Hello everyone!
I decided to this because I have wanted to do a fanfic for a while but have not had the time (or attention span) to do one. Not only that but I do have some ideas for a fanfic, but it's still in the beginning stages so it won't be posted for a while. So in the mean time I decided to write a characters reading fanfictions about themselves story. Why, because I actually find these kinds of fanfictions interesting and I wanted to try my hand at it. That said, I also wanted to do something other than Naruto and Harry Potter reads simply because I've seen too many of those and I don't feel I can compete yet. I may do a Harry Potter reads in the future not sure yet. So I decided to do a Persona reads fanfic because I've yet to come across one myself, and because I thought it would be interesting.
I'll say it now just to get it out of the way – I don't not own, make money off of, or have anything to do with Persona (other than being a fan of it of course) and the fanfictions that I use are the ideas and stories of other authors and would take this time to encourage readers to read the original versions of these stories when they can.
The first fanfic I am using is: Persona 4: Split Personalities by Kisdota-The Freak Gamer. It is my favourite Persona story and I give Kisdota full credit for coming up with such a great story.
Also please be kind, as this is the first fanfic I've written.
Let's Begin…
Souji Seta wasn't surprised to see his friends sprawled out on the floor of his Uncle's home. After all they were always coming over to visit him and Nanako, and had practically adopted the home as there new secret headquarters (since the old one wasn't needed anymore).
What concerned Souji was that he wasn't supposed to be there. In fact five minutes ago he had been listening to a lecture in class back in Tokyo. He didn't know of anything that could have possibly transported him from Tokyo to Inaba, apart from perhaps falling asleep and having a very, very bizarre dream (though he had already pinched himself to check that possibility).
He wasn't the only one that shouldn't have been there though. In fact, apart from Teddie, all of his friends should have either have been in class (like he had been), or out of Inaba altogether. Stopping for a brief moment, he took a quick glance over at his friends to make sure that they were ok.
Yosuke Hanamura – he was the same as he had been six months ago when they had last seen each other. He was in his school uniform (confirming that he had been in class) though it now marked him as a third year. He was clearly alright, though Souji suspected that he had fallen asleep in class from the mumbling and line of drool going down his face.
Chie Satonaka – she, much like Yosuke hadn't changed. She had claimed to have intensified her training the last time they had spoken, though Souji couldn't tell if she had been telling the truth or not. Still wearing her green jacket, there was a wad of money sticking out of one of the pockets (money that likely use to belong to Yosuke) that she was clutching protectively that confirmed that she was fine.
Yukiko Amagi – she had clearly grown though, Souji admitted with a blush, it had clearly been more out then up. She no long wore her trademark red jacket, rather her entire uniform was now completely red giving the impression that she was on fire. She was wearing more makeup then Souji remembered her wearing; now being far more obvious then before while sticking to her red theme. Souji spoke to her more frequently than any of his other friends, often three or more times a week. She liked hearing about what city life was like, especially since she would be going to college in the next year or two. She had been both shocked and elated to have her parents encourage her to broaden her horizons and had talked Souji's ear off when she had gotten the news. She was currently curled up like a cat on the couch.
Kanji Tatsumi – life had been good to Kanji the last few months. Now even taller than before, his huge stature would have intimidated anyone who didn't know him personally; though those who did know him would claim that he was quite possibly the world's biggest softy. He had begun actively contributing to his family's shop and his stuff toy designs had actually caught the attention of some major toy companies, much to his surprise. He had refused to speak to anyone else about the deals he had been offered claiming: "I gotta make this kinda decision myself, ya'know?" leading everyone else to stop prying and wishing him luck, hoping that he did well. Of course the last great thing that had happened to Kanji was that he had gotten a girlfriend… supposedly. No one had ever seen Kanji with his girlfriend and Yosuke would frequently joke that: "A blow-up doll doesn't count as a girlfriend", however seeing Kanji now with his uniform done up properly and his hair set in an almost professional way (though it was still bleached) made Souji believe that he might not be lying about his beau after all.
