Ciao! This is my second story, so please be nice and review. For those of you who actually have met me, I know that it's totally out of character for me to write romance, drama, or angst (even though I frequently do tragedy in L.A. class). Whatever, I just felt inspired to do this after reading 'Falling Skywards'. So yeah. Here it is!


Chrome feels hollow. What feelings she has left slowly ebb away as she watches the receding back of the man she calls master with vacant eyes. Desperately, she reaches out and grasps one of her last emotions before they can all slip away like water through her fingers. She does not want to be empty, but when she inspects what she grabbed, she finds that it is grief. With the sudden wave of sadness washing over her comes the remnants of a feeling she thinks is called 'love'. Chrome looks around. She is alone.

"Mukuro-sama... farewell."


Mukuro braces himself. Death. How bittersweet this realization that he will soon be reunited with his oldest of friends is. How ironic that even after his travels to Hell itself, he should still be so achingly afraid. The sound of a gunshot rings dully in his ears. There is no stinging pain in his chest though, and his breathing doesn't come in labored spasms. The limp figure spread-eagled on the ground is not him. It is, somehow, Chrome.

For all his arrogance and selfishness, his manipulations and cruelty, at that moment he is only a man. And stretched out before him, the traces of a smile still lingering on her lips, is the body of the woman he knows he loved all along. Lifeless.

An inhuman howl of rage tears through his body and he breaks through his enemy's - Chrome's murderer's - barrier, sending torrent after torrent of illusionary missiles at the man. But it is too late; Chrome is gone.

A single tear, pure in a way his heart has never been and never will be, snakes its way down his cheek and lands in Chrome's hair. He finds that he is experiencing something utterly new to him, something he couldn't even bring himself to feel after murdering his entire family - guilt. Mukuro finally allows himself to cry for the one who is fallen.


Somewhere, in a lush valley between two mountains whose peaks are so distant they look indigo, there is a gravestone labeled simply 'Chrome'. It is enough for the man who kneels there uncharacteristically and for the the woman who rests hidden in the earth. Mukuro gazes at the fresh bouquet of flowers he brought. Once, he speculates, the red blossoms might of been as white as snow, as pure as Nagi had been before she became Chrome. No longer are they that way; instead, now they are stained with a million drops of blood. Crimson lilies. And though she no longer walks in this world, and he is only a shadow of the man he once was, in his heart, they will be together forever.

How was it? Weird? (Yeah, it was... for me, anyways) REVIEW! As I mentioned before, 'Falling Skywards' is an AMAZING Fanfic. It honestly made me laugh and cry - probably one of the best ones I've ever read. So read it, I encourage you!