Hey Guys! Long time no see! To my dedicated followers, I love you all so much 3, to my newbies welcome 33! So I said I was finished but… It just doesn't seem finished. What do you guys think? Anyways… On with the story!

It was pouring outside, and the team had no missions. They were sitting on the couch watching static with Connor, who appreciated the company for once.Then Robin walked in.

'I wonder what they're doing?' he mused to himself. 'I should check it out'

"Yo Wall-man what's up bro?" Robin yelled across the room

Wally tilted his head back, so he could see robin. When he saw him he got a big smile on his face and was by Robin in the blink of an eye.

"Bro! I've been waiting for you! Want to hang out? Lets do something!" Wally rattled off, not pausing for breath

Robin contemplated for a second, "Lets do it"

They started to the Zeta tubes, "What do you want to do?" Robin inquired slyly

"Duh," Wally said, grinning madly, "Walmart superstore,"

The two trouble makers smiled and ran off to go exploring the massive store

Riding in a motorcycle through the rain was not fun. By the time they got to Walmart they were soaking.

"Why didn't we just take the zeta tubes," Wally complained

"Stop complaining you'll be fine" Robin said to Wally, already at the sliding doors

Wally groaned and followed Robin through the doors.

When they got inside the store there was a wave of heat that made the boys smile.

"Alright Wall-man where to," Robin asked

"I think we should explore a bit" Wally offered

"Sounds great" Robin agreed

They started out going to the candy section, of course,

"Bro pixie sticks? You know what we can do?" Wally shouted to Robin,

"Dude what!"

"Extra sugary lucky charms. And they just came out with a new cereal that's just marshmallows" Wally said triumphantly, proud of his idea

Robin's eyes grew wide, "No way"

"Way," Wally nodded

"lets do it," Robin said with a huge grin

They loaded their cart with pixie sticks, and made their way to the cereal isle.

"Damnit why is it so hard to find!" Wally groaned

"I dno" Robin mumbled, reading the signs telling them what was in each isle

"There!" Robin shouted, and started running to the cereal isle

The two boys looked upon the isle in awe.

Then they saw it. It was as if a shining light from above had illuminated the box of marshmallow only lucky charms. And there was a special prize!

"Laser pointer ring…" Robin whispered

"Its beautiful" Wally whispered, wiping a fake tear from his cheak

"lets get two boxes, then we can each have a ring," Robin said, thoughtfully

"That's a great idea," Wally concurred

"Lets go" Robin said with a wicked smile, tonight would be fun

On their way to the check-out counter they saw boxes of pop-its on sale (the little fire works that pop when you throw them on the ground)

Wally ran over and grabbed 10 boxes of them, "This will be amazing"

Robin stared, mouth agape, "Yes bro, this is why I love you,"

They both smiled as they ran to the checkout.

The old lady scanning their items raised her eyebrows in curiosity, "Now you boys don't get into to much trouble," She said with a sweet smile

"Yes ma'am" They both said with grins on their face.

The checkout lady chuckled, "You two have a nice day!"

"Thank you!" They said in unison.

When they got back to the mountain the walked through the entrance laughing about some joke about superman, when the team saw them. They had switched from watching tv to playing an intense game of BS using 5 decks of cards.

Kaldur looked up, and a look of concern crossed his usually passive expression, "What are you two doing," he inquired

Robin and Wally stopped laughing, "Nothing we were just getting some stuff," Robin said slyly

"Yeah" Wally agreed, a bit too enthusiastically

Robin elbowed him in the side and whispered something in his ear. They both laughed, then put on straight faces again

"We've got to go now," robin said shortly, and the pair walked briskly to Robin's room in the mountain

"What a bunch of nerds," Artemis said, rolling here eyes, "They're so weird"

"Be nice, they're just having fun," Megan said affectionately, she looked at Connor, and he shrugged and grunted, "I don't really care. Can we get on with the game"

Wally and Robin set up their supplies on the table in Robin's room

"Alright do we have our two super sized bowls?" Robin asked

"Check" Wally confirmed

"Two boxes of marshmallow charms?"




"Pixie sticks?"

Wally held up their two bags of pixie sticks and grinned, "Check-a-roo"



"Alright, I think that's it." Robin finished

Lets get going.

The two boys opened the boxes, but right before Wally poured his cereal Robin shouted


Wally froze, "What..?"

"Laser rings"

Wally opened his mouth and for a few seconds just stared at Robin, "I almost forgot"

They searched the boxes for the rings and when they both found them they placed them in the center of the table.

"For inspiration," Wally said

Robin grinned and nodded, "Lets do this"

The two boys poured the milk and the box of marshmallows into the bowl. Then with a cackle from Robin, the two boys started pouring pixie sticks, one after another, into the bowl until there was sugar sitting at the bottom.

"Bottoms up!" Wally said

And the two boys dug in

"So what does B.S. mean?" Megan asked, "Is there a specific meaning behind it?"

Artemis Grinned, "It actually means—"

Kaldur interrupted, "There are a lot of ways people say it. You can say butterscotch, big sandwich, anything with the abbreviations of B.S.,"

" Or bull—" Artemis started

Kaldur cleared his throat, "Lets get on with the game shall we?

Then Wally came racing through the room screaming "NO ROBIN STAY AWAY" and dived behind the couch, "Kaldur," He suddenly whispered, "Save me,"

Then he was gone.

A laugh echoed through the cave, "you thought you could get away?"

"NOOO" They heard Wally wail. They then saw a laser frantically shinning across the floor and walls

"What's happening," Artemis asked suspiciously

Then the laser was on Artemis's chest, and a pew pew was heard from the rafters

Then they heard two high-pitched laughs and indistinguishable talking from above

Suddenly Robin dropped from the rafters, and Wally soon followed in a less graceful manner.


Wally noded frantically, a grin on his face.

Suddenly wally's face was stoic "It tasted like rainbow,"

They all stared at them as Robin nodded as if Wally had said something insightful

"Are you two… Okay?" Kaldur asked tentatively

"OH YEAH" Robin yelled, "WALLY!"

"Yeaaaahhh Robbie wobbie?"

"Lets go. Tree surfing." Robin said, looking dead serious.

Wally gasped, and a tear came into his eye, "Robin I love you,"

Robin gasped and hugged Wally with all of his strength, Wally reciprocating with the same energy. Then the two ran to the back door to go 'tree surfing'

The team stared wide-eyed in the direction the two ran off to.

"I…" Kaldur started, but shrugged and sighed, "Lets just finish our game,"

The others nodded, still in shock.

Finally around dinner time Robin and Wally came walking through the door, dragging their feet, soaking wet.

"Don't sit on the couch," Artemis yelled

Robin and Wally glared at her, then sat on the floor. Robin grabbed the blanket sitting on top of the couch, then curled up next to Wally as the two fell asleep on the floor tangled with each other.

"They're cute," Megan said endearingly, "I love how close those two are. They really are best friends,"

Kaldur nodded, "I do prefer them when they're sleeping though. It's much quieter,"

The rest of the team nodded.

"It was kind of funny to see them running around like children though" Megan said

"They are children," Kaldur said with a smile

And with that they settled down to watch a movie with hot chocolate while the two trouble makers slept behind them on the couch.

Wow that felt good. I forgot how much I loved writing these! 2 years later isn't too late! I hope you all enjoyed my story! I t's not done yet, I might just keep adding on chapters! Thanks for reading, please review for suggestions and comments! (You don't even need an account!)