Altair sat at his desk, writing a new codex under the candlelight. He knew not the purpose, but he felt the compulsion to accomplish the task. He didn't notice when Maria entered, so focused was he. She stood there in silence a moment before she spoke.

"A-Altair?" she asked quietly. He was immediately concerned; Maria never entered his study and just stood. She never stuttered. She never asked permission to speak. Altair laid his quill aside and faced his new bride.

"Maria, what is it?" He opened his arms to her, and after a second's hesitation she went to him and sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. She fidgeted, something else she never did. His concern grew.

"Altair, where is our next destination?" She kept her face turned from him. He thought a moment before answering.

"Masyaf, I suppose. I have business to attend to there. Why, my love?" He stroked her cheek, and she tilted her head away. He tried not be hurt.

"How long will the travel take?" Her voice sounded afraid. His brows knitted together in confusion.

"About four months, I should say. Maria, tell me please. What is the matter?" She shook her head.

"Altair, I don't know- I mean, I'm not sure I could- I know you're busy with the Assassins-"

"Maria. Calm down, please. What are you talking about? Why are you so anxious?" Maria stopped in her speech and took a wavering sigh.

"I'm pregnant." She dropped her head, resting her chin on her chest. Altair's hands fell to her hips, and Maria could feel his body go slack with shock.

"Y-you're sure?" Maria nodded, tears welling in her eyes and spilling over.

"I understand if you don't want it, if you don't want to keep me anymore. You have things to do, you don't need a family tying you to one place. You have the Order-"

"Maria!" Altair said, quietly but firmly. "Maria, stop this. I would never… I love you, and I will love this child with all that I have. You are what I want. If we are to have a baby, then I will be the father it needs. We will raise our child together."

Maria turned in his lap to face him. Her cheeks were stained with tears but her face held only surprise.

"You will? You will stay with me?"

Altair took her face in his hands and drew her head to his chest. "Maria, of course I will. You are my reason now. As long as you'll have me, I will be yours." He paused. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"You are so busy with the Assassins," she answered. "I didn't think you would want both a wife and a child to keep you in Masyaf. I didn't think you would a family…"

"Maria, you and our child have given me something to return home to. You have given me a reason to come back in one piece. I can never thank you enough." He kissed the top of her head, and his hand found its way to her abdomen absentmindedly. She sighed in contentment.

"Altair, can we hurry back to Masyaf?" Maria asked. There was laughter in her voice. "I do not want to be three months with child and have to ride a horse." Altair remembered the stories from the other Assassins of their pregnant wives.

"I would have to agree. We will leave tomorrow." He kissed her head, and then kissed his hand and pressed it to her abdomen, where their child was growing.

Altair had never been so happy.