Teddie – or rather Teddie Hanamura after his adoption into the Hanamura family was complete. He had thankfully managed to get away with claiming that he didn't remember his past when being interviewed for adoption. What had shocked everyone (except for Yosuke who had gotten pissed instead) had been that Teddie was not required to go to school. He had claimed, during a school interview, that he already knew everything and that it wasn't necessary for him to go to school. Believing that he was calling Teddie's bluff, the principal gave Teddie advanced third year tests on every subject. Teddie got above perfect scores on every test, scores that indicted that he could quite possibly graduate University by the end of 2012 if had wanted too. Teddie declined all scholarships to University, claiming that he planned to go in a year or two, was given his high school graduation diploma and currently worked full-time at Junes, saving up the money for university himself. Beyond being un-godly smart (apparently) he was still the same flirtatious and naïve bear that he had been when they had first met.
Rise Kujikawa – Yukiko may have been the person the Souji spoke to the most frequently, but Rise was the one Souji saw the most in person since leaving Inaba. Indeed Rise came to Tokyo less than a month after Souji to resume her career, and now she was hotter than ever before, though Souji suspected that the fact the fact that Rise had grown in much the same way that Yukiko had contributed to her fame. Souji had been surprised when Rise had phoned him up and asked him to come visit her on the set, but he had been welcomed with open arms by not just Rise, but everyone else on set as well. He had in fact been such a hit that Rise's manager had added him as an emergency contact for her claiming: "she works so much harder, and shines so much brighter with you watching her" much to Souji's embarrassment. He would occasionally take Rise out to do something to help her relax from the stresses of her fame, though her switching between her playful and flirtatious nature, to a downright sexy and seductive one would make the time together stressful for Souji. Rise had clearly been on set before coming here, as she was currently dressed in rather revealing gang-like clothing with her make up on, though Souji made a mental now to be out of arm's reach when she woke up. Rise could be absolutely viscous when interrupted or annoyed, and he did not want to be in reach of her purple nail-polish covered claw-like nails when she woke up and realized what had happened.
Naoto Shirogane – Naoto had left Inaba soon after Rise, being called away for a new case that needed her assistance. Her contact with the others had sporadic since, and the few times she had made contact she had always sounded stressed and exhausted. She would frequently end conversations with the others quickly when pressed for information about the case she was working, or when questioned about what she did on her free time. Often, when she was extremely busy, tired or exhausted, messages from her were given to the others through either Souji or Kanji, likely because Kanji was still too embarrassed to make deep conversations with Naoto, and Souji knew better then to ask her too many questions when she was in such a sate. Still, she did like hearing about how everyone was doing, and would apologize for her mood almost every conversation she had. It was also clear that she had taken Chie's parting advice to embrace her feminine side more, at least to an extent. Her hair had grown out and she had placed it into a loose ponytail, and her clothing was decidedly more feminine than it had been before, though she still seemed to have decided to forego makeup, not that she needed it because… well…
Souji considered himself to be a respectful young man. He did his best not to ogle women or focus on specific parts of their anatomy when speaking to them, no matter how much they clearly wanted him to take as much time as he wanted to do so (cough *Rise* cough). But… to put it simply… as much as Rise and Yukiko had grown in the past few months… there was still a huge difference between them and Naoto… a huge one.
Confirming that his friends were alright, Souji decided to explore the rest of the house. It was exactly as he had remembered his Uncle's house being before he left. His room looked, and even smelled, exactly as he remembered it. His Uncle's and little sister's rooms were exactly as he remembered them as well. Attempts to open the doors and windows of the house were unsuccessful, and the fridge stocked to the brim with food lead Souji to believe that whoever had put them there intended to keep them there for a while. The only thing that struck Souji as odd was the laptop he found on the kitchen counter. It was clearly on, but the screen was completely white. Attempts to get the computer to either function, or turn off did nothing; even removing the battery didn't do anything. Sighing Souji concluded that he would have to wait for his friends to wake up before attempting anything else.
