I really hope you all like this chapter, Tate & Violet kinda getting it on, I hope you don't think its to soon or anything but I wanted to push their relationship forward and its up to your interpretation on whether Violet loves Tate or if she's trying to 'prove' something to herself. Tell me what you think in reviews! :D Also, thank you all sooooo much for the lovely feedback, really encouraging and amazing to read, keep doing your th-ang XD And, totally unrelated to this, but holy crap I saw Constance in The Vow film yesterday! ... Yet again playing a Mother who wants a perfect family. WAY to creepy...

Her lips touched his and his hands balled into fists at his sides, restraining him from touching her, from freaking her out.

He was unresponsive against her, waiting for her to gasp and scuttle to the edge of her bed, demanding he leave and never return.

Telling him to go away.

She released her grip on him and withdrew slowly; their faces mere inches apart and her eyes searched his, rejection and hurt filling them.

"I thought you wanted this," She whispered, her hands still clutched his hair and he felt them shake.

"I do-"

"Then why-"

"But I don't want this….thing…. to be about you proving something to yourself."

Her hands fell from his hair and rested lightly on his shoulders. She leaned her face towards him again and her hair fell from behind her ear and he hesitantly pushed it back. His hand lingered on her cheek and she moaned softly, closing her eyes as he drew soothing circles with his thumb.

Are you trying to make this a beautiful moment?

She peeked through her lashes at him and smiled briefly. He noticed the tears in her eyes but before he managed to pull away she got off of her bed and kneeled next to him.

There's no beauty in the world for a monster.

Violet raised on her knees slightly so she could reach him, her arms slowly went around his neck as he remained still.

"I want this," She muttered and pressed her lips to his.

This time he didn't refuse her and gently moved his mouth with hers, his hands snaked around her waist and pulled her into his chest softly.

Why are you being so gentle?

She felt his tongue push into her mouth and tenderly roam, she moaned deeply and his grip tightened, she felt his erection against her and instantly pushed away from him.

Her head smacked against the bed and she blinked up at him slowly; he was half way across the room, crouching, hands behind his back to keep him balanced.

Take her like you did before. Don't you like it when she resists you?

Tate's eyes glazed black and she let out a small gasp, the sound snapped him back to his senses and he came to sit next to her. She didn't move away from him, didn't flinch when his arm went around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey," He soothed, looking at her; she avoided his gaze, "It's alright, no need to apologize," He laughed slightly and she glared at him, he shrugged, "I'm quite happy with how that went actually."

"Oh really?" She asked sarcastically, "I'm sure that's exactly what you had in mind when making out with a girl."

"Technically, that wasn't making out."

"Shut up!"

He smirked and she rolled her eyes whilst removing his arm from around her, she stood up and turned round, he was pouting as she took out a cigarette from her pocket and went to the window ledge.

"Don't you ever worry about your parents seeing?" He asked her, and when she looked at him as if he was a child he explained, "Your Dad will have you in therapy."

"It's only a matter of time," Violet whispered, watching the sun disappear behind the clouds.

-It's my turn to play now.

She shuddered at the whispery tendrils in her brain.

I'm truly insane.

"What do you mean by that?"

Violet remained silent and Tate's guilt increased, she was still a girl. A girl sitting on a window ledge looking out at the beauty of the world, secretly wanting to be a part of it; it's main star.

Holy shit. What the fuck's got in to you? The world is fucked up, not beautiful. Jeesh, you're like a typical puppy dog.

But she's in the world.

She won't be for long.

The moonlight framed her body as she turned round and hopped off of the ledge, flicking the cigarette out of the window.

She climbed into her bed and pulled the covers around her, when Tate staid on the floor motionless she grabbed his shoulders and tried to hoist him up. He laughed nervously before sitting opposite her.

Only her head peaked from the fortress of pillows and blankets she had created in order to separate them.

- How much more would she have allowed you to do if you hadn't forced her? Doesn't it torment you? Make you wonder what could have been if you weren't such a pervert?

"Because," She muttered, "I think I'm losing it Tate."

I bet she would have moaned into your mouth. Her hot little pants tickling your ear.

"Jesus Tate! I just told you I think I'm loosing my sanity and you ignore me?"

- She would have separated her legs at her own accord. She would have been so tight, so perfect. Now, she'll just be a quivering mess.

"You're a fucking jerk."

- I bet if you do ever manage to get your pathetic excuse for a dick in that mess that she'll realise it was you.


He shook his head vigorously and Violet retreated further back on the bed, but finally he stopped and looked at her, "Your to strong to lose it."

"Did you just space out on me?" She demanded, grabbing a pillow from her pile and throwing it at him, he caught it easily and put it behind his head as he leaned against the bed frame.

"No, it's just..." He searched for a reason, shrugging when he finally found one, "No one's ever told me that before…well, at least about themselves."

"People have called you crazy?" Violet asked, trying to ignore the memory of his files.

He just nodded. Twiddled his thumbs.

"Why do you think you're crazy?"

She looked at the space above his head, tears forming in her eyes as she embarrassingly muttered, "I'm frigid."

His eye's snapped to hers and she shrugged her shoulders, wishing she'd never confided in him.

Girls just don't know when to keep their big fat mouths shut. He's definitely going to leave you now.

"Just because you have class and don't fuck every guy in town doesn't mean you're frigid."

