Hi there! :D This is my first fanfic and for fuck sake's don't judge me about typos,etc. etc. :P

Hope you enjoy and flames will be put out by Inferno...

If there are mistakes,I apoligize..Fanfiction tends to cut off sentences and other things like that...

"Oh slag!" Bumblebee shouted when an small explosion went off behind him,sending him towards the ground.

"Bee ya gotta do everythin' with style!" Jazz exclaimed as he did back flips with 'style' when Starscream started shooting his null ray's at him. "Like a boss!"

'Retards' Prowl thought as he rolled his optics behind his cobalt visor. Throwing an shuriken at Blitzwing, he ran towards Bumblebee, who was still on the ground with his leg sporting an rather large piece of cement in it. 'Fragging younglings.'

"Prowl I got your back! Get lil' Bee out of here!"

"I'M NOT LITTLE!" Bumblebee screamed,throwing his hands up into the air and letting them fly back and forth like organic noodles.

"Right." Jazz replied calmly,even though he was facing off two mechs who we're way taller than him. "Your still the shortest out us all."

"Stop mocking me." The yellow insect-named bot pouted,crossing his arms over his chassis and allowing Prowl to drag him to cover.

"Why are we mocking? We can all sing!" Blitzwing said suddenly, the false statement revealing that Random was in place of the other two. "La la la la-" He got cut off as Bumblebee shot an burst of electricity from his stingers towards him. "You'll pay for that,Autoscum!" Blitzwing yelled, Hothead replacing his other personallity.

"This ain't going to end soon,isn't it?" Prowl asked as he crouched into an defensive position.

"I don't think so." Jazz answered,muttering something about he had different things to do under his breath.

"Well great."

"Are we there yet?" Bumblebee whispered into Jazz's audio receptors, not wanting to disturb Prowl. "Not even close." Was his reply,as Jazz shifted Bee in his arms.

The battle caused Jazz to take an full hit with one of Starscream's null ray, making his transformation cogs to get screwed up which made Bumblebee laugh and yell 'as if your a boss',who also couldn't transform due to the cement in his pede. "This is so boring!" Bumblebee moaned as he rubbed his blue optics. "Is anything anymore boring than being stuck here with you?"

"Well ya could be with the 'Cons or dead."

"That was an rhetorical question."

"I still answered."

"...slag you Jazz."

"Thats mah name don't wear it out."

"While you guys are babbling,I'm being useful for once and actually found something." Prowl stated as walked towards the other two.

"Whats that?" Bumblebee asked,about to poke the strange looking device if Prowl hadn't smacked his servo away. Prowl replied with an 'you tell me' as he turned inspected the object more closely.

"Well all I see is some small strange looking thingymabobber." Jazz answered Prowl's supposed question.

"Hey whats this?" Bumblebee asked as he touched an button on the small device.

"What the sl-" Jazz got cut off as the device disappeared with an flash of white and the three Autobots we're gone,leaving no trace that they we're ever there.

"Than Thundercracker tryed shooting at me but I guess I was to quick for him because-"

"We we're there,Cliffjumper." Sunstreaker cut in, rolling his azure optics, his golden paintjob glistening in the florescent lights. "Well at least I wasn't whinning about my paint during an battle!"

"Well I ain't so small that I can barely damage Starscream."

"I don't nearly kill myself in every single battle,trying to take down jets."

"If you have forgotten,me and Sides are probally the reason half of us are still online!"

The two Autobots continued throwing insults before an sudden scream filled the air. Giving each other 'what the frag' faces, all the off-duty mechs in the rec room ran out of the said room and towards where shouting was heard.

They met the sight of five supposed mechs -well the gold and black one looked like a femme- and Red Alert glitching on the spot with Inferno trying to calm him down.

"Ow my processor be aching." Jetfire groaned as he rubbed his helm.

"Primus, what happend?" Jazz managed to say as he got off the ground,noticing about the orange walls.

"The color here scares me!" Bumblebee exclaimed before getting shutted up by Prowl's hand.

"Brother, where are we being? I are remembering small device than KABOOM we being here." Jetstorm said as he did an 180 angle.

"Yes yes,brother. I be remembering that." The orange jet confirmed. "What we're we being doing-"

An scream cut of Jetfire's observation as they all arubtly turned to see an red and white bot falling on his aft before backing away like an frightend youngling. "What now Red-What the frag..." An taller red one trailed off when he caught sight of the Jettwins.

"Hey you are being boxy looking. Do you knowing where we are being?" Jetstorm asked as he walked towards the firetruck.

"STAY AWAY DECEPTICON!" Red Alert screeched as he started crawling away,making the others stare after him.

"Who the slag are you?" Bumblebee asked as he took out his stingers. "Or better yet,where are we?" Prowl muttered an 'you tell me' once again as he crossed his arms over his chassis.

"Your on the Ark." An small red bot stated like Bumblebee was an idiot,walking towards them with other mechs behind him.

"Where is Ark being?" Jetfire asked as he poked an orange wall.

"Are you mental? Your on the Ark,which is on Earth!" The same small red mech shouted as he waved his arms.

Jazz's mouth fell open when he caught sight of an familiar red and blue tall Cybertronian. "Fragging Primus on an oversized pink pogo stick."

Its short,yes I know that. If there are mistakes,I once again apologize.

Thanks for reading,and please leave an review if you think I should continue or just live it like that.