I'm back. . . I'm back. . . Online! And I got a hundred reviews! HUZZAH! *Happy dances* I'm so glad I finally got a new PC charger, after my pup, Scrappy, went off and chewed up my last one. Not to worry! Scrappy is fine! Pup's got a stomach of steel and he didn't get electrocuted or anything! I happy for that as well :D

I would also like to inform you all that I am now out of school for the Summer! Which means faster updates! Which means more of the stuff that you guys love about this fic! I would like to tell you guys more stuff, but I'll save it for the end.

PS: Upon request, I've changed Takeru's voice actor to Nolan North. (After watching his work as Superboy from Young Justice and Nathan Drake, I gotta agree that the voices would match him :D )

Till the end of the chapter, please enjoy the new chapter! Now lets get this chapter rolling!

Disclaimer: Persona ain't mine.

"If you love something. . . Set it free. . . If it comes back, it's yours. . . If it doesn't'. . . Then it was never yours."- Anonyms

Chapter Nine~ A Test of All-Sorts! The Time to Study Our Asses Off is Upon Us!

{Cue Pokemon: Black and White OST: N's Farewell}

"Goodbye, senpai."


Takeru looked down to Makiko, who held a bittersweet smile upon her pale pink lips. Her green eyes were shinning with unshed tears, but she did not let them fall. Her body was so still and warm. Takeru could feel her warmth because they were so close. His heart was hammering against his ribcage. And his hands were sweating by his sides. What was going on here? Why did he feel so nervous.

"Goodbye? What do you mean, Makiko-san?" he asked. Makiko gave a small, almost lifeless giggle before her hand reached out and closed it around Takeru's, the warmth of her palm sending a shiver down the elder's spine.

"I mean. . . what I mean I'm saying, senpai. It's obvious that you don't need me. No one needs me. I'm just doing everyone a favor, since it'll be much more easy to forget me that way," Makiko looked up at him before smiling sadly, "I'm really lucky that I was able to meet you, Takeru-senpai. You and everyone else have changed my life so much. . . But. . . you don't really need me. I'm only a problem." She let out a trembled breath, her shoulders raised and her head now tucked.

Taker's couldn't keep his mouth from gaping, not believing what Makiko was saying. He wanted to disagree. To say that she was wrong. He wanted to tell her that she was not a problem. She meant so much more. She wasn't useless. She was needed. Needed by everyone, including himself.

His hands- large, shaking, and racking with small spasms- wanted to pull the petite girl to Takeru, to hold her close and never let her go.

'But why?' Takeru had to wonder this, 'Because we're friends? To comfort her? Or. . maybe it's because I-'

He heard footsteps and his head shot up, now realizing that Makiko was already a good six yards away from him. His heart clenched, and his legs bolted straight toward her, in hopes of catching up with her. His eyes widen and his breathing escalated when he saw that the red and brown-haired girl was walking farther and farther away from him, as if each of her steps were one foot long.

"Makiko-san, wait!

"You don't need me, senpai."

I do!

"I'm pathetic and useless."

You're not!

"I mean nothing to you."

You mean everything to me!

Takeru's running was halted when that exclamation passed through his mind. His heart was still pounding from the running, but his new revelation had made it go faster. His head gave a tailspin and his blood roared in his ears. From this thought, neither prediction, or guess, he had learnt something new. Something important.

Makiko Huratana meant so much to him. So much that he never wanted her to leave. He never wanted her. . . To leave him.

His thoughts ran cold, his eyes widening when he saw that Makiko was gone. His panic reactions stirred from his newly made hormones, and he ran again, neck-length hair running wildly and his voice cramming his lungs out.



Takeru took in a huge gulp of air as sweat beaded and ran off his skin. He looked around and breathed through his nose when he saw that he was in his room, and that it was morning. Easing his breath, he wiped the gathering sweat off his forehead and he leaned back on his bed.

"Juts. . . What was that just now? Why did Makiko-san. . ." He voice trailed off, and his thoughts reverted back to the green-eyed leader of the second Investigation Team. That flip-flop feeling returned to his heart and he let out a groan as he rolled over to his stomach, allowing his blanket to roll off him.

"Makiko-san. . . Do you have any idea of what you do to me?" he asked himself, closing his eyes. A knock came thumping on his closed door and he sat up with crossed legs.

"It's open!" he called. The door was pulled open and Gintaro chucked the phone at him, his nephew catching it without a sweat.

"Morning. Phone call from one of your friends." he said. Takeru nodded and he pressed the phone to his ear.

"Who's this?"

"Takeru-san! It's me, Ashlynn! Please, hurry to the hospital right now! Makiko-san just went through surgery!"

Takeru stood up with wide eyes.


{End Pokemon: Black and White OST: N's Farewell}

{Cue Pokemon: Black and White OST: Unwavering Emotions}

She watched as the mud-covered, red-rubber ball bounce to her, the small sphere circling her feet before it halted to her toes. She picked it up, wiping away the dirt that stained the rubber.


Makiko blinked, looking at the rubber ball, before looking around the empty patch of mud and grass.

"Hallo? Kann ich mir meine Gummi-Hüpfburg Ball zurück, bitte?"

Makiko looked forward, blinking at the small four-year-old girl, her cloudy-grey eyes shinning hopefully. Her curly, snow-blonde hair weaved along her back and her dress was dirtied with grass stains and smudges, her rosy-red cheek patted with dirt. The sweet smile on her face made Makiko's heart melt.

"Uh. . . The ball?" she asked, holding the red ball. The little girl nodded her head quickly.

"Ja, genau die. Kann ich es zurück?" she asked, holding out her muddy hands. Makiko smiled and nodded, handing the girl the ball.

"Danke~!" With a giggle, the blonde bounced the ball a few times before she kicked it forward, running to it with glee. Makiko gave a half smile and she looked around as she saw that the space around her gained colored, white walls now painted with green hills and pale-blue skies. Small houses were rooted along like doll houses, and children as young as the one she met were running around, happily screaming and rushing after dogs the size of miniature horses.

'Am I in. . . Germany?' wondered the brunette, a little boy running past her and waving. She waved back with a small smile. She didn't know how she got here, but she was glad that the children looked happy.

"Nein! Ich will nicht! Nein, nein! Sie können mich nicht zwingen!"

Makiko looked forward, cocking her head as the little blonde girl was hiding behind the skirt of an elderly woman, her grey eyes filled with tears as she stared at a young couple.

"Emily, will dieses schöne Paar, um Ihre Familie zu sein. Willst du nicht eine Familie?" asked the elderly woman, crouching to the girl's level and gesturing her to the couple. The little German girl's lip quivered as she held her rubber ball, her body shaking with fear.

"Was? Du bist. . . Du gibst mir weg? Aber. . . Aber ich dachte, du liebst mich!" she cried, the tears running down her face making clean trails wash away the dirt. The old woman pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead.

"Ich tue, Emily, das tue ich. Aber deine Mutter und mein Vater hat mich gebeten, Ihnen die beste Familie zu geben, bevor sie starben. Ich muss fufill ihre Wünsche," She pulled out a kerchief and wiped away the dirt on her ruddy cheeks, "Bitte, das ist für Sie und sie. Kommen Sie, sie sind nette Leute, Emily. Sie lieben dich so sehr wie Ihre gepflastert Sie. Vertrauen Sie mir."

Makiko looked at the little girl, something her heart twisting like a shard of glass as the little girl dropped her toy ball. Her curly head nodded slowly, and she walked over to the couple. Makiko couldn't see their features because of the distance she was at. She watched as the little girl turned to the old woman, nodding her head again.

"Fein. . . Ich werde. . . Ich werde gehen. . ." she whispered, bowing her head. She turned to the couple, smiling sweetly, "Hallo, neue Mutter. Hallo, neuer Vater."

