Destiny's Grasp By Tifa Lockheart Nibelheim

Disclaimer: None of the characters or places mentioned in this fanfic belong to me, but to Squaresoft, and I don't intend to earn money with this (not that I could ^_^). I'm simply doing this for my own fun and enjoyment, hoping that others like it, too ^_^

A/n: This fanfic was created in a period of boredom and is based upon a simple idea I got once when I had a clear moment to think ^_^. I guess the idea is not the most original, but I thought it might be worth writing it down. So hope y'all like it ^_^. This is for all the people who like to read my fanfictions (whether Final Fantasy or other series). So please review this, ok?

Have fun! ^_^

By the way, I tried to keep as close to the original script as possible (here my thanks go to Little Chiba [email protected] and the wonderful FF7 Script she typed. Thanx for all the hard work, you really fulfilled one of my dearest wishes with that ^_^)( tough I changed some details to better fit the plot of my story). So, please forgive me if I should make a few mistakes, but they are neither intended nor most likely noticed.


The whisper, barely audible, yet bearing great importance, was carried through the serene Forgotten City on invisible currents. Long ago, the City had been as bustling with life as a bee hive, now, however, it was completely deserted, a silent monument of the inevitable flow of time and fate.

At this moment, the eternal silence was broken by the voices of young people trying to prevent the world from a cruel fate. Young people on the search for a close friend.

"Aeris's voice…", Cloud Strife whispered, looking at the spiral-formed building in the center of the town, frowning "Coming from there?"

He closed his eyes, yet not moving.

Silently, the young woman named Tifa Lockheart, who was standing a little behind him, agreed, following her childhood friend on their way into the center building.

Passing several houses made of corals and shells, the finally made their way down a long, crystalline spiral staircase, walking for what seemed like an eternity in the ethereal surroundings.

After endless moments, the two friends arrived at a small pond in the middle of the closed building, soft white light streaming in from above.

In the center of the bluish pond stood an altar as if hovering in a different universe. And, kneeling right beside it, was the one they were searching for.

Their newly found friend.

The Ancient.

"Aeris?" Cloud asked hesitantly, as if afraid that every tune muttered might shatter her image and wake him from his dream of finally having found her again.

Slowly but steadily, he made his way across the columns that led him to the podium, motioning Tifa to stay behind.

Carefully, he walked up to Aeris, gazing at her in awe, realizing the serenity of the moment.

Though suddenly, his facial expression changed, grew emotionless as another strong force took control over his body and mind.

Unhurriedly, the young man brought his hand to his hip, right to the spot where he kept his several feet long sword. Enclosing the handle in a tight grip, he drew the long, deadly weapon and raised it over his head.

Yet whereas Aeris kept silent, smiling, a look of incredulous horror appeared on Tifa's face as she rushed forward, sprinting down the columns Cloud had passed just a moment before.

"Cloud!" she cried desperately, grasping his bent muscular arm "Stop!"

Obviously, her voice had penetrated his mind, reawakening the young man's spirit for he gradually let the huge sword sink and took a step back, away from the praying Ancient.

Simultaneously, Tifa brought a little distance between them, to give him some free space.

"What are you making me do?" Cloud muttered softly, but fierce, raising his gaze to the ceiling.

Confused, his childhood friend followed his eyes, blinking into the bright light that broke in from the ceiling, gently illuminating the water's surface.

Yet suddenly, the light dimmed, a silhouette, barely recognizable, fell from out of nowhere, accompanied by a swishing sound that cut the air like a sharp knife.


Within split seconds, Tifa's brain had worked on the information and let her gaze jump at Cloud, who was obviously immobilized, standing glued to the spot, though is face already showed recognition. His emotions for Aeris made him unable to react, to save her from the fate she would soon have to meet, if not…

If not…

Again within split seconds, Tifa's mind began calculating her reactions and their possible results and finally made a decision. A decision that would change fate. That would put Aeris's fate onto herself…

He loves her, he really does…

Not me, but her…

If I can't be, let at least him be happy…

Anything for that…

With one swift unexpected motion executed immediately after glancing upwards to spot the silhouette, the young woman rushed past the man she loved towards the woman he loved and pushed her aside.

As it glided down, the silhouette finally took form, the form of Sephiroth, holding his masamune tight in his grip, blade facing downwards. Yet before he even noticed that his victim would not be the one it was supposed to be, the sharp sword had already sliced deep into the body of the young beauty.