**Hours Later**
Souji patience was beginning to run out. Several more run throughs of the house only reinforced Souji's opinion that his friends would have to wake up before anything would happen, but now he was left wondering when they would wake up. He was tempted to force them to wake up, sorely tempted, but though better of it after realizing that he had no idea how they had gotten here and that waking them up early could possibly cause more harm than good. Still it had been several hours since they had gotten here and it wasn't encouraging that it was taking so long for everyone to wake up.
Thankfully Souji's wait ended when Naoto began to stir; the quiet mumblings of the detective princess a welcome sound in the otherwise silent house. She seemed to be gathering herself slowly, not yet aware of the predicament they now found themselves in.
Souji decided to grab onto an opportunity that he couldn't resist. "Morning Princess."
Naoto went rigid. Her eyes shot open immediately analyzing everything around her. When her eyes landed on him they widened in shock. He gave a mocking wave in return. Leaping to her feet, Naoto began glaring at him, aware that something was wrong, but not yet what it was.
"Who are you? Why do you look like Souji-sempai?"
"I am Souji Seta, Naoto."
"If you expect me to believe…"
"When you first joined up with the investigation squad you told us all about what had happened when Namatame kidnapped you, we got mad that you had used yourself as bait, and then you asked me if you could join our investigation." A pause "Oh and Yosuke said that you had balls for a girl."
A slight blush crossed Naoto's face as she was reminded of the interesting past they shared together. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she stopped glaring but the analyzing look never left her eyes.
"My apologies sempai I assumed you were an imposter."
Souji waved it off. "It's fine I understand."
"So where are we?"
Souji gave a mocking smile. "Isn't it obvious?"
Naoto gave the house a brief glance, her eyes widening as she realized where she was.
"This is Dojima-san's house?"
"How long have we been here?"
"A few hours."
"Is anyone else here?"
Souji pointed at the floor.
"Ah, how did we get here then?"
"No idea."
Cue glare.
"Excuse me?"
"I mean it Naoto. I woke up here and I've waited here for the last few hours for you guys to wake up. Do you honestly think I would lie in this kind of situation?"
Naoto sighed and began playing with her ponytail.
"My apologies sempai. I've been very stressed out lately and this is not helping."
"I understand Naoto. I'm not taking it personally don't worry."
"I guess you don't know how long it took us to get here do you?"
"Five minutes."
Naoto nodded before freezing like a deer caught in the headlights.
"…I'm sorry sempai can you repeat that."
Souji sighed turning away from Naoto.
"I checked the time on my phone in class right before I woke up here. After I woke up, checking the time on my phone was one of the first things I did. Only five minutes had passed, and it was the same date and year."
"… but… but your phone must be…"
Souji sighed again and pulled out his phone, gesturing for Naoto to do the same. Naoto did so mechanically, the disbelief still frozen on her face.
"6:02 pm, yours?"
"…6:02 pm."
Naoto's open and closed rapidly in succession. Eventually she huffed and headed for the stairs.
"Where are you…?"
"I'm going to go check the house; there might be some clue as to what is going on somewhere."
"I've already checked the house several times… but another set of eyes wouldn't hurt I guess." Souji concluded at Naoto's glare.
"Glad you think so sempai." Naoto responded before heading up the stairs. Souji sighed. He was grateful that Naoto was here, but her reluctance to accept the strange things for simply what they are, and attempting to place logic to them instead would be a road block that they would need to get over if they were to make any progress as to why they were here in the first place.
"Oh and sempai" came Naoto's voice, her head sticking down the stairs from the second floor.
"Yes Naoto?"
"If you call me princess again… I will hurt you"
Souji chuckled in response "Nice cleavage Naoto."
Naoto looked down; her button shirt had just enough buttons undone to give an excellent view of her breasts with out completely showing them off. She turned crimson and pulled her shirt closed. She sent one last withering glare to Souji before stomping off to investigate the second floor. Souji couldn't help but chuckle at the extremely feminine reaction from his friend.
"Wass going on?"
