Cosmic Love

What if there was no Freiza? No Cold Empire? What if the Saiyans were the most powerful race in the universe and everyone knew it. You would have a very powerful Prince that always got what he wanted…supposedly…

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this.

Prologue: Through the Eyes of a Father


Today is the day.

I knew this day would come. It only made since that there were other intelligent species out there in the universe. An intelligent species that were more advanced than us when it came to space travel.

"Dr. Briefs? What is your suggestion?"

Here I am in a large room filled with despair, among the most brilliant minds on the planet, being asked by every leader of my opinion on what to do. "We must make peace."

Many of them scoff and role their eyes, before they go into another tirade of arguing. I clear my throat and yell out "This is not a sci-fi movie! We can not fight a force off that is capable of wiping out our very existence with a flick of a wrist!"

A random politician jumps up, obviously filled with fear, "To make peace means to surrender!"

"And to fight is to die. The Saiyans gave us 24 hours. That is not enough time to build any type of machine that can fight them." I counter.

"That is not true!"

I look over and I see my rival, Dr. Gero. I roll my eyes. He's had brilliant ideas, but never learned how to use them properly. So I despise him for his lack of common sense and he despises me for my fortune.

"I have presented you people with my android idea and this will work! We can wipe out their armies quickly if we go to work now!"

I slam my hand on the table, "And when they blast our planet from space, what will your androids do then? The Saiyans said they would not harm the planet as long as we give allegiance to them."

A Dictator this time speaks out. "You would have us serve another world?"

"How many times through out history was our own countries, cities, land, villages, claimed by another? We are not the only ones in the universe, and there could be something even worse than the Saiyans out there."

The room is quiet now. Nothing is heard but the low growling coming from Gero. "Look, I don't want to surrender, but I have a family. My daughter is only 6 years old. I want to see her grow up. And if I have to do that under an allegiance to another planet then fine, but at least we will live."




Everyone turned to the door to see a Saiyan leaning against the frame. "Why that's the smartest thing I've heard from you guys all day."

A dictator leaps up in fear, "It has not been 24 hours!"

The Saiyan glances at him then adjust his armor as if that was way more important than the fate of our planet. "Yes I know. I'm the one who gave you the time frame in the first place. But I was just curious to see if there was any intelligence on this planet, so I decided to drop in."

Another leader clears his throat deciding to be brave and address the Saiyan. "We have not yet reached a decision."

The Saiyan just smirks. "Clearly. But you all will be good to listen to the Dr…Briefs was it?"

I nod. I can do no more. I'm too nervous for anything else. At any moment he could walk away or blast us all.

"That is not our only option!" Gero yelled.

I sigh in frustration. 'Idiot. The man never could control his temper.'

The Saiyan steps away from the wall, and everyone braces themselves. "Ah yes, the robot man. Yes I heard your plan, but unfortunately its not going to work."

"You couldn't possibly know that! You don't know anything!" Gero madly screamed.

The Saiyan just shook his head. "But I do. You see I know that your androids will be useless because…."

Before anyone else could blink, The Saiyan was standing in front of Gero…holding the doctors' heart in the palm of his hand.

"…you wont be able to create them."

Gero fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

The Saiyan then reached out his hand to the nearest leader, who jumped with fear, but slightly calmed down when he realized that the Saiyan just used his jacket to wipe the blood off his hand.

"Now that is a shame." He said. "The sad part is, is that I would have let him build his androids so I could fight them if he just wasn't so rude. Now lets cut this short shall we? Those in favor of being under Saiyan rule, raise your hands."

Whether it was out of what I said, the fear of dying like Gero, or just because they knew they had no choice I would never know. But I watched as every leader of my world raised their hands.

"Good. Now, here comes the fun part, you will list everything that is valuable on this planet and we will see if it compares to the other riches in the galaxy."

"You mean to steal from us!" Someone yelled in panic.

"Come now we cant steal what we already own. Besides, do not worry, we don't want another slave planet, which was option B that you all delightfully turned down. But now, your planet will be economically good. The only thing I guarantee will not improve is your bravery."

