Because It Was You

A/N: Okay, so this is what I'm giving you. I'm not big on weddings, or good at writing cheesy proposals so bare with me.

This chapter is in third person partially.

The books Darkest Powers belong to Kelley Armstrong, some characters belong to BoOkWoRm

April 21st 2013

On this day, I am happy to invite you all to the wedding of Chloe Saunders and Derek Souza. It will occur on June 23rd 2013.

"That sounds to formal." Chloe spoke up looking over her fiancé's shoulder.

"Formal? Isn't that what a wedding is?" Derek replied angling his head to get a better look at her face.

"It's not formal though." Chloe replied, "Who else gets married in climbing gear?" Derek rolled his eyes,

"I thought we agreed not to do that."

"No you spoke your mind, I however think it'd be adventurous." Chloe replied slipping her arms over and around his chest.

"What if the rope snaps," He replied, "and then I have to watch you fall to the ground? Nope, it's not debatable."

"Okay so, no ropes. We'll just float there." She teased kissing his cheek, "what about the tree houses?" She brought up again.

"What about a church."

"No. That's boring and overdone." She quickly interrupted before he could continue, "we're supernatural creatures who have led adventurous lives so our wedding-"

"Should represent what we've been wanting forever, a normal life."

"An adventurous wedding." Chloe finished.

"Why don't you just collaborate." Tori interrupted as she stepped into the lover's bedroom. "Chloe wears white in the tree house, and if in the Church she can wear whatever she wants."

"I like that."

"You only like that because you know I want you to wear white." Derek muttered glaring at his sister, "thanks for the help."

"Bitches before snitches." Tori replied shrugging.

"I thought it was gals before pals?" Chloe spoke up,

"No its chicks before dicks." Derek spoke up.

"How vulgar." Chloe piped up, "comparing us to that." In the corner Tori began to laugh.

"Still our Chloe." She smiled, "speaking of which I need to borrow you." Derek growled softly wrapping an arm around Chloe's waist.

"No." He replied as Tori got closer looking at the computer screen.

"Oh, my god! Please tell me that is not your invite."

"What? It's formal."

"Please it sounds like your inviting someone to a funeral, move over." Taking the computer over Tori re-wrote the wedding invitation.

You are invited to the wedding of:

Chloe Saunders

Derek Souza

The Wedding is being held at

_ at 2:00

Please arrive by 1:30

The Wedding Feast begins at 5:00

Music and Dancing begins at 3:00

Much love

The Happy Couple

"There now that is a wedding invite." Tori smiled happily, "all it needs is a location."

"Isn't it a bit girly?" Derek asked reading it over.

"Well of course you don't honestly think a guy can plan a wedding do you?" Tori asked crossing her arms, "As Chloe's Maid of Honor it is my duty to help her fix your ridiculous mistakes."

"You said you needed me for something?" Chloe asked following a very powerful Tori dragging Chloe out of the room.

"I almost forgot!" Tori shouted as she pulled Chloe out of the house, "we're so going to be late!"

"Late? For what?" Chloe pondered as she was pushed forcefully into Tori's car.

"I'm nervous." Roxy whispered to Christopher Bae on the day of her wedding. Seeing as her own father passed away a few years previous she'd asked both Simon if he'd mind his father walking her down. Mr. Bae of course was extremely honored. "Don't take it wrong, I really love Simon and I'm also really excited to marry him and be a part of your family," She took a breath before continuing her rambling, "but I'm also really nervous."

"That's normal." Kit replied taking his future daughter in laws arm, "your nervous you'll trip, your making a life changing decision and worried you'll fail somehow. Your nervous because your excited and that makes you scared, and yet your so tired of waiting which only increases your nerves that someone will go wrong."

"Exactly!" She replied moving to hug Kit, "thank you!" Kit chuckled hugging her back.

"You know, Simon is thinking exactly the same thing you are Miss. Roxanne."

"You can't possibly know that."

"I'm sure I can, I remember the feeling very well from when I stood where he does today." He smiled down at her pulling away to take her arm again, "are you ready?" He asked as the doors began to open in front of them the wedding march music beginning.


"Churches are better," Derek argued spinning his girlfriend around on the dance floor a few hours after Simon's wedding ended.

"It was very pretty." Chloe replied, "but ours will be too."

