
Disclaimer: You guys know the deal.

A/N: Due to the overwhelming response…here's the epilogue! I cannot express enough thanks to you all for your reviews!


"A chemical spill, huh? That sounds familiar." Jack leaned against Carter's work table looking at his teammates. Daniel was sitting on the counter playing with one of Sam's doohickeys, while Teal'c sat stoically on one of the lab benches. Carter was next to him, standing just close enough for him to feel the heat radiating from her body, but far enough that he missed her. Things had changed in the last few days. None of them could put their finger on what exactly was different and when it had changed…but there was something.

"Well," Carter shrugged. "They've tested everyone on base, there's no trace of anything in our systems but tetrachlorohydride wears off after approximately 96 hours. That's why none of us remember the last few days and why we came to our sense so suddenly."

"Alien incursion?" Jack cocked his head at her, a playful glint in his eye.

"Not this time, sir." Sam grinned slightly, holding his gaze just a moment too long. "Looks like it really just was a chemical spill."

"Then how do we explain the cameras?" Daniel piped up, his voice distant. He'd felt strange ever since he'd burst into the infirmary a few days ago, not sure why he was in such a rush. He felt like something was missing. Something important.

"That is indeed strange, Major Carter." Teal'c nodded. He felt what Daniel felt, though he occasionally had flashes of memory. Of a girl…but only when he was kel'no'reeeming. And they were only flashes.

"The last thing lab cameras recorded was an overload in the base's TCH systems. A few minutes later, a lieutenant was seen entering the central surveillance room, then nothing. We assume she'd been exposed to the chemical, had seen the cameras, and panicked thinking she was being spied on. One of the side effects is paranoia."

The team was silent for a moment. They knew the story was shaky, but something inside them told them not to question it. That everything was okay. Jack had fought it the hardest, but he just felt incredibly sad whenever he tried to remember the last several days. It was strange. And disconcerting.

"Anyway," Jack shook his head, finally breaking the silence. "The general gave us a few days off, so what do you guys say? Fishing? Cabin?" He looked around, happily expectant.

"Uh…I was thinking about hanging around here, you know, read…or something." Daniel frowned and looked away from Jack.

"Daniel…" Jack started, but Teal'c broke in.

"I, too, was considering remaining here. I wish to ask permission of General Hammond to visit Ry'ac." He inclined his head, but also averted his eyes.

"Guys!" It was a half whine. "Give it a chance. It'll be fun." When no one said anything he turned to his right. "Carter, come on. You're my last chance." His expression was so hopeful, Sam couldn't help but chuckle.

"Actually, sir, I have a back log of artifacts that need…" She trailed off as his face fell. It was an exaggerated expression, but she could swear she saw real disappointment there for a second.

"Alright, fine." Jack turned away, sighing theatrically. "I get it. You all have important things to do. Well, remember me as you're all bored and thinking, 'gee, I really should have gone with ol' Jack. He sure knows how to have a good time.'" He paused, waiting for someone to change their mind. Waiting for the sweet sound of his team giving in…nothing. "Okay. Fine. Go. Do." He waved his hand at them.

Daniel gave a tight, guilty smile. "Have fun, Jack." Then he hurriedly backed out of the room. Teal'c followed him, giving the two remaining members of SG-1 a shallow bow.

"Well, go on." Jack turned to Carter. "Run off to your work."

"Um, sir, you're in my lab. This is where I work." Sam grinned at him, nudging his shoulder slightly as she turned.

"Oh. Right." Jack frowned. After a minute, he pushed off the table and moved around the lab, picking up a particularly interesting looking…thing.

"Sir." Sam started forward and made a motion to grab the device when she changed her mind halfway through. He looked up at her, waiting for her to finish. She sighed. "Colonel, before…you didn't let me finish what I was going to say."

"Carter, I could probably finish it for you. You say the same thing every time. I have work…doohickeys need me…blah blah blah." He put the thing he was holding down and shoved his hands in his pockets. Despite his wholly exaggerated front, he was actually disappointed that Carter had once again turned down his invitation. Even though he knew why she did it and that she was probably right.