The woman, features shadowed but looking very young, picked her up, holding her at arms distance. After a few seconds of silence, she nodded her head.

"She's adorable. And with a few years, she'll look like she was born in America," she said, her English sharp and snappy (Voice actor: Monica Rial) She looked at the man, nodding once, before holding the four-year-old on her hip. The man smiled and nodded her head.

"Indeed, dear. Come, we should get to work on signing on the papers, yes?" he asked, walking over and stroking the girl's blonde hair with a business-like, winning smile, "Our little Emily. Oh, how lucky you are, sweet child." he whispered, kissing her cheek (Voice Actor: Jason Griffith).

Makiko watched as the couple and the woman walked into a giant building that had other children running in and out of it. The little girl, Emily, turned and looked at Makiko, waving with sad and watery eyes. Without thought, Makiko waved back, dropping her hand until the door to the building closed.

She jumped when a cold hand touched her shoulder and she turned around, eyes widening when she saw it was Icarus.

*M'Lady. I believe we should leave now,* he said, taking her hand and bowing his head (Voice Actor: Antony De Roi).Makiko looked back at the small area before nodding and walking closer to Icarus. The angel folded his winged-arms around them, swirling feathers whirling around them as they flew into the air, flying away.

{End Pokemon: Black and White OST: Unwavering Emotions}

{Cue Suikoden II: Reminiscence Theme}

"Icarus, who was that little girl? Do. . . Do I know anyone named Emily?" she asked, her hair blowing all over the place and her pajamas rustling a bit. Icarus shrugged, his blue eyes straight forward.

*Your guess is as good as mine, M'Lady. From what I've heard from my lord, Master Philemon, dreams can be caused by events that occurred in the past. I think that Lady Emily might be a girl from your past. Tell me, do you remember anyone like that?* Makiko shrugged herself, a small frown on her lips as she tried to remember anyone like that. A little girl named Emily with curly, snow-blonde hair and cloudy grey eyes. She had never met anyone like that in her entire life.

Icarus descended to the ground, the empty space changing into a small grove with lilies of all kinds and a sunset resting upon the top of a giant oak tree. Makiko took a seat in front of the tree's trunk, leaning back and inclining her head when Icarus passed her green journal to her.

*Master Philemon suggest that you should write entries on your dreams. They could become useful in the future,* Icarus bowed his head before leaping into the air, *I must get going now, M'Lady. May my lord be with you.* He flew straight into the air and disappeared in the blink of an eyes.

Makiko released all her tense muscles and she opened her journal, flipping to a blank page- a pencil held between the pages-and deciding to draw for a little. At first, she drew random doodles of small animals and chibi characters. Before long, she began drawing a heart-shaped face with a small child's body and a dress muddied from playing outside. Her pencil swirled around the top, creating cascading, curly blonde hair with small daisies. She then evened out the face as she drew gemmed-shaped eyes and a small smile. Shading out and erasing, Makiko signed her name by the small doodle. She stared at the drawing, tipping her head to one side.

'Emily. . . Hmmm. . . Do I know an Emily? Or. . . Even anyone from Germany? Just. . . Hah. . . I'm so confused.' she thought, closing her journal and leaning to the trunk. With an incoherent sound meld in her throat, Makiko's eyes drifted shut and she soon found herself sleeping.

{End Suikoden II: Reminiscence Theme}

{Cue Manatsu no Photograph by Azusa}

Entry #8

Date: Apr. 30

Time: 9: 00 AM

Weather: Sunny and Mild

Dear Daisuke,

I'll be straight forward with you, Otouto. Have we've ever met anyone named Emily?

I mean, I surely don't remember. The only blondes I've ever met were Lia-san and Len-san. Other than them, I haven't met any other blonde outside of my social standards. And the only few times I remember we visited Germany were around the time you and Dachi were born. That's all. Huh, I think I'm only spinning circles here, Otouto. Perhaps I shouldn't think about it for a while.

Ah yes, I forgot to mention. I'll be having my monthly knee surgery tomorrow, so I won't be attending school that day. I'm admit that I'm very nervous, since some of those surgeries can lead to paralysis. And I'd rather not being losing my leg, Otouto. I would just not. I'm not sure if I should tell everyone this, since I wouldn't want to worry them. I'll explain myself tomorrow.

As for the rest of the week, the Spring Semester tests will be occurring. Sensei has told us that this will count for forty percent of our test grades, so I plan to study a lot. I'd be glad to help anyone else who would wish to study, but I still need to focus on my own studies as well. I'd say that this will still be interesting either way, Otouto.

Well, I must be off. Till then, Otouto.

From your older sister,

Makiko Huratana.

{End Themes}

Day Twenty-Eight

Date: May. 01 .2012

Time: 11:00 AM

Weather: Sunny

"OK, Huratana-san. I am happy to say that due to the success of your surgery today, you no longer require your walking stick for mobility."

Makiko allowed a huge smile to spread across her face, her green eyes looking excitedly at the nurse.

"Does-Does this mean I'm allowed walk without my walking stick? My knee's all better?" she asked, bouncing on the hospital bed excitedly. The nurse held back a giggling, since Makiko was bouncing like an energetic rabbit.

"Yes. With proper exercise and a little bit of guidance, you will be walking normally and on your own. I must warn you not to over strain yourself though, dear. The scars from your medication dose are very delicate, and we do not want them to open." she said wisely. Makiko nodded and the nurse walked over to Mr. McMahon, who was sitting close by.

"Mr. McMahon, I suggest that Huratana-san should come here monthly, to make sure that she is progressing well with her mobility. Please, follow me to the reception desk to sign Huratana-san out." she said. Nodding, Mr. McMahon quickly smiled at Makiko before he left with the nurse, Walker coming in the next second and hugging his cousin with his good arm, the other still in a cast.

"I know! It's so amazing, Walker! I'll be able to walk freely again! I'm so happy." said Makiko, feeling her happiness pump from the core of her heart. Walker made a small sign with his fingers and Makiko tipped her head in confusion.

"Huh? Everyone-"

Her question was cut off when Marco, Eri, Seiji, Ashlynn, Takeru, Sora, Soria, and Tetsuya dashed into her room.

"Makiko-san! We heard from your grandmother. Is it true that you can walk again?" asked Eri, already bombarding the questions.

"Good morning to you as well," giggled Makiko, nonetheless nodding her head, "Yes. The doctors told me that the surgery was a success. With enough exercises, I should be walking properly," she said happily. Her smile then dropped, her forehead creasing with worry, "I didn't worry you all, did I? I'm so sorry for my absence. Don't tell me you skipped school for-"

"Classes were cut short today due to a leak in the boiler room." said Soria knowingly.

"Even if there was none, we would have come anyway." added Sora, one hip sliding to a rest. Makiko looked down to her thin sheet, an apologetic smile.

"I'd still wouldn't want you all to miss school for me. If I've worried you, then I'm truly sorry." she said quietly. Marco gave a small yip of laughter, patting Makiko's head.

"Aw, come on, Makiko-san! Ya gotta stop apologizing for everything. Can't we just care for you?" he asked.

"Yeah, we have the right, don't we?" asked Takeru, giving a half grin, "You mean a lot to us, Makiko-san. 'Sides, missing one day of school wouldn't do that much damage." he states. He's rather glad as well. With that dream he had and that phone call from Ashlynn, knowing that Makiko was safe and healthy, a smile playing on her pale pink lips, was good enough for him.

"Will you be reporting for school tomorrow, Makiko-san?" asked Ashlynn, changing the conversation. Makiko nodded, bright-eyed and happy once more.

"Yes. Good thing, too, since Spring Semester Tests will be in less than a week." she said. Marco pumped his fist in the air.

"Whoop! That means you can help my with Chemistry, right? Please, Makiko-san!" he got on one knee, "I'm begging ya!"

