Since there is an alarming lack of Cassie/Jake smut, I thought I would be the first and write some.
This story takes place after Jake "leaves". He comes back to see Cassie one more time.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Secret Circle. I can only dream about owning that sexy piece of man named Jake Armstrong. :)
Cassie P.O.V.
I sat in bed, staring at the sheets. The night's events were definitely taking their toll. Finding out I had dark magic, that Jake was with the witch hunters, almost getting killed by the witch hunters, being rescued by Jake and Adam, and watching Jake sail away with the witch hunters. I think watching him sail away hurt me more than any of the other things. It shouldn't, but it did. I kind of wished grandma was home. Being alone was probably not the best idea, but then again Grandma hadn't been herself lately. I should've taken Diana's offer and stayed with her.
There was a knock from the front door. I went downstairs cautiously. Whoever was at the door knocked again, a little more forcefully this time. I unlocked the door and opened it enough to see who it was. My breath caught as I took in the golden blonde hair and brown eyes. I opened the door a little more and said in disbelief, "Jake?"
"Hey," he said with a quick smirk that he so often did.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, getting suspicious even though I was insanely happy to see him.
He said, "I couldn't just leave you like that. I figured after everything I did, you deserved at least an apology and proper good-bye."
"You have a weird way of thinking but okay." I opened the door all the way to let him in. Last thing I needed was for someone like Adam coming to check on me and seeing me conversing with the guy that helped the people that just tried to kill me.
He came in and I closed the door. I don't think our eyes left each other as he stepped in the house and I closed the door. I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "So now what? You're just going to say, 'Sorry I lied to you about everything and tried to kill you and your friends, Cassie. Well, bye! I'm off to kill more people like you.'?" I said sarcastically.
"Not exactly," he said awkwardly.
"Then what? And you better make it quick before I call Adam and we both kick your ass."
He took a step towards me. "I know that no matter how many times I say I'm sorry, you're not going to believe me. I just want you to understand that I didn't lie about everything."
"Right." I rolled my eyes. "The only thing I can recall you being at least a little truthful about is my dark magic." Why was I even wasting my time with this?
He took another step closer. "I care about you, Cassie. More than I've cared for anyone, even my own brother. I know I haven't said anything to prove that but you're smart enough to know it's true. I took you to the maritime thing, I've helped you with your family tree..." he looked up at the ceiling then back at me. "Since I got here, everything I've done was for you."
"How is that an apology?" I asked weakly.
"It's not. This is." Before I could react, he trapped me between his body and the wall and kissed me.
It took a minute for my brain to process what just happened, but when it did, I pushed him off me. Panting, I said, "You need to leave."
"Cassie, I know you feel the same," he said, coming towards me again.
"Don't!" I yelled, making him stop. In a calmer voice, I said, "You shouldn't have come here at all. Just go."
"Cassie," he said. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't care about me, that you don't want me." I looked at him and tried to, but the words wouldn't get past my teeth. "See, you can't. That's because you do care. and you do want me."
"No. No." I shook my head, not willing to believe him.
He trapped me again. This time, he took my hands and held them over my head with one of his hands. His other hand held my waist. He kissed me roughly, forcing open my mouth. I felt his hot breath in my mouth and closed my eyes. He pulled away enough to say, "Tell me to go."
His hand let my hands go. Instead of pushing him away like I should've done, I held his face and kissed him like he just kissed me. This time, our tongues met and battled for dominance. He gripped my waist so hard it almost hurt. I pulled away to lead him up the stairs and to my room. Last thing my grandma would want to see when she got home would be me making out with some guy.
I locked the door behind us and got attacked by Jake's lips. We stumbled to my bed, lips still connected. I fell onto it with him on top of me. His lips moved to my neck and I felt his hands at the bottom hem of my shirt, slowly tugging up.
I could've stopped everything right there but nope. I didn't. I would like to say he put a spell on me or I just wasn't in control of my actions, but I was in control.
I helped him take my shirt off and tossed it to the floor. He stopped kissing my neck and looked at my breasts. He squeezed them and smirked when I arched my back slightly. I took his shirt off and ran my hands over his nicely built chest. He ducked his head down and suckled on my left boob. When his tongue ran over a spot on my nipple, I moaned and played with the other one. He switched breasts after a while and my panties were soaked. I was surprised they hadn't soaked through my pajama pants. He lifted his head and kissed me again. I felt his hands at the hem of my pants. He undid them before slipping them off of me. I blushed since I was only in my panties mad those would soon be gone too. I broke away from the kiss and undid his pants. He helped me slide them off him. Kissing furiously, we got rid of our last remaining clothes. I moaned when I felt his manhood on my stomach.
Then he did something I didn't expect. He slid down between my legs and ran his tongue on my slit. I shivered and propped myself up on my elbows. I felt him kiss, lick, and suck everywhere on me but never where I needed it. Finally I begged, "Jake, please!" He looked up at me while sucking on my pussy lips and I swear he smirked. He lifted his head a bit and inserted a finger in my hole. He slowly worked it in and out. Then he added another finger. I moaned and moved my hips against his fingers slightly. He went a little faster, then added another finger. I gripped them sheets, struggling to stay propped up. Then he started licking my clit. I fell back into the pillows and tried to keep my hips still for him. My moans were getting louder and my back arched. Right when I was about to go over the edge, he stopped everything and came back up to me.
I made a sound of displeasure. He smirked. "Don't worry. You'll come soon enough."
He moved so he was kneeling between my legs and aligned our hips.
I started to panic a little. Could you blame me? I was a virgin and he wasn't exactly small. I tried to relax as I felt him at my entrance. He started to go in but stopped when he felt some resistance and how tight I was. "You're a virgin," he said. It sounded like he was surprised.
"Of course," I said a little breathlessly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I thought maybe you and Adam-"
I cut him off with a look. "We're just friends. I promise." I gave him a slow and deep kiss. He responded right away. I felt him move in me more, slower this time. I pulled away from our kiss and gritted my teeth to keep from crying or something really embarrassing. It hurt. Once all the way in, Jake stayed still. He kissed my cheek and wiped away some tears I didn't even know managed to escape. He smooth my hand and made me let go of my death grip on the covers. When the worst subsided, I nodded for him to move. He did slowly. It felt kind of awkward and weird to me at first. Then it changed to a feeling so wonderful, I felt almost lightheaded. I panted and held onto him, wanting to be as close as possible. He seemed to have the same idea. You couldn't even tell where one of us ended and where the other began we were so entangled and close. We kissed desperately again. I never wanted this moment to end because I knew when it was over, he would be gone. He would go with the witch hunters.
This was his good bye.
-Next Morning-
I woke up alone, just like I knew I would. The covers were tucked nicely around me when I sat up. He must've done it before he left. Normally, a gesture like that would've touched me but I felt heartbroken and dead that he was gone. I got up silently and threw on underwear and a big shirt before going to my bathroom. I could hear Grandma in the kitchen downstairs, which was comforting. She made it home safely. When I got back in my room, I noticed a little paper folded up on the fireplace. Curious, I picked it up and opened it up.
I'll be back for you.