Thanks for reading this story and thanks for reviewing it has meant so much to me. I've already planned on making a second where Falere, Darklight and Starscream's daughter comes into the picture and the same with Aria and Micro. Most of it will be about them but I sure will bring in as much as I can. I won't go future into my idea's not wanting to give anything away but I do need some help from my readers about the next story. I need idea's, I need other people's OC's and a title for the next story. I thought I would see what other's have to say.

If you have any idea's, OC's or a title please message me. A message will be easier for me but a review is fine as well.

For OC's I'm wanting to get as much as I can into it and bring as much as I can in. I need more mech's, femme's and sparkling's but I've only got a small mind and can't think of that many. So if anyone has one that would like to come into the next story feel free to message me. I won't bring them all in at once and I won't say if your accept because I will need to think through everything. I'll just do my best. Please provide details about your OC, there rank, there history, there personality and other important thing's I should know.

I'm really looking forward to this and do hope people will enjoy to be a part of it as well.

Thanks for reading and message me for anything you have.

Just also letting though's who don't know yet I have just gotten a job. I'm not sure what hours I'm going to work but I won't have free time 24/7. But I shall do my best with updating and bringing in more stories.

Thanks again.

Regards, Rebecca aka DecepticonChick