Hey Guys, sorry for the wait for this chapter but I had to plan where I wanted to take the story and I spent the time gathering feedback from everyone I possibly could, on how to move forward. That said, based on the poll I presented in chapter 13, it has been decided that this would be the last chapter of this story. Based on the title and the prompt, the objective has been achieved, so now I feel like I can close this story off and work on the sequel, which will be based on another milestone in the established Faberry relationship. I am also working on a high school faberry story so I hope I can post something for that soon.

To those of you, who reviewed on the last chapter, thank you for feedback on writing my first sex scene. I was super nervous, as you can tell by the ramblings in my Author's note. This chapter is my second attempt at sexy time, so read and review, so I can know what I need to work on in future stories.

Since this is the last chapter, I have to give out my acknowledgements. To iluvsarasidle, thank you for texting me that random prompt, you are the cause of this story. To AP, thank you for letting me bug you with my thoughts on the story. Now there are a few of you, who have made it your duty to review almost every single chapter; thank you so much for that. To the other reviewers who left me a few lines, I also thank you. You have no idea how encouraging it was to see you take an interest in my story.

Sidenote: The last episode of Glee has me distraught. I honestly thought Quinn would have made it in time to Taylor Swift the wedding. Also, did anyone pick up on that not so subtle interaction between faberry when Quinn just got her uniform back? I can't believe they are making us wait 7 weeks to see how things end up. Now that's just cruel…

Also, no beta.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.


Chapter 14

Epilogue- 3 Months Later

Rachel leaves rehearsals at lightning speed, unable to hide her eagerness for what awaits her at Quinn's apartment. She finally arrives at her lover's place and fumbles with her keys trying to get the door open. Once inside, she slams the door and drops her coat and bag on the floor and makes her way to the bedroom. She busts through the door like a ball of energy to find Quinn adjusting her arrow holder.

"I look like Peter Pan." says Quinn as her eyes meet her girlfriend.

"Its Robin Hood baby."

"What's the difference?"

"The bow and arrow." And those yummy tights.

"I feel silly. Whose idea was it to role-play?"

"But you look hot." Rachel takes a few steps closer to the blonde.



"Like 'possible sexathon all night' hot?"

"Uh huh"

"Like 'sex till you pass out' hot?"


"Like 'fuck like rabbits' hot?" I love it when she gives me bedroom eyes.

"Oh yeah."

"Nice… I'm so going to have my dirty way with you." The blonde smirks at the thought.

"Less talking, more fucking baby." The diva begins to pull her lover to the bed.

"Eager much."

"What? I'm making up for lost time. All those years without sex, remember…"

"Clearly… I feel like you have very dark specific fetishes you want me to fulfill here. Should I be concerned?"

"Have you ever seen the caller ID photo I set for you every time you call me?"

"No." answers the perplexed lounge owner as both her and the brunette stand near the edge of the bed.

"Call me and see." Rachel hands over her phone to the blonde.

Quinn obediently dials the diva's number in one hand and looks at her lover's phone in the other "Ohhhh."

"Yes, I've had to stare at this for months and act like it doesn't do things to me when you call."

"You know, that day was kind of like out first unofficial date. Just like our first unofficial kiss."

"Ugh. Must you remind me of that? Let the record show that the roof top of my building was our first kiss."

"Why not the one from the night before?"

"Because you weren't awake."

"But I like the ninja kiss. It was done with stealth, in the darkness of the night." says smirking Quinn.

Rachel lets out a big sigh "Ok, fine. Ninja kiss was our first kiss."


"Again I ask, why aren't we fucking?"

Quinn shrugs also slightly confused as to how they went from about to jump each other to an irrelevant discussion. The diva walks up closer to her seductively and takes the blonde's hand and guides it under her skirt. Quinn passes her hand on bare skin.

"Oooooh nice. No panties. I like."

"Yea, and its freaking five degrees outside."

The taller woman leans in to give Rachel a series of pecks on her lips in between her words. "And yet you're still warm *kiss*, and moist *kiss* and swollen *kiss*. With the last word, Quinn pinches the brunette's stiff clit.

"I've been thinking about what you would look like in this outfit all day." replies the diva in a low husky voice.

Rachel jumps on Quinn and wraps her legs around the blonde's waist. The blonde grabs her ass to support her and massages it while they kiss relentlessly.

The diva breaks the kiss out of breath and in a sultry whisper says "And I must say you definitely didn't disappoint."

Quinn leans forward and sets her girlfriend on her bed, making her lie on her back and then pressing her body flat against hers, fusing them together. Her hand is still under Rachel's skirt massaging her swollen clit with her fingers, but the brunette won't have it at this very moment. She wants control and she wants to have it while Quinn is in costume.

The tiny yet strong diva uses her weight to roll her body over, causing Quinn to end up on her back with a horny brunette on top of her, straddling her hips.

"Rach, I had no idea you were this eager." responds the giggling blonde.

"You're mine for round one babe." And with that Rachel leans in and licks the side of Quinn's neck, causing her to let out a throaty groan.

Quinn lightly bucks her hips in response to the diva gently grinding into her thigh, and takes her hands and run them along her tan lower abs. She reaches for the side zip in her skirt, and the brunette slows her grinding to a crawl while grabbing Quinn's hands and pinning them on the mattress, above her head.

"Not yet baby, I need to get you naked first."

Rachel goes in for another kiss while blindly trying to figure out how to remove Quinn's costume. How in the actual fuck do I get this off? Is there a zip, or a clasp or a padlock or something that I need to get to?

The blonde senses her frustration and snaps one button on her shirt, making the entire top release its snug fit on her lover.

"I would have figured it out eventually, but thanks."

"I took 45 minutes to figure it out, so I thought it best to save you some time."

The diva laughs as she pulls the top of the costume over Quinn's head and immediately dives in to make lazy circles on pale fleshy mounds, teasingly grazing her pink nipples with her tongue.

"Rach, you better not be a fucking tease tonight."

The diva leans in and whispers seductively into blonde hair. "Tell me how you want it Quinn."

"I want you to kiss me on the lips with tongue." The brunette obeys the request and leans in to kiss Quinn, but the blonde turns her cheek to stop her. "My other lips, babe..."

The diva smiles and steals a kiss on her cheek before moving lower, peeling the green tights off her blonde lover, trailing her finger on bare pale legs as they come off, leaving goose bumps. I could never get tired of her body, so fucking sexy.

Quinn is panting, slightly bucking her hips at Rachel's touch. "I thought we agreed no teasing tonight." exhales the out of breath blonde, whose centre is now throbbing with all the feather light touches.

"I couldn't resist. I love your body Quinn. You are so beautiful."

The blonde blushes at the admission, and without warning, Rachel passes her tongue along Quinn's sex, making her hips buck more rigorously. Quinn guides the diva's head to stay between her legs and finish what she started, and the diva was more than willing to oblige.

The brunette laps up Quinn's juices and moves on to furiously massage the blonde's semi-stiff clit with her tongue.

"Fuck, Rach… I'm almost there…. Hmm … don't s-stop…."

Within a minute, the blonde was shaking from her oncoming orgasm. Rachel took this as her cue to add as much stimulation as she could, and grabbed at Quinn's breast roughly massaging and pinching her nipples, while maintaining the rhythm she had created with her mouth on the blonde's sex.

"Rach… Rae… Baby… fuck…fuc-hmmm…. Ah, God that was fucking amazing."


Two hours, and five orgasms later, Quinn is in sex coma mode, with the grinning diva spooning her from behind, proud of her accomplishments. The blonde's eyelids are heavy and she mumbles one more thing before she is out cold. "…We should role play more often."