"It's not to late to change functions." He prodded and she gave him 'that' look. You know the one, head tilted eyes looking up in utter disapproval. He smirked kissing her frowning lips.

"Did I mention you look beautiful?" He asked running his hands down the blue fabric she wore.

"Yes, if I recall. You said it as you helped me in the dress, and then again as you took my dress off moments later causing us to be thirty minutes late to help set up. Then once again as we got stuck in the far bathroom." He covered her lips then.

"Just thought I'd tell you again." He smiled down at her, "and we wouldn't have been late if you hadn't insisted on redoing your curls."

"Well I wouldn't have had to redo my curls if you hadn't insisted on running your hands through them, thoroughly." She retorted pulling him off the dance floor to the bar as the song ended.

"Well if you hadn't looked so incredibly sexy just before we left I wouldn't have had to remove your dress and," he reached out to tease a curl on the side of her face moving it aside to kiss her neck, "mess with your hair."

"What's the debate this time?" Drone asked walking up and ordering a drink, followed by Derek's own order for him and Chloe.

"Whose fault it was we were late." Chloe replied, causing Drone to grin widely.

"Well it takes two to have a sexy bed romp." Drone replied grinning like the Cheshire Cat at the two.

"What!" Chloe almost screamed in shock, "there is no way you could've known that!"

"Please, the two of you constantly have that aura around you. You just can't keep your hands to yourselves." He grinned grabbing his drink, "at least stay until the happy couple of tonight's wedding have gone to bed. It'd be rude to leave too soon."

"Well there goes my lets ditch early." Derek muttered getting a soft smack on the chest from Chloe.

"Derek!" She scolded.

"No bakery, no cake." Tori replied sitting beside Chloe on the couch.

"But….we can't have a wedding without a cake." Chloe replied leaning on her friend.

"We'll find a new bakery."

"In two days!" Chloe all but screamed, "0987654This is terrible!"

"What's wrong love?" Derek asked catching the end of the conversation as he returned from a run.

"Nothing." Chloe replied smiling at her fiancé, "just a character death in the show we watched died."

"Oh, alright then." Derek replied heading up the stairs to their washroom.

"Chloe," Tori began but Chloe silenced her with an icy glare. Shaking her head she stood up, "well I'll pick you up tomorrow, we can go have coffee or something."

"Sounds great! Nine?" Chloe asked getting a nod from her Maid of Honor before escorting her out of the house.

"So, what's really wrong?" Derek asked leaning over the railing at the top of the stairs.

"Nothing I can't handle," Chloe replied looking up at him to see him frowning down at her.

"You can rely on me you know." He replied, "I do want to help create this wedding."

"But the cake is mine to procure! We agreed on that."

"I thought you found the perfect cake?" He replied walking down the stairs towards her.

"The bakery burned down last night." She replied smiling sadly at him, "I'll fix it. We'll figure something out." Derek nodded taking her hand in his.

"Don't you have a party tonight?" She inquired finally able to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, but as you can see I'm covered in sweat. I'm in desperate need of a shower, and was thinking that there might be a sexy fiancé that would like to join me?" She rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the smile spreading across her face. Taking that as a yes he threw her gently over his shoulder carrying her to their shower.

"Pool?" Derek asked, "in a pool?" He pondered staring at the extended legs of the pool table perfectly balanced to stay just above the water level. As he spoke his brother helped get a beer helmet on his head.

"It's a bit difficult to play, but hella fun! Once were done I can turn it into a beer pong table with a simple spell."

"Hella?" Derek questioned his brother.

"Is that all you have to say?" Simon replied, "and yes I used the word hella and yes it is a word."

"No, Simon it's slang."

"Come on Derek! I'm gonna crush you!" Daniel challenged him jumping into the pool and catching the cue Drone threw at him.

"I'll crush you all at beer pong." Karan commented walking up beside Drone.

"I'm sure you will." Drone replied knowing just how Karan got so good at beer pong, it was his game.

"I haven't played in awhile." Karan said reaching out for Drone's hand.

"You played last night." Drone replied pulling his hand away, "at that club."

"No that was two nights ago, we played together so it doesn't really count as a single player game." He replied missing the movement of Drones foot as he tripped forwards into the pool.

"Gotcha." Drone replied smirking down at his drenched boyfriend.

"Your turn." Karan replied pulling himself out as Drone moved away.

"No way, I'm not going in there!"