"Hey, if anything, Makiko-san, Ash-san, and I are going to be studying together! It's only fair, Marco-san." said Eri smartly.

"U-Uh, guys? Maybe we can-"

"Come on, Eri-san! I really need Makiko-san's help!"

"Well so do I and Ash-san!"

As the two bickered on and on, Tetsuya gave a sweat drop.

"Is it like this every day?" he asked. Makiko, Ashlynn and Takeru could only sigh while the twins responded to him.

"It gets worse. Trust us."

Day Twenty-Nine

Date: May. 02 .2012

Time: 12:00 AM

Weather: Mild

"Alright, class. For the science portion of the Spring Semester Tests, I will assign each of you a study partner or two. The all of you are required to participate in the project. It can be a model, report, video, or power point. As long as it involves with chapters eight and nine, it could be any of the listed projects on the board. You are allowed to partner up with anyone in this class and period."

With this confirmation, the students of third period-Advanced-Science got up from their seats to find their partners. Standing up herself, carefully on her leg, Makiko walked around the room until she spotted Shirahana sitting by her desk, already flipping the pages of her science book.

"Shirahana-senpai?" she asked, the elder girl's heterochromatic eyes look at her, one eyebrow arched, "Would you like to work together for the Spring Semester project?" asked Makiko, smiling peacefully. Shirahana closed her book, shaking her head.

"I'd rather do it on my own. Thank you for asking though, Huratana-san." she said curtly, Makiko smiling sheepishly.

"Oh, I see. Sorry for bothering," Giving another bow, Makiko walked over to Aoi, who was sitting by her desk.

"Still don't got a study partner, Makiko-chan?" asked the blonde, Makiko nodding with a shrug, "Well, I would ask ya to join with me and Kouhei, but he says he just wants to do it himself. But I really wanna work with him and he really doesn't like crows, so-"

"Oh, no, no!" Makiko waved her hands, shaking her head, "There's no need! I'll work with myself if I have to, or maybe-" but the bell cut her and she gave a sigh, shrugging, "Well, I can always work by myself, yes?" she asked, laughing weakly.

"Oh, you'll do alright, Makiko-chan, I know it," said Aoi, hoisting her bag over her shoulder, "I'll see ya around." she said, leaving with her brother. Smiling with a sigh, Makiko picked up her own bag and she walked out of the classroom. After grabbing a few of her books from her shoe box, she made her way to walk to study hall.

"Huratana-san?" Makiko stopped, turning and smiling at Tetsuya, who was sitting by the door to the library.

"Hello, Tetsuya-san. There's no need to be formal, Makiko's fine." she said, walking over to him. Tetsuya scratched the back of his neck offhandedly.

"If that's how you want to be called. . . Then alright. Makiko-san." he said her name to himself, nodding.

"Is there something you wish to talk about?" asked the aburnette, watching the black-haired teen look at his lap.

"Do you. . . I mean, if you don't already. . . Do you have a partner for the Spring Semester Science project?" he asked, almost shyly. Makiko looked at him honestly, before nodding and smiling.

"I don't, actually. Would you like to work together, Tetsuya-san? You have study hall this period, too? We can get to work right now." she suggested. Tetsuya looked at her with astonishment crossing his features, before he nodded, still surprised.

"Y-Yeah. Lets get to work. Uh. . . After you?" he asked, pointing to the door to the library. Nodding Makiko pulled the door open and the both of them went in. Tetsuya went to find them an empty spot while Makiko picked out a few books about Natural Selection (the subjects of chapters eight and nine) and she found Tetsuya by a table near one of the windows. She walked over and placed the books down, and took a seat next to him.

"Alright. I suggest that for the project, we right a report on how Natural Selection benefit's the ecosytem, involving the evolution of females choice of mates during the process. For example, the process in mating with Peocacks. There is the rare traits of albanism." stated Tetsuya, moving a few of the books around.

"That sound brilliant. We can even do a model, a chart even! Run a few statistics and I can take a few pictures of the peococks at my grandparent's work. Whata good idea, Tetsuya-san." said Makiko. The other student shrugged, albite bashfully, before open one of the encyclopedias.

"Lets take a few notes, then see what we can come up with." he said, pulling a notebook and pencil from out of his bag. Makiko did the same and the two got to work, mamging to write a few things down with a small silence between them. That is, untill Tetsuya looked up at Makiko, open and closing his mouth a few times before clearing his throat.

{Cue Glow by Keeno}

"Hura- Makiko-san?" he asked, hesitantly, almost uncertain. Makiko looked up from her book.

"Yes, Tetsuya-san?" she asked. Tetsuya scratched the back of his neck, before pushing his new pair of glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Are we. . . Freidns?" he asked, his face serious but his words unsure. Makiko smiled kindly, nodding her head.

"Yes. We are friends. I see you as a very close friend, Tetsuya-san."

"But. . . Why?"

Makiko tilted her head, confuison crossing her features.


"Yes, why?" Tetsuay placed his pencil down, taking off his glasses, pocketing them, and looking at the leader of the 2nd Investigastion Team with his chocolate-brown eyes, "After how acted towards you the first time we met. And what you truly saw me as in OdZ WoRlD. Even when my ManiSoul had given Walker-san a broken arm. How can you still want to be friends?" his voice wavered slightly, and his lightly tanned hands were turning white from his tight fists.

Tetsuya flinched when a warm hand covered his own, a soft palm on top of his knuckles. He looked to his classmate, eyes filled with surprised when Makiko smiled at him.

"Why wouldn't I want to be your friend? Tetsuya-san, you're a very interesting person. Even when people say that "First impressions mean everything," I'd like to get to know a person before believing first impressions. And from what I've seen of you so far," Makiko's smiled turn warmer, as warm as the sun, "You are a good person, who just can't express himself easily in front of others. You've must've had so much to shoulder with what caused your accident, also with the pressure added by it," Makiko looked at her own legs, swinging the one that was still healing, "I know how its like. It's probably not the same, but the pressure is still there. Even with my leg all better, the scars are still there. . . Literally and figurate."

Tetsuya looked to the small teen's legs, eyes sharp and crinckled. They followed Makiko's hand as her fingers pulled down the lining of her right knee sock, his eyes widening when he saw a thick scar that coiled along it. The sock was then pulled back quickly and Tetsuya could only stare at the sweet smiling Makiko.

"Lets get back to our project." she said, picking up her pencil and looking back on the book she had. She didn't hear Tetsuya move, but what he said next made her stop writing.

"Thank. . . Thank you. . ."

Makiko looked at him, surprised that he was looking rather flustered, even though his head was down with his face so close to the paper that his nose pushed against it.

"I mean, I know that question was rather needless to say. But thank you for answering it anyway, Makiko-san," he looked up, and with the most strained of faces, Tetsuya's lip quirked the slightest, the closest thing to a smile Makiko had ever seen on him. Cheerfully, she smiled back.

"It was my pleasure, Tetsuya-san." she said, looking back to her paper and sighing as her cheeks went aflame, that kindling fire in her heart growing, her newest Social Link formed. For the rest of the day, things went steadily. Makiko felt more content, and Tetsuya felt relived that he had gotten a new friend.

Day Thirty

Date: May. 03 .2012

Time: 4:30 PM

Weather: Sunny

{End Glow by Keeno}

{Cue My Sanctuary- Instrumental Version}

"Hey, Makiko-san, thanks, really," Marco hooked one arm around the green-eyed girl's arm as the two of them walked down a street in the North District. It was after school already, and Makiko had promised him a study session by the town's public library after school.

"It's no trouble, Marco-san. Seiji-san he'd meet us around there too, right?" asked his brown-haired companion. Just after she said it, Seiji came jogging across the street, purple text book in hand.

"Hey, good timing, Seiji!" praised Marco, smiling at the realist, Makiko smiling as well.