A depressing silence filled the room. At that moment I realized that there was no greater silence than that of defeat.

"Briefs, come with me." The Saiyan turned and walked out expecting me to follow. I didn't look back to anyone in the room. What was the point really? I was probably walking to my death.

I followed the Saiyan out of the building and watched as he communicated to someone in a different language through the device over his eye. He then crossed his arms and waited. A minute later a Saiyan that looked just like him landed.

"What was their decision Turles?"

"Well, Bardock, these humans are smarter than they look."

The other Saiyan, the one called Bardock noticed me then.

Turles glanced at me and then said, "This is by far the smartest scientist this planet has to offer. The only other one that seemed on his level just didn't have…the heart to be on our side."

Bardock nodded, "Alright then." Then he turned to me, "You will gather you things immediately and come with me."

"Go where?"

"To my planet. Your intelligence will no longer be needed here."

I grabbed his arm in panic. "Please sir! I have a family. A wife and a little girl! I cant leave them here alone!"

The Saiyan shrugged me off like I was a fly and I fell backwards onto the ground.

"You may send for them later, but for now only you and the tools you need to further your science is of importance to the Saiyan empire."

"But my daughter is important for my work!"

Bardock raised an eyebrow. "Explain."

I swallowed the large lump in my throat. "She is a genius, only at the age of 6. She has proven to be just as smart as me and even more brilliant in other areas..."

The Saiyans stared at me for a while then Bardock glared and spoke. "You will take me to her. And if you are lying to me, there will be consequences."

Before I could respond the Saiyan grabbed my arm and I watched as the ground became smaller and smaller.

"Where to?" he demanded. I pointed him in the right direction and we were at my home in a matter of minutes.

Once we landed, the Saiyans got straight to business. "Bring your daughter here now."

I didn't have time to collect myself. I stumbled into my home and called for my wife. "Bunny!"

She came bouncing out with Bulma right behind. "What is it dear? Did your meeting go well?"

I smiled sadly at her. She always made a terrible situation sound like nothing. "It went as I thought it would. But I need the both of you to come outside." She smiled at me. And I reached down and picked Bulma up. I hugged her close just in case this would be the last time that I would be able to.

"Daddy your mustache tickles." She giggled. Oh how I loved that sound I thought as we went out to the front of the house.

"Oh honey you didn't tell me we had guests." She clapped her hands together happily. "I should get them refreshments."

"Later dear." I then walked up to the Saiyans. Bulma looked at the men very curiously as they looked at her the same.

"Set her down." I did as they told me to and silently prayed that no harm would come to my family.

The Saiyan then pushed a button on his device and a moment later a small round ship landed. Bulma's eyes became large.

"Oh wow a space ship!" Before anyone could stop her she ran up to it. "She turned to the Saiyans and asked, "What's the velocity? What is its density?"

Bardock and Turles were shocked and I could tell, Impressed. Then Bardock narrowed his eyes, and I could tell he wasn't impressed enough.

'Alright Bulma, show them what you can do.'

Bardock walked over to the small pod and opened it. Bulma was trying to peer over his shoulder to see what it looked like on the inside when he pulled out a device of some kind. He then bent done in front of the girl and said, "Here."

Bulma looked at the device quizzically. So did I. It looked like some kind of electrical pad that controlled something or perhaps had information. It had various buttons all with different symbols on it. It was something that would probably take the average person years to try and figure out how to turn it on and properly use it, specifically because it was alien technology. But A scientist of my caliber should be able to figure it out much faster. Bulma would be able to as well.

But Bardock was really watching Bulma. He wanted to know if even at the age of 6, would she act like a child would, as an average human, or how a brilliant scientist would. In just 1 minute Bulma was able to decipher the alien buttons and turn on the device and then in just 10 minutes she was able to understand how to use the alien language without being able to speak it.

"This is an alien computer!" She then looked up at me, "Their technology is not too far from our own Papa. They have everything we do practically..."