"Oh yes you are!" Derek replied picking up the light guy throwing him into the pool knocking Karan back in as well. "If I'm doing this, you all are."

"Fair enough." Drone replied pulling off is drenched sweater and throwing it on the side of the pool.

"Is alcohol and pools a good idea?" Daniel asked rethinking their great idea.

"No." Derek replied, "but Simon will be sober while were in the pool."

"Sounds like a plan." Simon replied sitting on the sidelines.

"Rock climbing!" Chloe cheered hugging Tori, "thank you!"

"Hey now, this was my idea." Lani owned up, "cause you couldn't get married while hanging upside down." She teased.

"Okay so rock climbing and then?"

"Miniature golf." Roxy replied smiling at Chloe.

"Strip club." Tori threw in getting a glare from the rest of the group, "okay no strip clubs. A lovely picnic under the stars, then we go to Dad's and he's set up an area to drink and watch ridiculously dumb wedding movies."

"You girls know me too well." Chloe smiled getting Lani to check her harness before the climbing guard had a chance.

"Your good." She then pushed Chloe over the climbing line. "Let 'er rip!"

"Hole in one!" Tori cheered dancing around and Chloe gave her the same look she gave Derek when she wasn't impressed with him.

"Tori, it'd be sad if you didn't get that in one, there isn't anything but grass. It's number one."

"Well let's see you do it then Miss. Brilliant." Tori shot back watching Lani step up and place her ball. Turning her back to the ball she swung the club behind her back hitting the ball. Turning around theh watched as it slowly tumbled into the hole.

"Hole in one!" Lani shouted dancing around mimicking Tori.

"Yeah, yeah show offs." Chloe muttered placing her own ball.

"We love you Chloe!" Lani cheered as Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Love you idiots too."

"I hope I'm included in that." A deep voice growled as two strong arms circled her waist.


"Your not supposed to be here!" Lani scolded Daniel nudging him in the chest with her club.

"You were supposed to be finished." Daniel replied.

"Chloe liked the rock climbing more then we thought." Lani replied.

"Rock climbing!" Derek all but shouted, "You took her rock climbing!"

"Yes, it was awesome!"


"Fun!" Chloe argued. "Now either let go or help me putt." Choosing the later option Derek repositioned her and helped her get a hole in one.

"There." He replied taking the club from her, "shall we just do this one together?"

"But your not supposed to see each other." Tori argued.

"Too late for that plus that is only the night before the wedding, which means tomorrow night." Chloe replied taking Derek's hand.

"And I'm not doing it tomorrow either, I've had enough days and nights without Chloe." He replied squeezing her hand.

"The point of it is to make you more surprised to see her the next day."

"He shouldn't be surprised Tori, I will be at my own wedding thank you very much." Chloe replied following Derek's instructions at the next hole.

"Fine we can golf together but then they go." Tori demanded softly as Po wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Leave them be." He whispered to her, "they're happy."

"So I met Chloe when she was fifteen, she'd moved into the same crazy house they put me, Simon and her new husband in," Tori spoke into the microphone starting her speech, sending a wink towards the newlyweds at the mention of Lyle's House. "She instantly became my enemy, but as many know it's hard to stay mad at such a nice person, trust me when I say it's harder to hate them. Chloe forgave me for calling her terrible names, locking her in a crawl space after well… tying her up and knocking her out with a brick." There were a few laughs as Tori shrugged, "what can I say, I'm a bitch. However, my story is a bit juicier, before Chloe and Derek got shoved into a house during a snowstorm. She lived in this tiny little hovel of a room, it didn't even have a closet, and it had one of those swing up beds."

"That's true." Chloe whispered to Derek, "it was terrible." Derek frowned taking his brides hand into his own and giving it a tender squeeze.

"I'm sorry."

"It was a cold night and Chloe's window was patched up with cardboard and ducked tape. We were huddled in front of a wall heater watching Devil Wears Prada, and she turned to me looked me dead in the eyes and said 'I'm going to marry the next person who knocks on my door'. Four hours later, a lost pizza guy knocks on her door. It took her all of three seconds to fall on her knees and ask to marry him." Laughter filled the room as Chloe turned bright red; "he was out of there before she even looked up."

"You are crazy." Derek whispered into her ear.

"I was drunk." She replied kissing his cheek.

"Can I have a dance with my sister-in-law?" Simon asked holding his hand out for Chloe.

