the boyfriend tag
What happens when Sam and Freddie get lots of requests to do The Boyfriend Tag on the iCarly website? Read to find out... Seddie are back together in this story!
'Seriously,you guys have to do this! It's been requested so much lately, and the viewers are obviously really excited about it!' Carly begged.
'Noooooo. Carls!' Sam moaned. 'I don't see what the big deal is with these guys. We're together, isn't that enough for them?'
'Apparetly not.' Freddie chuckled, slinging his arm around his abrasive girlfriend. 'Come on baby. You ashamed of me?'
'Yes.' She said, being difficult.
'Hey now.' He pouted, wriggling his eye brows to make her laugh. She couldn't help but smile, placing a kiss on his nose.
'Okay, whatever. I guess it couldn't hurt to make the stupid video. Gimme the questions.'
'So, you guys kept requesting this lame video because you obviously have nothing to do with your time.' Sam snapped into the lense.
'Sam.' Freddie warned, slipping a hand around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. 'Be nice.'
'Ugh. Fine. Well, here's your stupid video.' Then she added an obviously sarcastic smile. He smiled and pulled away, shaking his head and chuckling a little.
'Okay baby, question one.' Sam said. 'I'm sitting in front of the tv. What's on the screen?'
Freddie smiled. 'Eeeeasy. Either an MMA fight, the Food Channel, or Girly Cow. Maybe the Dingo Channel if you feel like mocking it.'
'Good!' She actually smiled. 'Alright, next question. We're out to eat. What dressing do I get on my salad?'
'...All of them?' He asked, his eyebrow cocked.
'...Yes.' She admitted, and then they began to laugh.
'Next question? He asked, poking her in the ribs and smiling.
'Calm it, I'm getting to it!' She frowned, rolling her eyes. 'So pushy. Okay, question three, what is one food I don't like?'
'You totally don't like prune pops.'
'That's very true. But that doesn't count, no one except your mom likes them. Think boy, think!' She teased him.
'Wow, okay... You don't like that orange chicken they serve around the corner. Because you say it looks like someone already ate it, and then threw it back up.'
'Eugh.' She shuddered. 'Alright, question four! We're out to eat, what drink do I order?'
'A fatshake if they serve them, if not then a root beer.' He smiled, and she nodded, smiling back.
'Fatshakes are sent from the heavens.' She informed the lense.
'Just so you guys know, we're not being sponsered by them or anything.' Freddie informed the audience.
'I wish we were!' Sam exclaimed. 'We should so contact them dude! And then-'
'Sam! Next question baby!'
'Okay okay, keep your anti-bacterial underpants on nerd.' She huffed. 'What size shoe do I wear?'
'5. Sammy's got small feet.' He winked.
'Do not!'
'It's cuuuuute.' He pouted.
'Benson.' She warned.
'Sowwy.' Freddie said, kissing her gently on the mouth.
'You're forgiven... This time. Okay, next is... If I were collecting anything, what would it be?'
'Pictures of me.' He winked.
'Oh puh-lease. You look stooooopid.'
'Hey! Baby!'
'Well you should have answered the question truthfully!'
'Truthfully, you like my face don't you?'
'I'm the one asking the questions here!'
'Answer the question Freddie!'
'Fine! Sam already does collect something, and it's bottle tops. She has a crazy amount.'
'I do.' She smiled. 'Next question isssss... What's my favourite type of sandwhich?'
'Correctttt! Okay, what would i eat everyday if I could?'
'What's my favourite type of cereal?'
'What's my favourite music?'
'What's my favourite sports team?'
'You don't have one. You hate sports apart from MMA.'
'My eye colour?'
'My best friend?'
'Something you do I wish you wouldn't?'
'Join "stupid" clubs.'
'Where am I from?'
'Seattle, born and raised.'
'You bake me a cake for my birthday, what kind of cake?'
'Fatcake cake.'
'Do I play sports?'
'I can spend hours doing what?'
'Kissing me.'
'One unique talent I have?'
'I'm not even good-'
'You're amazing baby.'
'Screw you Benson, how did you know all he answers?'
'Because I love you. He smiled, reaching across to wrap his arms around his pouting blonde. 'I pay attention. That's why.'
She sighed. 'You're a good boyfriend.'
'And you did pretty good.'
'And... I love you too.'
'Knew it.' He grinned, and then they kissed. And kissed. And kissed. And- 'Oops, camera.' Freddie chuckled, pulling away to switch it off, they both waved bye before returning to eachother's lips.