This is what I wanted. This guy. This life. This me. I was never getting my old life back, and I didn't care. I was happy. I was safe. I was right where I wanted to be.

In movies when the protagonist kissed the person they were always going to end up with, I thought the use of music or even in the sounds of fireworks they used was cheesy and ruined the whole film. But here, in this clearing with Derek, with his arms round my waist and his lips on mine, those movies couldn't get it more right. My stomach was going in flips; my heart was hammering so much I was afraid he could hear it. What was I kidding he probably could hear my heart hammering away with his werewolf hearing. Yet in this clearing not far from the motel we were currently at, I felt safe and…complete with his arms around me, that I would always be safe within his arms.

I smiled as I pulled away from him, because no matter how much I loved the feeling of his lips on mine, some people need to breathe, and unfortunately for me I was one of those people. His arms were still wrapped around my waist and his forehead touched mine. Derek looked at me then, really looked at me, staring in my eyes with a slight smile tugging at his lips. My blood started rushing to my face, yet I never lost eye contact with him, just staring into his eyes. From this close I could study him just as much as he seemed to do with me now. His face has almost completely cleared up from his achne, his hair has some dust from the facility that almost crashed down on us, yet even then it didn't look greasy. It seemed that Mother Nature was giving him a break now that he can turn fully into a werewolf. Yet one thing that hasn't changed was his eyes. Even now they were still as beautiful, they were just so green and they were almost sparkling while he looking at me. He looked like he had everything he wanted right there. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You're beautiful you know that?" I whispered to Derek. He simply rolled his eyes, smiled and brought his lips down to mine, pecking them softly then pulled away. I pouted, not wanting the contact to end. He chuckled and reached down for my hand.

"We should make our way to the house, it's going to be getting dark soon and I don't want your aunt thinking I kidnapped you or something" I laughed at that. Derek kidding was sure as rare as seeing an albino in England, which by the way was very rare. They did a documentary about how rare some cultures where in England, which seemed interesting at the time, but let's just say during the first 15 minutes I was snoring on the couch. Yet that was my old life. But one thing now, was that in this new life I was getting used to Derek joking with me, which I'm sure even the thought of Derek joking around would surprise everyone, maybe even Simon. We started walking back to house, hand in hand.

"So is this…okay?" He gestured towards our entwined hands. "Us being together"

"Well technically we aren't even going out, as you haven't asked my permission yet" I looked at his face out the corner of my eyes. I know I was only teasing him, but after all the bickering and snapping at each other all this time, I decided that a bit of teasing would be healthy for us. Not just me and Derek, but for Tori and Simon as well. Being on the run, well we were still on the run from the Cables but being with our family, we needed a bit of happiness here and there. From Derek's face, he knew I was only teasing him, and then there was something, like an evil glint yet it was gone as quick as I saw it. He stopped, when we were at the motel back entrance. Suddenly he went done on both his knees, grabbed both my hands, and looked up at me. My eyes were wide, and my mouth slightly open. An attractive look for sure.

"Chloe Saunders, I very much like you and I was hoping that you would do me the complete honour of becoming my girlfriend" I blushed and laughed at his desperate expression he was wearing on his face. Seems even Derek thought a little joking around was in order today. When I was just about to say yes another voice cut me off.

"So is wolf-boy proposing already? A little early in the relationship for that don't you think?" Tori was standing at the back door, and smile on her face, looking at both of us with her hands crossed on her chest. Simon was behind her, amusement on his face, and a bit of shock looking at his brother, that he couldn't believe he was actually joking about. Derek stood up and put his arm around my waist.

"And I'm sure there is a reason you both came looking for us" Derek waved at them. "Well?" He had his signature scowl on now, but I just laughed.

"I'm sure Derek means to say, what's up guys?" I asked them. I was sure I sounded way too cheery but at this time I didn't care.

"Dad wants all of us upstairs in the boy's room. To you know" Simon lowered his voice "Discuss the plan" We both nodded and all four of us made our way up to the room. But before we went to go in there I stopped. They all looked at me, wondering what was up.

"Simon can I speak to you please? Alone?" He nodded, and Tori strolled into the room, but Derek hesitated. I nodded at him, giving him reassurance that it would be okay. He nodded and went in closing the door slightly. I heard him telling Aunt Lauren and Mr Bae that we would be a second. Simon looked at me then, grinning.

"What's up amigo?"

"I-I-I just w-wanted to say t-t-that I'm s-sor-" I shut up then because his finger came to my lips, quieting me.

"It's okay Chloe. I told you, I had my suspicions even before I asked you out on that date. And they were just proved right, and to be honest, I think I've got the girl too many times. Its Derek's turn for once and I can see he really likes you Chloe. And your good for him, I can see that" He smiled at me then, a small one not reaching his eyes. "I'm not saying it's any easier but it's okay y'know?" I smiled at him and held out my pinkie.

"Pinkie swear best friend?" He laughed then, and held out his pinkie too and hooked it around mine and we both shook them. He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back too.

"Now come on and lets go in there, don't want them to hold on any longer" Simon then pushed the door open for me and swept his arm, gesturing in the room.

"After you my lady" I laughed and curtseyed at him.

"Why thank you my good sir" And went in the room. The room wasn't extraordinary big, yet big enough to have two single beds, a window seat and a couch. The bathroom was down the hall which everyone had to share. It was a cheap motel, so it was better than nothing. Simon went to sit next to his dad on the couch, and Aunt Lauren and Tori was sitting on the seats, and Derek was lounging on the window seat. His bulk frame stood out to all of us, he changed obviously from his gown that he had to wear into some jeans and a dark shirt. One of his knees was up and his elbow was on his leg holding his head up, and he was staring out the window. His hair was a little longer, just by the shoulder, and hung in his face a little. When he heard me enter the room though, he sat up, swinging his legs from the window seat and turned to look at me. He smiled a little at seeing me and I smiled back, going over to sit next to him. But instead he reached for my hand and then pulled me onto his lap, then hand snaking around my waist with his head on my shoulder. All the while everyone was looking at us, and I started to blush a bit. My aunt looked like she couldn't believe what she was seeing, and shooting disapproving stares at us. Tori looked bored, playing with her nails, and Simon was smiling. Mr Bae was looking at Derek and the only way I could describe the way he looked was proud. Proud that his son was happy and had someone. I smiled at that and turned towards Derek's face a bit to whisper to him.

"My answer is yes by the way" He looked at me then, happiness sparkling in his eyes. Mr Bae cleared his throat then all our attention was on him.

"So" He started "Time to discuss the plan…"


Thanks for all those who have took the time to read this and please leave some feedback! This is my first fanfiction, and I just re-read the books again, while also reading lots&lots of fan fiction…so I decided it was time that I wrote my own, with all these ideas in my head. And I make a promise that I will stick to it, as I normally don't with many other things!

I hoped you enjoyed it! There will be many more, as this is just the beginning because I don't like the way The Reckoning finished…but yet apparently after the new series of the other supernatural's they will be pairing with the gang!

Disclaimer: Do Not Own Darkest Powers

Much loves! Rebecca 3