"I'm glad. Thought I wouldn't make it here in time," said Seiji, pulling a few strands from his hair from his forehead, "Lets get going. The library closes at seven."

As three soon walked together, side-by-side, before Marco stopped in his tracks and looked across the street.

"Hold on, be back in a sec," he said quickly, running across the street.

"Marco-san? Seiji-san, what was-" But Makiko looked to her left, seeing that the other black-haired boy had left. She looked across the street, eyebrow cocked when she saw that both boys were crouching to a little girl, who was crying her eyes out with a teddy bear in her arms. Curious and worried, Makiko crossed the street as well.

"What's wrong?" she asked, nearing the three.

"This is Michi-chan. She lives next door to my place," explained Marco, the little girl now wailing and clining to his leg, her light green hair a messy with her pink bow undone. Marco kneeled down and petted her head, Michi now whimpering, "She must've lost her mother." said Marco.

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere. Makiko-san, we can study later, yes? I believe finding this little girl's mother is our top priority right now." said Seiji. Makiko nodded.

"Yes, of course." she said, not seeing any other better choice. Together, the three students and child walked all around the District, asking shop owners and various shoppers if they had seen Michi's mother. Finally, after what took about two hours, Michi had ran from the group and to a weeping woman with dark green ahir and light brown eyes like her own.

"Thank you so, very much, Marco-san. I turn my back for one second and the next thing you know, she's gone off somewhere. I was so worried." said Michi's mother, holding said little girl in her arms.

"It was no problem, Miss. Kozaki. Michi is always smiling, and I hate to see her cry." said Marco, making the most ridiculous face and causing Michi laughed up a storm, her tears long forgotten. Even Makiko had to giggle at his expression, while Seiji could only shake his head with a quiet chuckle. After a few more thank yous, the two Kozakis left and Seiji looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Looks like we should schedual our study time some other time. The library's going to close around right now." he said. Marco sighed.

"Damn it. That searching took a lot more time than I thought,' he muttered. He then gave a small laugh, "Aw, it's alright. What's important is that Michi's back with her mom." he said fondly.

"You really care for her, huh. Mraco-san?" asked Makiko, the three of them now walking up the street. Marco nodded, alternating the green text book in his hand.

"Yeah. She's like my sister, Claire. The two of them are so alike. Always smiling. . ." his voice trailed off a little then, before he bounced back to normal, "Aw well, I'll just cram some studying fro tonight! Non-stop!" he declared, pumping his fists in the air. Makiko giggled again.

"Lets hope you won't drain out your energy then, Marco-san." commented Seiji. He then pointed a little away, "I have to go. Goodbye." he said, walking away.

"Me too. See ya later!" called Marco, jogging the other way. Even as they left, Makiko felt the warmth of their connections wafte around her.

Day Thirty-One

Date: May. 04 .2012

Time: 5:00 PM

Weather: Cloudy

{End My Sanctuary-Instrumental Version}

{Cue Dango Daikazoku- Music Box Version}

"Wow, this iced-hot chocolate is delicious," said Ashlynn, placing down her cup, "This was a nice suggestion, Makiko-san." She, Makiko, and Eri sat in a small booth at Murasaki Bakery. All three had agreed to meet there, since even though the shop was packing, it still held a mild air that was serene enough for studying.

Eri took a bite out of a fruit tart she had gotten, sighing at the taste, "Oh wow. These are so good. How can you make stuff like this?" she asked, having a few more bites.

"You could ask Senpai if you'd like, Eri-san. He might be on his shift right now." suggested Makiko, sipping on her raspberry ice-tea.

"Takeru-san, really? He works here? I never would have guessed," said Eri in a surprised tone. She got up, "I'm gonna go find him. I just have to know how he can cook something this good." With that, she went off deeper into the shop.

"We should follower her. I kind of want to know about Takeru-kun's cooking skills as well." said Ashlyn with a nod. Nodding herself, Makiko and her sable-haired frined stood up and went to find Eri, luckily spotting her. She was already talking with Takeru, dressed in his apron, and the black-haired worry looking rather red in the face.

"But I'm serious, Takeru-san. You just have to teach me how to cook. You must be the best cheft I've ever met!" persisted the black-haired girl, Takeru looking a little embarrassed.

"I guess I'm pretty good. . . Hell, I'm pretty much the best, " He had to give himself that kind of credit, "I guess I can show you some a few cooking skills," He then saw Makiko and Ashlynn, "Oh, hey Makiko-san, Ashlynn-san. Are all of you guys studying here?" he asked, palcing his hands in his pocket.

"Yes. The tests will be in two days and we all must be ready. Have you studied, Takeru-san?" asked Ashlynn. Takeru scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, you could say that. I just might need a little work on. . . Math and. . . Maybe Chemistry. . ." He muttered this rather dryly, looking away.

"Oh, well I can help you out if you'd like, Takeru-senpai."

Takeru looked up at the smiling Makiko, his head tilted one way.

"You'd really help me out, Makiko-san? I mean, I'm not sure we'll even have time. I got Taekwondo practice after school, and that's gonna end at five 'o clock, and I don't want to get you bored or anything." he said, shrugging. Makiko shook her head.

"I wouldn't mind waiting at all, senpai. In fact, I'd like to watch your practice, if that's OK. And after your practice, we can walk to my house and study for a while. And it's OK with you," Makiko gave a soft laugh, "Can you help me with English? I speak so terribly at it that it should be a crime." she said softly, her cheeks turning a soft pink.

Takeru nodded numbly, his eyes lost in those green orbs of light and his face flushing a deeper shade of red.

"S-Sure. If you're OK with it, I mean." he said. He then looked at Eri, "Oh yeah, Eri-san, how about I teach all three of you some things? You guys can work here for a while if you'd like." he said.

"I would love to. It sounds like a lot of fun." said Makiko.

"Same here. I would love to learn how to cook and bake as well." said Ashlyn, nodding.

"OK, you guys can come around next Saturday, and we can see how well you guys can cook." said Takeru, nodding himself, "Oh, Makiko-san. How about we meet in front of the school's gym? Does after school work for you?" he asked. Makiko nodded.

"It works perfectly. I'll meet you right then, senpai." she said, smiling and spotting the slightest of glows radiate off Eri and Ashlynn. Takeru couldn't help it. He smiled back, though it was similar to a half grin.

'Seriously. I'm wondering why these two haven't gotten together.' thought Eri, shaking her head with a sigh. Ashlynn could only giggle, seeing the sparks going between the unsuspecting, not-couple.

Day Thirty-Two

Date: May. 05 .2012

Time: 3:30 PM

Weather: Sunny with a Few Clouds

Makiko waited patiently by Yasogami gym's door, waving at a few students she had known. She smiled when she spotted Takeru walking over to her. He was dressed in white clothing with a black duffle bag on his shoulder and a red hugo under his other arm.

"Hey, Makiko-san. Just to make sure, do you really want to wait for me? I mean, I can just walk to your place later and-"

"It's fine, senpai," assured Makiko, waving her hand a little, "This will be an interesting experience." she said.

"If you're so sure," Takeru opened the gym door and he and Makiko walked in, Makiko jumping back when a group of twenty or so First, Second, and Third-Year boys step forward and launched one surprising punch.

"Hah!" They all called, suddenly spinning quickly on their planted feet before they raised one in the air, their kicked feet reaching to the top of their heads. "Gihap!" All of them were dressed in white clothing with hogus strapped along their heads and their feet bear.

"Are you alright?" asked Takeru. Makiko let out a small breath, before nodding and forcing a small smile.

"Y-Yes. Just a little jumpy from that, I suppose. Um, "Makiko looked over to the group of Taekwondo students, "What are they doing?"

"These are how basics warm-ups are done. Before staring a match, most classes move in synchronization to perfect their techniques," explained Takeru, putting his bag down, "You can wait by the bleachers, Makiko-san."