Still unable to move, Cloud stood at the edge of the altar, completely ignoring Sephiroth, but staring at his friend in utter disbelief. Aeris sat up on the floor, looking just as incredulous as Cloud, shocked about what had nearly happened to her, but now to one of her closest friends.

Sephiroth, however, diverted his eyes from the Ancient, now looking over at Cloud with a sly smile formed on his lips.

Quietly, he rose his voice.

"This is surely not what I had planned it to be, for I did not include the factor 'emotional bonds' in my calculations" he said, pondering while glancing down at his victim "Still, it perfectly serves the purpose." He finished with cold satisfaction and removed the blade, thus freeing Tifa, making her fall forward numbly.

Quickly, Cloud regained control over his muscles and rushed to her side, catching her in the midst of the fall.

Carefully, softly, he cradled her in his arms protectively, even though it was already to late.

Not wanting to acknowledge the truth, he shook her. Slightly at first, getting stronger gradually.

"Tifa! Tifa… please!… Please…" his voice died down to a mere whisper, barely audible.

Gently stroking her hair, caressing her pale face with his strong fingers, he gazed into her open ruby eyes.

"Tifa… Why?"

But he would never get a response, for the smile that had formed on her face would stay her last one, the breath inhaled never be let out again.

"This can't be real…" he quietly told himself, as to end the nightmare he was just experiencing.

His heart seemed to break at the realization, leaving only questions, loss… and hatred.

Blacked out by his mind, Sephiroth was still talking, giving some smart comment on the situation.

However, Cloud could not take it any longer, he could not bear the pain that was building up inside his chest. He wanted to get rid off all the hatred and express his loss…

"…Shut up…" he said, more or less calmly, silencing his opponent and thus gaining attention.

"The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing. She's gone… Tifa is gone… The one person who has been my only friend when I was a child… The one person I gave a promise to… A promise I could not keep…" he made a short pause, unshed tears glistening in his sapphire eyes "She will no longer smile, no longer laugh… or even cry…"

Carefully, he placed her down on the ground caressing her face one last time before he got up and took position right beside Aeris, who had tears running down her face herself.

"You only care about yourself, don't you? But what about ME?" he nearly yelled, desperation and anger dominating now "What about MY pain? My fingers are tingling… my mouth is dry… my eyes burning… my chest piercing…"

Sephiroth just laughed.



"Emotions make you weak. That is why you have failed. And why you will fail again."

With those words, he leapt back towards the ceiling, floating freely, unsupported.

" You spineless bastard! Stay and I will show you who will fail!" the young man shouted after him, enraged, yet was only answered by another short laugh echoing in the distance.

Finally, the altar room feel back into serene, eternal silence, oblivious to the real impact of what its walls had just witnessed, as it was only another moment in thousands of years, a grain of sand on a vast beach.

~ ~ ~

Early morning sunlight was breaking through the clouds and shining upon the Forgotten City of the Ancients.

Yet in contrast to the beautiful scenery, the circumstances were no pleasing ones.

In his arms, Cloud Strife held the lifeless body of his childhood friend Tifa Lockheart, Aeris standing by his side, comforting him.

Since Sephiroth had done this to the raven beauty, the young warrior had not spoken a single word nor shown the slightest emotional change.

For hours now he had been sitting next to her, staring into her eyes, tears constantly streaming down his face, silently.

Aeris had kept quiet, in the background. She knew of the close bonds which had existed between the two friends, even though she had never known them to be that strong. Still, Tifa had not been her rival but her friend, one of the few she had ever had. Thus, knowing how much the loss hurt her, she could not dare to imagine what Cloud might feel, for he had known her a lot longer, and deeper.

She considered it better just to be there for him, and let him take the first step, whenever he was ready. Hoping that, until then, she would be able to cope with the feeling of guilt that was rising inside of her. After all, Tifa had died to save her, Aeris's, life. A thought she still had to get used to. Which would, for sure, not be easy.

Quietly, a determined look on his face, Cloud walked up to the pond, still holding his friend.

He steadily waded through the water, disturbing the usually smooth surface, until it reached his arms, playing with Tifa's long raven hair.

With a pained expression, he took one last, long look at her, gazing at her beautiful face, caressing it one very last time, until he reluctantly let go off the body that had once been so full of life.

Silently, he watched as she sunk down into the depths of the water, her hair floating around her, until she was completely swallowed by the water's darkness.