

"Goodnight, world." She muttered tiredly as she closed her heavy eyes, not knowing the adventures that will face her next.