"I'd love too." Chloe replied taking his hand, "don't get too bored Derek. Oh and go say thanks to your Dad for me will you." She called over her shoulder as Simon led her to the dance floor.

"I've written over ten speeches, and none of them are good enough."

"Simon, anything you say will be good enough, did you hear Tori's." Chloe grinned at him as Simon snickered.

"She has a habit of being bitchy and funny." Simon replied, "That was hilarious."

"Yeah, well she left out the last bit. When we flung ourselves into bed after that, we threw the catch system that kept the bed horizontal. We were trapped by the bed and the wall for six hours." Chloe replied, "Tori was hysterical. My point in this is that you're supposed to embarrass us, but most of all humanize us so we stand on equal levels."

"Derek could do with some humanizing." Simon muttered causing Chloe to laugh.

"Just get up there and speak, you'll know what to say."

"Uh. So I'm Simon."

"Oh god." Derek muttered hiding his face in his hands.

"Derek, smile." Chloe instructed poking his side, "show him your support he's really nervous." Chloe smiled up at the trembling Simon waving at him.

"My brother the groom is a big, tall slightly terrifying guy, however I've had more then one person compare him to a teddy bear." Chloe giggled, earning a glare from her husband. "He may tower over people, and that is exactly what he did to Chloe the first time they met. Scared the hell outta her, it wasn't long after that while we were on the run the two had some sort of secret connection. Not that they ever told us about it, they loved each other for years. Then things fell apart, but even then Derek knew. He knew that if he waited long enough, she'd come back. She did, perhaps by mistake but she did. Then we lost her again; many of us gave up or wanted to give up. The pain of waiting is worse then the pain of losing someone forever. It feels a thousand times worse." Chloe glanced over at Derek squeezing his hand, "but Derek never stopped giving up, he always said she'd wake up. Then she did, a miracle some said but this was no miracle it was destiny." Simon smiled down at the happy couple, "to the newlyweds and to my new amazing sister-in-law."

"Cheers." Derek whispered in Chloe's ear kissing her cheek, "Miss Souza."

"I love you." Chloe replied turning to look at her mate and husband. Kissing his cheek she stood up and walked over to the stage to take the microphone. "I'd first like to thank you all for coming to our wedding. It means a lot to both Derek and I. I'm sure I could say a thousand things about Derek, like the fact that he only snores after he's had pizza for dinner and only when he lies on his left side." She smirked in her husbands' direction who hadn't known this tidbit of himself either, "I could tell you how he insists on washing his toothbrush every night because Tori once played a prank on him by dipping it in the toilet every night." A few people chuckled at this as well sending Derek blushing and hiding his face. He'd never imagined that secret getting out and he knew Tori would reveal in this more then anyone. "Derek is a more of a stuffed dog, he has soft fur, a big bushy tail and he has that whipped puppy look, those of you who know this. Well I'm sorry for whatever he's made you do. Many would tell you it was these traits, and the occasional smile that caused me to fall in love with him. You're wrong." Silence filled the room as she continued.

"I fell in love with you Derek because of who you really are, the gruff, demanding, overprotective, selfless person that you are every day. I fell in love with the man who chewed me out for even thinking of putting my pinky toe into the fire. I fell in love with the man who used his body as a shield and would feel the same pain when he didn't manage to protect you. I fell in love with the man who was so completely brave he never asked his brother for help when he needed it most. Who let the girl he loved go on a date with said brother because he was putting them before himself." Derek smiled up at his wife as she stared down at him crystals falling down her face, "I fell in love with that man, and I'm so glad that man is the man I married." There was cheering all around them as Derek leaped up the steps to take that woman in his arms. With her there he kissed the life out of her, because she was that woman.

A/N: I don't want you to think this is the end. Cause it's NOT.

Another chapter will be up. It will only be about the actual wedding. The chapters I write won't be in order necessarily. I'll keep all the kids pregnancy and stuff in order. However I might throw in a detailed night of Derek and Chloe with the baby when the story line is when the baby is two. Just some fun stuff. I will also throw in the real wedding chapters of all characters. Debating one about Roxanne and Simon though...pretty much covered that already.

Next chapter will skip speeches and jump to the Honeymoon night ;)

Hope you enjoyed it. Chapters take more time, more detail and I'm traveling and working a lot right now.