Looking over, Souji saw Yukiko waking up. She stretched gracefully before getting up and wandering sleepily over toward where Souji and Naoto had been talking. Souji had to stick his arm out before she walked into a wall.
"Not that way Yukiko."
Yukiko jerked awake. "Souji-kun!" she said shocked.
"That's my name." He smiled.
"But… wha… how… when…?"
He held up his had to pause her. "To answer the questions I know you're going to ask: We're at my Uncle's, we've been here a few hours, I have no idea how we got here, and it took us five minutes to get here."
Yukiko nodded at each response, accepting each answer and matching them to the questions that she had tried to ask. She did this for a moment before turning crimson and looking straight at Souji.
"Um… Souji-kun… are we… you know… the only ones…"
Souji pointed at the others. "And Naoto is upstairs checking the house."
"Ah… right."
An awkward silence hung over the two for a moment. Yukiko was fiddling with her hands nervously, while Souji tried to think of what to say – he hadn't seen Yukiko in person in over six months after all.
"It's really good seeing you again Yukiko."
"Ah… yes… It's great to see you too Souji-kun" Yukiko responded with a beaming smile.
The two relaxed, simply happy to be in each other's presence again after so long. Yukiko opened her mouth to say something when…
"Ah… Yukiko-sempai I thought that I heard you."
"AHH…N-Naoto-kun don't sneak up on me like that!"
Naoto raised her eyebrow, as if to say she hadn't snuck up on her while Souji chucked quietly behind his hand, knowing full well the consequences of allowing either girl to see his laughter at the situation. After he regained himself, he turned to Naoto.
"Are you finished? That was a lot faster than I expected."
Naoto nodded. "Yes, I was only looking for the obvious, since nothing jumped out at me I can only conclude that this is either the real home of the Dojimas, or it is an extremely well put together fabrication. Also I skipped going to your room since I wanted your opinion directly in that case."
Souji hummed in response. "Yes I though the same thing; though in this case I'd lean more to it being a fabrication. I think you'll agree with me after you see my room."
Naoto raised her eyebrow again. "What do you mean sempai?"
"It's easier to just show you. Are you coming too Yukiko?"
"Ah… yes I will."
The three trekked upstairs, not making much effort to be quiet in hopes it would stir the others. After getting to his room, Souji opened his door and allowed the two girls to enter and look around. Naoto seemed to realize immediately what Souji had been referring to after a quick analysis of the room. Yukiko on the other hand had a glazed look on her face and a small nostalgic smile on her lips, seemly lost in pleasant memories.
"I see what you mean sempai. Even though Dojima-san did say that you would be welcome to return anytime you wanted I find it hard to believe that he would leave this room set up in such a way after six months… beyond that is there anything in the room that seems out of place?"
"No it looks just like the last time I was here…"
Naoto looked over at Yukiko who had answered instead of Souji.
"And how exactly would you know that Yukiko-sempai?"
Yukiko jumped in her skin, only now realizing what had just come out of her mouth, and had no idea what to say now that she had been caught.
"…uhh… umm…"
"Wow it really hasn't changed at all has it?"
All three jumped and turned to the door way, the source of the new voice.
Rise took no notice of Yukiko calling out to her, her face set in the same way Yukiko's had been only moments before.
"Rise-san how do you know that nothing has changed?" Naoto's impatience was beginning to show clearly now.
Rise continued to glance around the room happily, but answered Naoto's question nonetheless. "When Dojima-san and Nanako-chan were in the hospitable I came to keep sempai company a few times. I got to see his room a few times. Was it the same for you Yukiko-sempai?"
Naoto's head shot over to Yukiko, whose expression had changed from shock at Rise's response to hesitation now that she had been placed on the spot.
"Ah… yes I did the same thing as you Rise-chan."
Naoto's gaze passed between Rise, who was still examining the room fondly, to Yukiko, who seemed to be trying to sink into the floor. Souji, still at the door, was avoiding the gaze of all three girls, hoping he would continue to remain unnoticed.