"OK, do you're best, senpai." with a small smile, Makiko walked over to the bleachers, quite happily and with a small swaying her hips. Takeru noticed that most of his teammates had stopped and stared at her, eyes curious and wide, and some filled with interest. Takeru looked at them, then Makiko, noticing the gentle, feminine way her hips moved. Now he got it. He had to admit it himself. With her cane, Makiko didn't walk that well. But because of the surgery she went through, her legs moved more freely, carefree yet gentle, and with an appeal that could turn heads.

Realization hit him, and Takeru shot killer glares at the onlookers, all of them snapping their heads forward. With a smirk of triumph, he walked over, crossing his arms.

"Captain!" they all addressed, backs straight and chins held. Takeru nodded in return.

"Right. Today, all of you will be formed into separate brackets, and we'll see how far each of us have come along. Any cheating, penalties, or losses will count as forfeits. Last challenger will go against myself. If you win, you're officially captain," Takeru walked straight between the crowd, separating groups and calling out different brackets. Makiko watched with interest.

She was amazed with how Takeru trained the other students. As a captain, he was merciless, but he was fair, calling out any sort of penalties in the matches. His voice echoed throughout the gym, commands, orders, different positions. All were called out, and each and every student followed without haste.

'Senpai really is an amazing captain. He really is a good person,' she thought, watching him demonstrate a double kick to a First-Year, the later trying with Takeru giving an approving nod, 'He has a nice side, even if he doesn't want to show it.' Makiko smiled, "I really do like him. He truly is amazing."

"Well, it's good that someone finally realizes that I'm the best one around here. Thanks, baby."

Confused, Makiko looked to the side, blinking when she saw a tall and tan Third-Year with straight and long silver-grey hair and proud black eyes. He looked rather ravenous, and he was looking smug at the once-handicap girl. Makiko was beyond confused. Since when did this guy show up?

"Um, I'm sorry, but I wasn't referring to you. Though, I'm sure you are an amazing fighter, uh-"

"Damn straight I'm amazing!" barked the silverette, scaring the lights out of the aburnette, "And I'm Taroko. Taroko Ayomuna. And may I know who you are, beautiful? You a fan of mine?" he asked with a suave slur in his tone. Makiko scooted down a little, trying to be kind, but feeling a bad sort of vibe come from Taroko.

"Makiko Huratana. And I'm sorry, but this is my first time meeting you, Ayomuna-san. I'm actually waiting fro Takeru-senpai, since we'll be studying together after his practice." she said. Taroko's smug look dropped, his black eyes coldly looking at Takeru.

"Oh. . . him," he sighed dramatically, giving a look of disgust, "That loser. Honestly, scaring girls into coming to watch his matches. The guy has no morals. A sweet, cute girl like yourself shouldn't be hanging out with him," he cornered Makiko, the young girl leaning away until the edge of the bleacher above her pressed into her back, "You'll get hurt. He hurts anything he touches. His coordination is sloppy, and he's got a bad reputation," He smirked and leaned closer, "Now, do you still wanna wait for a guy like that?"

"She wouldn't. But she as sure as fuck wouldn't want to be with a leech like you." Taroko backed off and he turned and glared at Takeru, who was looking back at him with equal loath and anger.

If looks could kill, the both of them would drop on the spot.

"You think I'm worse, captain?" his tone was sour, "At least I'm not the most despised fighter in Inuba."

"You call yourself a fighter? Tch, you don't have any honor whatsoever to be called that." growled Takeru, stalking over and looking down on the silver-haired boy.

"Honor? When the Hell did this come to honor? If anything, I'm strong enough to win over girlie over there. You think you can? I doubt that," Taroko taunted this endlessly, only spiking up more and more of Takeru's temper, "How about we have the final round of the brackets right now? You win, I'll leave cute little Makiko alone. I win, I get her and I become captain." Takeru let out a light scoff, shaking his head.

"No. You're not even worth a fight. Shit like you, who think with over confidence, end up beaten in the end. Besides, I don't want to drag Makiko-san into pointless shit." he muttered. Taroko only chuckled darkly, which caused Takeru to glare more sharply, "Does that sound funny?""Hilarious. You, acting so. . . Pfft. . . noble," he let out a few snickers, "It's not like that fire-breathing, blood-lusting Spartan that everyone keeps calling ya. Man, you look so pathetic now, captain." he chuckled, cracking his knuckles, "Come on, Spartan, show me that so-called strength you have." he smirked with all teeth.

"First of all, I'm not a Spartan," His red eyes held a smoldering fire, filled with ferocity and strength, "I don't deserve the honor to be called something so great. And second, I'll take your challenge. Just keep Makiko-san out of this." he muttered.

"Hmph, fine by me. She'll be mine anyway. Ain't that right, doll face?" asked Taroko to Makiko, who was looking at the ground and looking rather scared.

"N-No. . ." she barely made that small whisper, and Takeru was sure that she was going to cry.

"Don't worry, Makiko-san," he assured, taking a few steps back with Taroko following, "I can kick this guys ass any day of the week." As the two stood on the mat, one of the Third-Years walked over, and he held one arm in the air. He looked at the two competitors.

"Junbi. . ." he muttered slowly, and the two nodded. With great speed, the Third-Year brought his hand down, chopping it down and commencing the fight.


At that, Taroko ran forward and swiped two legs in the air for a double kick, Takeru blocking the both of them with his elbows. His opponent snuck his hand from the right and launched it in a punch, barely grazing the Akamatsu's cheek.

Grunting with a small tang of blood trickling in his gums, Takeru countered with a swiping kick, knocking Taroko off his feet. The black-eyed boy quickly landed on one palm before he rotated on it, his feet knocking on Takeru's chest. Wind nearly out of his lungs, Takeru rounded forwarded and used Taroko's disadvantage, alternating on the balls of his feet as he threw three pairs of double punches, nailing Taroko in the calves.

Shouting in pain, Taroko bounced back to his feet, shifting side-t-side on his toes and catching the blackette off guard his fists went out near his pressure points, a shocking pain whip-lashing on the right half of Takeru's back. With a dull throbbing pain, Takeru went all out, using his good arm and throwing a punch, the attack landing in Taroko's gut. His fist went knuckles-deep into the flesh of the hard stomach and Taroko was thrown back, landing on his back and coughing up a train of spit.

"G-Geuman. . ." mumbled the Third-Year referee, shaking the slightest before swiping his hand again, "Haego hada. . ."

With a strained groan, Taroko got up, glaring at the panting Takeru, "C-Count yourself l-lucky," he wheezed, a few students helping him out," I-I'll beat the shit out of ya one day. Just-Just you wait!" With another groan and gag of blood, he was already led out to the nurse's office.

Takeru was holding onto his side, breathing deeply and gritting his teeth.

"H-Hey, captain? Does this mean that training's over today?" asked the First-Year that learned the kicks from him. Nodding his head, Takeru stood up straight, a mumbled breath held in his throat, before he looked at the team with a nod.

"Yeah. . . Everyone can head home now. Enough's been done today." he muttered. No sooner had his words been said did everyone leave the room, saving Makiko, who was looking at Takeru with her large green eyes.


Takeru looked up, and gave a half, pained smile, trying to calm down the scared girl.

"You had enough learning experience, Makiko-san?" he asked with a chuckle, grunting when the muscles in his arms tighten with tension.

"You hurt. Senpai. . . You're hurt," whispered Makiko, already at Takeru's side as he sat down on a bleacher. Takeru shook his head, already seeing Makiko's eyes getting watery.

"N-Nah, Makiko-san. That shithead-Taroko- he just always does that whenever we fight. Thinks he'll beat me one of these days. Heh, dumbass. . ." he muttered, trying to roll his shoulder but letting out a gasp of pain, a burning fire rolling down his ribs. He blinked when a warm and soft hand was placed on his neck. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Makiko's green eyes looking at him softly.