"I was never like this before you know-"

"You've done what we've just done before?" Tate asked, trying to keep the envious anger inside, he wanted to strangle who ever had touched her inappropriately, he wanted to –

Watching you strangle yourself should be quite entertaining.

Violet put her head in her hands and peeked up at him shyly, "A lady never tells."

Tate relaxed and raised an eyebrow at her, "You know, I was joking before, that could have definitely be classified as making out."

Violet rolled her eyes, "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

They heard the front door open downstairs and Tate almost fell off the bed in shock; Violet merely shook her head at him, smiling slightly as she heard her parents footsteps come up the stairs and quickly turned off her bedside lamp.

"Drama queen," She hissed as he scuttled to her closet and shut himself in before Violet's bedroom door opened.

"Oh good your awake," Vivian cooed, flicking on the light, and, taking in Violet's fortress of cushions, hesitated, "Well," She stated, "That's interesting."

"Not really," Violet muttered, her eyes trying to stay clear of the closet but betraying her every several moments.

"You haven't made your 'castle' thing since you were four and were scared the Teletubbies would find you and eat you."

Violet's cheek grew dark as she faintly heard Tate stifle a giggle, she glanced at her mother quickly, but she was unaware, reminiscing Violet's embarrassing moments.

Violet could have punched her.

"That was scary," She huffed, folding her arms and staring at her mother indignantly, "I'd be on TV if they ate me."

Vivian laughed and stroked Violet's hair, but she flinched and Vivian put her fingers under Violet's chin, making her meet her eyes.

"What are you having nightmares about now?"

Tate shuddered within the confines of the cupboard, his ear pressed to the door, his dead heart pumping fast throughout his body, causing sweat to pour down his already tearful face.

"I'm not," He heard Violet snap and her mothers sigh soon followed.

"I'm your mother; you can be a little girl around me."

Violet barked out a cruel laugh, "I had to grow up ages ago, remember mother?"

Tate watched through the crack of the door as Vivian ran her hands threw her hair before standing up, she faced away from Violet for a moment before turning to look at her briefly.

She exited slowly and Violet's bedroom door clicked softly behind her.

Violet rolled her eyes when Tate emerged from his hiding place, grinning from ear to ear.

"The Teletubbies?" He smirked, "Really?"

Violet didn't answer and rolled on to her side, her hands clenching the pillows tightly, trying not to cry.

"Did your mother touch a nerve?" Tate asked gently, approaching the bed.

"I still have nightmares," Violet whispered and Tate took a step back.

- You've plagued her even in her sleep. Well done, mission truly accomplished.

I'll help her; I'll cure her of them.

Like you planned to cure everyone else in 1994? That went well….

"What can I do to help?" He muttered and she turned slowly to face him, half her face deep within the pillow.

She truly looked like an innocence girl.

Typical. You didn't ask her what the nightmares were about. Coward.

I already know.

No excuse, you're a selfish, heartless bastard. You've condemned another soul in this house already.

She may not be pregnant.

"Hold me," She murmured, flipping her duvets over her so that he could climb in.

He grinned slowly and took off his shoes before lying next to her. His hands remained at his sides and he gazed at her. She looked uncomfortable and moved closer to him; her hands circled his arm, pulling it around her as she nestled into him.

Touch her, I dare you.

Her head leaned on his chest and he kissed her forehead, she parted her lips in a contented sigh and he turned his head away from temptation.

Do it, now. Otherwise you'll have to be a pervert in her sleep.

"Do you mind," Violet whispered, "Staying with me tonight?"

"Of course not."

They didn't speak after that and Tate watched as Violet went into a deep slumber. He stroked her hair occasionally, pushing it away from her face so he could see her clearer. Every single perfection that made her face he memorised, wanting to stay like this forever.

She thrashes every night. Bet your looking forward to that.

Tate stiffened, he hadn't considered that. How would Violet react when she woke, screaming, panting, crying to find him beside her?

I'll survive it. She needs me.

He remained there all night, and when Violet finally woke at 7am he sighed in relief. Violet blinked up at him, confusion momentarily clouding her face. She reached up and stroked his cheek.

"I didn't have any nightmares."

Tate beamed down at her and she laughed, bouncing up into a sitting position and hugging him excitedly.

That's the first time since I moved here.

Maybe he's good for you.

She grabbed his face in her hands and crashed her lips to his. His arms snaked around her waist and lifted her so that her body was laid across his, her tongue pushed into his mouth and he groaned deeply as she straddled him.

He could feel her smile against his mouth and he writhed when Violet bent to his neck and sucked. Her tongue made small delicate circling patterns and he pressed her body even closer to his.

She raised her head and smirked at him, then, time froze.

Her smirk was radiant as she gazed down at him, her face void of any past horror, but then her eyes became blurry, tears welled up and her smile faded, replaced with a grimace as she put her hands to her mouth.

Violet ran from Tate, almost falling over in her haste to get to the bathroom, she didn't have time to close the door; she just bent over the toilet and grasped the sides as she let the sick pour out of her.

Her hair plastered her face as she pushed away the angry tears of embarrassment. She grabbed the toilet paper and wiped her mouth, throwing it into the toilet and flushing.

She hugged her shoulders and padded back to her room. Her whole body shook as she raised her eyes to stare at Tate.

But the bed was empty.