Hey Im back with another stories. Let me know what you think of the first chapter.

Not who you use to know.

Back round info.

Percy and Annabeth had been dating for a couple of years. They were perfect for each other in everyway possible. But recently Annabeth has been more about university and her future career. And leaving Percy behind. Percy has no idea what he'd do for a career in the mortal world.

Chapter 1

The brake up and fall out.

Annabeth's pov

I was staring out at the ocean thinking. I love Percy. With all my heart but… I want to focus on my future career. And he has no plan for his future after he graduates this year. Then the one I love but don't want to see right now walked up.

"Hey wise girl…." He said and was about to continue before he could I cut him off.

"Listen Percy… I really just need to be alone right now." I said.

"No Annabeth we need to talk about it. You've been pushing me away for months and I want to know why." He said planting himself clearly stating this was not up for debate.

"Ok fine! You want to hear it!" I screamed angrily at him. "This isn't working Percy! I've got my life all planed out! And you don't even know where you'll be in two weeks! You cant be a life guard for the rest of your life!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Annabeth… I just don't know what I want to do in life! Being a powerful demigod and all… what job could I do without worrying about a monster messing it up!" he said taking a step closer to me.

"Percy… you can't let you being a demigod hold you back…" I loved him and saw where he was coming from. But I'm cretin of my future. And I want Percy in it… but to get there…. He would have to know what he wants to do…

"I know Annabeth. But I'm not like you! I don't always have a plan! I'm a do first ask questions later guy…" he said stepping closer still.

"Percy… I love you! But this isn't going to work… I know where I'm going in life… and I want you in it but…"

"I always hated the 'but' in any sentence." He mumbled holding back tears.

"For you to be in it… you need to know where you're going… so I'm sorry Percy but we need to break up…" I said shutting my eyes to stop the tears from flowing. When I didn't here a response I opened them they hadn't stopped the tiers any way. But Percy was gone. I was about to run after him when my phone vibrated. I opened it and there was a text from Percy. one word, two letters. And it broke my heart the text said 'ok'. I made my way back to camp as fast as I could. But when you feel the way I do you move really slow. By the time I got back Percy had cleared out his cabin and left his necklace and camp tee behind. Along with putting the Minatare horn in the attic. I raced to Chairon.

"Chairon! I need a ride into the city! I've really hurt Percy and I need to make sure he's ok!" I shouted startling the old centaur.

"Child… I'm sorry but you'll have to wait till tomorrow!"

"If you won't give me a ride… then I'll hoof it there!" I then dashed out of camp and ran as fast as I could. But slowed to a walk after an hour. It was around 4 am by the time I got to Percy's apartment. He and Nico lived here. Percy had got his own place when he walked in on his mom huddling in the corner after killing a hell hound that had picked up Percy's sent. I banged on the door franticly calling for Percy! a very tiered looking Nico opened the door and motioned for me to fallow him in. he sat down at the kitchen table with a coffee in his hands.

"Nico… where's Percy?" I asked worried.

"Gone… just gone…" he said in a hollow voice.

"where?" I asked concerned. He shrugged.

"Came in here yesterday. Put some clothes in a green olive drab bag and walked out. Said he'd send a letter in a couple of weeks. As well as money to pay his share of the rent." The son of Hades said sadly.

"Oh Styx!" I exclaimed as I sat down.

"He… he left this for you…" Nico said handing me a letter. I felt terrible! Not only for hurting Percy! but in directly hurting Nico. Nico looked to Percy as a big brother. I took the letter with shaky hands and opened it.

'dear my beloved Annabeth.

I love you and I always will. I knew that my blank future was what was troubling you, I had thought about it long and hard before our chat. It kills me to do this because I'm not sure where I'll be when you get this but I'll be back. Maybe we can try again when I'm back. But till then your free to focus on your future. I wish you nothing but the best. Wise girl.

Yours truly and forever Percy.'

I cried for hours! And when it was done I got up and left. I went to Sally to see if she knew anything. When I arrived instead of all the yelling I was expecting. The door flew open and Sally rapped me into a tight hug to the point where I couldn't Breath. "oh Annabeth he's gone…" she sobbed. We were a sight two strong women broken and crying. I went to university two weeks latter and five years later I graduated with my masters In architecture. I run my own free lance architecture company.

7 years later

I was walking down the street sipping my morning coffee when my phone buzzed. I Picked it up 'Nico'

"Hey dead boy what's up?" I asked him.

"Annabeth…" he whispered in the phone. I heard a door creek open faintly on the other end. " He's back." He finally said speaking normally.

"who Nico?"

"Percy. I had to whisper in case he was listening but he's already out for the day." It was 6am! I've never even thought that was possible! Percy awake at 6! No freaking way!

"Oh…" Percy had been back all of two times since we broke up. Nico didn't see him the first time. And now he was back for a second time.

"Annabeth I'm just calling to warn you… he's changed."
"changed how?" I asked worried he'd become a hot head player dick like the other guys from work.

"Well… you'll see, I got to go." I put my phone away. And head to a meeting about a possible building contract.

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