"Don't the two of you think that it is not entirely appropriate to be alone in a room with a man at your ages?"
Rise now turned her attention directly to Naoto, but instead of answering her question… "Wow Naoto your breasts really are huge aren't they?"
Naoto's response was immediate. She covered her chest with her hands and charged out of the room, making sure to growl fiercely at Rise as she went. Rise only laughed in response.
"She's so sensitive."
"It doesn't help when you tease her you know?" chided Souji half-heartedly; he had a smile gracing his lips as well.
Rise shrugged. "There will be plenty of people who will point it out, especially considering what she's doing for a living. If she can't take a joke from us about it, then she'll all but kill anyone else who says it."
"True enough."
"And now you see my point." She turned to face Souji. "It's been so long, I've missed you."
"It's only been four days Rise." Souji laughed.
"Hey a beautiful girl says she's missed you don't just laugh it off!"
"My apologizes" said Souji, still laughing "I've missed you too."
Souji continued laughing until something soft pressed up against him. Rise molded her body to Souji's, wrapping one arm around his shoulders, and letting the other move to the back of his head, her long nails digging lightly into his scalp. She placed a tender kiss on his cheek, lingering for a moment, before moving to his ear.
"I've really missed you, Sou-ji sem-pai." She purred huskily.
She moved away from him, ignoring the blush that crossed his face and headed back downstairs. "I'll be downstairs sempai" she called back playfully. It was all Souji could do not to sigh. He had lost track of the number of times that she had done something like this when they were together. At first he had though that she might have been trying to hint at something, but these kinds of events happened so frequently that he came to the conclusion that Rise was just playing with him. He was about to head downstairs himself when a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind.
"Ah, Yukiko."
Yukiko had wrapped her arms firmly around Souji's chest. She had buried her face in his back and her… growth spurt… was more prevalent than ever to Souji. Just when he was about to ask what was wrong she leaned up and planted a brief kiss on his other cheek. Withdrawing quickly, she moved away and nearly ran down the stairs before stopping.
"I've missed you too Souji-kun" she whispered shyly, before finally bolting down the stairs herself.
Souji was floored. He had come to expect this sort of thing from Rise, and had learned not to react to it, as much, but he had never expected Yukiko to do something like this. Did it mean anything? Was she just doing it to make a point like Rise did? Was it supposed to mean something more?
He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of such thoughts. Now was not the time to consider such things, they were trapped inside his "uncle's" house with no idea how they got there, or how to leave. He would worry about this kind of thing later, after he knew everyone was safe. With his plan of action decided, he too went downstairs.
Downstairs was a great deal more lively then it had been even twenty minutes ago. Rise and Yukiko were chatting loudly in the kitchen –
"OH MY GOD. Your nails are fabulous Yukiko-sempai!"
"Ah, really but this is the way I always do them now…"
"No way really? What colour are they?"
"Crimson Ruby, but…"
"WHAT! I've looked everywhere for that colour and I can't find it! Where do you get it?"
"Ah, well…"
– Naoto was gazing out the back door mumbling quietly to herself arms still wrapped around her large chest –
"… reasoning behind kidnapping… no apparent motivation… no indication of any form of ransom… great effort placed into replication of location…"
– Chie, Yosuke and Teddie were still passed out on the floor. Kanji however –
"S'up sempai."
– was now wide awake, and seemed to have taken up a post nearby Naoto, not that she had noticed still lost in her deductions as she was.
"Kanji, it's been a long time hasn't it?"
"Yup, it sure has sempai. How you doing in school?"
"Still top of my class. How are you're business deals going?"
"Fine, it's a lot of complicated shit, but I'm handling it fine."
Souji chucked at Kanji's blunt response. "Do you know what's going on?
Kanji shrugged. "Basically yah, Naoto and you can figure the specifics as we go I guess…"
"By the way when did you wake up?"
"When somebody smacked me hard in the head!" growled Kanji as he glared at Rise.
"Oh, you're a big tough guy aren't you? You're just fine." responded Rise when she noticed Kanji's glare.