"Senpai. . . Take off your white jacket."

To hear those words said so bluntly-and from a girl at that- Takeru's face now resembled his own eyes.

"W-What?" he asked, almost sputtering when Makiko moved so close to him, their knees brushed together.

"I-I want to help you relieve you of your pain, senpai," said Makiko softly, her own cheeks tinting pink. Her other hand moved to the other side of his neck, Takeru sucking in a small breath at the warmth, "Pl-Please, take off your jacket."

Takeru could see the seriousness in the girl's eyes, the shyness within them reawakening as well. His hands- sweating and twitching, small bruises along his fingers- moved to the knot that held the belt to his jacket and he undid them, the folds slipping off his shoulders, the material bunching around his waist and elbows and his deep, crimson eyes looking into Makiko's soft, emerald eyes.

'I know. . .' Takeru mentally sighed, waiting for the gasp of disgust, 'You wouldn't like all of these. . .'

Makiko stared at the twisting and jagged scars that covered Takeru's arms and chest, gashes and wounds from long ago healed, but darken. Some where faded, and darkened with his skin. Eight or nine of them stitched along his abdomen and pectorals, Makiko blushing when she realized she was staring at Takeru's six-pack. She had never seen a guy shirtless, save it for her baby brothers when she had to give them baths when they were little, and this was the first time she had ever been close to a boy, period.

Trying to stop her staring, her eyes traveled up to Takeru's arms, a few faded scars on his biceps. They stopped when they saw a mark on Takeru's left shoulder.

"Senpai, is that a tattoo?" she asked, her eyes looking at the red, tribal design. It reminded her of a sort of smirking demon's head, and it really held her in awe. Takeru nodded, his eyes watching and his arm almost shivering as Makiko traced the tattoo with child-like curiosity.

"Yeah. I've had it for a while now. You're not disturbed by it?" he asked. Makiko shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips.

"No, I actually like it. It suits you," With a bigger smile, Makiko sat up a little, "OK, senpai. I need you to relax your shoulders, and lean back a little. Can you do that for me, please?" she asked. Nodding, entranced with her soft voice, Takeru relaxed his contrasting sides. Smiling and taking a small breath, Makiko stepped on one bleach above Takeru and she sat behind him, placing both her hands on his sore side. Softly, her fingers kneed the junction of his neck and bicep, the heels of her palms smoothing over his dark skin.

'W-Wow. . .' Takeru's eyes drifted close, his head rolling back with his back leaning a little. He had never felt something so relaxing, besides cooking and reading about mythology and history, and he had never thought his body could be any more relaxed, "Th-That's. . . It's just, ah. . ." He sighed and tilted his head one way, Makiko's hands slowly pressing along his shoulder blades, "Damn, that feels good. . ."

"I'm glad. That means I'm doing it right." said Makiko, a light giggle laced with her words. Takeru cocked his head one way, cracking open one of his eyes.

"Say, where'd you learn how to do this, Makiko-san?" he asked, groaning with relief when Makiko's fingers rolled to his sore ribs.

"When I was ten. My father had a meeting in the Austria, so he took me on a hiking trip with him to the Alps. While there, my father's associates lived around medicine people, where they taught me a few techniques on how to keep the human body stimulated and relaxed while in pain," she looked over Takeru's shoulder, smiling friendlily, "I guess it came in handy today, ne senpai?" she asked.

Takeru let out a secret smile, and nodded, before his smile dropped and he looked more into Makiko's eyes.

"By the way. . . You're not afraid of. . . Well, I mean. . . You don't mind my scars, Makiko-san?" he asked warily. Makiko shrugged, her hands now working back on Takeru's shoulder.

"You saw my scars, and you didn't say anything insulting. Most people do thing that, calling me careless, and that was often true due to how reckless I acted when I was little," Makiko paused to pull a bit of her long bangs away from her eyes, "So why should I judge your scars, senpai? If anything, they mean that you survived your battles, with only some damage. So it's alright." she said, her hands rubbing away a knot she spotted on Takeru's back.

'Makiko-san. . . You're just. . . You're so. . .' Takeru closed his eyes again, 'You're just. . . Amazing. . .'

Her soft hands pulled away, and Makiko stood up, taking a seat next to Takeru once more.

"How about we study here, Takeru-senpai?" I'm afraid we can't make it to my home at this time, and we'll have enough time here since we have our books." she said. Takeru shrugged, already pulling his jacket on.

"If you'd like. So what do you need help with, Makiko-san?" he asked, reaching for his duffle bag, which had his Math and Chemistry books.

"English. I'm terrible at speaking it and I really need to learn what I can." said his companion embassredly, blushing adorably and causing Takeru's blood to run faster in his veins.

"Oh, well sure, I can teach you." he said. The two of them pulled out their books, Makiko carefully explaining the different equations and expression to Takeru, along with the theories and formulas of Chemistry. Takeru, in return, taught Makiko the various vowels and characters in the English-language, along with ways on how to say 'Hello,' 'Goodbye,' 'Friend,' 'See you later,' and more. The both of them were really enjoying their time, until Makiko's phone rang.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's my garndmother. I have to take this," she said, pulling out her phone and her face turning surprised when she saw it was a text message. Since when did her grandparents ever use text? Talking was more efficient for them.

From: Baa-chan

Subject: Big News

Makiko, I've just got some wonderful news from Mr. McMahon. You're mother had her baby earlier than expected. Congradulations, you're a big sister again. Meet your baby brother, Kyosuke.

The picture attached was of Kyosuke, the little child wrapped up in blue-green blankets, eyes so innocent and pure.

"I. . . I don't believe it. . ."

Takeru was surprised to see Makiko lost for words, her eyes wide and her mouth opening and closing. When her lips closed again, her smile appeared slightly, before it turned sad. Takeru saw the message, so he did his best half grin.

"You're a big sister again. Congrats, Makiko-san," he said. When she didn't say anything, Takeru's curiosity was poked at, "Something wrong?"

Makiko sighed, the painted smile still loosely on her mouth, "Nothing's wrong. . . I guess you could say that I'm a little worried. I mean, I wasn't there for any of my siblings births. I've only met all of them when they were around four or five," she shook a little, looking at her lap, "I guess I'm just a little worried about meeting a baby. I mean, I've taken care of a lot of them while we lived in Africa for a year, but never a baby in my own family."

Takeru looked at her, actually seeing that she looked nervous. He had to admit, even he was a little shock when he found out he was going to be an older brother. He was only five when it happened. It was quite the turn in his life.

"Hey, it'll be alright, Makiko-san. Babies are, uh. . . Well, I'm. . . I'm not that good with kids but. . . Hey, I know this kid'll like you. I mean, your other brothers and sisters love you, and they look like they like you a lot. When I met them, they pretty much adored you. So I'm sure your new brother, Kyosuke, will like you a lot. I know it." he added with a nod.

Slowly, Makiko's painted smile changed into a real one, a not of her own following after.

"You're right, senpai. And who knows? This could help me ready for the future. Incidentailly," Makiko looked at the picture loving, a faint sparkle in her eyes that held maternal care, "I'd like to have a baby of my own one day."

Takeru was glad to see that Makiko was smiling cheerfully again. 'She looks so nice and beautiful when she smiles. . . Wait, what?' Takeru shook his head, cheeks already igniting with blood splashing under his skin. 'Well, yeah, Makiko-san has a nice smile, and she has that soft hair and those green eyes that make you feel los- And I'm stopping right now! No! Shit, this can't be happening! Makiko-san is! She! She's-!' Takeru could only stare at the smiling Makiko, a sigh kept in his mouth, '. . . Shit. . . I'm in love in love with her. . .'

"Hm? Are you OK, senpai?" Takeru snapped out of his thoughts and he looked at Makiko, quickly nodding his head.

