Love Story

Reader x Tamaki

Love Story by Taylor Swift

I don't own the song or Ouran.


Daddy would miss his little princess, but he had to admit Tamaki Suou was one of a kind. Mama absolutely adored him, and she was not one to fall for a man's charm so easily, if at all. Daddy could barely say yes, and Mama was speechless when he asked for your hand. And when that one special day came, you couldn't even breathe.

The reception! The wedding! The dress! And then him, still sparkling and embarrassing you and making you nervous every way he can, because he loves you. He wedding was a lovely mix of purples and whites and a hint of pink blush, mostly emanating from your own blushing face as he snuck glances at you while you nervously laughed with friends and family, quickly and unexpectedly stole you away in the middle of conversations, and rested his head on yours while his arms wrapped around your waist. And lets not forget how outraged he was when he had to let you off to dance with other men. You couldn't help but giggle about it when you noticed his helpless and jealous staring.

And one thing led to another and it was already your honeymoon, something you weren't exactly looking forward to with all the nudging and winking people were doing at the wedding. When you finally reached the beach house, you were jittery and nervous, not sure what to expect but.. This was far from what any of your friends had expected. No advances, nothing overly romantic, just lots of long beach walks and being gently pulled into his lap so you could read or rest or talk as he braided your hair, something he learned just so he could run his fingers through your hair and see your cute, flustered face.

But the highlight of your two weeks away, perhaps the most tranquil and magical of them all, was the night you found a beautiful grand piano in an empty room overlooking the beach.

Overjoyed at the sight, you quickly called Tamaki over and begged him to play something with your best puppy eyes. One cute and curious look and a soft smile later, you were sitting next to the lavender-eyed king on the white piano bench, waiting for him to begin. A second passed before you finally looked up to meet his patient gaze, obviously waiting on you for some unknown reason.

You cocked your head slightly and quirked an eyebrow, not sure what to say. He sighed and mumbled something before pulling you into his lap and guiding your hands to the keys. He hummed a little tune as he situated his hands on the keys, motioning for you to place yours on his while he played a very slow and.. Almost mystical song. You relaxed and watched your hands glide up and down the piano, also noticing the gorgeous full moon and what seemed to be a rich violet night sky.

With his head placed atop yours and a comfortable warmth settling around the two of you, you proceeded to play the night away, a little surprised at his choice of songs, some being very romantic and some that made you blush in downright embarrassment.

But nevertheless, this was without a doubt your idea of the perfect night alone with the man you love the most.