Sorry this is a little on the short side, but I got homework I need to do. I will try to post some more soon. Also who is happy that Clare finally dumped Jake's ass in the show? ME! -does a happy dance-

Ali was walking around after school when Clare ran up to her looking really mad. "Did you hear what Jenna did? I can't believe she would do something so low. This is even lower then her stealing K.C from me. She just has to have everything that is mine doesn't she. Ugh, I can't believe her." Ali looked at Clare confused. She had been to lost in someone finding out about her and Jake that she hadn't really paid attention to any of the gossip. Which was strange for Ali since she always had the 411 on everyone and everything. "You didn't hear about it?"

"No, I have my studies today. I might fail my test in AP science and I can't fail. You know what my father would do to me if I did." She quickly covered up. Truth be told she wasn't failing AP science. She was getting an A in that class like every other course she took.

"Oh, would you like my help in it?"

Ali shook her head fast, "No, I can handle it. So, fill me in what happened with Jenna now? Did she ask you again if you were getting a boob job?"

"She didn't say that, but she was flirting with my boyfriend and then when he didn't flirt back she slapped him across the face."

Ali made a face, but tired hard to hide from Clare. She felt a little tinge of jealous. Was Jake that much of a manwhore? The anger was so present on Clare's face that she didn't know how she would take it if it ever got out about her and Jake. "She is such a little bitch. She is just jealous of what you have. Now, that her and K.C broke up, she just wants attention." Ali lied. Ali knew who really had done the flirting and it wasn't Jenna. Jenna didn't want anything to do with guys ever since she lost Tyson and K.C all in one day. Ali also knew that Jake loved getting the attention of any girl he could see.

"I knew you would side with me," She smiled at her. "Some people said I was crazy for believing him, but he is my boyfriend, of course I am going to believe him. And you are my best friend, why would you lie to me?"

"I have no idea," Ali said. She felt bad for lying. It was killing her inside, but she would crush Clare if she told her the truth. It was better to keep it a secret.

Sav was walking around waiting for the student council meeting to start when he spotted his girlfriend standing by her locker. Holly J. was still starring at the bracelet driving herself insane. Why did she even still love him at all? He was so gone that it wasn't even funny. She felt warm hands come over to her eyes and cover them. A giggle escaped her lips. "Sav is that you?"

"Of course is me, who else would it be?"

"I don't know. Maybe it would have been Fiona." She giggled. The reason she stuck around with Sav was, because he helped her forget Him for a few seconds, but as soon as he was gone he was back. Holly didn't love Sav the way she had love Him and she didn't know if she ever could.

"Well, it's me. Are you ready for the student council meeting, Miss VP?"

"You know it," She smiled at him. Sav didn't know why, but he felt a pain in his heart when she smiled at him. He felt bad about cheating on her with his ex, espically since he hated the sight of Anya. If you could write a hate song filled with passion it would be for her. He hated her name even when it rolled off his tongue. When he was drunk he was thinking like his old self. The self that loved her with all his heart. Now, he didn't love her and he never would again.

Holly J and Sav were walking into the meeting when coked-up Anya showed her face. Anya smiled and spoke up, "Did you tell your girlfriend about how we fucked each other," she laughed. "I bet you she would love to hear that. Her boyfriend and I slept together and little Holly didn't know. Oh, poor poor baby girl," She said in a sing song voice.

Holly J's mouth fell open and she threw herself at Anya pulling her down to the ground. She got on her and started punching her. Anya fought hard to keep her from breaking her nose, but Holly was so much stronger and her nose broke and blood flew out. Shocked by it, Anya pulled Holly J hair and pushed her into the glass wall hard. It cracked, but nothing more. She flew back at her Anya was ready though. Holly J kicked her and she fell over pulling her with her.

Everyone had found out about the fight and had there camera phones out taking photos and videos to upload on Facebook. Sav stood there in shock. He wasn't really sure what to do. Mr. Simpson stepped in though and stopped the girls. He pulled them off of each other and yelled, "My office now!"