A/N: It's my submission for this weeks challenge and it's crazy. Enjoy.


"Ferb, I know what we're going to do today." Phineas said as the commercial for the sandwich place ended.

Five minutes later they were walking down the street headed towards the sandwich shop.

"You know when you said I know what your going to do today. I thought you were going somewhere completely different." Ferb said to his brother.

"Why, do you know how hungry I am. I never ate breakfast." Phineas said as his stomach grumbled in agreement.

"Still, I thought you were talking about the cavemen." Ferb said.

"Oh, don't worry I'll get back to that after I've got food in my stomach." Phineas said.

"Hey, Phineas whatcha doin?" Isabella asked as they approached the fireside girls who were returning from there latest meeting.

"Going to get sandwiches." Phineas said.

"Really that seems so...boring for you guys." Isabella said raising her eyebrows.

"That's what Ferb said. Why is it so hard to believe that I'm hungry?" Phineas asked more than a little irritated.

"Calm down sheesh why are you so moody?"

"Because the author wants me to be." said Phineas

"The author?" asks Isabella.

"Yeah you see that guy over there on the laptop?" asks Phineas pointing towards Batmarcus.

"How long has he been there?" Isabella asked.

"The whole time this just a story for a contest he's in."

"Oh, man we're fictional charecters?" Isabella asked.


"Which mean I can do whatever I want?"

"Pretty much yeah."

"Cool." she says grabbing Phineas by the neck and kissing him before flying off into the air.

"What just happened?" Phineas asked starring at where Isabella had been a second ago.

Ferb opened his mouth to respond, but then they were attacked by ninja's.

"Oh, come on Marcus ninja's isn't that a little much?"


"Augh Ferb run!" says Phineas.

Several hours later Phineas is slumped in the chair clutching the bag from sandwich town.

"So was it worth it Phineas?" Ferb asks from the computer.

"Shut up Ferb, I am so tired I don't see how this day could get any worse."

"I do." says Ferb with a look of horror.


"We are owened by the same company that brought the world the horror known as the Jonas Brothers."

Phineas gasps in horror.

"And Hannah Montana." says Ferb.

"" screams Phineas dropping his sandwich.

"You dropped your sandwich." says Ferb.

"EVEN WORSE!" screams Phineas.

A/N: Told you