Strange neighbours

Chapter one: New home

It is one thing to have strange neighbours but it's another thing to
have alien neighbours. But it's a whole other thing to have a mix of both.

Samantha Jerold is possibly what you can call normal. She has curly
elbow length honey brown hair, defined cheekbones and sun-tanned
skin with lots of freckles across her nose and cheeks. The only thing that isn't normal about her are her eyes. They're a midnight blue and if you look
carefully around the edge of the pupil they're black, giving the illusion of her having black irises. Also another thing that isn't normal about her is her new neighbours in South Gate, CA. And that's where our story begins.

"Thaya look at this house, isn't it beautiful?" Sarah, Samantha's mother, was leaning her whole torso out the window of the car as her father, Dave, was pulling up.
"Yeah it's pretty, look at that balcony, I shot-gun that bedroom!" Samantha shouted as she climbed out of the car and stretched.
"Then I get the garage" Dave said absentmindedly as he began pulling boxes out of the car.
"Hey! That's not fair. You know I need the garage for my big project" Samantha moaned as she began stacking boxes on the grass. Samantha's main hobby was tinkering with engines, specifically car engines because she was very familiar with them. She had overrun their old garage with many spare parts and her ever expanding collection of tools much to Dave's annoyance.
"I'll give you the half Garage if you have the downstairs bedroom, and I promise to not touch any of your projects." Dave said turning to her.
"Yep, deal." She snatched a box marked 'Thaya' and jogged into the house.
"Ah crap" she realised what had just happened and looked back out to the car. Dave began laughing at the 'you've got to be kidding' expression on her face when he saw it.
Half the garage was fine but it meant that Dave would be storing all the boxes in his half until he and Sarah had unpacked them all, which could be weeks later before they finally get around to it.

She shoved her hip into the wood of the bedroom door and walked into a dark room. From what she could make out in the dark it was a small room but had, to her utter joy a walk-in wardrobe. She dumped the box down on the carpeted floor and opened the curtains getting showered in a thick cloud of dust.
"That is so disgusting." Samantha managed to say to herself through sneezes as she walked out of the room and back outside rubbing her nose and eyes.

"Samantha, come here!" Her mother waved at her and she walked down the footpath with red watery eyes and rubbing her nose to her parents who were talking to three people. A woman and what looked like her son and husband.
She could hear her mother rambling on to the woman.
"We just moved from Western Australia"
"Oh how lovely! You have a very strong accent." Sarah blushed at the woman's response then noticed that Samantha had joined their little circle.
"Thaya, these are our neighbours Judy and Ron Witwicky and their son Samuel." Samantha smiled at the family,
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She inwardly sighed when the woman's gaze doubled-backed to look at her eyes. She hastily covered her shocked expression with smile. She hated it when people gawked at her eyes, for once she wanted people to not look at her like she was an exhibit in a freak show when they first looked at her. Looking away she spotted a yellow Camaro parked out front of their house. She would have given anything to get a closer look at the engine.
"So how old are you Samantha?" Judy asked trying to move on from the awkward moment.
"I'm seventeen in three weeks" Samantha replied looking back at Judy.

"Oh lucky you, Sam's just turned eighteen." She nudged her son who'd clearly been sleeping only moments before.
"Hi, I'm Samuel but I prefer Sam" he smiled at Samantha
"I'm Samantha, you can call me Thaya though."
"Nice nickname, you're lucky you didn't get stuck with 'Sammy' like I did." Samantha laughed at Sam's comment and spared another glance at the Camaro.

"Dave, Sarah do you need any help unpacking your things?" Ron asked.
"We might need some help bringing in the heavier boxes, if you don't mind." Dave answered smiling slightly embarrassed.

"We couldn't afford professionals." Sarah put in sadly.
"We'd be happy to help out our new neighbours." Judy chimed like a bell with a big smile.

"Oh that's so kind, we'll have you all over for dinner one night when we're more settled in" Sarah said to Judy before they walked off planning possible dinner party dates closely followed by Dave and Ron leaving Sam and Samantha by themselves.

"Do you need a hand with your bags?" Sam asked looking over at the stacks of boxes and bags sprawled over the lawn near the car.

"Only if you want to help." she replied with a sweet smile. He looked cute with the ruffled bed hair.

While Sam helped Samantha drag her boxes into the house they discussed a lot of things and Samantha even found out that the Camaro was Sam's car. Oh how jealous she was.

Well here's chapter one for you. I have no idea where the inspiration to write this came from or where I'm going with it but there will be more.

Note: This isn't set in during any of the movies or follow up to any of them. I'm just messing about with characters in my own head.