"I'm cool, Makiko-san. And I'm sure you'll have a kid one day. You know, when you find the right guy."

Makiko gave a small laugh.

"I hope so, too. A baby would be nice, and so would a husband." she said warmly.

'I bet the guy who'll become your husband will be a lucky guy, Makiko-san. Very lucky,' he thought, almost seeing himself sit next to Makiko, the both of them older, with a tiny bundle in Makiko's arms, 'I wonder. . . Can I be that lucky one?'

{End Theme}

(AN: Sorry, but I'm skipping the week of the tests, just like in the P4 games. I'm sorry, but those things brush by just like that if you think about it.)

Day Thirty-Nine

Date: May. 12 .2012

Time: 3:30 PM

Weather: Sunny

"That's it. . . It's finally. . . Over."

Marco collapsed into his seat, looking tired and mind-blown.

"Tests were hard on you, too, huh?"

He looked up, mumbling a few profanities under his breath, the words unheard by Makiko, Walker, Eri, Seiji, Ashlynn, Takeru, and Tetsuya. The tests had passed by in a week, and they had not been kind on anyone. The other students around them looked ready to breakdown. But other than that, everyone else looked good.

"Well, lets be glad that we won't be dealing with them till early July." said Seiji, taking the seat in front of Marco's.

"Yeah. Hey, we should all celebrate! We could go to Aiya's and have lunch there. They serve the best noodles and stir fried vegetables." said Eri. Marco nodded, sitting up.

"Sure, sounds like a plan. I got a free dinner coupon from my last visit. It's all on me." he said.

"And it has pretty good dishes of grilled steak from all over Japan. Count me in." said Takeru, nodding with a wolfish grin.

"We should invite Sora-san and Soria-san, too. It's only fair." said Makiko, book bag held in her arms.

"Where are they, anyway?" asked Ashlynn.

"I had my last class with Sora-san in the North Theater. She might be there." said Tetsuya.

"Oh, I'll go get them, then. Should we meet you guys in front of Aiya's or by the gate?" asked Makiko.

"By Aiya's. Just in case they don't want to come. See ya then." said Marco. Nodding, Makiko walked out of the classroom and she made it all the way to the North Theater, where the drama club and theater department hung out. Opening one of the large double doors, she stopped when she heard lukewarm sounds drift into her ears, the whispers of a piano. Stopping, she looked to the stage of the theater, and saw a Baby Grand piano being played by Sora. She was whispering softly to herself, but Makiko could still hear the words.

Now I face out!

I hold out!

I reach out to the truth of my life!

Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away!

Oh God let me out!

Can you let me out?

Can you set me free-

The piano came to an abrupt clattering of keys, Sora now noticing Makiko. Trying to loosen the awkward air, Makiko gave a smile.

"That was amazing, Sora-san. I didn't know you were Sky."

Sora's eyes widen.

"You knew?" she asked with surprise. Makiko shrugged, walking up the steps of the theater and looking at the ivory-white curtains.

"Well, at first, I didn't. But then I noticed that your voice was pretty powerful in some ways, meaning that you must be an actor or singer. Singer seems more of your preference, so I just mapped that down. And while hearing you play now, I could hear Sky's voice in you," she smiled again, "It's nice too meet you, as Sky from Earth and Sky."

Sora stared at her like a fish for a second, before sighing and shaking her head.

"Damn, you're smarter than people give you credit for, Makiko-san," she muttered, looking back to the Baby Grand, "Are you going to tell the others now?"

"No," Makiko took a seat next to her, testing the keys herself, "It's your's, and most likely Soria-san's choice, since he might be Earth, choice to tell people. I'd rather not have our friendship ruined with me doing such a thing." She played a small tune for a while, before smiling again.

"Is smiling a habit of yours? You do that quite a lot." observed Sora. Makiko giggled, shrugging.

"I guess it is. Looking at things with a positive attitude keeps me in a very good mood." she said. Sora could only shake her head, looking to the other side of the theater.

"Otouto, you can come out. With how she acts," she pointed at Makiko, "She won't judge. She already knows who we are."

A few seconds passed, and then Soria walked out, dressed in a dark blue tunic with gold buttons, grey trousers, black boots, chain mail on his arms and legs, and a musketeer hat with a large green feather.

"It's amazing that she even did figure it out," sighed Sora's twin, taking a seat next to his sister and being pulled into her lap.

"Soria-san, did you make this costume? It looks handmade." said Makiko, impressed. Soria nodded warily, wiggling himself out of his sister's lap.

"Yes," He said that word so easily, but he looked like he was going to try to hide behind that word.

"That's amazing. I never knew anyone who could do such detailed work. Very good, Soria-san." complimanted Makiko. Soria, surprisingly, looked down with a fain color on his cheeks, his sister immediately glompping him.

"Aw, my baby brother, how cute you are~!" she called, Makiko only giggling nervously while Soria simply shrugging. Makiko would admit that their relationship was rather odd, but she was glad to see that the two got along as siblings. It was a nice thing to see.

"Oh, yes. I almost forgot. The others and I wanted to know if you wanted to accompany us to Aiya's, to celebrate our tests coming to an end. Would you like to?" asked Makiko, already standing up.

"A break wouldn't hurt, I suppose. As long as it isn't noisy in there." said Sora, standing up, along with Soria. A few minutes later, with Soria changed into his school uniform, the three were walking along the road to the Shopping District when Makiko felt her phone vibrate. The twins watched as the red-and-brown-haired girl looked at the message, her smile dropping for a while. She pocketed her phone, and eyed the ground.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Soria. Makiko looked at him, a forced smile twitching on her laps.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that my parents will be visiting tomorrow and I have to be up early," she let out a small laugh, though like her smile, it was as if she were forcing it out of her diaphragm, "I-I don't like to wake up early, so that will be a pain." Twitching smile still active, the three of them continued to talk to Aiya's, the three of them making it without any other distractions.

And at Aiya's, the whole group went full out. Ordering as much food as they please, and talking about which tests they could not understand. Even amongst all this, Makiko was smiling, but feeling bad on the inside.

After all, she had consider this her last day with her friends.

{Cue Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep OST: Tears of Light}

Day Forty

Date: May. 13 .2012

Time: 7:00 AM

Weather: Cloudy and Rain Pouring

". . . Maki-san?"


". . . I made you a lunch for the trip."

Even more silence.

". . . I'm sure your parents will be very happy to see you."

It was so silent, the car could have been a mortician's.

Mr. McMahon sighed, seeing that nothing was going to get attention from the girl staring dollishly at the car window, watching rain droplets rivulet off the moving vehichle. The man took note that she was dressed in her best clothing; a white and fluffy sweater with pink song birds decorated along sewn trees and a red skirt, all of it under her black coat. The benifactor didn't know that his associate was acquainted with makeup (Makiko kept a natural look, not wanting chemicals to damage her skin) so he was surprised to see that she wore cover-up and blush with a light eyeshadow and lip gloss.

Their morning was quiet, only Jonathan, Makiko, Hideko, and Izumi were up at the time. Makiko had hugged them solemly when it was time to leave, and she had left them a note for the others.

Somehow, she just didn't have the strength she had in OdZ WoRlD to tell them what had happen face-to-face.

Finally, Mr. McMahon parked his car,and he and Makiko walked out of the car, Mr. McMahon pulling out a few bags from the trunk. Makiko took one that was meant for her over-night trips. With a kept silence, the two of them walked into the airport, their shoulders bumping amongst strangers and the sounds of planes taking off. As they walked around, Makiko heard a faint voice.


She ignored him.

*Ojou-sama, what is the meaning of this? You're losing you're connection to OdZ WoRlD!*

She inclined her head to the side, mutely staring at the phantom of Loki. Her eyes were blank, motionless, as if they were made of glass.

