The Millennium Rose - ch 1
Rating: T may change
Genre: Romance/Adventure/Fantasy
Characters: Pairings - Denmark/America (Mathias/Alfred), Prussia/America if you see it that way
Warning: BoyxBoy, Hermaphrodite
A/N This is a rewrite of my original Millennium Rose. I did this because the original just wasn't working for me and decided to go in a somewhat different direction. Some parts may still be the same though. Also I've been reading stardust so that's were I might be taking this but may not. I just hope you will still like this version.
Once upon a time. On a night when the moon showed all of it's alabaster face. A meteorite flew by the planet the moon watched over and crashed into this moon. Sending parts of it flying of into space but, a small shard of one of these parts that glowed like a faint star dropped down to the earth below. Yet, it did not set ablaze nor burn into nothing as most would. Instead it slowly flew down to the earth like a feather, shining like a brilliant jewel in the night sky as it drifted to the land below. But, the instant it touched the dark soil of Gaia's surface it went out and disappeared like a extinguished flame.
Then a loud rumble emited from the ground, shaking the earth around it from the place the piece of the star and moon had touched. Shaking the land, a tree bursted from the ground, though this tree was not ordinary. It was large and tall and was as white as ivory and as smooth as marble. It shimmered and shined in a unnatural yet, beautiful glow of it's own making. Looking as if it was made entirely of glass.
Not only that but, the tree's leaves were also like the rest of it. Clear as glass and shining like tiny beautiful gems. What's more, on the branches of the tree grew flowers but, like the tree they grew on. They were not ordinary. These flowers were roses as blue as sapphires and looked like glittering crystals. They were beautiful things that enchanted those from miles around. Yet, to the misfortune of most. These roses of blue only bloomed every thousand of a year and only under the moon when it was at it's fullest did they show there faces to the world.
And upon the time that they bloomed despite it's odd body. A child more beautiful then a nympth would be born. Some of these children could be stronger than a giant or more magical then an elf. But, unfortunately only a few of the tree's blossoms actually bloomed into these beautiful creatures.
Therefor, these children for either there beauty, strength, or magic ability. Were sought far and wide. Some came to a person or kingdom on there own free will but, most were captured. whether it was to be forced into marriage or be raised to fight their kind's battles as warlords. In which many of these children of the millennium rose tree ended up killing or dying at the hands of their own siblings. Or these children would be captured for far more sinister reasons.
Then the first Great Magic War happened. From humans, to mages, elf, goblins, and every creature inbetween. They fought for magic, power and land. Using the magic they had once used for the betterment of themselves. Now used it as a tool of war. Destorying lands, homes and lives.
Scorching the earth, turning the water's black and blocking out the sun in a seemingly endless and everlasting greyness. For nearly two cenutries the war raged. Any that were born into the world during this time. Only knew blood and death. As children either died or learning to fight for their lives.
The world around them burning and crumbling as falling kingdom's still fought to the death. Destroying everything and anything that got in their way. Even the ancient rose tree. That had stood for thousands of years. Fell prey to the blood thirsty reapers of power hungary empires.
And as the Millennium tree burned. It's children felt it's demise. Laying down their weapons even amongst a battle field. The children fell to their knee's and mourned for their mother.
As the Millennium tree stood a burnt husk. Barely standing as the world around it lay in ashes. Burnt black as ebony. The once beautiful tree that shown like a star and looked like glass. Was now nothing but a charred mess. That had the grim reapers arms around it. Wrapped tightly in an deathly embrace.
The tree's children lost the will to live. Allowing themselves to be killed or just diying. Even those that were not on the battle filield. No longer cared whether they lived or died. As their bodies disappered into the ground, only a single blue rose grew in the place were there bodies had once been.
The death of the Millennium rose tree was a great blow to many. No longer would it's beautiful children be born. No longer would these powerful and peaceful at heart children be born. The races of the world had destroyed it. Causing not only the death of the ancient tree but also the death of it's childre. An the death of it's children seemed to have snapped the feuding rivals out of their bloodlust and made them realize the horrors that they had plagued onto the land.
Each of the kingdom's that still stood even if in shambles agreed to bring an end to war. They found the roses that were the only thing that the Millenium tree and split the children's roses between them. Which where seen as a pact between the royal's that meant peace. The kingdom's promised they would keep this peace for all time.
That was the way the world began it's way back to a bright and happier place. Although no one could forget the war. People still began to rebuild and learned to live again. For the first time in a long time, all was calm and joy could truely be found in the land. Kingdom's reformed and rebuilt.
As decades turned into centuries that turned into millennium after millennium. The world began to forget it's self little by little. Adapting to new things and forgetting many of the old. Eventually the pact between the kingdom's began to fade from it's histories and it's people's minds. Even the Millennium rose tree was eventually nothing more but a legend that was also forgotten by many.
But atlast peace could only hold on for so long. No one knew what sparked the Second Great Magic War as country after country joined in on the bloody battle. Taking hold of the world. Kingdom's began breaking the long forgotten pact and turned to the path of destruction once again.
Raging for half a century now. The war had turned once peaceful nations into warrior ones. Even neutral nations were quickly dragged into the bloody battle. As the blood of there people spilt across the land. Painting it red. The world already beginning to show less of it's beautiful self.
While a once grand and ancient tree that sat on a small hill grew a single flower of a sapphire blue and began to bloom under the full moon.
Hope you like it!