Kanji merely grumbled in response while Souji chucked next to him. He was about ask what had specifically happened, when he was tackled to the floor by a blond missile.
"Sensei! It's really you Sensei! I've missed you so much"
Teddie appeared to have woken up, realized what was going on around him, located his "Sensei" and then forgotten all else in the space of one second, because he caught not just Souji, but also Rise, Yukiko, and Kanji off guard. Naoto, lost deep in thought, hadn't noticed Teddie's awakening, and Chie and Yosuke were still passed out on the floor, though they had been knocked around by Teddie when he had tried to get to Souji.
"Oi, Oi! Get off of sempai you god-damm bear!"
"How very rude Kanji! Here I am giving my beary best greeting to Sensei and you're running it with your vulgarity! For shame Kanji! For shame!"
"Wh-wh-what the hell! You stupid bear, you're the one that tackled sempai to the floor!"
Teddie got up off of Souji and attempted to intimidate Kanji. It was like watching a mouse intimidate a cat.
"I was just so bearcited that I couldn't contain myself! Don't be mean you bully!"
"What do you mean bully! And bearcited isn't even a word! Make sense dammit!"
Realizing that the two were too absorbed in their argument to help, Rise and Yukiko went over to Souji to help him to his feet. Wordlessly thanking them for their assistance, Souji took a brief moment to notice small sounds from Chie and Yosuke. Clearly they were waking up now. Turning to the two, he quickly realized what was about to happen.
"Ah… shit…"
Briefly noticing Rise and Yukiko's attention on him he merely pointed to the two sleeping beauties. The two girls quickly came to the same conclusion as Souji.
"Ah… this is… going to be bad."
"…Yosuke-sempai is going to die isn't he."
Having been knocked around by Teddie, Yosuke and Chie were now in very different positions then they were before. The problem with this was that Yosuke was now using Chie's breasts as his pillow. To make things worse, Chie was quickly becoming roused by the fighting between Teddie and Kanji. In what seemed like mere moments Chie was wide awake and yelling at the two.
"Will you two SHUT UP! I'm trying to… sleep… here…"
The slow widening of Chie's eyes, and the beet red colouring that her face had gained was all the indication that she was about to kill Yosuke. Unfortunately for him, he got one final chance to put a nail in his coffin.
"Uhh… this pillow… too hard…" mumbled Yosuke sleepily.
In less than a split second Yosuke found himself flung mercilessly into the wall next to Souji. Chie was currently being restrained by both Rise and Yukiko.
"Chie NO!"
"You can't do it Chie-sempai!"
Souji didn't move from his spot, mostly out of fear that doing so would attract the attention of the enraged Chie. He simply looked down at his friend, quickly assessing how badly he had been injured.
"It's not the greeting that I was expecting, but it's good to see you again Yosuke."
"Yah." gasped Yosuke, clearly in pain. "It's… good to… see you… too… Partner. Listen… can you… lend a… guy… a hand?"
"No way." chucked Souji "I'm not helping you with Hurricane Chie. I do not have a death wish."
"I though… you would… say something… like that. By… the way… what's on… your face?"
"My face?"
Souji reached up to his face, wondering what could possibly be on it. He hadn't done anything to get dirty since coming here and the only two to touch his face were… oh.
"Excuse me Yosuke, I'll be right back."
Souji moved quickly to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he saw the clear purple and red lipstick marks from both Rise and Yukiko. Sighing, he began the process of washing the marks from his face, going slowly in the hopes that when he was done everyone would have calmed down, and that Naoto would have some ideas that they could bounce off each other.
Taking his time, he drew hope when the sounds from the living room quieted down. Going back, he found Teddie, Kanji and Yosuke sitting with their heads bowed, and all four girls standing over them with their hands on their hips, glaring intensely.
"What happened now?" sighed Souji, wanting to get it over with quickly to move on to more important things.