"Ojou-sama, please, talk to me! What is going on! You're losing on the connection! Ojou-sama. . .! Ojou-sama. . .! Ojou-"


Makiko stopped, so did Mr. MrMahon, and the two looked up.

A woman was running over to them, her hair a pastle-pink and her eyes pale and transparent as snow. She wore a fine red blouse with grey designer pants and a white furred coat around her shoulders, a flower accessory pinned to the side of her head. Her makeup was done exactly how Makiko had down hers.

The half-blind girl let out a weak smile.

"Hello, mother," she said, speaking in French like her mother, "You look well."

"Oh, don't I always?" asked Sakura Huratana, pulling her daughter into a hug and kissing her forehead multiple times, "Oh, you're still as lovely as ever, Madeline. I'm so glad that the acident hasn't taken your spirit out of you." she cooed. Makiko nod, though her smile was growing weaker and weaker.

"Jonathan," Sakura turned to Mr. McMahon. The butler tried to look her in the eye, though it was hard since the woman had the eyes of a hawk, "Thank you so much for taking care of Madeline. When Satoshi and I heard about the crash, we had thought of no other better person to take care of her then yourself. You were so helpful when we were in school, and you're still the good spirit you are today." she praised.

Mr. McMahon tried to smile, but all the motions in his lips were not doing so.

"Well then! I say we should get going, Makiko. Our plane leaves in the next hour. Now, you made sure to say goodbye, yes?" asked Sakura, now to Makiko.

". . . Yes. I made sure. . ." she whispered, the sadness of it unheard by her mother.

"Very well! Madeline, say goodbye to Mr. McMahon for today and we'll be on our way. And Madeline, be sure to freshen-up. Honestly, where do you get your cosmetic skills I'll never know," said the pink-haired woman.

Nodding, Makiko walked over to her temporary guardian, and she hugged him tightly, the laugher holding her just as tightly.

"I-I don't want to leave. I don't want to go and-and-"

"I know, Maki-san," said Mr. McMahon, trying to slow down Makiko's shaking shoulders, "I know." That was all he could say. What else could he say?Reluctantly, Makiko pulled away, blinking away her tearing eyes and moving to pick up her bags. She backed away when a few bellboys that worked in the airport came and picked up her bags. She stood there silently, but another arm was looped around her own, and she looked at Sakura.

"No, Madeline. You don't need to carry them. We have to make sure that you won't hurt your hands in any way." she said smartly. Nodding, Makiko watched as the bags were lugged into a small cart.

"OK! Now that, that's settle, we should be on our way. Until three weeks, Jonathan!" called Sakura, practically drgging Makiko to the terminal. The aburnette looked over her shoulder, her eyes rimming with tears as she waved to Mr. McMahon. Slowly, the man waved back, his eyes already producing and slipping with tears. Looking away, Makiko allowed her mother to drag her through the airport.

Passed the luggage carts and the metal detectors, Makiko and Sakura sat in a plane in first-class, Sakura drinking a glass of spring water with lemon while Makiko was staring on her lap.

"Madeline, you've been so quiet. Aren't you excited?" asked her mother. Makiko folded a smile on her lips, the movement painful.

"I guess I'll just be missing this place, mother. I've made friends while in Inuba." she explained. Sakura gave a giggle, sipping on her water.

"Honey, you'll have friends when we return home-"

'But Inuba IS my home!'

"There will be Nicolase, and I know he's been missing you." said Sakura.

"What about Kyosuke?" asked Makiko/ Sakura waved her hand.

"Oh, he'll be there. He's being taken care of by Lura. Child's quite the cryer, though." muttered the pale-eyed mother. Makiko said nothing, so she leaned back and looked out the window, gulping when the plane gave a jerk and started to move. Smoothly and easily, the palne drove and took off, Makiko wathcing as everything turned into small patches on a quilt. Sakura still saw the frown on her daughter's lips. She sighed and petted her hair.

"Come now, Madeline. You should be happy. Just think of it," Sakura pulled back the girl's dyed locks, "In the next three weeks, you'll be married. Isn't that wonderful?"

Makiko could honestly say that she didn't feel wonderful. Slwoly, she took out her phone, finding the picture of everyone in front of Nanako's hand-made shrine, dedicated to the Rabbit of Inuba. Holding back a choked sob, she closed her eyes, and finally let the tears fall.

To Be CoNtInUeD

And that's the whole fic. . . Nah, I'm just kidding! There's way more in store for the next chapter! Or should I say, the next multi-chapters! From those of you who know what went on in DeviantART, YOU KNOW THAT THE NEXT PROJECT IS Persona: Symphonic Memories first ever movie chapters! That means there will be a new opening and more chapters to come along in this fic! That also means new characters and the introduction of the next plot! That also means new Sociaol Links and everything else you like about this story! So please, hang tight for that! I'm already working on the first movie chapter!

And as for the German used in this chapter. . . Eh, go Google it.

Also, it's about time that I annouce who's being paired up with who (So far) in this fic! Please, to those I have yet to have much conversation with, I've already plan on the ideas with other supporters of this story, thus knowing who will be paired up with who so far. To owners of characters who won't be mentioned yet, if you would like to talk about your character being paired up with another, please PM me or ask about it in your review. I'll messege you as soon as I can. Alright, here are the pairings!

MakikoxTakeru (Yeah, didn't see that coming *Shot*)

ErixSeiji (Kind of make sense if you think about it)

AshlynnxMarco (Pretty cute, if you ask me)

ShirihanaxTetsuya (Yes, makes TOTAL sense)

Those are the pairings so far.

And now, since there won't be any 'Next Time, on Persona: Symphonic Memeories' Interview going on, we'll get to the fun fact and the other stuff.


Did you know that most of the Persona presented in this fic are based on Norse Mythology? From the great calamity to follow to the setting of Germany, all of it follows under Norse Mythology. Norse Mythology is a subset of Germanic mythology, the overall term for the myths, legends and beliefs about supernatural beings of Norse pagans. It flourished prior to the Christianization of Scandinavia, during the Early Middle Ages, and passed into Nordic folklore, with some aspects surviving to the modern day. Norse mythology is the study of the myths told in Germanic countries (Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands) during the pre-Christian times, especially during the Viking Age.

Makiko has gained the second level of the Marco Vermillion Social Link of the Moon Arcana!

Makiko has gained the second level of the Seiji Kamiya Social Link of the Strength Arcana!

Makiko has gained the second level of the Eri Haneda Social Link of the Devil Arcana!

Makiko has gained the second level of the Ashlynn Kiyomizu Social Link of the Hermit Arcana!

Makiko has gained the third level of the Takeru Akamatsu Social Link of the Chariot Arcana!

"Thou art I. . .

and I am thou. . .

Thou hast established a new bond. . .

It brings thee closer to the truth. . .

Thou shall be blessed when creating Personas of the Hanged-Man Arcana. . ."

The Tetsuya Masamune Social Link of the Hanged-Man Arcana has been established!

"Thou art I. . .

and I am thou. . .

Thou hast established a new bond. . .

It brings thee closer to the truth. . .

Thou shall be blessed when creating Personas of the Magician Arcana. . ."

The Sora Takazuchi Social Link of the Magician Arcana has been established!

"Thou art I. . .

and I am thou. . .

Thou hast established a new bond. . .

It brings thee closer to the truth. . .

Thou shall be blessed when creating Personas of the Fortune Arcana. . ."

The Soria Takazuchi Social Link of the Fortune Arcana has been established!

*Yawns loudly* Well, after all the long waiting, and all the typing coming from myself, I can honestly say that I need a nap. But after that, I'll get back to work on the first chapter of the movie of this fic! Please, be paticient, and I'll get to it! I'm sorry for any mistakes, I still have yet to obtain a beta, and I'll see you all next time! Happy summer!

This is me saying, Peace!