But a part of him wanted her to say yes. Wanted it to mean that things would change—should change.

Sam smiled and plucked up the doohickey he'd been playing with. "Actually, sir, I think it sounds like fun."

"Because it is." Jack rolled his eyes.

"Colonel…" Sam laughed quietly before she turned and walked toward the door, surprised at her sudden boldness. "Well?"

"Well what?" Jack frowned, standing up a little straighter, not daring to believe what he thought was happening.

"Aren't you coming?" Sam reached for the light switches. "I mean, it is your cabin." She swallowed hard—what were these words that were coming out of her mouth? She didn't remember giving them permission to be spoken! She groaned inwardly.

"Wait." Jack held up his hands. "Are saying…yes?" Sam just quirked the corners of her mouth. "Major Samantha Carter…is saying yes?"

"Geez, colonel, you make it sound like I said yes to a proposal." What?! Sam's eyes widened and it took every bit of will power not to take it back. 'That's right Sam. You meant to say that. Act cool. It's funny. It was a funny comment. Funny, haha.'

Jack raised an eyebrow, equally surprised at this new side of her. But he was Jack O'Neill, he doesn't get fazed by anything. He fazes other people. "Please, Carter. If it was, yes wouldn't be a question." He grinned at her, eyes narrowed, watching her reaction closely.

She didn't even blink. She just nodded. "Whatever you say, sir." Then she flipped the light switch and strode from the room, calling over her shoulder, "Come on, sir, we have a flight to catch!"

Jack stood there for a second, staring at the spot where his major had just been. She said yes. She was going fishing with him. Just him. He grinned and followed her, an extra bounce in his step.

'Oh, these times they are a'changin.'

Six Years Later

It was a gorgeous summer day and Alex had managed to convince her mom and dad to take a break from the mountain and come to the park with her and Uncle Daniel. It hadn't been that hard, but Alex liked to think she was just really persuasive. So they'd grabbed the picnic blanket, picked up some sandwiches, and made their way to the park.

They'd been there for hours, but she never wanted to leave. She felt like she hardly ever got to get out of Cheyenne Mountain and lived for the times she got to explore other places. One of the downsides about being some super-human, genetic abnormality, she guessed.

From behind her, her mom called out that it was packing up time, but Alex was having none of it. Instead, she turned and bolted, running up the little grassy hill. "Only if you can catch me!"

She heard her dad laugh and spun around, hair flowing around her face and flying out behind her. Back lit by the late afternoon sun, her hair shone like spun-silk and glistened red-gold. Her face, already lit by her carefree and teasing smile glowed with an ethereal golden hue and her chocolate eyes captured the sun's rays, turning molten in her joy. Her white dress flared above her knees and gave her a soft, floaty look.

Time froze for Sam, Jack, and Daniel. The girl above them on the hill seemed to have been freeze-framed and all they could see was her spinning around to smile at them. The only sound was her light laughter as it floated in the air around them. It was like a vision. Something clicked in all of them. Some buried or repressed memory surfacing for just a moment as they stared at the glowing silhouette of the young O'Neill.

They knew this. They had seen this before. Her face…from years ago…

But that was impossible.

She was only sixteen. Well, three, but… she didn't have this same face years ago.

The world came rushing back. Alex finished spinning and called teasingly down to them. "Come on! You're SG-1! Surely I can't outrun you?" She turned and bolted over the crest, disappearing from view.

The three adults slowed down and glanced at one another.

"Did anyone else…?" Daniel started.

"Feel like…?" Sam continued.

"Yeah." Jack nodded, meeting his wife's eyes.

After another minute of them all just looking at each other, Jack shrugged. "Weird."

"Yeah." Sam agreed, linking hands with Jack.

"Yep." Daniel nodded.

Leaving the happy couple behind, Daniel raced off after his "niece."

Whatever happened…they were going to be alright.


Thank you!