"Well…" started Chie "Kanji and Teddie wouldn't stop arguing so it took all four of us to get them to stop, but only after the politely asked us to but out. Yosuke here started to apologize for what he did to me, only to…"
"…make a comment about Naoto's breasts?" finished Souji.
"Got it in one. So he had to be properly punished too. Anyways it is really good to see you again Souji." finished Chie with a friendly smile and hug to go with it.
"Oh come on!" whined Yosuke "You deck me into a wall and he gets a hug! What gives!"
"One!" responded Chie, hands now back on her hips. "I haven't seen Souji in half a year, so I'm aloud to be happy to see him. I see you so much that gets quite annoying at times frankly. Two: Souji's not a pervert. Three: Souji's one of my best friends, and I'm really happy to see him. You might get the same treatment if you went away for a while yourself. Four: Souji's not a pervert."
"Chie…" snickered Yukiko "…two and four are the same thing you…" was all she got out before bursting into full laughter.
"I know Yukiko… it really isn't that funny though."
Souji decided to cut in before anything else happened. "Right, moving on. Naoto do you have any deductions on our current situation?"
Souji was stunned. "What?"
"That is to say, no deductions beyond what we have already assumed. This place is a fabrication of the Dojima residence, none of us have any recollection of how we got here, we appear to have gotten here in a small timeframe" (Souji couldn't help but be impressed that Naoto would acknowledge this) ", and we have no idea why we were brought here. Beyond those truths, I have no idea what to do from here." Naoto admitted painfully.
Souji scowled. They desperately needed a hit as to why they were here, and how they could leave. If only they had a means of communication…
*beep* *beep*
"Ah the laptop"
"What laptop sempai?"
Souji brought the laptop from the kitchen to the table in the living room so that everyone could see it.
"This laptop, it's the only thing in the entire house that struck me as odd. I know it's not mine, and I don't believe that Nanako or Uncle have gotten a laptop in the last few months so it must have something to do with our current situation."
"And you didn't think of this before sempai?" glared Naoto.
"It didn't do anything before really?"
*beep* *beep*
Everyone glanced at the screen, hoping that something good would happen.
*you wish to know why you are here*
The words blazed across the screen.
"And you… are going to tell us?" said Naoto skeptically.
*you are here for entertainment*
"Entertainment… what exactly do you mean by that?" Yosuke returned slowly.
*you are here for our entertainment*
"W-w-what the HELL!" fumed Chie "Is this some kind of GAME to you?"
*it is a game to many yes*
Everyone was too stunned to respond.
*many have been entertained by this game*
*many have been inspired to write their own stories*
*you are here for our entertainment*
*you will entertain us by reading these stories*
"So… you want us to read stories… about ourselves?" confirmed Yukiko.
*you are here for our entertainment*
*these are stories that have happened that have not happened*
"That doesn't make any sense dammit!" yelled Kanji.
*what lies behind a mirror reflection*
"I see… so you mean alternate realities, don't you?" questioned Souji.
*these are stories that have happened that have not happened*
"Will these stories be interesting at least?" asked Rise.
*you are here for our entertainment*
*boring events will not entertain us*
"We're going to be paid for this right?" Teddie asked excitedly.
"Don't be stupid Ted!" snapped Yosuke "Of course we…"
*what you gain only you will understand*
"Eh… what does that mean?" Rise asked.
"Nevermind that!" growled Naoto "How long are we going to be here!"
*you are here for our entertainment*
*entertainment does not last forever you will leave when we are done*
"I asked how long!"
*you are here for our entertainment*
*you will stay until we are no longer entertained*
"What the hell!" rored Naoto "We have work! And school! And our lives to live! What gives you the right to…"
"Naoto." Souji cut in.
She paused and looked at him.
"I don't believe that we have a choice. If we do our best not to entertain them then we will likely be able to leave quicker. So for now we have to go along with it."
Naoto sighed and nodded.
*you are here for our entertainment*
*please entertain us by reading this*
* Persona 4: Split Personalities by Kisdota-The Freak Gamer*
Souji sighed "I guess I'll start then." There were no objections.
More to come!