Bardock was astonished.

"…he even keeps a journal and talks about a girl!" Turles busted out laughing.

Bardock blushed and then snatched the alien "iPad" like device out of her hands.

"Hey! I wasn't done looking at it!" Bulma yelled putting her hands on her hips.

Bardock was staring at the girl intently. "How do you know what I was talking about? You can't read my language."

Bulma looked at him like an idiot. "Languages are nothing but codes. Once you figure out a little bit, then you can understand more."

Turles then spoke up. "Well Brother, I think you have your answer."

Bardock looks at the little girl and then to the Doctor. "You and your family will come. Gather your things, only what you can carry."

"Excuse me!" Bulma almost screamed. The Saiyans stopped and then frowned down at her.

A look of horror spread washed over my face. I always knew my daughter was spoiled but I didn't know if the Saiyans tolerated such things.

Bulma some how managed to look down her nose at the Saiyans while looking up at them. "I wasn't done looking at the computer."

Bardock exhaled slowly and said, "Well you are now. Doctor I suggest you come control your child. We do not tolerate disrespect."

"Yes of course." I run over to Bulma and pick her up to get her away from the short tempered Saiyans, but not before she sticks her tongue out at Bardock.

He then growls out. "Turles, remind me not to have any more children."

Planet Vegeta

Today is the day.

I knew this day would come. The day that my son will cause me to kill my only heir. Here I am sitting on my throne, looking down on my son and I am more frustrated than I have ever been in my entire life. "Another tutor! Vegeta you must stop it this instance!" Four times. Four times my son, the Prince of my growing Empire, has murdered his instructors simply because he was a spoiled brat. I knew this would happen. The boy has had everything handed to him.

The prince just stood there looking off to the side. "This one had the nerve to talk down to me like I was stupid. I don't see why I have to learn all this junk anyways. I am strong! And I need to become the strongest!"

"Having strength is nothing if you do not know how to use it! You must learn everything you can. You will be King some day. You do not want to end up having a bunch of scientists conspiring against you because you were too ignorant to understand what they were doing."

"Then Ill just blast them."

"You need to know what they know and always be 10 steps ahead of everyone. A powerful king can rule an empire, but a wise king knows how to keep one. You don't want to be the smartest in your kingdom?"

He straitened after that. "Of course I do!"

"Then you will learn what you must."

"Yes father."

"Good. Now, since you have killed some of my top scientists, I have no choice but to recruit other ones. I have one coming now and once he is up to speed he will teach you what you need to know. Now you may go."

Prince Vegeta bowed and then walked out.

Nappa, one of my loyal guards approaches me. "I hear those humans are really weak."

I sigh as I recall the report that Bardock sent. Because of my son's ridiculous behavior I had to adjust purging missions so that from now on my soldiers would have to see if there were scientists intelligent enough to bring back here. Of course nothing would beat Saiyan brilliance, but unfortunately my son has shown me that it's best to keep my resources full. "I will not risk another brilliant Saiyan's life on this. These men are not easy to replace."

Nappa nodded and then said, "But sire are you sure an outsider would be appropriate to teach the Prince? Wont he be unwilling if his planet is destroyed?"

The sneer on my face was immediate. "Of course I'm sure!" Nappa jumped back in fear…as he should. "I know what I am doing. Luckily the planet had some resources on it so purging it completely was unnecessary. But these humans will do as I say. If not, they will die. No go make sure my son does not kill anyone else without my permission."

Nappa bows once more and leaves me alone in my throne room to my thoughts. Of course I would rather have a Saiyan teach my son everything, but I need them working on expanding my empire, not dying over foolish behavior.

I glance to my left at the empty space where a second chair should have been. I frown as I recall past memories that I vowed never to think of again. But as I sat there alone I could not help but remember her…

"Yes, dying over foolish behavior."

Author's Note:

Tell me what you think guys! Bulma and Vegeta meet next chapter and it's not going to go over good.